A Local’s Guide to the Prettiest Hawaiian Flowers - Borders & Bucket Lists (2024)

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A Local’s Guide to the Prettiest Hawaiian Flowers - Borders & Bucket Lists (1)

Are you looking for a list of the prettiest Hawaiian flowers? This guide from a Hawaii local has all of the best tropical flowers in Hawaii!

There are tons of beautiful Hawaiian flowers. While some are native to Hawaii, others have been introduced and integrated into local culture. Regardless, all of them add to the stunning natural landscapes that Hawaii is so well known for.

*Disclosure: This post was written in partnership with theArt of Karen Whitworth.All opinions are from Borders & Bucket Lists. All photos are courtesy of the Art of Karen Whitworth. All of the paintings featured in the photos can be purchased on the Art of Karen Whitworth website.

A Local’s Guide to the Prettiest Hawaiian Flowers - Borders & Bucket Lists (2)

What to Know About Seeing Hawaiian Flowers

Keep the Hawaiian Flowers Safe and Alive

When seeking out Hawaiian flowers, it is important to remember that many of them are endangered species. As quite a few can only be found in Hawaii, it is especially important to keep the rare plants in the islands safe.

To do so, there’s basically just one simple rule: look but don’t touch. I know sometimes it can be tempting to pluck a flower or two off of the plant, but, when these species are rare, this can harm the population. As a matter of fact, this seemingly innocent action is one of the main reasons for the dwindling ahinahina (Haleakala Silversword) population!

That said, if the flower has already fallen off the tree or if it’s a flower that can easily be found on hotel properties, there’s not much harm in plucking a single flower and putting it behind your ear.

A Local’s Guide to the Prettiest Hawaiian Flowers - Borders & Bucket Lists (3)

Wear a Flower on the Proper Ear

One of themost common mistakes that visitors to Hawaii makeis putting a flower behind the wrong ear. Wearing a flower tucked behind your right ear means something very different than wearing a flower tucked behind your left ear.

A flower behind your right ear means that means you’re single. A flower behind your left ear, on the other hand, means you’re taken.So if you choose to pluck a flower off the ground or from the hotel grounds, be sure to put it behind the proper ear!Here’s an easy way to remember: your wedding ring goes on your left hand, so if you’re taken, the flower goes in your left ear.

Not All Hawaii Flowers Are Native to Hawaii

Many people confuse native or indigenous Hawaiian flowers with flowers that are simply found in Hawaii or associated with Hawaii.

Native or indigenous Hawaiian flowers are the flowers that originated in Hawaii. These include certain varieties of hibiscuses, ilima blossoms, and ohia lehua blossoms, for example.

On the other hand, there are flowers that are simply associated with Hawaii but were native to some other part of the world and introduced to Hawaii. These include plumerias, birds of paradise, and heliconia, just to name a few.

Where to See Hawaiian Flowers in the Islands

Determining where to see Hawaiian flowers in Hawaii depends on the popularity and abundance of that particular flower.

Out and About

Some of the most abundant Hawaiian flowers can be found just as you’re wandering around the islands. Plumerias, hibiscuses, and birds of paradise can easily be found decorating hotel properties, at tourist attractions, or even just along random sidewalks.

In Botanical Gardens

For the mildly hard to find Hawaiian flowers, head to thebotanical gardensof the islands. While there, you can find gems like pikake, ginger, and heliconia, along with all of the beautiful flowers you can see while out and about.

A Local’s Guide to the Prettiest Hawaiian Flowers - Borders & Bucket Lists (5)

On Hikes

While you can see many Hawaiian flowers on hikes, they’re harder to spot, because they’re surrounded by so much greenery. That said, depending on which island you’re on and which hikes you choose to tackle, you can see certain Hawaii flowers, such as the ilima blossom and heliconia, while hiking in Hawaii.

Deep Out in Nature

The rarest of the rare Hawaiian flowers can only be found deep out in nature. These are often the most fragile plants, so they’ve only survived where few humans have seen them. This includes Hawaiian flowers like the kolii and the Haleakala Lobelia.

12 of the Prettiest Hawaiian Flowers

A Local’s Guide to the Prettiest Hawaiian Flowers - Borders & Bucket Lists (6)


While many of the Hawaiian flowers on this list are native to the islands, plumerias are not. There are dozens of varieties of plumerias found in Hawaii, ranging from white to yellow to pink to orange. The most popular varieties are those with a white flower with a yellow center.

