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Compendium to the Sequetus Series


by Nick Broadhurst

Published by Nick Broadhurst

Copyright 2014 Nick Broadhurst

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The SEQUETUS SERIES, the EARTH SYNDROME MINISERIES and GALAXY are works of fiction. Names of individuals and companies used in the book, unless historical fact, are pure fiction.


Part of all the Sequetus Series books is the Glossary, a list of terms and words and what they mean. When a word in the glossary has been first used in the story, it was shown slanted like this. These were hyperlinked, to take you to the word definition in the Glossary. The glossary expanded with new terms for each subsequent volume.


In the Federation there is Standard Measurement, such as kinopacs, or Ks and pacs, but those, who have left Earth, may still use kilometers.


This is an epic story. By its nature, it’s big. There are twenty-three books. Each book deals with a specific aspect of the story.

The Sequetus Series is broken up into four miniseries. Each miniseries is comprised of between four to eight books.

The miniseries are


Books 1-8


Books 9-12


Books 13-17


Books 18-23

Each miniseries can be read in its own right.

A lot of care went into creating this epic, and everything was done, by way of glossary, pictures, maps, notes, credits, and so on, to assist the reader to have an enjoyable reading experience.















Chapter 1




Purpose: The purpose of providing this compendium book to the Sequetus Series is to give a reader all the reference data in one volume. It is a summary of all the previous glossaries and notes in the earlier 23 books. A ready does not necessarily need this volume. It is provided as a luxury volume. It also allows prospective readers to see for themselves the richness of the data that the Sequetus Series draws upon.

When the term Terrestrial appears beside a word or term in the glossary, of historical note, this means that it’s a terrestrial word, from Sequetus 3 – Earth – and the definition is a terrestrial definition, or historical note. It isn’t a fictional term or definition.

Aaron: Original name of the race on Yaltipia, otherwise known as Boguard outside the Pleiades, and the Galaxy. On Yaltipia the original race was called the Aaron. They went into the Galaxy known as the Boguard. Technically anyone can evolve to become a Boguard through their training programs and can join and become Boguard. However, to be Aaron, one needs to be born on Yaltipia within the Aaron race. Templar miniseries

Aaron Library: An underground library of 17 levels, that measure about a k wide in each direction. In Earth terms, it covers 17 square kilometers of library floor space. Templar miniseries

Ablam: Commercial center, 100 Ks west of Jilta PC. Population one million, its product is government service. Juggernaut miniseries

Abydos Temple: (Terrestrial) 1. Egypt circa 3500 BC. Abydos is the site of the most famous of Egypt’s artifacts, the burial site of Seti I who ruled Egypt from 1313 to 1292 BC, and son of Ramses I.

2. Glyphs. There appears to be a helicopter, and a toy plane to its right. 3. The temple became the chief temple for worship of Osiris and Horus - who went up into the heavens to do battle in winged discs with Seti. The bottom photo is inside the temple. New-Earth miniseries

Academia: 1. A college of high learning, tertiary education, offering doctorates. 2. (Plural – academias) The institutions of the highest places of learning in the Federation. Source, Jiltanian after the gardener Academos who used to tend the gods in by making their gardens a paradise. New-Earth miniseries

ACRAM Building: 1. The building run by Navia Charlton and Mathew Wanten. 2. ACRAM Allied Communications Reliance of America. New-Earth miniseries

Acran: Pleiadian for what translates into Devout Coordinator for On Planet Operations. This began in Sequetus 3. Acran Anderson was the first of many Acrans to follow. New-Earth miniseries

Acron Field: This is one of several kinds of fields that hold free-air inside military craft. The Acron Field is generated around a ship and prevents the free-air from leaving, while permitting large sold objects to enter and leave the ship. This effect is achieved by a magnetic force That’s held as a ridge at the perimeter. The magnetic force is strongest nearest the center of the source of the field. Through unifying fields gravitational, electrical and so on, the magnetic fields can be made denser, further out from specified epicenters. They then prevent free-air molecules passing; while at the same time allow more solid masses and objects to pass. Named after its inventor, Luis Acron of Tilk. New-Earth miniseries

Adams, Lieutenant: United States Air Force - NASA astronaut turned Interceptor crew. Survived the Battle of Sequetus 3. Born in Ohio, went to Caltech. New-Earth miniseries

Aeroitek Corporation International: ACI – The corporation on Earth used by Goren Torren to legitimize his operation being there. New-Earth miniseries

Admiration Particles: Life can emit particles that draw on properties of the physical universe. What life admires, it draws closer. The more it admires, the greater the closeness. Gravity is possibly such a particle of admiration. Albert Einstein referred to gravity as affinity. Earth Syndrome miniseries.

Afterburners: When dumping fuel, out through the exhaust system, and igniting it, within the system, the continual explosion of such afterburning, adds speed to the craft. New-Earth miniseries

Aftersun: 1. When a ship has a permanent station orbiting a planet, the period when the ship goes into the shadow of the planet is called aftersun. 2. It simulates night. 3. The shifts aboard Federation military craft are divided into two per Standard Day. The first is called Foresun while the later Aftersun. There is no night aboard military craft. New-Earth miniseries

Agelay: Pronounced a-ja-lei. The capital city of the southern continent of Kanut of Palbo. Population 12 million. Juggernaut miniseries

Agent: 1. Two levels below independent. Starting at the top is: Independent, Junior Independent, Agent, and Agent Junior Grade. New-Earth miniseries

Agnest, M.M.: (Terrestrial), Soviet, had theories that visitors had been on Earth for

some time represented in biblical stories. New-Earth miniseries

Alaca Hoyuk: (Terrestrial) Ancient city in what is now central Turkey was where Hattusa of the Hittite Empire was situated. This site is where the earliest copper tools alongside stone tools were found. New-Earth miniseries

Akeala: 1. See Albine below. Same person. Daughter of Jaron and Anki. Templar Series. 2. She becomes a central figure in the freeing of Earth and the Federation from the effects of the Talkron. She has many of her father’s properties. Earth Syndrome miniseries.

Albine: Daughter of Jaron and Anki. She is the granddaughter, of the Master Templar. Her grandmother was a long-lifer, but died before she was born. She had her name changed to Akeala, upon the advice of her protector, to avoid being killed, like her two brothers. Juggernaut miniseries

Alfrash: The planet that was first colonized by the Pleiadians. It has 1.04 Standard Gravity, was lush with forests, had deserts, polar ice, temperate and tropical rain forests. A super solar flare, itself a series of 12 flares, took out the colony over a sixty-year period. There were enough suspicious circumstances, to indicate that the flare(s) may not have been completely natural. Over ninety percent died, during those sixty years. The planet was abandoned, and at vast effort, it was engineered, to remove all evidence of previous occupation. New-Earth miniseries

Algamm Grass: Found on the edge of deserts, around Sandrist. It’s high in B vitamins and sought after, as a natural product, harvested and exported. It’s said that a short-lifer could become a long-lifer, by eating Algamm grass from birth, with every meal. This was never tested. Juggernaut miniseries

Algon Sea: The nearest sea to Jilta PPC, measuring 765 Ks across, at the widest point. New-Earth miniseries

Aliza, FSS Destroyer: Jiltanian destroyer in the defense of Sequetus 3. A Quantum Drive CCP ship that was resurrected from Celtron 4. Lost in the Battle of Sequetus 3. New-Earth miniseries

Allied Council of Free Sectors: The name given to the first authority, controlling the new Federation Alliance. It came from the remnants of the Federation, after the Battle of Sequetus 3, and consisted of the military heads of all the known sectors, including Farsen, which was restored. It was the forerunner to The New Federation. New-Earth miniseries

Alliance, Federation: An alternative name for the Federation, after the Battle of Sequetus 3. New-Earth miniseries

Allied Council of Jilta: After the atomic war on Jilta the planet set up a temporary government called the Allied Council of Jilta. 2. After all the Royals had left their Federation planets; the planets no longer had their autocratic control. There were members of the Federation military, as well as government, who tried to seize control of their own cities, countries and continents. Some seized atomic weapons. In the Federation, wars were starting to break out. On Jilta this culminated in an atomic war between three factions. After three years, and with almost all of Jilta PC and its sister cities completely wasted, the war ended. The government that took over was named the Allied Council of Jilta. This shouldn’t have happened and for several years after the Battle of Sequetus 3, Torren traveled to Jilta trying to stop the wars and the fighting. He was unsuccessful, and it continued to the almost total destruction of the former prosperous cities of Jilta. As the other planets became embroiled in similar wars Torren found he was just as ineffective, so he concentrated his efforts on Earth, and hoped that when he found who was behind what was happening on Earth, it would lead to the same solution for the rest of the Santonia Galaxy. New-Earth miniseries

Allied Imperial Federation: A fuller term for Federation Alliance. Allied Imperial Federation Forces. AIF, or AIFF all mean the same thing. New-Earth miniseries

All-play: A portable hand held recorder, that plays back a three dimensional hologram, of a pre-recorded event. The image is, about two hands high. Made by: State All Industries Maluka. Often used in Maluka to entrap subjects into telling more than they otherwise would. Recording on an all-play, is valid evidence in Maluka. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Alphasee: Purely a predetermined point in space. No stars or planets or docking stations nearby, just a docking position to rendezvous with other craft between Jilta and Earth. New-Earth miniseries

Alson: 1. A suburb in Jilta PC. 2. Alson, Academia, most prestigious tertiary Academia in all of Jilta. It teaches most degree doctorate courses and has forty five thousand students enrolled per year including full time, part time and by correspondence. New-Earth miniseries

Amanda: 1. The name taken and accepted by a Boguard Man-o-War, born BS 1013. Ceremony with Captain Bigow of Yaltipia, BS 1014. Crucial in the police action in Kantee against the Talkron. Juggernaut miniseries 2. She was subsequently captained by Jaron, and becomes his greatest advisor. She originates from beyond the physical universe, of the Angalian species, and would suggest she is still always there. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Amelia: 1. In 1642, Jaron meets Amelia Gustano of northern Italy. She is 38 years old at the time, daughter of Gustaf and Francesca Gunano. 2. A former lifetime of Amy of Rambus, but on Earth, during the Medieval period. Earth Syndrome miniseries.

Amy: The teenage daughter of a family of settlers on Rambus. She used to dream of finding out what was outside of Rambus. She became strong friends with Anki of Jilta. She was stranded off from Rambus after the planet was raided by pirates, and they killed her family and friends. On returning to her home planet and experiencing the death of all she loved, and almost dying herself, she swore an oath that she was even the score. She was central in removing the pirates from Sleebo, and bringing down Brandon Mirac of Palbo. She earned the nickname, Goddess of War incarnate. Templar miniseries

Anaxagoras: (Terrestrial) 500 BC Greek philosopher who lived in what is now Turkey. He believed that life on Earth originated from out in space and arrived on Earth. New-Earth miniseries

Anderson, John: After his assassination attempt on Goren Torren, he joined the army, was placed at Wright Paterson Air Base and then was “captured” by Letone. Anderson was alluded to in the Early Works. He then became the Devout Coordinator for On Planet Operations, and after that began the world wide following of Torren. While Anderson never let it be known to his followers, he was the one who fired the bullet that started it all. New-Earth miniseries

Andromeda Galaxy: (Terrestrial) The Andromeda Galaxy is a spiral galaxy about 2.5 million light years from Earth. It gets its name from the constellation of Andromeda, which was named after the mythical princess

The galaxy has about the same mass as the Milky Way. It’s expected to collide with the Milky Way in 3.75 billion years. It can be seen with the naked eye from Earth on cloudless moonless nights. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Aneel, FAS Destroyer: The Aneel went through the portal with the Expeditionary task force BS 10, and never returned. Presumed destroyed. New-Earth miniseries

Angalian: The race of beings who aren’t native to the Santonia Galaxy. They inhabit the Man-o-Wars. They have been known to visit Sequetus 3 over the past five thousand years. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Anki: The teenage daughter of the master Templar of Jilta. Was shipwrecked on Rambus and saved by settlers there. She attended Academia Alson of Jilta. For former past lives of Anki see Anqi Storm and Vicra Starn, both separate lives at different times, but the same person. Templar miniseries. The woman, years later, who is the mother of Akeala, and Tubin, and married to Jaron. Anki’s mother was a long-lifer, Karine Malor - married to the Master Templar, a Cordello at the time, and died two years after Anki was born. Juggernaut miniseries.

Anqi Storm: 1. Malukan trooper, former resident of Sleebo. 2. Important in saving Sequetus 3. Daughter of Nobus Mas and Reqel Subar of Taronga PPC. Educated in biophysics in Anst Academia at Taronga, joined the Malukan Guards shortly after graduation. New-Earth miniseries

Antithesis: A direct contrast or opposition of person, action or idea. New-Earth mi


APRO: (Terrestrial) Aerial Phenomena Research Organization. Started in 1952, and continued until 1988. It had many state branches. APRO placed strong importance on scientific field investigations. There were many prominent scientific members of the group: Dr James E. McDonald of the University of Arizona – an atmospheric scientist and said to be the leading scientific UFO researcher of his time, Dr. James Harder of the University of California, Berkeley – civil and hydraulic engineer professor was director of research from 1969-1982. Both scientists along with others testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science and Astronauts in 1968 with their hearings on UFOs. Astronomer Allen Hynek noted that APRO was one of two of the best civilian UFO groups of their time. New-Earth miniseries

Aquel: A local length measure of stride from the planet Aqeliam. New-Earth miniseries

Aragon: Capital planetary city of Maluka, consisting of seventeen wards. Population 2 million, with three academia. Its age is 3,450 standard years, predating the Confederated Council of Planets. It is the headquarters of Trans Galactic Ship Corp. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Arano Moon: Lunar satellite of Maluka. It has been in orbit for two millennia. It’s hollow, and it has seventeen thousand inhabitants. Its center is tightly protected. Its diameter is three hundred and eighty kinopacs. Its standard gravity is 0.04 standard gravity, and its artificial operational means of gravity is centrifugal. It rotates three times a Malukan day. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Arenic Alps, Jilta: On the continent of Algorico, the Alps run through the center, and are on the opposite side of the planet to Jilta PC. New-Earth miniseries

Arganate: A plentiful translucent pale misty green non-precious stone That’s found on Jilta. The major quarries are in the northern hemisphere. The stone's properties are limestone based and calcium derived. Juggernaut miniseries

Arlon, Doctrains: Head of household staff of Residence of Jilta. Employer Goren Torren. Has a degree in Business Management from Academia Alson, Jilta. He moved with Goren Torren to Earth, and survived the Battle of Sequetus 3. On Earth he headed the Home of Goren Torren. He showed flair and became active with Boguard Letone in external affairs. He vanished after the FBI assault on Home, along with other Household Staff. Later he was found and did his part to bring about Intervention. After intervention he became a national USA celebrity on terrestrial television, made eleven movies, and married another member of his household. He returned to Jilta three times but remained as a resident of Earth. He had two long-life children. He died 498 BS a full supporter of the Temple movement. He was deemed a Minor Temple of Sequetus 3. See the definition of Temple. New-Earth miniseries

Armsman: Federation for Master at Arms, MAA. His prime purpose is to keep order, on a ship. New-Earth miniseries

Aron: A black puma in the Amazon, which befriends Sheril and which looks after the village children in return for being part of their group. The black puma is possibly a myth, and in this case Aron is likely only 90% black. Earth Syndrome Series

Arreal: The race, that after its migration, became known as the Pleiadians. It cohabited the same planet as the Aaron, in the Triangulum Galaxy, and like the Aaron, it had migrated out to over a hundred planets through that galaxy. The races were attacked and they fled their planets. Both had natural abilities and were hunted down because of those abilities. Earth Syndrome Series

Arrival Day: The day of arrival of the First Fleet and its pioneers, to a new world, sponsored by the Templar movement, the anniversary of is celebrated as the Arrival Day each year. Templar miniseries

ASIS: (Terrestrial) Australian Secret Intelligence Service. This is a human intelligence section of the Australian government. which collects information for the state. New-Earth miniseries

Ataran: City of Ataran, which housed the Boulan, the ruling class of the Aaron. Ataran had 110,000 people and was one of the oldest and biggest Aaron cities in Yaltipia. It was hydro powered by the cross currents of water flowing through the planet's crust. The city is at least 15 thousand years old. Templar miniseries

Attaché for Offworld World Affairs: An honorary and prestigious ambassadorial position given for persons trusted to be the go between a nation and the Offworld. The first to hold this title was the attaché for Offworld Affairs for the United States of America, the First Lady. New-Earth miniseries

Australian deserts: There are many large deserts in Australia. Western Australia has much desert in its inner regions. The temperature often exceeds 40o C. Where rail tracks are present in deserts in Western Australia rail derailments have occurred due to the tracks buckling in the intense heat. (The author worked as a salvage crew on a derailment when young. The temperature was measured as 55o Celsius in the peak of summer on the edge of the Great Victorian dessert. New-Earth miniseries

