Perfecting Fresh Pasta Recipes: 5 Tips For Success (2024)

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Whether you’re looking to make a regular fresh pasta, a whole wheat variety, or even vegan pasta, these simple homemade pasta recipes have something for everyone.

By Gemma Stafford | | 20

Last updated on November 11, 2019

Perfecting Fresh Pasta Recipes: 5 Tips For Success (1)

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Hi Bold Bakers!

As a professional chef and baker, pasta has a special place in my heart. I’m also so happy to have the expertise and experience to bring you a truly wonderful recipe for fresh pasta that doesn’t require any machine, nor does it require more than 2-3 ingredients. Basically, this is as simple as it gets — and the rewards are lovely.

Of all the savory recipes I’ve created my Homemade Pasta Recipes are some of my favorites! Whether you’re looking to make a whole wheat variety or even vegan pasta, these simple homemade pasta recipes have something for everyone. All 3 of these recipes are made by hand with no more than 3 ingredients and yield the most delicate and authentic pasta. That’s right, you don’t even need a machine to make amazing homemade pasta.

1. What flour do you use to make Homemade Pasta?

All pasta is just a mix of flour and eggs, or flour and water. You might think that doesn’t leave a lot of room for varying flavor, but the flour you use will dictate the flavor of your pasta.

My 2 Ingredient Homemade Pasta is made from all-purpose flour and has that classic Italian pasta flavor (same with my 3 Ingredient Homemade Vegan Pasta),whereas my 3 Ingredient Whole Wheat Pasta is made of a mix of whole wheat and all-purpose flour. The mix of these flours creates a nuttier earthy flavor. Once you learn my homemade pasta method I suggest experimenting with semolina flour and 00 flour for an extra bite.

2. Why is my Homemade Pasta dry?

All of my pasta dough recipes will get wetter as they rest so don’t be alarmed if they seem dry at first, that means the dough is most likely just right.When you first mix together the flour and the wet ingredients you might be tempted to add a little water or more egg, but I suggest really working the wet into the dry, and taking your time with this step. Then, IF it still seems on the dry side, you absolutely can add a splash of water.

3. How long do you cook fresh pasta for?

One of the best parts about homemade pasta is how delicate it is in compared to store bought dry pasta. Since the pasta is super fresh it cooks really quickly anywhere from 1-2 minutes. As soon as the pasta starts rising to the top of the pot of water that’s a good indication it is done. This will create the perfect al dente bite!

4. How do you dry fresh pasta?

If you want to dry your pasta and cook it off at a later time you can do this by simply leaving the pasta out in one layer in the open air for 12-24 hours. You will know when the pasta has dried fully because it will snap like a cracker when bent. After drying the pasta just cover and store it in an air-tight container for up to 3 weeks. Do note that if you live in a humid climate this may take longer and might make the pasta chewier.

If this is the case, I might suggest freezing the fresh pasta instead of drying it.

5. How do I store fresh pasta?

If you do not cook your fresh pasta straight away then you have 3 options: 1) You can dry it (as above) or you can 2) store it in the fridge up to 3 days. Just lay it in one even layer and keep it covered until removing from the fridge to cook it. 3) Additionally, you can freeze the fresh pasta in an air-tight container for up to 8 weeks.

Try My Fresh Pasta Recipes (Plain, Whole Wheat, and Egg-Free Homemade Pasta)!

2-Ingredient Homemade Pasta (No Machine)

Perfecting Fresh Pasta Recipes: 5 Tips For Success (2)

To make classic Italian style pasta you have to try my 2 Ingredient Homemade Pasta (Without a Machine)recipe.

3-Ingredient Whole Wheat Pasta (No Machine)

If you’re looking to add a bit of nutty I suggest you try my 3 Ingredient Whole Wheat Pasta. This pasta is every bit as delicate but a bit more stick to your ribs. It goes so well with both light and heavier sauces.