These aromatic flowers originally became a symbol of Hawaii, because they were used in the flower leis given to tourists visiting the islands. Since plumerias have been harder to grow and get ahold of today, the leis for tourists are now made from purple and white orchids instead. Now, you’re more likely to see a single plumeria tucked behind an ear, rather than an entire flower lei of them.

To see as many varieties of plumerias as possible, head toKoko Crater Botanical Gardenon the island of Oahu.

A Local’s Guide to the Prettiest Hawaiian Flowers - Borders & Bucket Lists (7)


When writing about Hawaiian flowers, one would be remiss to forget about the hibiscus. While only certain varieties are native to the islands, the flower is still significant, as the yellow hibiscus is the official state flower of Hawaii. They are also one of the most popular flowers scattered throughout the islands.

Hibiscuses come in a wide array of colors, such as pink, red, yellow, white, and orange. The ancient Hawaiians valued these flowers, not only because they were beautiful, but also because they were used for medicine, clothing, and dye.

Today, people have found many other uses for this versatile Hawaiian flower. Hibiscuses can be used intea, as afragrance oil, and even as acandied treat.

A Local’s Guide to the Prettiest Hawaiian Flowers - Borders & Bucket Lists (8)

Bird of Paradise

Just like the iconic plumeria, the bird of paradise plant is not native to Hawaii either. Rather, it is native to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Australia. This bird-shaped flower is often the first thing people think of when discussing tropical Hawaiian flowers. And though it is not native to the island, this one-of-a-kind plant grows wild on many islands in Hawaii.

The bird of paradise’s main use is as a bright pop of color in many flower arrangements. With the Japanese custom of ikebana (flower arranging), people who like to add a local twist often add the bird of paradise to their designs.

Lilikoi Blossom

Lilikoi, the Hawaiian name for passion fruit, is a popular treat in the Hawaiian Islands. Although there are both purple and yellow varieties found in the islands, the plant was only introduced to Hawaii in 1923. You can try everything from lilikoi syrup to lilikoi salad dressing to lilikoi ice cream. But even though lilikoi flavors are pervasive in the islands, the fruits and flowers are not as well known.

Lilkoi is actually extremely costly to grow. While decades ago, there were a few small lilikoi farms dotting the islands, they all eventually shut down, simply because production costs were too high. Consequently, farmers markets are the best places to get lilikoi (although you can occasionally find some in local grocery stores).

This also means that finding the lilikoi blossom is even harder. This otherworldly purple and white blossom evades even some Hawaii locals. Your best bet is to head to Maunawili Falls, one of thebest waterfall hikes on Oahu, to get a glimpse of these Hawaiian flowers.

If you’re not much of a hiker, you may be able to see some lilikoi blossoms at Kahuku Farms on the North Shore. After enjoying a farm fresh meal at this fantastic Oahu restaurant, go for a stroll through the accessible part of their farm, where you may be able to see these otherworldly flowers.

A Local’s Guide to the Prettiest Hawaiian Flowers - Borders & Bucket Lists (9)


When it blooms, the kolii becomes a beautiful bunch of bright pink flowers that stands out from the vibrant green Hawaii landscape. These flowers only bloom in the winter, which is Hawaii’s rainiest season.

While many of the Hawaiian flowers on this list are commonly found in the wild, in botanical gardens, or even around hotel properties, the kolii is not. Rather, it is so rare, that it can only be found in the remote areas of the Koolau Mountains on Oahu, or, occasionally on Maui and Molokai.

A Local’s Guide to the Prettiest Hawaiian Flowers - Borders & Bucket Lists (10)

Haleakala Lobelia

Hawaii is home to many endangered Hawaiian flowers, but the Haleakala lobelia may be one of the rarest of them all. Only found in the most isolated gulches on Maui, this bluebell variation is certainly a special thing to see.And if you’re extremely lucky, the adorable endangered iiwi bird might be collecting some nectar from the lovely plant.


The ilima blossom is a tiny little yellow flower with a lot of history and importance behind it. While today this indigenous flower is the official flower of the island of Oahu, in the times of the ancient Hawaiians, it was even more important.