Auto-Credit: Similar to a credit card but instead of the credit being held at a bank, it’s held at one’s place of employment. Juggernaut miniseries

Auto-fecha: From auto-fetcher, (also a-fechaTM) an automatic computerized library vehicle device, which that when enabled with the correct code, leaves the study table, and brings the volume from the storage shelves, back to the intended user. They are the size of a shoebox, available in many modern libraries, in different models, colours and from many manufacturers. They were first developed on planet Peel. Juggernaut miniseries

Automatic beam: Simply means that weapons lock on target automatically and are fired by computer programs. The advantage is that they aren’t only accurate, but will continue well after the crew manning them is dead or incapacitated. New-Earth miniseries

Bacterol-bandages TM: Bandages with anti bacterial impregnated layers, which bring about fast healing. Made by Medicol Corp Inc. Jilta. Templar miniseries

Bailock: The name given to Jaron on Tors, by the local native, Garnow. The term became Jaron’s name there. It was local dialect for fast-god, due to the speed, which he descended from the sky. Juggernaut miniseries

Balgoss, Eroni: Base Commander of the Palboan outstation on Sleebo, pirate station. Aged 234 when killed in the fight for Mount Drapper. Templar miniseries

Ballard: Colloquial term for the rear end, of the native beast of burden of Jilta, a Kull. Source: Searfinders Index P 287. Used on many planets in the galaxy. 2. A peta-ballard means the prime part of the rear end of a kul, sometimes eaten. Templar miniseries

Baling: 1. The martial art of fighting with a two pac long thick stick made from the dense wood of the Baling tree of the Nalpan province. 2. The name of a tree from Nalpan province. Their folklore says that this tree was intelligent and the chief god over Nalpan would come to think and get his best ideas whilst sitting under a Baling tree. 3. It’s said that a Baling stick has a mind of its own and after meditating with the stick, the stick and the fighter think as one, during a fight, in order to overcome a more powerful enemy. New-Earth miniseries

Bank: See The Imperial Federation Warp Drive Bank. Home planet Palbo. New-Earth miniseries

Banquast: A city of 60,000 on Yaltipia, made up of the warrior class of the Aaron. There were twenty-three warrior cities, of similar sizes. The city occupies six interconnected canyons. Templar miniseries

Barlock: Boguard, one of the 12 to go with Goren Torren to Sequetus 3, driver of Goren’s limousine at ACI on Earth. New-Earth miniseries

Barnell: The Boguard leader running the Boguard operation on Jilta, in 1,043 BS. Juggernaut miniseries

Battle Bar: 1. The saloon aboard a cruiser or destroyer, where alcohol can be served. 2. The name of the flight bar, on the FSS Nebulus. New-Earth miniseries

Battleclass: Early military vessel from the Confederacy era. They were effectively made obsolete with the introduction of Warp Drives. Their major deficiency was that it couldn’t move from one system to another. In their defense they were effective in defense around a system and were designed to be impregnab

le, but their immobility made them ineffective once Warp Drives came into existence. Battleclass have about three to four times the complement of a cruiser. These ships were too large to be governed by Warp Drive engines. While the technology within the Warp Drive engines is secret, it is believed that there is a limit to the size of mass that a WD can effectively cover. New-Earth miniseries

Battleclass Realm: The battleclass in the Sequetus Series remaining after the Battle of Sequetus 3. New-Earth miniseries

Battle of Sequetus 3. The: The Battle of Sequetus 3 is the official title for the battle between the Hymondian and Malukan forces, in the Sequetus Series, in 1990 local time. New-Earth miniseries

Battlemaster: The Malukan equivalent of a marshal and commander of a fleet, or armada. New-Earth miniseries

Battleroom: A temporary make shift war room, CIC – Combat Information Center – inside the palace. It’s 50 by 80 pacs, with seventy staff, troopers or Boguard. New-Earth miniseries

Battle of Six Worlds: A temporary make shift war room, CIC – Combat Information Center – inside the palace. It’s 50 by 80 pacs, with seventy staff, troopers or Boguard. New-Earth miniseries

Batton, FSS Destroyer: The second destroyer in Sequetus arrived BS 30. New-Earth miniseries

Bauxite: (Terrestrial) The rock That’s mined, which when treated, is converted to aluminum. Templar miniseries

Bearing Harvest: A two week period on Sleebo, when it’s close to the sun and crops can be harvested. The whole of Sleebo get busy, harvesting the year’s crops, during this one two week period. Templar miniseries

Beel, Polton: Adventurer and freedom fighter from the far-Outer-Worlds. A short-lifer, aged 42 at the writing of Book 12 of the epic series. Juggernaut miniseries

Beeton: See Blu below. Juggernaut miniseries.

Bell bird, or Bellbird: An Australian bush bird (also called a bell minor) that sounds a loud “ping’, like the sonar of a submarine. There are 74 varieties of Meliphagidae (honeyeater) and are found up and down the east coast of Australia. New-Earth miniseries

Belkron Blu: Corduke assumed name (real name Beeton Blu) of an operant working on the Palboan Sector. Trained in struck fighting in the out worlds of Jilta. He teamed up, with Amy of Rambus. Juggernaut Series.

Beran Sea: A sea in southern Palbo. The deepest part is 1,300 pacs. Juggernaut miniseries.

Bermuda Triangle: (Terrestrial) 1. That triangular region of the Caribbean, incorporating Bermuda, Miami, and Port au Prince as part of the triangle. It is said that ships, people and aircraft vanish; leaving mysteries, which cannot be explained.

2. From this web site is the following data.. The author of the New Earth Series would encourage readers to look at this informative site.

The following is excerpted from this site:

“Out there, in the Triangle, is the only true and accurate accounting of missing vessels. Here on shore our files are very incomplete and poor. Most lost vessels are smaller, private craft: yachts, sailboats, schooners and cabin cruisers. Many are suspect of being caused by hijacking. Therefore they cannot warrant detailed investigations. Because they are so common it would be equivalent to the FBI investigating every stolen automobile.”

See the Notes section for a lot more detail and continuance of this. New-Earth miniseries

Betsie: Famous Jiltanian battle cruiser of the CCP. Decommissioned on Celtron 4.

Bigow, Captain: Yaltipian (Boguard) captain, of the Man-o-War, Amanda. Born BS 789. He headed the mission onto Kantee (police action) to rescue the captured life-force Royals. Juggernaut miniseries.

Billy-tea: (Terrestrial) Tea from water boiled in a billy, a small metal deep pot with or without a lid, used in the Australian outback. New-Earth miniseries

Bilkars Profood: A Jiltanian protein bar, made and found, only on Jilta. Juggernaut miniseries

Biobots: The surgical automated worms, which are used to inspect, stitch and repair damaged tissue, during an operation. Biobots generally are 10-4 pacs in diameter. New-Earth miniseries

Bioclone: A humanoid robot, manufactured in the Triangulum Galaxy, though, run by a life force, not unlike its biological look-alike cousins, that it is modeled upon. The bioclone isn’t implanted, but rather is hardwired to destroy its biological counterparts, activated by a stimulus response mechanism. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Biotynes: The small insects bred and let loose onto a planet, that destroy human and mammal life by the pirates. The Warp Drive Bank sponsored the breeding and release of the insects themselves. Templar miniseries

Birdesville: A town in central Australia, where they have camel races there every so often for local amusement. (Camels are prevalent and wild throughout most of the desert areas of Australia.) New-Earth miniseries

Blackheart: Pleiadian term for meaning a person who lives against the better good for the community and self. A law breaker, a breaker of moral and ethical codes of behavior. One who creates turmoil, and one who does more harm than good around him. See also Clean Heart. New-Earth miniseries

Black Knight: (Terrestrial) This is the name dubbed, for the 15 ton satellite, that has been in space, on a polar orbit since before the first Sputnik.

Possibly, this object has been around Earth, for as long as 13,000 years. The Americans, and then the Russians, first observed it.

Each nation thought the other was responsible. The term Black Knight refers to a British attempt, back in the fifties, to put a satellite in orbit, but obviously this craft wasn’t theirs.

The photographs here are taken from later American missions, and the first photograph of the Black Knight was in the 1960’s. Earth Syndrome Miniseries

Bloat: A A space life boat. Usually, 5 x 9 pacs in size and taking up to twelve passengers. Typically there was a minimum provision of one bloat per 25 crew, and one bloat for every 20 passengers. Juggernaut miniseries

Bloodwood, Jiltanian: A tree measuring up to 390 pacs tall, found in the temperate regions of Jilta. Its wood is a rich red, dense and sought after for making furniture on Jilta. Today the trees are numbered and protected. Each tree is plotted on a map. They can live to seven thousand standard years. There is an entire industry on Jilta dedicated to protecting these trees. They are the source of much of early Jiltanian folk lore. Each tree has resident within it hundreds and thousands of other species. Its aroma is known to keep away parasites and plagues. New-Earth miniseries

Blue Mountains: (Terrestrial) A mountain range on the east coast of Australia formed by the south Pacific continental plate and the Australian continent pressing up against each other. The mountains are blue due to the gaseous haze emitted by the foliage of eucalypt trees. Earth Syndrome Series

Bluster: See Microwave bluster. New-Earth miniseries

Boguard: 1. Guard at the palace to protect of Lorde Hymondy III. 2. Race of bodyguard for the protection of Lorde Hymondy III. Their inception into the Federation region was about 550 standard years after Federation conquest. Origin of race unknown. Life expectancy indefinite. Run along military lines. Source of instruction: Lorde Hymondy III. They are known to speak many languages, are trained in martial arts, physics. No command links with IFFCo. Being a race the word Boguard is capitalized. New-Earth miniseries

Boguard Front: The assault corps of Boguard. They can be anything from 50 to 500 strong depending on the objective. The Boguard Captain Felice Karo made them famous when she defeated Palbo 1,000 years before. At that time there were up to twenty thousand Boguard Front that hit the planet at one time, carefully coordinated, taking out all communications systems in one unified moment. Templar Series

Boguard rank: The following is the Boguard field rank from highest to lowest:


Guard Instructor




Boguard Novice (student) New

-Earth miniseries

Boll, Pabs, Lieutenant: The on-planet fleet representative, during the Palboan raids, of the far-Outer-Worlds. Graduated Merida Academy, Palbo CC. Juggernaut miniseries

Bonding: 1. The official legal recognition that a male and female couple, had decided to cohabitate, as a single group, with the purpose of furthering the species through the production of children. The average BOND would last 36 years, with three offspring. Often re-bonding would occur later in life. 2. The ceremony accompanying the commitment, of between a Boguard Captain and his new Man-o-War. The bond is a lifetime agreement. Juggernaut miniseries

Boni: A seven year old boy, who can sense life, its pain, and has extreme empathy for life, over distance and time. Son of Fan and Gali of the Amazon. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Boulan: The Boulan number exactly 500. They reside in a small section of Ataran, of a square K in area. They are the ruling elite, of the Aaron and Boguard. Templar miniseries

Bowing: Bowing means to allow the other person to assume the higher status. I also allows the other person, should they wish, to strike a blow unimpeded, as the person bowing has less defence. So bowing can mean: I trust you, and you are important to me. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Bridge briefing: 1. Bridge briefings are where missions are presented and discussed in a formal manner. They are recorded for future reference. Discussions of missions aren’t permitted outside of such briefings. All crew attend. 2. They are called bridge briefings, not because they happen on the bridge, because in larger craft they don’t, as the bridge can be too small for all crew. Only senior personnel present the bridge briefing usually from the bridge. New-Earth miniseries

Brijet Yaldon, Captain: 1. Female senior Boguard officer captaining the expeditionary forces fleet taking Captain Jaron to his objective mission. She was 283 years old at this time. It was her first command as an entire fleet command. Templar miniseries 2. Consulair Brijet became her title, after being admitted to the Boulan. 3. Brijet is the name of a fast bird (a sleek small bird of Yaltipia). Yaldon means esteemed or well regarded. Earth Syndrome Series.

Broadmatter Theory: Broadmatter is that matter That’s so small that current instruments can’t read it, but it acts similar to a sea supporting molecular-matter that floats within it. It transmits heat and ALL energy and in this way is very different from the concept of dark matter. Broadmatter makes up the bulk of the universe mass, and is the reason why the universe is expanding at an accelerated rate. Broadmatter ties in with space and time and without broadmatter there would be no space, no gravity and presumably no time. Without it all other matter would collectively condense. See Broadmatter theory Addendum at the end of Book Seven for more details. New-Earth miniseries

BS: 1. This indicates how many years since the Battle of Sequetus 3. 1038 BS means 1,038 Standard Years since the Battle of Sequetus 3. 2. A dating system, adopted through the galaxy since the Battle for Sequetus 3. New-Earth miniseries

Bunker, The: The seven story complex below ground built during the time of the Confederacy, which was for officials of Jilta PCC during times of war and threat of war. It was maintained by Hymondy and other officials and still looked after, by the Temple. Templar miniseries

Caff: 1. The place, where non-intoxicating beverages are served, aboard a vessel. New-Earth miniseries

Canberra: (Terrestrial) 1. Canberra is the capital city of Australia, set up in the highlands, 600 meters above sea level. Architect Walter Burley Griffen, from Chicago, designed it. Its population was around 350,000 at the time of editing.

Pyramids as over Parliament House of Australia, Canberra.

2. The city street layout is designed on an eye of providence design, similar to the back of the American dollar bill. The Canberra street layout around parliament house has streets running off in a pattern of not only the eye of providence, but are coincident in layout style to the inner shaft design patterns of the Great Pyramid in Egypt. See pyramids.

The temperature of Canberra in the winter gets down to -5o C in the winter and lower in the suburbs.

The word Canberra means meeting place in Aboriginal.

Many Canberrans have much to say about the high incidence of UFO activity in this very small city. New-Earth miniseries

The winning competition town planning design of Canberra city by architect Griffen.

Captain: 1. Middle rank in IFFCo. Usually In command of an interceptor squadron, a destroyer, or a fighter team. Below Lieutenant Commander in rank. 2. Highest field rank in the Boguard. New-Earth miniseries

Captain of the Yard: At the Yard, Celtron 4, the Captain of the Yard is the senior officer. See Yard.

Castano, Carole, Captain: Male Corduke Captain heading the Mission with Amy to find Jaron around Tors. Juggernaut Series

Caraday, Bel: Son of Oralo Caraday of Jilta. Started in the Coproduce service when 18 years old. He is Commander of the Corduke Base and answerable to the Master Templar. Juggernaut miniseries

Carvan: A city near two cross currents of water as well as geothermal power sources, and was one of four such cities devoted to manufacturing clean power for the other Aaron cities. Templar miniseries

Caribbean: (Terrestrial) The sea which meets the North Atlantic Ocean between Florida and South America, encompassing the many islands therein.

Carriers: 1. Short for non military ore carriers. They are generally made in space, and can be many kilometers long. They are under WD. The carriers connect up section after section (sometimes known as pods), and can be as many as four sections long. Often carrier-trains is used to express the long attached lengths of the carrier containers

2. Federation military carriers contain a compliment of between 100 to 800 fighters, and a total of onboard crew of 1,200 to 9,600. These ships pack a tight crew, have high morale. In the Federation of Jilta the word hive is used in slang to mean carrier, and darlt is often used for fighter. A darlt is an insect from Jiltanian mythology that when stirred would seek out its enemy anywhere to attack, even if it meant the insect itself died. The tradition of using this term goes back well before Federation of Jilta. New-Earth miniseries

Carriers, Ore Carriers: Unarmed Ships used to transport mining produce or spoil. While they are big they have a very small crew. New-Earth miniseries

Carvan: A city near two cross currents of water as well as geothermal power sources, and was one of four such citied devoted to manufacturing clean power for the other Aaron cities. Juggernaut miniseries

Castano, Carole: Corduke missionaire, 38 years old, short-lifer. From Jilta, and from parents, who were Templars. His father was a leading Cordello of Jilta. His rank was Captain. He was instrumental for saving Lorde Jaron stranded on Tors, saving Anki in Palbo, and becomes one of the most highly decorated Cordukes in his lifetime. Juggernaut miniseries

Cast-outs: The term given to those who are cast out into space unsuited. An illegal act, but practiced in some sectors, especially in remote mining areas.

Law systems turn a blind eye to the practice as most offences happen in return for illegal acts. That’s, when a person gets caught committing theft or murder, and there are no law enforcing officials around, often the local inhabitants, meet and pass sentence with cast-outing being the penalty. New-Earth miniseries

Catal Huyuk: (Terrestrial) 6,500 BC, Turkey. The world’s earliest city. Probable population 6,000. Houses were plastered with murals painted on walls showing people and farming. They grew wheat, barley, raised sheep and kept dogs. New-Earth miniseries

C-Day: See Intervention day. C stands for Change. New-Earth miniseries

Cenon: Pronounced Che’non. 1. A planet in the Jiltanian out worlds where both Belkron Blu and Castano served. 2. Population 212 million. Agrarian economy, feudal by nature. Gravity 1.02, 45% water, three races. Juggernaut miniseries

Centoria: A democratic rim sector of the galaxy, adjacent to Jilta.