3-Ingredient Homemade Vegan Pasta (No Machine)

If you want to try making pasta at home but you can’t or don’t want to eat eggs, all you need is some flour, water,and olive oil to make my 3 Ingredient Homemade Vegan Pasta.

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Perfecting Fresh Pasta Recipes: 5 Tips For Success (10)


5 years ago

This recipe was excellent. I have a lot of experience baking but this is my first time making pasta. It produces a lot more than the 2 of us can eat at one meal so i froze the rest. What a treat to pull out enough for a serving and cook 3 minutes in boiling water. Instead of working with a mess on the counter, I used a large wide pot as a bowl. Mess contained. Rolling took more time than pie crusts because the dough had much more elasticity. Just keep rolling and adding flour. It will eventually relax.Read more »



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Perfecting Fresh Pasta Recipes: 5 Tips For Success (11)


3 years ago

Hi Gemma, First of big fan of you and also baby George. I wanted to know if I could swap out the APF with durum wheat semolina. Would I have to make any other changes or just swap out in the same ratio?

Last edited 3 years ago by Skanda


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Perfecting Fresh Pasta Recipes: 5 Tips For Success (12)


3 years ago

Hi! Can I know how much if flour is used for 4eggs please


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Perfecting Fresh Pasta Recipes: 5 Tips For Success (13)


3 years ago

Hi Gemma
loved the it possible for you to tell us egg in grams as egg sizes here vary and we are not sure how many to use. thanks


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Perfecting Fresh Pasta Recipes: 5 Tips For Success (14)

4 years ago

WOW!! It look so yummy and mouthwatering. i love pasta but this reciepe is different.. I will definiately try this.


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Perfecting Fresh Pasta Recipes: 5 Tips For Success (15)


4 years ago

What if i have small eggs? Should i add one extra?


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Perfecting Fresh Pasta Recipes: 5 Tips For Success (16)

Glyn Fraser

4 years ago

Hi Gemma, I’ve gone mad with baking since joining your site, so lots of love from Australia. Re the fresh pasta recipes, I have a question: due to arthritis in my hands I can no longer hand-knead for more than a minute or two. Can I use my stand mixer, and if so, keep it on low or bash it about at a higher speed?


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Perfecting Fresh Pasta Recipes: 5 Tips For Success (17)


5 years ago

Hi gemma my name is Feroza, I’m from South Africa, I’m a really big fan of yours. I have a question though if I freeze the 2 ingredient homemade pasta do I boil it frozen directly from the freezer or do I let it defrost first. Thank u so much for your help ????


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Perfecting Fresh Pasta Recipes: 5 Tips For Success (18)

Cony Torres

5 years ago

Hi Gemma!
I’m Cony (I’m writting from Chile). I have a question: if I want to use your two ingredient pasta to make lasagna, should I cook the pasta first in some boiling water or should I just layer it raw and put it in the oven?

Big fan btw! You’re my go-to chef whenever I want to do something fun and delicious for my family ????


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Perfecting Fresh Pasta Recipes: 5 Tips For Success (19)


5 years ago

Do you have a pasta recipe for one that has almond flour/coconut flour? For those of us who have to be gluten free/grain free??


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Perfecting Fresh Pasta Recipes: 5 Tips For Success (20)

About Us

Meet Gemma

Hi Bold Bakers! I’m Gemma Stafford, a professional chef originally from Ireland, a cookbook author, and the creator of Bigger Bolder Baking. I want to help you bake with confidence anytime, anywhere with my trusted and tested recipes and baking tips. You may have seen one of my 500+ videos on YouTube & TikTok or as a guest judge on Nailed It! on Netflix or the Best Baker in America on Food Network. No matter your skills, my Bold Baking Team & I want to be your #1 go-to baking authority.

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Perfecting Fresh Pasta Recipes: 5 Tips For Success (21)

Perfecting Fresh Pasta Recipes: 5 Tips For Success (2024)
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