The ilima blossom was so highly valued in Hawaiian culture that it was one of the only plants that the ancient Hawaiians purposefully cultivated. They then used these precious little flowers for lei making – but just one single-stranded lei required 500 to 1,000 flowers! In other words, it’s no question of why the native Hawaiians decided to go through the effort of planting these Hawaiian flowers.

One of the most common places to see the beautiful ilima blossom is on the Mahaulepu Heritage Coastal Trail onKauai.

A Local’s Guide to the Prettiest Hawaiian Flowers - Borders & Bucket Lists (11)

Ohia Lehua

The ohia lehua blossom and tree played such a significant role in the ancient Hawaiians’ way of life. The leaves were used for medicinal purposes, and the bark was used for everything from pounding poi to beating kapa cloth.

While the uses for this flower are definitely interesting, the Hawaiian legend behind it is fascinating too. Once upon a time, there was a man named Ohia, who drew the attention of the Hawaiian fire goddess Pele. But Ohia loved a woman named Lehua, and Lehua loved Ohia. In her jealousy, Pele turned Ohia into a horrid, gnarled plant that became known as the ohia tree. Then, the rest of the Hawaiian gods took pity on Lehua and transformed her into a beautiful red flower on the ohia tree, so that the two of them could never be separated ever again.

Inancient times, the ohia lehua tree was one of the most resilient Hawaiian flowers. It was known for being able to grow in the dry, harsh landscapes of lava rock right after a fresh lava flow. However, currently, the ohia lehua tree is struggling. There are two types of bacteria,Ceratocystis huliohiaandCeratocystis lukuohia, that are fatally harming the plants. So far, scientists and botanists have not found a cure.

The only way to even attempt to preserve the ohia lehua trees is to avoid spreading the bacteria in any way. To do so, make sure to leave ohia plants unharmed! Openings in the ohia plants’ outer bark can become entry points for these destructive bacteria. (In a way, you can think about it like getting a cut on your skin. This becomes an easy entry point for bacteria in the same way.)

You can catch a glimpse of some ohia lehua blossoms atIao ValleyonMaui.

A Local’s Guide to the Prettiest Hawaiian Flowers - Borders & Bucket Lists (12)


Hawaii’s ginger can be found in a wide range of colors, including pink, white, yellow, red, and even blue. It is not native to Hawaii, but rather introduced from southeast Asia.

The ancient Hawaiians found a myriad of uses for ginger plants. The leaves were used to cook food in the imu, the underground oven-like set-up. The ground roots were used to soothe toothaches and cavities. And the flowers were used to clean and moisturize the skin and hair.

Awapuhi ginger is actually still commonly used in many luxury hair products today, such asPaul Mitchell shampoo andconditioner. If you happen to own one of these plants, you can squeeze the red flower and the clear shampoo substance will easily ooze out.

You can see different varieties of ginger at many of Hawaii’s botanical gardens or even at various hotel properties. You can also see it in the wild on the Likeke Falls hike on Oahu or along the Road to Hana on Maui.


More commonly known as jasmine, pikake is one of those scents that everyone associates with Hawaii. It’s actually commonly found in manyHawaii-scented candles. This little white flower started to gain popularity when Princess Kaiulani of the Kingdom of Hawaii became fond of it. The pikake flowers were then crafted into Hawaiian leis, and this tradition still continues today.

Pikake is found randomly around the islands and is most often recognized because of its strong, fragrant scent.

A Local’s Guide to the Prettiest Hawaiian Flowers - Borders & Bucket Lists (13)


Heliconia plants exist in a wide variety of colors, including red, orange, yellow, pink, white and green. These colorful, yet sturdy plants easily spring up in Hawaii’s nature. While there are 22 different species in Hawaii, this plant is actually native to South America.

The famousHoomaluhia Botanical Gardenon Oahu has several heliconia plants for you to admire. You can also see a few heliconia plants in the wild on theLikeke Falls hikeon Oahu.

Ahinahina (Haleakala Silversword)

Endemic to the slopes of Maui’s highest peak, the ahinahina, also known as the Haleakala Silversword, is unlike any of other Hawaiian flowers. These unique silvery plants are extremely rare and can only be found onHaleakala.

The actual flower part of the ahinahina appears just once, right before the end of the plant’s life. These plants can live for up to fifty years, and then, right before their end comes, they flower to spread their seeds.

One of the reasons the ahinahina is so rare is because many tourists get too curious and pick off parts of the plants! If you do get to see these endangered plants, remember to simply admire from afar, instead of harming them.