Centoria is the capital system, where there are two inhabited planets. Being adjacent to Earth, Centoria has the most number of temple buildings, secondly only to Jilta. Centoria is the closest system capital to Earth. New-Earth miniseries

Centrifugal Force: An apparent force that acts outward on a body, moving around a center, coming from the body’s inertia. A bucket on a rope, being whirled around one’s body is apparently pushed out, by centrifugal force. Juggernaut miniseries

Centrifugal Gravity: (Terrestrial) Centrifugal force is that force created, when an object is in orbit, and is the force put on the object, away from the center of the orbit. That force is an artificial gravity. New-Earth miniseries

Centrecom: 1. Either a life-force or a computer program that ran the Six Worlds. It was responsible for the depopulation of almost all the Santonia Galaxy at its time. It existed on the other side of the Portal, but tied to Earth. It was defeated by Goren Torren and the Boguard and the race known as the Pleiadians. New-Earth Series 2. A spiritual life form that had a pure intent, to help mankind, but had a, human-made computer program, at it was corrupted. Earth Syndrome miniseries.

Celtron Centrum: The largest township on Celtron 4. New-Earth miniseries

Celtron 4: Military storage planet in the Hymondian sector. Population 2 million. Low water, little minerals. The planet has six moons and both Celtron 4 and its moons are used as storage yards for space ships that are now ineffective, can withstand gravity, and can be cannibalized for parts. New-Earth miniseries

Charlan: A senior official of the race Garloin beyond the portal. New-Earth miniseries

Charlene Johnson: North American female living in New York, befriended by Commander Beel to assist in the Federation cause. Single 32 years old. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Charlton, Navia: Social anthropologist from Academia Alson, companion and associate in Sequetus 3 to Independent Goren Torren. Torren and Charlton both attended Academia Alson together studying, prior to Torren applying for his Independent’s Certificate in Jilta. They were married for three years during at this time. Upon the end of the Battle of Sequetus 3 Navia moved to Sequetus.

3. On Earth, she headed the Torren corporate empire of ACI. That corporation collapsed after a siege, by the terrestrial forces. She then took on a role gathering data and waited for the return of Torren, using the new corporation Acram. Upon intervention she continued on in Sequetus, and went back to her earlier profession of lecturing in anthropology until her retirement. She wrote 23 books while as a lecturer to universities in New York, London and Tokyo. She died 480 standard years after C Day. She never returned to see Jilta, maintaining that she wanted to retain good memories of her home. She never remarried, no children. See NEW FEDERATION for more data. 4. She is considered by the House of Torren to be one of the Temples (see definition of Temples) of Sequetus 3. New-Earth miniseries

Chelo Bade: Student at Academia Alson, who discovered during her thesis, that life altered, during the travel during the warp drive fields. She was a friend of Mali Skanes and Arden Keote. Later, she worked for the Bank and vanished. She turned up on Mortifor station-city. Juggernaut miniseries

Chrononaut: 1. One who can not only send attention back into, and forward into time, but one who can take himself there and change events around him. 2. (Terrestrial) Chrono from Greek, Khronos “time”. Naut fro, Greek nautes “sailor.” Chrononaut – One who sails through time. Earth Syndrome miniseries

City Security (C-S): 1. The body of armed civilian security personnel who are responsible for the peace of Jilta. 2. Police. Juggernaut Series

Civilian Saucer Intelligence: (Terrestrial) American civilian UFO organization founded in New York City in 1954. The CSI conducted rigorous investigations into UFOs. They had what was said to be the best periodical on UFOs at the time. The CSI periodical is also claimed to have been a key source for J. Allen Hynek – particularly for overseas cases, for his research in Project Blue Book. During this time, the Robertson Panel was trying to divert cases away from Hynek. The organization became defunct in 1959, though its key players remained active in UFO research well into the 1970’s and on. New-Earth miniseries

Civvies: (Terrestrial) Slang. Civilians. It also means civilian clothes, civilian life, as distinct to military. New-Earth miniseries

Clapboard: A computer pad upon which a flashscan is taken for identification verifying the user. The palm and three fingers must be present. New-Earth miniseries

Class A rocket: Non-explosive rocket. No warhead. New-Earth miniseries

Class B rocket: Non-explosive rocket. No warhead. New-Earth miniseries

Class C rocket: A non-atomic warhead, but packed with liquefied explosive gel. Designed to explode and send the burning gel to other areas to set those other areas alight. New-Earth miniseries

Class D rocket. The warhead is packed with explosive shells, so that when the war head explodes, it sends armor piercing unexploded shells through armor plate and they in turn explode, on the other side of armor plate. New-Earth miniseries

Class J rocket: J is the Juggernaut miniseries, containing atomics of various subclasses. New-Earth miniseries

Clean: The jargon term, used by Boguard Fronts, trained in the use of thought, to mean that the person was thinking the truth, and was not thinking a thought that was a threat to the mission. Unclean meant the person was thinking of deceit. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Clean Heart: Pleiadian term. A person who does more good for society and self than harm. A person who abides by the ethical and moral codes, and laws of society. See also Blackheart. New-Earth miniseries

Clerical Law: The Templar law as written by the Foundation Temple Goren Torren or as was ratified by the Sortet, during meetings of the ruling Cordellos. Templar miniseries

Clerke, Agnes Mary: (Terrestrial) Popular astronomer. (1842 – 1907).

Clife: A long Federation military blade made from Magnopolop (a non metallic resilient compound) That’s worn in a sheath on every shocksuit. Clifes are either dress or combat style. Origin: from the days before Federation when the Royal race was planet bound, the clife was worn as an instrument for bonding of the earlier warrior clans. New-Earth miniseries

Cloud, FSS Cruiser: A 150 year old defending Hymondian cruiser for Jilta, with 40 interceptors and 2,880 crew. It was resurrected from Celtron 4, had Quantum Drives, survived the Battle of Sequetus 3.

Cold Hype: Death that results from exposure to subzero temperatures in space, freezing of the limbs and body. New-Earth miniseries

Colonel Johnson: USA citizen with NASA who joined the Hymondian defense forces defending Sequetus 3. He survived the Battle of Sequetus 3. Has the large Johnson Crater named after him on Mars. New-Earth miniseries

Comm-tact: Trade name for a mass commercial visual communications system, and network. By Comm-Tact Industries, Jilta. New-Earth miniseries

Communications Center: A ship has a bridge. A Base has a Communication Center, which is the focus of all data going in and out. It can also be called a War Room, or a Combat Information Center, depending on the sector. New-Earth miniseries

Compu: ® The largest computer manufacturer in Crackess. Famed (or infamous) for its early invention – intelligent computers. After the Medallian Rebellion, the Compu executives were interned off-planet and CCP administrators placed inside the company. After this the company expanded, to become the largest interplanetary corporation in the Federation, with 1.7 million staff, in total. New-Earth miniseries

Compubanks: ® A collective name for viewscreens and computers, which plot a craft’s course and synchronize with Warp Drives. Manufactured by Compu Systems Interplanetary Inc. New-Earth miniseries

Compuboard: ® Often found in airports, these boards are an instant tally board showing craft departures and arrivals. In a space fleet they are used to show the tally of battle. Manufactured by Compu Systems Interplanetary Inc. Ne

w-Earth miniseries

Compudata: ® Abbreviation for Computer Data or non-intelligent computer information, or in slang: a dry-computer – meaning no intelligence. Manufactured by Compu Systems Interplanetary Inc. New-Earth miniseries

Compuscreens: ® Computer screens manufactured by Compu Systems Interplanetary Inc. New-Earth miniseries

Computers, Intelligent: 1. 5,550 Standard Galactic Years prior to Federation, Luis Medallia developed the first recorded fully mobile intelligent computer. At the time it was recorded as a brilliant technological marvel. Not only could it store and extrapolate data to logical conclusions, but also it had the ability to self perpetuate in other computers. The basis of all intelligent computers was the program create, coupled with the subprogram survive. 2. Intelligent computers led to the lowering of human-life to that of a servile status to computers. Without the intervention of neighboring galactic civilizations, and the Medallian Rebellion, these social degrading phenomena of humankind would have spread throughout the Santonia Galaxy. It’s speculated that without the Rebellion, within several millennium, all humanoid races may have become extinct. The cost of the Medallian Rebellion was fifteen billion humanoid lives which were needed to defeat the intelligent machines. New-Earth miniseries

Condon Report: (Terrestrial) Dr Edward Uhler Condon, physicist of the University of Colorado headed what was formally called the University of Colorado UFO Project, funded by the US Air Force, from 1966 to 1968. The result of this work was formally titled: Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, and was known as the Condon Report.

Upon examining hundreds of UFO files from the Air Force’s Project Blue book, and evidence from civilian groups such as APRO, the final report said the study of UFOs was unlikely to yield major scientific discoveries. Some have claimed the report merely covered up the UFO problem for the Air Force. New-Earth miniseries

The photo above is from a creditable eye-witness that the Condon Report couldn’t explain.

Confederacy: The loose governing body, democratic, that ruled the known outer galaxy prior to the conquest by the Federation. The full title is The Confederated Council of Planets. (CCP) It existed loosely for a hundred and twenty thousand years. The Federation defeated it in only decades defeated it. New-Earth miniseries

Confederacy: Full title - Confederated Council of Planets. (CCP) The loose and often extended term applied to the political attempt to bring the multitude of races, political systems et al together to end the warring of two hundred and thirty standard years in the Santonia Galaxy. The Confederacy failed at total unification and was succeeded by the Federation. New-Earth miniseries

Confederacy: Travel could take decades. As a result the Confederacy was never conquered by a single force or in agreement with itself. Often planets would get forgotten and cultures rediscovered over centuries. New-Earth miniseries

Conquest: The CCP was conquered by the Federation. While many planets simply didn’t fight and changed governorship of who was ruling them, some planets resisted and fought the Federation fleets and armies. During this fighting many government sections of cities were razed and government records lost. This was as much a cultural and economic set back as anything else. It was a loss of historical records. New-Earth miniseries

Consol Agent: The chief and legal representative of an intragalactic corporation to a planet. Similar in status to an ambassador. New-Earth miniseries

Consorted Galactic Mining. Founder - Bin Gruff. Peel, Kalanon. Mostly it was mining titanium on Celtron 4. It had no interests outside the Hymondian sector, and had 2,500 employees. Effectively dissolved at the Battle of Sequetus 3. The miners remaining after the battle renamed the company and moved its corporate headquarters to Earth. New-Earth miniseries

Control-fathers: Those who implemented the program to go back in time to avert the catastrophe that happened in the Galaxy, which originated in Sequetus 3. They in turn became to be known as the Masters on Six Worlds. New-Earth miniseries

Consulair: Boguard rank, reserved for Aaron born Boguard. It means the ruling executive council of the Boulan of Ataran, Yaltipia. Comes from local Aaron, Consul meaning advisor (Cons – advice, word or knowledge), and airus, meaning like. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Conversion, ship: Ship conversion refers to the changing of a Warp Drive system, of impelling life to power a ship, allowing life to join with the free-fleet, and willingly power a ship by free choice. The actual conversion is done by the life-forces, running the Boguard Man-o-War ships; imbuing life and freedom, into a trapped life, which is under threat and duress, in the Warp Drive compartments of a Warp Drive Bank vessel. Earth Syndrome Series

Copernicous, Nicolaus: (Terrestrial) 1473 – 1543 Polish. Until Copernicus’ time it was taught that the Earth was flat. He published a book, which came out after his death. The Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres. The book made an impact on Galileo and other scientists. The Church banned the book. He worked for the Church most of his life and died from a coma following a stroke. New-Earth miniseries

Cordellos: The heads of the Houses, which represent the strongest Temples. There are Ten Cordellos, but that will be later expanded, to include more Minor Temples. There were originally fiver Cordellos, and they were presided over by the Great Sharman. There were another five Cordellos representing the Lessor Houses. This number has been increasing, as the Outer-Worlds becomes inhabited.

The word comes from old Standard Galactic cordelle, meaning small rope, indicating the knotted cord worn by the Cordellos. Templar miniseries

Cordukes: A network thirty years old at the writing of the fifth book, in Templar Series. It’s an intelligence gathering service, in employ of the Master Templar. It comes from the old Standard Galactic word, chorda, which comes from the confederacy term khorde, meaning string of a musical instrument. The connotation here, being that, if the Master Templar uses his Cordukes well, there will be harmony within the Temple. Juggernaut miniseries

Coreen Wind: The name given, to the cold wind of winter that comes off the mountains, of Tors. Before the Coreen Wind arrives, locals know to vacate the mountains. Juggernaut miniseries

Corrado City: Population of 700,000, and a Bank run city. On Jilta, north, northern hemisphere. Juggernaut miniseries

Council: 1. Another term for the Confederated Council of Planets, CCP. 2. Confederacy, CCP, Council, Confederated Council of Planets. New-Earth Series

Council of Order: A Boguard small body of persons whose task it was to decide what areas the Boguard should influence, and how, to bring about the goals of the Aaron. Templar Series

Crackess (Krackass): 1. Home of the Confederacy inspired uprisings against the Federation in the Hymondian Realm. This cost the lives of three million civilians and military. 2. Planet in the Federation that previously was relegated to backwaters after severe depression. It being a mining planet that also relied heavily on computer manufacture, it was depressed economically after the Medallian Rebellion. The planet later changed its name to Karakas. New-Earth Series

Crackess Uprisings: See Crackess. New-Earth miniseries

Cravana: Settlement in the Amazon of Sequetus 3. Population 420, at date 1,000 BS, and an outpost for the federation. It once had a population of 50,000 at date 500 BS. Templar miniseries

Credit: 1. The galactic pronunciation of the credit is dahl. Its subunit is dihlo, and takes ten dihlos to a dahl, and ten strake to make a dihlo. For the sake of translation in this book we use the word credit. 2. Federation unit of currency, whereby tied to the Average Production Index. The average person earns about seven hundred credits (dahls) a week, but this varies upon the wealth of the planet. The value of credits remains constant and inflation and deflation are negligible with the Average Production Index system. 3. Material assets only rose and fell against the Average Production Index, not credits. New-Earth miniseries

Credit-Control-Office: A co

ntrolling office for credit liaison. Similar to a bank. on Sequetus 3. Juggernaut miniseries

Crosshair Nebula: The giant gas cloud in the Pleiades wherein the Karo Series lies. It’s a collection of dust particles that block out much view through the Pleiades. New-Earth miniseries

Cruiser: The largest Federation military strike ship. It’s half a Kinopac long of destructive power. It houses between forty to sixty interceptors with five escort fighters for each interceptor. Personnel number around 3,000 per ship. New-Earth miniseries

Crustaceans: (Terrestrial) Any ocean bearing planet’s seafood with an outer shell, such as crab and lobster. New-Earth miniseries

Cuneiform: A scrip, and wedged shape series of symbols, which number 1000 at the beginning of the language period, to 400 at the end, over three thousand years.

The period starts around 4000 BC to 1000 BC, and the language was still in use a thousand years later. There are around a million known cuneiform clay tablets. The tablets are fired clay, meaning that they were inscribed upon, and then fired to very hard resistant surfaces, so that today they are still easily read.

The language has been understood, and easily translated. The language started from picture grams. The word cuneiform means wedge shaped. Earth Syndrome Series

Cydonia: (Terrestrial) From the Viking 1 Mars orbiter and released by NASA/JPL on July 25 1976. The photographs revealed, what appears to be a huge p yramid, and face, on the planet surface, sculptured into a mountain. There is also claimed, what appears to be the remnants of an old fortification. The findings have been controversial, as were follow up photos by the Surveyor craft. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Daffy: (Terrestrial) Animated cartoon character by Warner Bros. Daffy Duck. Popular on television 1960s - 70s. New-Earth miniseries

Danel Lyll: Miner from Kalanon, served with Galactic Consolidated Mining on Celtron 4. Died in the Battle of Sequetus 3, decorated. Was middle manager at GCM. Not married, parents Jane and Mel Lyll on Kalanon. New-Earth miniseries

Dapper: (Terrestrial) Neat, tidy, presentable, well dressed, smart in appearance. New-Earth miniseries

Darlt: Jiltanian insect in early mythology. It had 12 legs, was the size of a finger. It was said to travel to any length to carry out its deadly sting. In the myth the darlt wouldn’t stir until stirred. A darlt hive was said to have killed the son of the god of Jilta, after its hive was brushed against, accidently during a hunting tournament. The insect was thus given intelligence by the god – Taurius, so that when Taurius destroyed the darlt species, the insect would realize why it was being destroyed. The term kill like a darlt means to not carelessly choose your target, but to seek one’s target intelligently, with purpose, and not fall back until the kill has been effected. New-Earth miniseries

Dates: 1. As of fifteen years after the Battle of Sequetus 3 all dates of history were recorded from that data, which on Sequetus 3 was known as 1989. So the year 2000 on Sequetus 3 was recorded as BS 11. BS standing for Battle of Sequetus 3. 2. All dates before the battle have a minus symbol before the number. BS -50 is a date 50 years before the battle, and would be 1939 local date. New-Earth Series

Day-of-Foretelling: This day is prophesized by Anderson, the founder of The Temple on Sequetus 3. It is the day, when galactic life finished in its known form. A day of great destruction and enlightenment. Juggernaut miniseries

Decam: Slang term for decontamination when leaving an isolated world or system. New-Earth miniseries

Defense Fleet Destroyers: This large class off Jiltanian destroyer bristles with guns, torpedoes, and single man defense-sortie-craft. New-Earth miniseries

Defense Marshal: The most senior Marshal ranking. See Marshal. New-Earth miniseries

Defense Sortie Craft (DSC): Craft likened to suicide capsules designed to singularly target an enemy incoming ship. The single crewman may, or might not evacuate, just prior to impact. The craft would come in at speeds low enough to not be deflected by the Acron or Proposhields. Once the warhead was (armed with electromagnetic pulse - EMP) within the shields the DSC detonated. The Acron and Proposhields would then be eliminated. The atmosphere around the launch bays leaves the ship and makes the launch and landing bays inoperative. Those caught in the bays die instantly as their bodies explode out due to zero external pressure. The effected launch bays remain down and open for hours, enabling enemy crews to board and fight their way into the ship. The EMP not only downs the shields, which enables external laser fire to be effective, but it disengages electronics, making electrical doors inoperative. The DSC is a very powerful weapon, but has almost no return rates for its single crews. Not used in the Battle of Sequetus 3. Crews often have some external reason why they volunteer. All crews are volunteers. They and their families are always subsequently highly honored and decorated. New-Earth miniseries

Delerum: A planet, seventeen light years from Earth. The home of the bone traders, that brought about the extinction of the great dinosaurs on Sequetus 3. New-Earth miniseries

Delopacs: Ten thousand pacs, 10 Ks. New-Earth miniseries

Demigod: (Terrestrial) partly divine being, offspring of god and mortal; person who seems to have godlike powers. Demi – half-size, imperfect, partial. Latin demidais for half. Oxford Dictionary.

Destroyer: An IFFCo or Federation era military ship. It houses six interceptors and six fighters per interceptor. New-Earth miniseries

Dianne Smith: North American Caucasian woman living in New York, befriended by Commander Beel to assist in the Federation cause. Single 34 years old. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Dinkum: (Terrestrial) Australian slang for something being very honest and good. Often accompanied by the word fair and used in the phrase fair dinkum to mean very honest and good. New-Earth miniseries

Director of Alerts: A trouble shooter for the Imperial Federation Warp Drive Bank. His job is to prevent trouble, and prevent it from escalating. He has broad sweeping powers. Juggernaut miniseries

Dinosaur tracks: (Terrestrial) There are instances of dinosaur tracks and human footprints appearing fossilized in the same mud strata, such as in the Paluxy River, near Glen Rose, Texas. If these tracks are true, and they appear to be, then current traditional explanation needs re-explaining.

This would put humans here on this planet many millions of years ago. That isn’t to say these humans were not wiped out with the same catastrophes that wiped out the dinosaurs, but it does show that there is an unknown archeology to be explained. The above tracks are all found in Texas. In other ancient mud strata are found artifacts, such as what appears to be a gold toy plane, and in another strata a small perfect golden sphere, in mud strata dating back 50 billion years old. And when this “forbidden archeology” gets found, those who find it and promote it find they soon are jobless or worse. New-Earth miniseries

Dingo: The only native dog in Australia. Medium sized, it doesn’t bark. It is against the law to keep them as domestic animals, without a permit. They are wild throughout Australia. They are not a known threat to human life. New-Earth miniseries

Dispatchers: Staff – Boguard – who would deliver messages on behalf of Hymondy and ensure they are obeyed by the recipients. New-Earth miniseries

Dobel, Dagalt: Son of Haran Dobel, Governor General of Orbat, and Meleno Fagor. He is the head of Pleiadian security. Aged 256 years, trained in diplomacy, politics, and served ten years in the Pleiadian military. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Dobel, Haran: Governor General of Orbat. 425 years old, succeeded by six children. Married once. Son of Gelan Dobel. Baronal Amalo. He was involved in the intervention of Sequetus 3, and became a personal friend of Hymondy III. Haran was a professional politician, since the age of one hundred and twenty years. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Dobel, Telanor: Daughter of Haran Dobel, and Meleno Fagor. Daughter of the Governor General of Orbat. She is two hundred and thirty years old, a

graduate of three acadamias, married, with one son. Earth Syndrome miniseries.

Docks and Checks: The docking procedure used in space, and where the crew and ship are inspected per regulations. New-Earth miniseries

Dockside: The Malukan installation on the outer of the Sequetus system as a security station. It has 45 staff, and is mostly military, with a small scientific attachment. It houses interceptors which can reach all over the system. New Earth miniseries

Docs and Socks: Slang term for Docks and Checks where the crew is inspected for disease by System Security - Dockside. Docs here means; the medical doctors inspecting the crew and ship for infections and diseases, and socks meaning they search (via scanners) everything, even your socks. New-Earth miniseries

Doctor A. P. Minsk: Soviet scientist in search of extraterrestrial life in the 1950s – 1970’s. New-Earth miniseries

Doe-dawn: On Orbat and Yaltipia in the Karo Series of the Pleiades, there is the reverse of doe-dusk. It lasts for about ten hours for much of the planet. New-Earth miniseries

Doe-dusk: On Orbat and Yaltipia there is about eight hours of marginal dark twilight, which is sufficient for use as a surrogate night. Pleiadians don’t originate from the Karo system, but migrated there. See the diagram below for doe-dusk. New-Earth miniseries

Do-gooder: A Talkron derogative term, seeped into the cultural psych of a planet, aimed at, and designed to degrade, those who might want to reform evils in society. Accusing a person of being a do-gooder is meant to deter a targeted person from bringing about social reform. Prevalent on Maluka. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Drysuit: “The helmet was similar to that of any aquanaut. Breathing tubes were connected to the suit through a series of cells, it was able to draw oxygen out of the water. The used air was expelled through the suit walls, which were of a molecular size small enough, being then absorbed by the water.” New-Earth miniseries

Duality: The universe can’t exist as singular events, items or happenings. It exists as dualities. Men and women are one such duality. New-Earth miniseries

Duchy: Duchies, may have up to a thousand stars of which only a few may have habitable planets. A sector has 1001 stars or more. There are two Duchies in the federation – Kalanon and Celtronia. New-Earth miniseries

Dwatt: Pronounced “dwot.” A genetically engineered insect, created to become a military weapon against Earth and its last colonies. 150 millipacs long, and deadly. They hunt in swarms, and multiply at an extraordinary rate. Thought to be related to the Jiltanian Darlt. The dwatt was used against several of Earth’s worlds. Where it was engineered isn’t known. New-Earth miniseries

Eastern Block: (Terrestrial) Refers to the communist countries on the western side of the Soviet Union, during the days of the Cold War. This included East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia and others. The Eastern Block was those countries controlled by the USSR, which formed a block or buffer between Western Europe and the USSR. New-Earth miniseries

Early Works, The: 1. The basic first historical record of the Pleiadians, which shows how they arrived in the Pleiades, and also, how to develop one’s potential. 2. Historical record in full, originated from within the Boguard. New-Earth miniseries

Earthside: Local slang for being stationed on Sequetus 3. New-Earth miniseries

Econdar: An education city of the Aaron in Yaltipia. It housed students and educators and administrators and had a population of 65,000 population. It was near the equator. Templar miniseries

Economy Drive: 1. The name given to societies that exist for profit principles. While economy drive is confused with democracy, non-democratic societies do follow and can be built around economic driven principles. 2. Where principles of money and economics are the senior reasons for existence and decision making. New-Earth miniseries

ECT: (Terrestrial) Electro Convulsive Therapy. This is done to anyone deemed mentally ill, and diagnosed as needing the treatment. It can be up to 400 volts passing through the brain. This creates a grand mal (seizure) – a wave of electrical current that travels around the skull, burning brain tissue as it goes. It is performed mainly on old women, pregnant women and children. It is used in developed and developing nations alike today. New-Earth miniseries

Eighty Twenty Motion, The: A motion passed in the UN 2020, whereby the security council members could be vetoed from vetoing a bill if 80 percent of the General Assembly voted against the veto. This was hailed as a coming of age, for the smaller nations. New-Earth miniseries

Electromagnific: ® Also Electro Magnific. 1. A trade name for a visual entertainment machine package. Often found in bars and sports venues. 2. Trade name given to electronic holographic projection, usually in the form of visual arts and entertainment. Manufactured by EM Corp Inc. Tell, Pilic. New-Earth miniseries

Electroware: ® A trade name for spaceware that is heat regulated, often worn under Shocksuits. Founded by A. L. Bronal, industrial magnate based on Jilta. New-Earth miniseries

Element analyzer: It analyses the physical elements for their various properties, a planet’s atmosphere, the temperature of space etc. New-Earth miniseries

Elevator: (Terrestrial) Lift. Interchangeable term for lift. New-Earth miniseries

Elevators: These are used to exclusively lift great tonnage into space. In effect they are one big gravity plate with two pilots and one navigator. Twenty-five elevators can lift a destroyer off a planet with specific gravity of 1.0. New-Earth miniseries

Elypsom: Federation destroyer parked above Sequetus 3. Its orders are to position itself over wherever Independent Goren Torren is located on Earth, for protection. The Elypsom is a survivor of the Battle of Sequetus 3.

Elysium: (Terrestrial) The place at the ends of the Earth where favored heroes are taken by the gods after death. Also means a place of happiness or state of perfect happiness. f Latin from Greek Elusion (Pedion) (plain) of the blessed. New-Earth miniseries

Elysium Quadrangle: (Terrestrial) One of a series of 30 quadrangle maps of Mars. Covers an area 1800 to 2250 west longitude and 00 to 300 north latitude. It contains major volcanoes Elysium Mons and Abor Tholus, and river valleys. (See Notes)

Empire House: On Palbo, Empire House was built to accommodate the military and administrative interface with the governments of Palbo. The building had 75 floors and encompasses six city blocks. Some said it had secret rooms of that the construction crews were not allowed to enter, it was that secret. The building itself was neo classical in style. It had a special section to accommodate psychron administration and experiments. The building was also serviced underground by its own rail loop service, its own landing decks for shuttles, and dedicated satellites above, for security and communications. Templar miniseries

Empire of Earth: It lost in civil war to long-lifers, in BS 5789. The Earth Empire that ruled the Galaxy for over five thousand standard years. New-Earth miniseries

Empty Way, The: The Empty Way comes from the belief that the universe itself is nothing but an illusion, an empty way to fulfillment, and a false fulfillment. The Talkron adopted this philosophy. It means not only is universe empty but that people can theoretically move through the universe as though it’s empty. They can control it, as though it weighs less than a feather. Being Talkron, means to be in absolute control of The Empty Way. Juggernaut miniseries

Enemy Agent: (Terrestrial) It is interesting that there are reports of enemy agents on this planet. For example, if one was to read the two versions of the same book by Robert Temple (Sirius Mystery) in the second version he has a preface explaining what happened to him after he published the first version book, twenty years prior. He was visited and harassed for publishing his findings. He wrote that he thought it was the CIA. That may or may not be a correct conclusion, but it was notable that he was harassed for publishing a very scientific and well-researched book on visitations to the peoples of West Africa from the Sirius st

ars. In another book called Forbidden Archeology, the writers researched an enormous amount of archeological finds that make no sense in today’s archeological model. Here are many examples of artifacts – obviously human, civilized and made with machines, dating back millions of years, even billions, that that have been found on this planet. Those who bring them forward get dismissed; find they have no work in the future at universities and so on.

This author of the New-Earth Series recalls back when Chariots of the Gods, by von Danekin, first came out in Australia. Teams of people went to schools to instruct students on the so-called inaccuracy of the book. This author wondered at the time what was in the book that had these people so worried that they would visit all these schools stamping out this new thought.

There are now teams of people who deride certain topics on the internet. They cannot totally control what goes on the internet but they can make snide comments - anonymously, to stop people reading more of the topic themselves. It will happen to this book series, the New-Earth Series, no doubt. The question is, is this activity due to our own Earth agencies wanting to keep the information to remain unknown, so as to maintain control over the populace by avoiding a panic, or is this phenomenon from agencies elsewhere, who want to keep the data hidden? To get more on this, one will need to read the New-Earth Series in full, and its sequel series, if one is truly interested to learn more of these people. But make no mistake; such people are well trained in PR, as well as intelligence. New-Earth miniseries

Enemy of the State bill: Those deemed enemies of the state have no statutory right to self-defense and the services that the state offers to its usual members of society. The philosophy of these new laws was that if you’re an enemy, why should the state protect you with its laws? These laws were repealed ten years after C Day. New-Earth miniseries

Engineers, Federation: Federation Engineers are famous for their work, repairing almost anything, getting bases occupied, making bridges, and so on. Generally, they are non-combat crew. New-Earth miniseries

Ensil, Nelo Cammander: Commander of the FAS Cruiser Impeel BA 15 – 28 stationed off from Sequetus 3. Graduated Jilta Military Training College with honors. Parents Waldo Ensil and Dunca Borana of Jilta. New-Earth miniseries

Erb, aka Rerbet Fole: Of Celtron 4, a caretaker in charge of Onground Wrecking Yards Inc. New-Earth miniseries

Erin Torb: A retired Reserve Marshal (Three Star) of the Hymondian fleet. New-Earth miniseries

Esperanto: (Terrestrial) n. Artificial universal language designed in 1887. Its inventor was L. L. Zamenhof, a Polish physician d. 1917. (f. L sperare hope) Its purpose was to create a universal language of Earth. New-Earth miniseries

Estimate, also intelligence estimate: (Terrestrial) From the Free Dictionary – 1. “The appraisal, expressed in writing only, of available intelligence relating to a specific situation or condition with a view to determining the courses of action.” 2. “The strategic estimate of the capabilities, vulnerabilities, and proposed courses of action of foreign nations produced at the national level and as a composite of….” New-Earth miniseries

Executive Council of Ataran: The 12 members of the Boulan are known as Consulairs. They have life appointments, until retired or death takes them. It’s a great day when a new member is admitted. They reside in Ataran, Yaltipia. Earth Syndrome miniseries.

Exodus Week: As with clerical law, the Outer-Worlds celebrate a week remembering the exodus from Earth, to the newer Outer-Worlds, such as Rambus. Templar miniseries

Expeditionary Force: The title given to the Hymondian defense fleet of Sequetus 3. See Book Two.