What other Hawaiian flowers do you think should be on this list? Let me know in the comments below!

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A Local’s Guide to the Prettiest Hawaiian Flowers - Borders & Bucket Lists (14)
A Local’s Guide to the Prettiest Hawaiian Flowers - Borders & Bucket Lists (15)
A Local’s Guide to the Prettiest Hawaiian Flowers - Borders & Bucket Lists (2024)


What do Hawaiian flowers symbolize? ›

On the island of Maui, local artisans often integrate indigenous flora into their leis, crafting each one as a homage to the island's unique landscape and cultural history. These garlands are often given upon arrival to the Hawaiian Islands as a symbol of Aloha, a term embodying love, peace, and compassion.

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Frangipani or Plumeria (Plumeria spp.)

This flower is a classic favorite for Hawaiian Leis. It has five petals and comes in a wide variety of colors, like white, red, yellow, orange, and pink. These flowers are most fragrant at night to attract its pollinator, a nocturnal hawk moth.

What is the easiest flower to grow in Hawaii? ›

Bromeliads. In some respects, bromeliads are some of the easiest Hawaiian flowers to care for, and they're also some of the most beautiful. You can choose from several different cultivars, and depending on which you select, you may need to adjust the care instructions slightly.

What is the sweet smelling flower in Hawaii? ›

Native to the Aloha State, Hawaiian Gardenia—or na'u—is one of the most fragrant flowers in the islands; found in bunches, and their scent is practically its own presence.

What is Hawaii's national flower? ›

Hawaiians adopted the hibiscus – in all colors — as their official Territorial flower in the early 1920s however it wasn't until 1988 that the yellow hibiscus, specifically the Hibiscus brackenridgei was selected as Hawaii's state flower.

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In general terms, the Hibiscus flowers are often used to represent hospitality as symbolism and sometimes symbolize power and respect.

What is the Hawaiian flower of love? ›

The plumeria flower is one of the most notable and adored flowers that has a strong connection to Hawaiian culture. The plumeria represents love and birth. Also, spring and new beginnings. Plumeria has a wide variety of colors; white, yellow, orange, crimson, a range of pink and purple.

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“The lehua is the first tree that springs up from a recent lava flow. It's for that reason, when we speak in Hawaiian and we speak of people who are skilled, strong, and beloved, they're often referred to as pua lehua, or lehua flowers.

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The hibiscus is known for being Hawai'i's state flower. If you've ever visited, there's no doubt that you've seen hibiscus while roaming around. They come in many different colors, from red to yellow to pink and even purple.

What is the Hawaiian birth flower? ›

The hibiscus is Hawai'i's state flower. This vividly colored flower is striking and beautiful, and signifies delicate beauty and joyfulness. The Hawaiian hibiscus shrub blooms almost every day, but the blossoms only last for a day. In the past, they were considered endangered.

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Hawaiian Hibiscus

Hawaii's state flower, hibiscus brackenridgei. Hawaii's official state flower is the yellow hibiscus (hibiscus brackenridgei), also known as the pua mao hau hele. In 1923, the territory of Hawaii named the hibiscus the official flower, but did not specify a variety, which led to some confusion.

What plant is only found in Hawaii? ›

Clermontia is a genus of plants that evolved in Hawai'i and is found nowhere else in the world. They grow as small shrub-like trees on the six largest islands from about 600 to 6,000 feet in elevation, in cloud forests, wet and mesic forests, bogs and shrublands.

What is the star flower of Hawaii? ›

'Hoku Hawaii', or Hawaiian star, is an early season sunburst hybrid whose bright red-orange flower resembles the color of an evening star. 'Hoku Hawaii' is a seedling selected from a cross between L. lineare and L. cordifolium.

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Durability: Very durable and long-lasting. Instructions: Sprinkle with water and refrigerate in bag or container. Dendrobium orchids have been among Hawaii's most popular plants since they were introduced from the Philippines in 1896. They have since become the single most valuable commercial flower in Hawaii.

What is the flower legend in Hawaii? ›

According to Hawaiian legend, Naupaka was a girl of royalty who fell in love with Kau'i, a fisherman. They were forbidden to be a couple and had broken hearts. Naupaka took a blossom from her hair and tore it in half, giving one side to Kau'i while keeping the other half as they were not allowed to be together.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.