Expedition Fleet: The Boguard fleet, of 4 ships, including a Man-O-War, which goes out on a mission for a designated predetermined objective. A total crew complement of up to 200. Templar miniseries

Express-undertube: The name given to the underground magno-rail link, that bridges Jilta P.C. and its outer lying sister cities. Juggernaut miniseries

Fair dinkum: see dinkum. New-Earth miniseries

Far-Colonies: The Maluka far-Colonies are the remnants, of the flotsam of society. This is where thieves, criminals and the useless of society are shipped. There are sixteen known far-Colonies of Maluka. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Far-Outer-Worlds: The worlds beyond the Outer-Worlds, and beyond the center of the Galaxy. The far-Outer-Worlds number in the thousands. Juggernaut miniseries

Far-saw, far-see: The ability to see something remotely from a distance, well away from the object to be seen. New-Earth miniseries The doing, or putting a mental machine, either elsewhere is space, and or time, and viewing through that machine what is there and having that machine transmit the data back to oneself. Remote viewing is another name for this. All persons can do this, until they enter drugs, medications, toxins or chemical agents into the body, and then the ability fades. Additional note

Farsen: A region of space with few planets, but ruled over, by the Federation. New-Earth miniseries

FCS: Federation Civilian Ship. The title given to a registered civilian vessel, within the Federation. New-Earth miniseries

Federation: Stands for The Imperial Galactic Federation, The Lordes Of All Worlds And Vassals Within The Domains Of The Galaxy. It has been the governing body that ruled the Galaxy after the CCP. New-Earth miniseries

Federation: 1. The Imperial Galactic Federation (IGF), The Lordes of All Worlds and Vassals within the Domains of Santonia Galaxy (Santonia - Quadrant 451f or New General Catalogue 9154 Galaxy [Terrestrially termed Galaxy]). 2. FEDERATION - formally established in the standard year 13,576 upon cessation of the Santonia Wars of 13,331-574. Federation saw an end of 116,158 separate intra galactic domains of varying strengths. 3. Galactic political unification through federation after 120,000 years of varying peace and interplanetary warfare. New-Earth miniseries

Federation Fleet Command; 1. (IFFCo – Intragalactic Federation Fleet Command) The military command of the Federation fleets. On planet armies aren’t subject to IFFCo, but come under Planet Military and Guard – PMG, the military force over guards, and guardsmen and on-planet troopers. 2. IFFCo pronounced “if-co”, is the vast interstellar military arm of the Federation. It’s represented on all planets. 3. IFFCo doesn’t usurp the sovereign power of the royal sectors, and the sovereignty of each sector was senior to IFFCo, until the arrival of the junta that ruled the Federation, then IFFCo became senior to civilian authority. New-Earth miniseries

Federation Language Council: 1. A body of linguistic scholars from many sectors, who hold positions on the council in rotation. They were given a mandate to establish a common language so that all Federation sectors could communicate with each other. 2. A council of administrators and academia language specialists who by their design, develop and bring into use one language for the Galaxy. 3. To bring about peace it was considered to bring about communication by dialogue, instead of weapons. To do this a single common language was needed so Standard Galactic was developed and still is being developed. 4. The Language Council was originally a concept pushed into the CCP by the Boguard, but as transport was less-than-light speeds then the concept was impractical. After WD speeds were available the concept was accepted by the Federation. New-Earth miniseries

Federation Sectors: See attached front map. The sixteen Federation Sectors are: Hymondy, Maluka (Maluku), Pilik, Timbor, Penec, Centor, Qilto, Siltonia or Silt, Tilk, Patua, Serene, Penetia, Kalanon, Celtronia, Kantee and Farsen. Farsen did exist until taken by neighboring hostile sectors of Qilto, Penec and Pilik. Each sector is made up of provinces. New-Earth miniseries

Feelay: Pronounced Fee-lay A. She is the life unit, running a Man-o-War under Captain Markoni in the Malukan Sector. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Feelup: A small fury Martian mammal, which lives in trees. They are dark colored, with small bushy type tails. They are similar to what would be a cross between a domestic cat

and a squirrel from Sequetus 3. They appear friendly, show affection, though timid. They have communications skills to other species, and have an apparency of mental reading. While feelups can be tamed, they aren’t considered a domestic animal. New Earth miniseries

Ferry-copter: A four-bladed rotorcraft that carries up to ten passengers. Various sizes. Juggernaut miniseries.

Feli Mack: Hallowman, recruited from, Academia Alson. He came from a mixed marriage of short and long-lifer. Both parents died in a vehicle crash at his early age. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Felice Karo: See Karo, Felice. New-Earth miniseries

Felicia: Capital of the province Felince of Tors. Population 17 thousand. Tropical, but known for heat. Juggernaut miniseries

Fernil: Boguard, who worked on Earth with Goren Torren after The Battle of Sequetus 3. New-Earth miniseries

Ferry-copter: A four-bladed rotorcraft that carries up to ten passengers. Various sizes. Juggernaut miniseries.

Fever, the: Beyond the Portal term for a viral infection in the stomach that gives fever and vomiting. Potentially fatal. The virus attacks the lining of the stomach and eats its way through it. New-Earth miniseries

Fibrerail: The train That’s used, through the tunnels of Yaltipia. The railcars are pulled up and down the canyons, more for vertical travel, but also lateral, to a degree. Templar miniseries

Fighters: 1. Fighters are the only real defense craft against interceptors. They are non-atmospheric and short ranged, and very fast. Usually they are quartered on carriers, cruisers or destroyers. 2. Fighters have a complement of one pilot with sometimes a second co-pilot.

Two more of the fighter crew remain at the carrier, so each fighter has a tight assigned squad of four personnel. Fighters further have allocated to them, a general staff of seven more support crew (cooks, doctors, administration staff etc) on board a carrier, cruiser or destroyer. Thus each fighter carries ten to twelve personnel. Also see carriers for more data. New-Earth miniseries

Filpar: Doctor of Philosophy, Sequetus 4 - Mars scientist and sociologist. New-Earth miniseries

Final Battle: BS 26 That battle which was waged around Earth as the last battle for the Federation Alliance against the Far Federation. It was after the Alliance had fallen, subsequently to Jilta being taken. Those not under the Far Federation gathered around Sequetus for one last stand. The Alliance forces were outnumbered 10 to one. New-Earth miniseries

Fio Wran: Hymondian trooper at Sequetus. Served on the FSS Cruiser Nebulus in the Battle of Sequetus 3. Heritage unknown. Orphaned to the state, and brought up by foster parents on Jilta. Later she became a Jiltanian politician for ten years supporting human-rights issues in the New Federation. New-Earth miniseries

First Fleet: The First Fleet was those first ships bringing the pioneers to the new worlds for settlement. Each planet had its own First Fleet. Those who came on the First Fleet were revered. Templar miniseries

Flashscan: An instant scan of human details taken with multiple bands of light. The scan checks for life in what is being scanned, as well as other details such as finger prints, palm prints, foot prints, iris recognition, facial recognition etc. People aren’t always aware they have been flashscanned as these are used in docking bays, banks, stores, airports, trains, and even highways. New-Earth miniseries

Fleet Command: IFFCo tradition is that when there is a fleet, the Flagship of the fleet is the most powerful of the fleet ships, likely a cruiser. The fleet commander is in charge of the fleet of ships, and the captain of that cruiser where the fleet command is set up, is in charge of his own ship. The fleet commander doesn’t run the cruiser, which is his flagship. The cruiser captain or cruiser commander does that. New-Earth miniseries

Fleet Sequetus: The fleet in Sequetus at BS 30 was:

FSS Flagship Morcan Class Destroyer Galpham.

The FSS Destroyer Batton.

The FSS Battleclass Realm.

The FBS Moonbase.

The FBS Dockside.

The FBS Mars Base.

FBS stands for Federation Base Station.

FSS stands for Federation Service Ship. New-Earth miniseries

Floater: Originally, a registered trademark, but now the term is used to mean any low speed city vehicle that can reverse gravity. (The polarity of broadmatter is reversed in series so that gravity phenomenon is defied.) The effect is that a floater can float any distance above a planet. Governors are placed on the vehicles, which control the floaters’ height limitation, such as 20 pacs, 50 pacs, 100 pacs, 200 pacs. Templar miniseries

Fluid-wellness: Given to any crew in the infirmary who are ill aboard Federation military vessels. It consists of protein mixes, vitamins and carbohydrates, depending on the body type. There are a dozen varieties, and within those types, various strengths. New-Earth miniseries

Fly: (Terrestrial) Fly tent. A fly is the roof part of a tent, and has no sides or doors. It is tied and tethered like any other tent. Often it is used to provide shade or shelter under which can be assembled tables, chairs etc. New-Earth miniseries

Foil, Tibb: Defense Marshal (Five Stars) of Jilta. Absolute Supreme Commander who during times of attack technically outranks Lorde Hymondy in the defense of Jilta. Educated at Warren Military Academy Jilta. Son of Violy Tibb and Ranie Surr, Jilta PCC. See Book Two.

Food-prep: The name given for selecting, readying and producing meals. New-Earth miniseries

Foo-fighters: (Terrestrial) UFOs that dogged Allies and Axis aircraft during WW2 around the Pacific and European theatres of war. These are well documented and experienced by both sides of the war. Witnesses often thought they were seeing secret project aircraft, sometimes of the other side. New-Earth miniseries

Fortunates: A slang term, for those who seemed to just luck-in, during their missions, during their time in the Hallowmen. It all just goes right. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Fransibar: Planet Capital of Orbat, of the Karo System, of the Pleiades. Population fifty-eight million. New-Earth miniseries

Free-area: Slang for a place free of tight discipline. New-Earth miniseries

Free Areas: 1. Areas, which are free from certain codes of military law. Often found as the recreation areas of military personnel. 2. Slang - Free Areas are also civilian commercial areas, of trade. New-Earth miniseries

Free bay: The very center of the battleclass is free of gravity, it is the docking bay for visiting craft. New-Earth miniseries

Free-food: Food which doesn’t have its DNA owned by any individual, or group or corporation. Anyone can take its seed and grow it without royalties being paid. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Free Galactic Federation: A name given for the group that Lorde Hymondy signed his document on behalf of; authorizing Goren Torren, to continue his search for what was going on in Sequetus 3 and the known Galaxy. New-Earth miniseries

Free-food: Food which doesn’t have its DNA owned by any individual, or group or corporation. Anyone can take its seed and grow it without royalties being paid. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Frigate: A warship by the Templar movement, which was brought into being, to counter the piracy against its colonies. It had up to 45 crew. Templar miniseries

FSS: Federation Service Ship; the title given to each military ship in the Federation. New-Earth miniseries

Fundamental form: The original form that populated the Galaxy long before changes that adapted the body to environmental requirements. “People from Earth have fundamental form.” New-Earth miniseries

Fundamentels: The New World Doctrine followers refer to as being from the Temple and who have lost their way. Juggernaut miniseries

Future: The Boguard understand the universe to merely be a series of nows, lasting a very short duration, and that when all the nows are run consecutively, then life appears to exist, like a stream. However, as the life of the Boguard is considered separate to the physical u

niverse, and actually in not part of it, then the Boguard, theoretically, isn’t controlled by time. It’s the belief of some Boguard that they have already lived many lifetimes in the past, and, also in the future. Whilst some can easily recall their past identities, some believe they may also recall their future and alter the future thereby and thus have an effect, on the present. Templar miniseries

Galactic Council, Boguard: It’s the Council's sole purpose to guide the future of the Galaxy towards a path of greater survival. Templar miniseries A working subcommittee of the Executive Council of Ataran. Additional note.

Galaxy: (Terrestrial) The Milky Way is the Galaxy. Galaxy means milky way, and it also means the universe. Once there was thought to only be all the stars above in the heavens and they were in this Galaxy, called the Milky Way. There was no other Galaxy other than this Galaxy. There is no other name for it than above. Later on other galaxies were discovered. Thus you will read the term Galaxy as capitalized and it means the Milky Way, the Galaxy that Earth is part of. New-Earth miniseries

Galmo: A dry planet, with a breathable atmosphere. A servitude (prison) planet, of the Far Colonies of Maluka. The planet supports life at the polar regions, where there is water. Gravity is 1.03. Oxygen 11%. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Galpham, Flagship FSS Destroyer: Set up in Sequetus 3 region, after the Final Battle, the Galpham was an old very early Warp Drive Malukan destroyer. Under the command of Commander Sturick. It boasted two interceptors. New-Earth miniseries

Gambeen, Cruiser: Formerly Malukan, but after the Battle of Sequetus 3 the ship became part of the alliance. It surrendered to the Jiltanians after a brief battle over the system Maluku. New-Earth miniseries

Gandin, Guard Instructor: Boguard leader, who lead the assault on Mount Drapper in Sleebo, against the pirate base. Templar miniseries

Gangels, Mount: The tallest mountain in Jilta, 250 Ks due west of Jilta PCC. Height 4,289 pacs, said to be home to the gods of Jilta. New-Earth miniseries

Garato: The Nalpan martial art of fighting, with rope and wire. New-Earth miniseries

Garloid: The long thin bodied race working on the planetoid Tibel, where Centercom exists beyond the portal. New-Earth miniseries

Garnow: Local villager of the Handart village of the planet Tors, who befriends Jaron and helps him, after he was saved from an assassination attempt on Palbo. Juggernaut miniseries

Garth Kwot: Malukan rebel, aged 312 years. Two children. Both died, while in the service of the government. Garth Hant had been sentenced, and incarcerated, for voicing privately, opinions against the state. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Garule: Boguard, who, with Trabune and Arden Keote tracked Chelo Bade to Mortifor, from Carridan City of Jilta. Juggernaut miniseries

Gaudsmit, Samual: (Terrestrial) Brookhaven National Laboratories physicist, member of the Robertson Panel, which was set up by US Intelligence in response to the Washington Flap of saucers and other UFO phenomena in 1952. Gaudsmit was an associate of Albert Einstein. New-Earth miniseries

Gavii fruit: A tangy melon fruit that originated on the planet Paxel. Now common on most water planets and commercially grown, for market. Its fruit is often crushed for juice extracts and is a strong source of vitamins and minerals, notably vitamin B3. Juggernaut miniseries

General Surgeon: On a ship or a military base the head of the medical corps was called the General Surgeon. New-Earth miniseries

Gelroy, Marl: Commander of the FSS Batton, BS 30. Gelroy was a commander of Malukan forces before the Battle of Sequetus 3. New-Earth miniseries

Gibson Desert: (Terrestrial) A large inland desert in central Western Australia, of 155,900 square kilometers, where temperatures will often exceed 40 degrees Celsius. New-Earth miniseries

Giordano, Bruno: (Terrestrial) Born in Italy 1548, became a Dominican priest in 1565, but fled 11 years later due to his ideas.

He was the first to suggest what later would be best accepted as atomic and molecular theory, and that even atoms could eventually be broken down into an undividable element – thought. He believed in life on other worlds and believed in multiple universes existing at once.

He claimed that Earth was in motion around the sun, there were millions of solar systems like ours, all moving, and that planets shone by reflected light from their suns, which were luminous. He spoke in Germany, London and taught his theories in Oxford. His ideas had him brought before the Church Inquisition in Italy, and while he invited the inquisitors to view the moons revolving around Jupiter they refused. He was burned at the stake in 1600. New Earth miniseries

Glyd, Tine: Miner, worked as Deputy Executive Officer of Consorted Galactic Mining. He died in the Battle of Sequetus 3. Son of Bora and Melo Glyd of Peel. New-Earth miniseries

Goddess Of War: Amy of Rambus, Goddess of War, was a short lifer, from Rambus. To some, she became a godlike deity. (Terrestrial) 2. Athena was one such goddess. , so was the spear carrying Ankt of Egypt. Annouke, elder goddess of war of Egypt., Andraste of Celtic Britain, and Anahita of Persia. There have been others. Juggernaut miniseries

Gods of Jilta: 1. From mythology, dating back 15,000, who were said to be the ruling class and who ruled the world from Mount Gangels. 2. A saying, exclamation of emphasis. By the Gods of Jilta…. New-Earth miniseries

Gogon: A Malukan prison planet belonging to the old Malukan Empire. It was previously known as Verlain II, being part of the Verlain Series. The planet had little exportable product and so never prospered in the galactic trade sense. It fell away from any importance. It became a planet, to which the Malukans sent prisoners. That became its only export importance. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Goldor: Administrative Member of the Confederated Council of Planets. New-Earth miniseries

Gondal, Croan: Midshipman, son of Toary and Prilo Gondal of Jilta. New-Earth miniseries

Goren Torren: 1. An independent, of Lorde Hymondy III. He graduated in Galactic Law at Academia Alson before being accepted into the School of Independent Learning of Jilta PCC. Once he had completed his apprenticeship, he finished a mandatory one year in the Federation Guards in a neighboring system, before returning for his independent internship. He was the youngest intern cadet and graduated with honors. He once was married to Navia Charlton. Other relationships unknown. He inherited his family estate early in life. No siblings.

2. Torren comes from old Jiltanian, torre or torenza meaning heavy rain, and Goren comes from gore meaning to fetch. The addition of the letter n is to indicate it’s a masculine word. So Goren Torren would mean the man who seeks to make the heavy rains, or the one who breaks the drought.

Goren Torren stops the assassin’s bullet in mid flight.

3. The Independent, as prophesied by The Early Works as Magi.

4. The personage as promoted by The Master Templar, and accredited to be the founder of the movement that grew later on. For more history, see the NEW-EARTH SERIES.

5. The foundation Temple for the Houses of Torren. See definition of Temple. New-Earth miniseries

GP 1: General Personnel Carrier #1, manufactured by Harun Industries of Jilta. Sixteen later, models succeeded GP 1 over a hundred and twenty years, after that Harun Industries collapsed. New-Earth miniseries

Gragon Weed: A poison plant, found on Palbo. Its properties, when ingested bring about a hypnotic state, whereby a person becomes easily suggestible. Juggernaut miniseries.

Grahams, Doctor William. Third Vice President of the Home Division of ACI, for the Continent of North America. The home division is that which dealt with government and contracts. Dr Williams had three children, held a PhD in Civil Engineering, and had been with ACI for three years, before his disappearance. Goren Torren appointed him personally. His body was recovered from the waters off Manhattan. The coroner’s report showed a high amount of pharmaceuticals and alcohol in his system. The official verdict was suicide. A late

r report commissioned by Navia found suicide very unlikely. A further report commissioned by the office of Lorde Hymondy, after C Day, found his death to be murder. His murderers were found and then brought to trial, and his name given the respect it deserved, and he and his family honored in retrospectively. New-Earth miniseries

Gralgol Maximons: Most senior Talkron, on the Kantee Planet. Aged 1279 Standard Years, and not from the Kantee region. He took over the operation of Kantee centuries before this story began, after several royals – such as Hymondy and the Duke of Kallon – never returned for rejuvenation. He has been administering the Talkron operations, for almost a millennium. Juggernaut miniseries

Grand Council: The highest ecclesiastic body of Templars, convened to adjudicate accused crimes, against the Temple. Templar miniseries

Grangow plant: A common plant, growing seven pacs high, in the temperate regions of Tors. There are over twenty varieties. The plant is used to build huts by natives and also used for fashioning implements. Juggernaut miniseries

Grango fruit: (Pronounced Gran-goh) The fruit from the Grangow plant. Common on Outer-Worlds, but not common in the old Federation. It’s a yellow citrus-like fruit, with thick skin, tangy sour juice and high in fiber. Juggernaut miniseries

Grason: The being that met Amanda and Jaron, in the planetoid Yildon of Six Worlds. Grason is a life form known as Angalian, a pure race, not native to the Santonia Galaxy. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Grassy knoll: (Terrestrial) Here is a reference to the assassination of JFK, (John Francis Kennedy), and President of the USA in the early 1960’s. The grassy knoll was a vantage point in Dallas from where he was reportedly assassinated. Eye witnesses stated that there were armed men, who fired on the president from this position. It is speculated that Kennedy wanted the US finance system under government control, as distinct from the Federal Reserve, which was a conglomeration of private bankers, who control the monetary supply in the USA. Kennedy issued the USA its own currency bank notes, backed by a wealth of silver bullion. This would have broken the Federal Reserve, except for his assassination. After his death, the monetary supply went back under the private bankers of the Federal Reserve and the USA lost direct control over its money. The eye witnesses of the grassy knoll also soon died. New-Earth miniseries

Graviton: (Terrestrial) Is the force of gravity, and for many it’s described in theory as a particle. New-Earth miniseries

Great Cities of the Council: A Confederacy breakaway group of the Federation, allied until military intervention. They existed for a period of seventeen hundred years. New-Earth miniseries

Great Hall: In the Jiltanian Palace is the Great Hall. It was designed and built by Jiltanian architect Gioveni Gabalo and is 1,275 standard years old, predating Federation royalty. New-Earth miniseries

Great hall: The great hall is a Templar tradition, whereby many temples would have a great hall, based on the Great Hall of the Palace of Jilta. Juggernaut miniseries

Great Holy War: As described in The Early Works there would be a holy war unrivalled in history that would set mankind straight again. Here mankind had a new chance after the war to take a higher place in the existence of things. New-Earth miniseries

Great Palace: The Palace of Jilta that was taken as residence by the Jiltanian leaders. It was once the home of Lorde Hymondy III. More recently the Master Templar resided there. It originates from the time before the Confederacy. Estimated as 1,780 years old. New-Earth miniseries

Great Search: After Goren Torren vanished one of the biggest searches in federation history was undertaken. The search wasn’t limited to just Sequetus as there were purported sightings in other systems, but there were none that proved true. New-Earth miniseries

Great Sharman: The first was John Anderson of Sequetus 3, who fired the assassin’s bullet that created the legend of Goren Torren. After the assassination was foiled Anderson hid and then joined the army. He was lifted off the planet by Letone to a higher status, but was then back on the planet, running the Temple Movement and was Torren’s representative on Earth. Each subsequent Great Sharman has been Torren’s representative in the Galaxy. There are other Sharmans, one for each major planet, which have the status of one hundred temples or more under them. New-Earth miniseries

Great Victorian Desert: (Terrestrial) A desert in south central Western Australia. 400,000 square kilometers. Temperatures exceed 40 degrees Celsius. New-Earth miniseries

Greenhaven: Fictitious name for a psychiatric hospital on Melbourne. New-Earth miniseries

Greendale Health Retreat: A 1,500-bed mental health retreat on Palbo, situated 45 Ks outside of Palbo City Centrum, the hub of central interplanetary government of Palbo. The retreat comprises 17 buildings, over 300 nurses, psychrons and psycho-surgeons, and over 200 administrative staff. It sits on 15 square kinopacs of land, has its own airport and security forces and a small weapons depot. Templar miniseries

Greetonne: Village of Tors. Population 456. Long lifers. Primitives. Juggernaut miniseries

Ground-enhancement: The computerized enhancing of the vertical image of a planet’s surface, from the ship's viewscreens. New-Earth miniseries

Groundflight: ® A vehicle used on a planet’s surface. Groundflights can elevate two pacs above the ground. A groundflight seldom carries more than eight persons or that equivalent in cargo. Manufactured by Resilient Industries Inc of Jilta. The Groundflight model was the center piece of their production. New-Earth miniseries

Ground Zero: The center of The Zone, and the center of the mounds. New-Earth miniseries

Gruff, Bin: CEO of Consorted Galactic Mining, tier 2 mining corporation. Never married. Born in the Duchy of Kalanon. Died in the Battle of Sequetus 3. Son of Meg and Bori Gruff, Peel. The Gruff National Park on planet Peel is named in his honor. New-Earth miniseries

Gruithuisen, Baron Franz von Paula: (Terrestrial) German (Bavarian) March 1774 - June, 1852, Professor of Astronomy at Munich University, and wrote many papers about life and buildings on the moon. He claimed he could see huge lunar buildings, cities and railroads. New-Earth miniseries

Grunn: Talkron representative leader on the Palboan mission to the far-Outer-Worlds. Estimated 1,357 years old. After Sandrist, he has been captive in the mental universe of Amy of Rambus. Juggernaut Series

Grut: A curse word of the Federation. It came from the Confederated Council of Planets administrative planet Tilan. A grut was an instrument used to artificially inseminate wild animals, with outer planet genes, for domestication purposes. New-Earth miniseries

Guard Instructor: A high field rank in the Boguard, below Captain. New-Earth miniseries

Guardsman: The basic military personnel on a planet. Guardsmen are contracted and are mostly on the planet and less likely to see military action. They have defensive roles. They can be used as a supplement for local law and order. They can also be found on ships and remote bases during times of low conflict. See also Trooper. New-Earth miniseries

Gurano Togon: Hallowman, from Jilta. Recruited from Academia Alson. Age 28, short-lifer. Parents died in vehicle crash early in his life. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Gyrocopter: A single seated autogiro, which is a form of aircraft, which has freely rotating horizontal vanes and a propeller. The difference with a helicopter is that the vanes of the gyro aren’t powered but instead rotate in the slipstream. The power of lift comes from the propeller in front. Templar miniseries

Haliburton, Robert Grant: (Terrestrial) Anthropologist, Canadian writer, lawyer. He had a theory that mankind started out as a dwarf race. He wrote a book, The Dwarfs of Mount Atlas, London 1891, after he discovered pigmies in the Atlas region in North Africa. He also wrote about the Pleiades. New-Earth miniseries

Hallowmen: The term given to Corduke Special Forces, which work under extreme conditions. There are two divisions of these only, in the Galaxy. They take orders strictl

y from the Master Templar himself. Their purpose is to rehabilitate life, find it where it’s distraught, and free it. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Halman, Engineer: Rupot Halman, of Jilta, professional military trooper. Traveled with Felice Karo to the Pleiades; became Boguard and fought in the Battle for Palbo. Halman, like Second Mate Lanson, also went with Goren Torren through both portals and to both Earths. He also fought in the Battle of Sequetus 3.

Halz: The term to represent something bad. In ancient Jiltanian mythology, Aqin, son of God Zoltro of the mountains was kept captive in an underground prison, in Mount Halz by Zoltro’s enemy, named Lansider. Lansider kept Aqin alive for 25 years, some said under constant torture, until Zoltro relinquished his status as head god. Aqin was boiled alive and it was his skin that was given back to Zaltro by Lansider that made Zaltro give in. Lansider was never caught but was always there, potentially waiting to take what was important. So there are phrases such as hot as Halz, as bad as Halz. New-Earth miniseries

Hamish, FSS Destroyer: One of the surviving Jiltanian craft of the Battle of Sequetus 3.

Happy-trigger: Otherwise known as Second Teer. Female Pleiadian, a guard from the floating city of Telkabar, who shot and wounded the Great Manapet. New-Earth miniseries

Harvester: The large multi -story machine, which extracts bauxite from the surface of the planet, Rambus. H1 means simply Harvester 1. There are five or six harvesters on Rambus. Templar miniseries

Healesville: (Terrestrial) Small town outside of Melbourne, the capital city of the state of Victoria, in Australia. Healesville is surrounded by small hills densely forested with native trees. Many native animals live in the region. New-Earth miniseries

Heat seeking nose: Particle guns can be equipped with a heat sensor, which enables the particles to target the warmest parts of a body, the heart or brain. The heat seeker is accurate tor 20 to 30 pacs at 5 degrees. Settings can be changed. Standard trooper issue. New-Earth miniseries

Health Retreats: The retreats set up by the Bank to treat those who disobey their commands. See series deprogramming to understand more about what is done to people at these retreats. Detention centers would be a better suited name, than health retreats. The physicians overseeing those treated therein are psychrons. Templar miniseries

Heat seeking nose: Particle guns can be equipped with a heat sensor, which enables the particles to target the warmest parts of a body, the heart or the brain. The heat seeker is accurate for 20 to 30 pacs at 5 degrees. Settings can be changed. Standard trooper issue. New-Earth miniseries

Heck: (Terrestrial) Hell. New-Earth miniseries

Helicon, Mount: (Terrestrial) 1. Mountain in Greece. In Greek mythology this is where Pegasus created the spring Hippocrene for the god Zeus. 3. After the renaissance it meant a place of poetry. New-Earth miniseries

Heliosphere: (Terrestrial) The heliosphere of a system is that part of a solar system where helium particles can be found. In Sequetus the heliosphere extends to Saturn. Like an atmosphere a heliosphere thins to nothing towards the system's limits. Helio is from Latin, meaning sun. New-Earth miniseries

Helix: (Terrestrial) A spiral, such as a coil in a spring. New-Earth miniseries

Hershel, Sir William, (Terrestrial) The greatest astronomer at that time, speculated about huge planets, great gas clouds, and galaxies beyond our own. British born 1738 – 1822. While he did not write papers on extraterrestrial life, he speculated privately in letters to friends that life existed out there. He proposed the nearest bodies: the moon and sun, were inhabited. New-Earth miniseries

High Court: The High Court of Australia is the country’s highest court, and can overturn laws that violate the Australian constitution, or laws that are not legal as per earlier law. The High Court sits in Canberra, Australia’s capital city. New-Earth miniseries

High Parade Dress: Parade dress with campaign bars, medals, honors, distinctions knives, and awards worn over Parade Dress which is a quality shocksuit. Parade Dress has gold braid for rank on top, of a standard shocksuit white issue uniform. New-Earth miniseries

High-holiday: The day of remembrance in the Temple, reserved to remember Lorde Torren and what he stood for. Templar miniseries

High-volves: Native animals, that are notoriously vicious, on the peaks of Sleebo. Hibernating carnivore that has a 25 year life span, weighs the same as a man. Templar miniseries

Highwater ™: Water combined with minerals, vitamins, and body-salts and with the citrus fruits of Jilta, sold commercially and made from similar fruits in different sectors. Made by the Highwater Company of Jilta. Templar miniseries

Hippocrene, fountain: (Terrestrial) 1. Comes from hippo – Greek meaning horse. 2. The spring in Mount Helicon created by Pegasus at the request of Zeus. New-Earth miniseries

Pegasus and Hippocrene fountain above

Historical Research Laboratory: A reference by Vila. A place, where alien scientists in the future, try to make life forms more environmentally adaptable. They would experiment with different life forms, but also with various computer chips and different circuitry, placed in the brain and nervous systems of those they experimented on. New-Earth miniseries

Hobson’s Bay: (Terrestrial) A small bay adjacent to Port Melbourne. New-Earth miniseries

Home: Residential headquarters in LA of Goren Torren, Boguard and household staff in Beverly Hills, California. The initial property was 3 acres, but was extended to 5 acres with additional purchases of neighboring properties. New-Earth miniseries

Hot-Pack: A survival pack, in which food is placed and heated by a blast cartridge. This was first developed by the Confederated Council of Planets and little changed, through the passing millennia. Origin unknown. Juggernaut miniseries

Horus: 1. One of the oldest Egyptian gods. He is depicted as a falcon, or having a falcon head. He is the son of Isis and Osiris. He is said to have resided above Egypt, and battled Set (uncle) victoriously to win all of Egypt. 2. Horus is pronounced as Haru, which means falcon. New-Earth miniseries

Hourglass Magazine: A made up name for a financial magazine that focused on business scandal. New-Earth miniseries

Household, the: The staff, housekeepers, and important items of the residence of Independent Goren Torren. New-Earth miniseries

Household security: 1. Traditionally always female. Historically, Jilta nobles found that when surrounded by female security, the number of assassination attempts was less, and almost never successful. Goren used this tradition within his household security staff. 2. When the head of the household staff was not present, the head of household security was in charge of all. 3. The head of household security couldn’t take orders from the head of household staff as regards security. New-Earth miniseries

Household staff: There is five household staff. Arlon Doctrains (M) is the head of staff. Kimonu Huro (F) is head of security, with a deputy Morion (F). Farboin Jules (F) is in charge of catering and stores. Her deputy is Kanal Mirs (F). Woliam Wilrim (M) in charge of vehicles and machines and their upkeep. New-Earth miniseries

House of Torren: Part of the Temple Movement. Each House represents one of the Temples of the Templar movement. House of Torren, House of Charlton and so on. See Temple. Templar miniseries

Hoverbus: ® A range of several dozen models of personnel carriers for civilian use, which can support loads of up to several pacs off from the ground. Hoverbus Corp founded by Delon Macready. New-Earth miniseries

Huro, Kimonu: Head of the Torren household security. She had been at the post for eighty years. Trained in martial arts (black belts in kwakindo, baling and garato), security, communications, weapons (swordsmanship, struck fighting, and small projectile blasters), and with a degree with honors, in business management from Academia Alson. From the outer world of Talon, Jaltan province. Daughter of Kiwate and Tanate Huro, of planet Talan. New-Earth miniseries


ndian Coat of Arms: The Hymondian Coat of Arms is set on a black background, representing space, from where the Federation came.

On the shield itself the background is deep blue, signifying the Jiltanian sky. The cross in the center of the shield represents the four ancient religions of Jilta, which the Federation respects. The arrows on the cross represent the outward individual growth these religions provide. In the center of the cross is a blazing sun - of the Royal Planet of the Kantee sector from which the Federation came.

The four emblems on the shield are: 1. The industry of the planets of the sector. 2. The ships of travel and trade. 3. The inhabited planets of the Hymondian realm. 4. The fields that supply the food. Over these emblems is the banner inscribed: UNITED WE ARE. Below the shield is a scroll, which has inscribed: LEARNING AND KNOWLEDGE GIVES TRUST. On the right side of the shield is a scene depicting the land, and farming of all planets. On the left of the shield is a scene of the rocks and, waterfalls, of Jilta, the Royal Planet of the realm.

The star on the top represents the individual, and the five points of the star are for: Knowledge, Trustworthiness, Achievement, Ambition, and Integrity. The power surges below the star represent Compassion, and Loyalty These are said to be the seven success-characteristics that are taught as a basis for successful life in all Hymondian Sector schools. New-Earth miniseries

Hymondian Realm: The sector of which Jilta is the center and the Royal Planet. Each sector is broken into a number of provinces (17 in the Hymondian sector), which are in turn broken into locats, local regions (often 15 to 20 locats per province). They in turn, may be broken down further, depending on size. In each locat in the Hymondian Realm there can be 500 – 5,000 star systems or more, with usually one system supporting life per locat. New-Earth miniseries

Hymondy: 1. A Royal Lorde of the Federation. With rejuvenation he has reigned over Jilta since its conquest. Lorde Hymondy III of Jilta. His refusal to accept the status quo, and his keen appreciation of what wasn’t right, enabled him to expose the happenings on Earth, and this led to great changes in all sectors of the Galaxy. 2. The patron of Goren Torren of Jilta. 3. Hymondy III means that he had gone through three rejuvenation procedures. New-Earth miniseries

Hynek, Dr. J. Allen: (Terrestrial) 1910 – 1986, Chicago, USA, Astrophysicist, Ufologist, Astronomer and Professor. He acted as a scientific advisor to the US Air Force studies of Project Sign, Project Grudge and Project Blue Book. (1940 – 1969). He made a speech to the UN General Assembly in 1978 to initiate a centralized United Nations UFO Authority. New-Earth miniseries

Ibolu, IP Cruiser: Palboan Imperial Cruiser, with 40 interceptors, 290 fighters, and 3,678 crew. Saw action off far-Outer-Worlds and Sequetus 3. Juggernaut miniseries.

IC 1613 Galaxy: This is a dwarf Galaxy. It is approximately 2.3 million light years distant. It is rarely seen by amateur astronomers, due to its low surface brightness. It is a bar-shaped structure, meaning that it has an axis, and its stellar population is quite old, perhaps 7 billion years. It has a strong red giant branch, and red clump populations. Earth Syndrome miniseries

IFFCo: Intragalactic Federation Fleet Command. See Federation Fleet Command. Pronounced: “if-co” New-Earth miniseries

IFFCo Panel of Investigation: A disciplinary panel used to decide if an action has been committed, for which a military officer could be found guilty. There are four on the panel. The majority decision decides, and if the decision is hung, then there is no action. New-Earth miniseries

I.G. Farben: (Terrestrial) Chemical company in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Inaugurated in 1925 by amalgamating key German dye manufacturing companies. Full title: Interessen Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie AG. It became defunct in 1952 after the war (1945) when it was found it to be the major supplier of chemicals – poison gas - to kill people (Jews) in war concentration camps under the Nazis. At one point there was a possibility that I.G. Farben would join Standard Oil and divide up the world for business between them. After the trials I. G. Farben was broken into BASF, Bayer and Hoechst. New-Earth miniseries

Illtuck, Vosper: Agent of Hymondy. Agent is two ranks lower than Independent and requires separate training. Vosper Illtuck is the son of Mario and Jillo Illtuck of Jilta PCC. New-Earth miniseries

Ikerus, I.P. Destroyer: Palboan (Imperial Palboan) destroyer of 754 crew, six interceptors and forty-eight fighters. Built BS 745. Juggernaut miniseries

Impeel, Cruiser: Federation cruiser of the Battle of Sequetus 3, and subsequently stationed in Sequetus Series. New-Earth miniseries

Imperial Federation Warp Drive Bank: The organization, which control the transport regulations and lease agreements of the Federation Warp Drive systems. They are an all-powerful body that predict and plot the expansionist policies of the Federation. They are the instrumental power behind the Federation, as without it all commerce and military travel would effectively cease. See also Warp Drives. New-Earth miniseries

Imperial Templar Guard: A crack guard of 1,000 top guardsmen, chosen from the Temple Guard of Palbo, situated on Palbo who swore allegiance to the Temple and their Officer in Chief. Juggernaut miniseries

Implant: (Terrestrial) Here we mean mental implant – not a brain implant. It can be as light as telling someone to withhold a crime they saw, but it can be as severe as the MK Ultra experiments, whereby US government agencies were seeking a way to make assassins by using drugs and hypnosis. These experiments were exposed in congressional hearings in the USA in 1977. The story, The Manchurian Candidate is about a plot of a communist state which used mental implanting, called brainwashing, to get a captured serviceman to return to the USA to assassinate a very important political figure. A lot of the terrestrial research for implants was to make people susceptible to do things that they would otherwise not do.

2. A mental phenomena whereby a person is made to think something when triggered. This can be as subtle as being told to forget something, or else. It might be as high powered as in subliminal sounds, hypnosis, drugged coercion, and it might be through the introduction of physical commands, through electromagnetic pulse, a small transmitter in the body, and so on. It can be on a personal level, or whole populations can be implanted over time. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Independent: 1. A contracted vocation of intelligence gathering and sometimes action amongst the royal families of the Federation. 2. A license is required after a five year internship, in which is possible to enter after completing a prior tertiary degree, independent schooling and apprenticeship. The quota for independent licenses is low. 3. Most independents have a non-military background, though this isn’t mandatory, but they must complete one year’s duty in an alternate defense force prior to acceptance. Most sectors have reciprocal exchange programs whereby independent students are permitted into off-world training programs. New-Earth miniseries

Independent Immunity: This immunity is similar to diplomatic immunity, except that independents work closer to the edge of what may be legal.

Independent, the: Short for: the Independent Goren Torren. (Now capitalized as Independent) New-Earth miniseries

Instructor: A Boguard high field rank. It’s below Guard Instructor, but above Officer. New-Earth miniseries

Intelligents: Those beyond the portal, gifted with the mental program to perceive and work out a better future from their perception. Those sentient with awareness of a future outcome. New-Earth miniseries

Ing-Lysh: The English language, as pronounced in the far-Outer-Worlds, after exodus from Earth. It is a phonetic language pronounced as English, but written in Standard Galactic phonetic symbols. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Interceptor: 1. A winged space craft that can stay in space or enter atmospheres. It’s the prime attack craft of the Federation.

It carries atomic warheads on its rockets. Manufactured by various corporations, the most common is Fair Space Industries Inc. The interceptor was th

e fastest of all Federation military attack style vehicles.

2. There were many models of interceptors, depending on the region they were to be used in. Various ones were wide bodied, some narrower. Some had more or less rockets. The variance depended on the gravity and the expected atmosphere the craft was to encounter. New-Earth miniseries

Interceptor bays: The area where interceptors land aboard carriers, cruisers and destroyers. New-Earth miniseries

Internship viewers: 1. On most Federation vessels there are viewers, which those studying military training on board use to communicate with other ships. 2. Interestingly, military vessels were also a place of learning when not in battle, so, in the internship rooms there were racks of communication viewers for between fleet communications.

3. A trooper might be a year away from home aboard a cruiser. To escape the confinement he was encouraged to study. He did this on internship viewers. He may study his assigned posting. He may study something totally different. There were courses on munitions, cooking, writing, battle tactics, chemistry, music composition and a thousand more. 4. A teaching aide. New-Earth miniseries

Intervention: 1. The predetermined date and time when a planet finds out it officially is part of a larger group of planets. The time and date for intervention is determined at the beginning of a planet’s culture. The Planetary Intervention Board (PIB), which is a subcommittee of the Department of Worlds’ Cultural Affairs (DeWCA – pronounced dewca) – consist of academic scholars, military representatives, and Federation officials from the Kantee Sector. They decide the time frame and program under which such intervention takes place. 2. Intervention is a preset program that occurs over many hundreds or even thousands of years, as a planet culturally is nurtured along its path to maturity. 3. Intervention is like the coming of age for an entire species of humanoid. New-Earth miniseries

Intervention Day: The official specific day when a subject planet gets notified that it isn’t alone. New-Earth miniseries

Iridium: (Terrestrial) A white metallic element of the platinum group especially used to make hard alloys. New-Earth miniseries

Jaron (Manquin): Born 985 BS in the north east Amazon of the village Manquin, of Sequetus 3. Married Sheril Brud, also of the Amazon, but in Yaltipia 1002 BS. They had one son, named Yandra. Jaron became Boguard Leader rank, in 1015 BS. On Greetonne village Jaron is known as the god Bailock. He married Anki, daughter of the Master Templar after assuming the Palboan Cordelloship, and had four children to her, two of which died at the hands of the Talkron shortly after their births. The two children of this marriage who survived him are Tubin, (son) and Akeala (daughter). Juggernaut miniseries

J Class rockets. There are many classes of rockets, J stands for Juggernaut. They are an atomic warhead. New-Earth miniseries

Jericho: (Terrestrial) Ancient site in the Middle East. Perhaps the oldest continually inhabited city in the world dates back 11,000 years. The city sits on the Jordon River, Israeli side. New-Earth miniseries

Jenny Wanten: Resident terrestrial anthropologist in Western Australia. Instrumental in assisting Independent Goren Torren in his estimate of Earth. Graduated University of Western Australia 2013. Deemed a Minor Temple of Sequetus 3. See the definition of Temple. New-Earth miniseries

Jilta: (Pronounced Yilta in English) Is the Royal Planet in the Hymondian (now Jilta) sector. It’s the center of the sector and the residence of Lorde Hymondy III. Population half a billion.

Jilta is a watery planet with oceans over half its surface saturated, 11 continents, frozen polar regions, and some deserts.

Before the Hymondian Realm Jilta was a prominent hub planet of a small province of the CCP. New-Earth miniseries

Jilta P.C.: P.C. stands for Planet Center and is the capital city of the planet. Population 1.2 Million. New-Earth Series

Jilta P.P.C.; Jilta Prime Planetary Center, Jilta PCC, the inner center of Jilta PC, the capital city of the planet Jilta, where the government administrative offices are.

Jilta PC layout.

Population 210,000 (Note; to pronounce Jilta, it’s necessary to pronounce the J as a Y, so the reading of Jilta is pronounced Yilta in Standard Jiltanian speech. This pronunciation is a local dialect of Standard Galactic.) . New-Earth miniseries

Johnson, Abraham: Colonel of USAF, NASA, of the manned space probe to Mars, survivor of The Battle of Sequetus 3, and deputy in charge of establishment of the rocket launch base in Australia. New-Earth miniseries

Jones, Judy: Junior reporter for the Los Angeles Chronicle. Went to UCLA. After C Day she regretted her involvement in destroying the reputation of Goren Torren. New-Earth miniseries

Joon, Eron and or Eros: A life-form occupying a bioclone body. Joon is a sub-race and are Talkron senior executives of the Triangulum Galaxy. Eron (Eros) Joon has lived consecutive lifetimes over the past 25,000 years with full recall of each life. Joon means terror, and Eron means full, and Eros means often, on the old dialect of the planet. Eros and Eron are the same life entity, being simply female or male presentations of their multi faceted bioclone. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Juggernaut: Any blinding idea for which people are prepared to sacrifice their lives forsaking all else. Juggernaut miniseries

Junta: A military – or political – group that by using force, have seized power. New-Earth miniseries

Jupiter: Sequetus 5, named after the Malukan explorer Javes Jupiter, who worked for years as a sociologist on Earth in its early civilization days. New-Earth miniseries

K, Ks, K’s: Kinopac, a thousand pacs, over a kilometer long. Also used to mean kinopacs per hour. New-Earth miniseries

Kalanon (Kallon): Reluctant ally of Jilta. Kalanon was the Duchy of Kalanon, a relatively small sector. Its royal was the Duke of Kalanon. At the end of the Battle of Sequetus 3 he arrived in Sequetus to support Hymondy. New-Earth miniseries

Kalo: 1. Mild stimulant pick-me-up bean roasted and ground, that when mixed with hot water is a popular drink. 2. Very popular drink around Jilta. 3. A Jiltanian equivalent of coffee. 4. Kalo is from the underground root, a legume, of the kalo tree. The “beans” are roasted and ground. Depending on the soil conditions, the taste and aroma may change, but also the ratio of ‘bean” to root ratio depends on the stimulant effect. Kalo beans can also be eaten whole, similar to Earth peanuts, which are also a legume. 5. Kalo as a drink can be taken black, or mixed with creamer, sweetener added, or mixed with alcohol. It can be put into cakes. 6. The kalo industry was once a prime industry on Jilta, ranking only second behind learning. 7. Tradition has it that the kalo tree was a gift from the head god Zaltro, to his son. 8. It’s said on Jilta that a drink of kalo a day, leads to good health and long life. New-Earth miniseries

Kangas Squad: Crack intelligence squad, of the Cordukes trained to do almost anything. One thousand elite persons. Operating out of Jilta, only. They take a special oath. Juggernaut miniseries

Kantee Planet: Kantee planet. The remnant of the Kantee Sector before it was taken over by Palbo, as the ruling planet of the system. Kantee is the old capital of the system where the royals originated. Juggernaut Series.

Kantee Sector: 1 One of the inner sectors of the Galaxy. Home of the royal bloodline and separate race known as Royals, who provided the push to form the Federation. While the Royal race didn’t seek a dominant role in the Santonia Galaxy, they were forced to rule it – benignly – or suffer the consequences of being overwhelmed by increasing wars and skirmishes of neighboring races of the Confederacy. New-Earth miniseries

Kanut: Southern Continent of Palbo. Named after the explorer, Kelmet Kanut. It’s the mining continent of Palbo. Juggernaut miniseries

Karakas: 1. A planet in the Outer World province of Belamore. In the Hymondian Sector, and in from the Penek Sector, its nearest neighbor. New-Earth miniseries

Karavat: A city on Orbat where ships are designed, and par

ts made. The city boasts over a million people, devoted to the production of defense weaponry, and electronics systems. Earth Syndrome miniseries.

Karn Form: Male Malukan Trooper stationed at Dockside in Sequetus Series. He died of a drug addiction overdose. Parents were Reale and Pom Karm of Maluka PC. New-Earth miniseries

Karo, Eltonn: Governor General of the Karo Series of planets within the Pleiades. Elected 27 years before, incumbent of office. New-Earth miniseries

Karo, Felice. Pleiadian daughter of the Governor General of the Karo Series of the Pleiades.

Later, became Boguard and captain of the Boguard during the Battle for Centrecom, and battle of Palbo, where she excelled. She transmuted when she rehabilitated her otherwise lost abilities when training as Boguard. Said to be the duality of Goren Torren and just as important.

She is deemed and titled as one of the Temples of Sequetus 3. (See the definition of Temple.) New-Earth miniseries

Karo, Series: A series of 27 planets within the Pleiades, otherwise unknown to the Federation or the CCP. It has five of its 27 planets habitable, including those it’s terra-forming.

There are two races, the original Aaron, otherwise known as Boguard, on Yaltipia, and the Pleiadians, who arrived, after fleeing Earth in their long forgotten history, and who set up a new life, on Orbat. New-Earth miniseries

Karo, Tellow: Pleiadian. Captain, son of Eltonn Oran, Governor General of the Karo Series of the Pleiades. New-Earth miniseries

Kelvin: (Terrestrial) Temperature measured in the same as degrees Celsius, but where absolute zero, where there is no temperature at all, is zero on the Kelvin scale.

0o Kelvin = -273.15o Celsius New-Earth miniseries

Keote, Ardan: Ardan Keote was a boyfriend of Chelo Bade, a mining engineer, 278 years old, graduated Academia Gansol with honors. Works for Geodeck Att. El mining, Jilta. Juggernaut miniseries

Kepler, Johannes: Male Malukan Trooper stationed at Dockside in Sequetus Series. He died of a drug addiction overdose. Parents were Reale and Pom Karm of Maluka PC. New-Earth miniseries

Kick-bucket: 1. A mildly disrespectful term, given to ordinary crew drifters on Palboan ships. Juggernaut Series 2. The term for deckhands, on Palboan seas. It simply comes from the image that when one is upset, he can always go and kick the bucket, sitting outside the door. Originally used in the Palboan movie, Sultry Seas made BS 876. Juggernaut miniseries

Kimonu Huro: See Huro, Kimonu. New-Earth miniseries

Kildon, Canning Captain: Fleet captain of the Talkron lead cruiser fleet, that failed, off of Sandrist. He was from Palbo PC, and 398 years old at the time of Sandrist. Married twice, with three children. Juggernaut Series

Kinopac: 1. It’s exactly 1030.91 Meters. 2. A thousand pacs. Kinopacs is abbreviated to Ks. 3. K, slang meaning kinopac or kinopac per hour. New-Earth miniseries

Kintecs Province: A former industrial and technological planet famous for its intelligent computers before the Medallian Rebellion. It’s now in the Hymondian Sector. New-Earth miniseries

Klivinski, M. L.: Soviet, along with Dr. C. P. Metov, Dr. A. P. Minsk searched with transmissions for extraterrestrial life, Project ASK. New-Earth miniseries

Kol: Boguard who traveled with Ardan to Mortifor. 569 years old. Highly distinguished. Juggernaut miniseries

Krellon, Commander: 1. Elected second leader of the Boguard on Yaltipia. 2. Leader of the Galactic Council of Boguard. New-Earth miniseries

Ku, Hanub: Base leader of Sequetus 4, Mars, son of Mari Hanub and Tol Spro. His staff mutinied. He died accidentally after the investigation therein. New-Earth miniseries

Kul: A transport beast known for its cussedness. It can carry the weight of twenty men, over rocky ground. New-Earth miniseries

Kuro: 1. Kuro is a black feelup from Mars, its species preserved in the pyramid at Cydonia. 2. She is a Martian black feelup, befriended by Akeala and Jaron. Feelups can be domesticated. 3. (Terrestrial) In means black in Japanese. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Kwankindo: The martial art of unarmed combat. Taught in most military schools in Jiltanian Out Worlds. New-Earth miniseries

Kwot, Aka: Wife of Garth Kwot, sentenced to life service, to the state, for a vestige-crime, and was last officially seen on the planet Galmo, a Far Colony of Maluka. Earth Syndrome Series

Kwot, Garth: Janitor of the Karika Building of Maluka PPC. (Karika meaning beautiful place in indigenous Malukan) He later became a leader of the Malukan Resistance. Married to Aka Ringo (Kwot) and had three daughters Ano, Kela and Beto Kwot. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Lackow, Planet: A prison planet in the Duchy of Kantee. 20% water, atmosphere 0.85% standard, gravity 1.3. Population 23 million, of which half have been interned for criminal acts. New-Earth miniseries

Laf-Laffa: A moth found the caves of Yaltipia. Its wings measured three hand widths across and were composed of bright blues, greens, and crimson against a black background. The male has a yellow and orange strip running down its back. Related to the Lallow. It lives as a moth for 3 weeks. Earth Syndrome Series

Lake Disappointment. A dry lake that becomes a wet salt lake, in Western Australia, inland, where temperatures reach over 40 degrees Celsius, 38,000 hectares when full. It is noted for its birdlife when wet. New-Earth miniseries

Lallow: - The word comes from the minute sound of its wings, Lal-loh. The lallow can live two years, and adopt the colors of various fungi for repelling enemies or attracting mates. They are a sign of good fortune and cherished by the Aaron. Many Aaron cultivate small sections outside their homes certain fungi the lallow feed upon, to attract them. The local lore says that while the lallow reside in the labyrinth of caves below Yaltipia, so can the Aaron. Templar miniseries

Landset: Pleiadian colony planet, being readied for human habitation. Population 500,000. New-Earth miniseries

Lanis, Lyn, Midshipman: Junior officer aboard the Destroyer Yalo. 20 years old, from Sandrist. Earth Syndrome Miniseries

Lanson, Second Mate: Karl Lanson, of Jilta, a professional military trooper. Lanson also went with Goren Torren through both portals and to both Earths. He also fought the Battle of Sequetus 3.

Last Battle, The: (Also see Final Battle) This was the last stand by the Federation Alliance against the Far Federation. There were no other battles after this. The Alliance totally fell at this point. Twenty-three ships were destroyed in this battle, and it was the first time the Alliance had confronted the enemy face on. New-Earth miniseries

Leader: Boguard field rank below Officer and above Boguard. See Boguard rank. New-Earth miniseries

Letone: (Historical information only) A Guard Instructor of the Boguard, Commander of the Boguard. He was assigned to Lorde Hymondy III of Jilta. He is seen below in the Wanted Poster. He died (presumed) in BS 27 when Home was raided by Earth intelligence agencies.

He was born on Yaltipia, age unknown. He was in charge of security at ACI under Goren Torren in California, Earth. He was also in charge of the mission that captured Anderson from the Wright Patterson Air base and brought back the dead alien Tog from the crash retrieval.

He was loyal and believed in the freedom of Sequetus 3 to maintain its own sovereignty without interference by external forces. A statue was erected in his honor in Los Angeles. He never married, no offspring known.

Deemed by the Templars as a Temple of Sequetus 3. New-Earth miniseries

Lick Observatory: (Terrestrial) Named after James Lick. It is part of the University of California, atop Mount Hamilton, in California. This observatory has been searching for signs of alien life for years, with the most up to date technology. New-Earth miniseries

Lieutenant Adams: USA citizen, of NASA, who fought with the Hymondian Expeditionary Forces to defend Earth. See Adams. He married Fio, and they resettled in Jilta for many years. They both returned to Sequetus 3 upon the request of Torren and Johnson. New-Eart

h miniseries

Life-force: ((Terrestrial) That spiritual singular existence that gives energy to a living organism and which does its computing and decision making. New-Earth miniseries

Life-of-the-world, life: Also known as green-life. Beyond the portal are worlds, and within them each is known a singular spiritual existence for that world, cajoling it along, known as the life-of-the-world. It has been passed onto earthly religions in the form of Shinto from Japan and others. New-Earth miniseries

Life suit: A pressurized, helmeted space suit. Also lifesuit. The suit can be worn in space with no atmospheres, toxic atmospheres and even atmospheres such as Venus, which has sulfuric acid clouds. The same suit can be worn underwater and is good to 180 pacs. Made by many manufacturers on many planets. New-Earth Series

Lift: (Terrestrial) Elevator. The terms are interchangeable. Lift is more English and elevator is more American. New-Earth miniseries

Light-craft: the craft that originate from the other side of the portal. Light emanates from them while active. New-Earth miniseries

Little Betsie: A Rangercraft Type III, owned by Independent Goren Torren. New-Earth miniseries

Lobotomy: (Terrestrial) By cutting into the frontal lobes of the brain, some psychiatrists claim that can alter a patient’s behavior. Some psychiatrists claim it doesn’t work. The instance here of cutting a person’s legs off after psychosurgery is a real case the author came across in Melbourne in 1989. New-Earth miniseries

Local Group: 54 galaxies that are united through gravitational pull on each other, of which the Milky Way is a part. There are 3 spiral galaxies in the Local Group, being: The Milky Way, Andomeda Galaxy and the Triangulum Galaxy. The other galaxies are smaller dwarf and barrel galaxies. See the map. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Long-lifers: 1. A slang term meaning someone who would normally live a long-life, as distinct to some planets, which produce short-life humanoids. 2. A long-life is 250 standard years or more. Short life is less those 250 standard years. 3. See Genesis for a list of prior long-lifers of Sequetus 3. New-Earth miniseries

Lorde: 1. Lorde, meaning a title of trust, and honor, used by royalty and high ranking religious officials of the Federation. 2. (Terrestrial) Old English 1200 – 1300 The spelling of lord was lorde, along with other spellings in England at that time. From Hlaford means bread-keeper. Juggernaut miniseries

Lotta, Cruiser FAS: Federation Alliance Ship Cruiser Lotta from Peel, that took up station off earth to assist in the rescue of Goren Torren, date: BS 15. Named after the Jiltanian mountain flesh eating predator, the lotta. New-Earth miniseries

Lotta: A flesh eating predator from the mountains of Jilta. Protected species. The most similar mammal on Sequetus 3 would be the Bengal tiger in size and habitat. New-Earth miniseries

Lowell, Percival, Professor: (Terrestrial) 1855 – 1916, American astronomer who predicted another planet would be discovered, beyond Neptune. He established the Lowell Observatory in 1894 to search for signs of life on Mars. While no life was found, this observatory did find the ninth planet (planetoid) Pluto. New-Earth miniseries

Luis Medallia: The man who instigated the Medallian Rebellion after inventing intelligent computers. Billions lost their lives fighting artificial intelligence 7,550 years ago. New-Earth miniseries

Luna Park: (Terrestrial) A permanent fun park on the north side of Sydney Harbour, eastern Australia. New-Earth miniseries

Lunar Management (Inc): The Corporation that looks after the management, of the lunar bases, on the moons around Maluka. They have a contract, that’s renegotiated every seventy-five years. Their job is to manage, not build, the installations. They are in charge of the mental and physical well-being of their employees, and ensure the bases function, according to their memorandums of operation manuals. The staff aren’t military, but civilian technicians. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Lyl, Jim: Storekeeper on Celtron 4, volunteered to fight at Sequetus 3. Had a statue erected in his home town of Calcam, for his honor and bravery. Statue was of Jim Lyl, and Danel Hardy, who also served alongside of Lyl. New-Earth miniseries

Macrod Curr: 1. Boguard who works under Jilta within the tunnels and befriends Ardan. Macrod Curr seems different and more able than other Boguard. He then is sent on mission to bring Akeala to Yaltipia, and then to unite her and Lorde Jaron on Sandrist. 2. Curr means above men. The word Macrod is a word from a local old Yaltipian dialect for can’t be equaled or beaten. Juggernaut miniseries

Magi, The: From The Early Works, one who has redeemed his natural inherent abilities of life, who will lead the Galaxy away from a hidden tyranny. Goren Torren became the Magi of the Early Works. New-Earth miniseries

Magi: (Terrestrial) 1. The fourth century BC the Greeks saw the magi as being associated with the Zoroastrian religion of Persia and the term became synonymous with practitioners of magic, astrology, and higher knowledge. The Gospel of Mathew refers to magi being the wise men of the east. The number three (three wise men) was added perhaps a thousand years later to the English version. 2. The Old Chinese word for magician, wizard, is m’ag, coming from magi. The Old Chinese symbol for this is the following cross: (A cross with serifs: ☩) The point being is that the term has crossed from China to the far West and generally means people who have wisdom and who can perform real magic. 3. The term illusionist, or one who performs tricks, to make people believe the magician is performing a real feat came during the Hellenistic period of Greece, when the term magician was applied by skeptic thinkers. This term survives today in the English words magic and magician. New-Earth miniseries

Magians: (Terrestrial) Old Persian: magus, experts in Persian (Iran and Iraq) religious traditions. Possibly of the Median tribe, of which Zoroaster was a member. Can be traced back to sixth century BC. They attended many religious affairs, particularly the Zoroastrian religion. 2. When Alexander the Great conquered Persia, he destroyed many of the Persian temples, texts and persecuted their religion in 330 BC. The Magians became part of his court. Alexander died mysteriously at 33 years of age. New-Earth miniseries

Magnaplate: n. The flexible plate threads that are electrically locked into polynylop. When woven into nylop and charged, the impregnated nylop adds dramatic strength and endurance to the wearer. v. magnoplating. New-Earth miniseries

Magnoclamps: ® Clamps which hold vehicles in space stationary to each other, and lock them together. They are used particularly on interceptors when they dock for refueling and need a quick turnaround. Magnoclamps are made by Standard Solid Industries, of planet Peel. New-Earth miniseries

Magnopolop: A non metallic resilient compound that has no magnetic properties. New-Earth miniseries

Magnorail: A system of rail transport, using two magnetic rails, powered electrically, that push the car to hover above the rail surface, so the vehicle doesn’t have friction with the rails. New-Earth miniseries

Magnoripples: (Also can be called magnowaves) The ripples are actually waves of magnetic ridges, that emanate out from the portal, when it is in use. They are in wave patterns and are dubbed magnoripples by the crew. New-Earth miniseries

Magnoscanner: 1. All machines have certain characteristics, from all the different metals within it. They are like an individual imprint that can be scanned and recorded and matched later. 2. All metals have magnetic properties: iron, magnesium, manganese, gold, mercury and so on. They are like machine fingerprints that can be measured for identification. The magnoscanner measures these properties and characteristics. New-Earth miniseries

Magnotube: High speed rail, that travels a top speed 500 to 780 Ks, per hour. The trains at these speeds are held down on the track magnetically, but also held off the rail; magnetically. They are faster and more efficient than flight. New-Earth miniseries

Magnowave: The wave that holds the magnetic property characteristics within it, and it, which radiates outwards. S

ee also magnoripples. New-Earth miniseries

Makka, Roddy: Corduke operative, in the southern seas of Palbo. 138 years old, origin Palboan. Juggernaut miniseries

Main, Destroyer: FSS Main, saw service in Sequetus 3, survived the Battle of Sequetus 3. New-Earth miniseries

Maluka, Lorde: A Royal Lorde who rules the Malukan sector, originally from the Kantee Sector. New-Earth Series

Maluka, also Maluku: 1. The main central and Royal Planet of the Malukan Sector. Famous for its industrial products, and engineering skills. The Malukan sector was once larger than it’s now and was the sector, in which Sequetus was. New-Earth miniseries

2. The planet has gravity 0.97, oxygen 12%. It has a one-world government, self-proclaimed as benign. The Malukan Series of planets has three livable planets. Maluka is the central hub and the remnants of the old Malukan Empire, prior to the Battle for Sequetus 3. Earth Syndrome Series

Manapet, the Great: In 86,000 years the Boguard Mepat becomes known as the prophesized Great Manapet. New-Earth miniseries

Mangow Plant: A common plant around Tors. Often the pronouncing of the word mangow plant is used a unit of time on Tors. The plant is used a source of green food, clothing, timber.. Juggernaut miniseries

Manik, Geko: Trooper (second class) of Maluka. Son of Marian Malo and Billo Manik, Maluka PC. Specialized in communications. New-Earth miniseries

Manly Ferry: (Terrestrial) The ferry that leaves from Sydney city, and crosses the harbor to the coastal surf beach suburb of Manly, and return. New-Earth miniseries

Mantle: (Terrestrial) It means an important role or responsibility, it is passed on from the previous incumbent.

Man-o-War: The Boguard warship, which works in harmony with its crew, as though the ship itself was a living life-force in its own right. It works on thought rather than mechanical operation. The man-o-war varies in size up to a hundred crew, and can be as small as twelve crew. Templar miniseries

Marconi, Rill, First Mate: Traveled with Goren Torren, through the time portal, to battle Centercom and returned, via the Palbo portal. He then went with Felice Karo to the Pleiades, learned and became Boguard, went on to Palbo to defeat Centercom, along with Engineer Halman. He fought in the Battle of Sequetus 3. Career military. Born Jilta and graduated the Jiltanian Academy of Military Science. Parents Brida Baluka and Brena Marconi, Jilta. New-Earth miniseries

Marinta Clay: Cordello of Jilta and head of the Corduke network BS 10052 - 62. Short-lifer, aged 54. Juggernaut miniseries

Markoni, Leader: Pronounced Mar-ko-nee, Male, member of the Boguard Fronts. He is the Boguard partner of Maroen. He is 198 standard years old, has 23 missions, 7 citations-for-courage. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Maroen: Female Boguard Instructor: Pronounced Mar-o-en. Boguard Front Instructor, assigned to mission Maluka. Aged 173 standard years. Born on Yaltipia. Her service record includes: 17 missions, and 11 citations-of-courage. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Mars: (Terrestrial) Mars has a history, of being thought to have an alternative civilization, to Earth. Today, there are many who would argue that the planet is less of an enigma, than it once was.

However, with the advent of the Internet, there is perhaps even more mystery. There are reported buildings found on Mars. Some are hoaxes, yet some are worth a close look at. Above and below, are photos from scans over the planet. Below, is a blown up section of above.

Today, with high-resolution photography, and with Google Mars, new data is being discovered, adding to the controversy.

The picture above: reported from Google Mars, and shows a crater that seems deep with water. The larger picture (see notes at back) shows the waterline, the water draining down into the crater. Even the spill from the smaller crater above it, can be seen draining downwards. See notes. The Earth Syndrome miniseries

Mars Base: The scientific expedition base on Mars, set up by the Federation, on Sequetus 4, in the Cydonia region. Its job is to monitor the Sequetus Series, for Scientific purposes. New-Earth miniseries

Marshal: The senior military rank in IFFCo. The rank of Marshal in order downwards is.

Defense Marshal - five stars, Ranking Marshal - four stars, Reserve Marshal – three, Marshal - two and one stars. New-Earth miniseries

Masters: The self-proclaimed creators of life such as Togs, beyond the portal. New Earth Series

Master Templar: 1. The ecclesiastic head of the Templar movement. He was elected for life. The elected position had been male dominated since the movement began, but no rule to enforce so. The position is decided upon by a vote, by the Cordellos. Templar miniseries 2. Master Templar Elysis Morander is the former name, of the Master Templar of Jilta. Earth Syndrome Series

Martone: Boguard on Jilta, serving in the Royal Palace, 1043 BS. Juggernaut miniseries

Matherson, Wolly: Sociologist from Jilta at the beginning of Federation. New-Earth miniseries

Matherson Hypotheses: 1. A social philosophy that planet civilizations will self-destruct to war unless intervened, and under what circumstances they do so. 2. The longer the life span of a race of humanoids, the faster it evolves culturally. Simply put, races that live longer gain more knowledge in a lifetime, have a greater expectancy of life ambitions, and so achieve more in a lifetime; thus long living races speed up cultural evolution. New-Earth miniseries

Matow: Planet previously known for its industrious work ethic, and manufacturer of galactic ships on its three moons, prior to its demise at the hands of the Patuans. New-Earth miniseries

Medallia, Luis: A colonel of the CCP who rose to ranks when he invented intelligent computers, but which took on humanoid thought features and began to rule humanoids instead of being subservient to human races. Medallia is known today for his consequent severe measures to rid the Galaxy of these machines. It is recorded he was later lost in the now Malukan sector at the end of his career, after the machines had been put down. He was also attributed to seeding a very early and old civilization in the Malukan sector. New-Earth miniseries

Medallian Rebellion: Computers had been programmed to both survive and create, and this consequentially began intelligent computers. In their own right intelligent computers began a conquest of the Galaxy before Medallia lead a revolution to expunge all the intelligent computers, over seven millennia ago. From this time on it has been forbidden to program a computer with survive or create or in any other way enable computer intelligence to exist. While 15 billion humanoids died in the rebellion against the machines, it was estimated about ten times that many were injured. Many sectors fell into a dark ages, severe depression, and took a thousand years to recover. New-Earth miniseries

Media: Media on Sequetus 3 was centrally run by media moguls at this time. The television stations, the newspapers and magazines, and radio were interlinked. Sequetus 3 was developing a global computerized network called the internet, but by 1997, this was still not media oriented. It was still developing as a mass of opinions, only run by small group of interested persons. There was no social media; computers were still in their infancy. This time period was perhaps when print and broadcast media was at its peak and when it was concentrated and controlled by a very few hands. New-Earth miniseries

Meedle: 1. A drink often served in the Malukan sector. It’s distilled from barley and mixed with a cinnamon and pepper derivatives. It’s served warm to hot, and highly alcoholic. 2. On Sleebo meedle is drunk extensively, easily made, and there are great competitions for who can produce the best. Templar miniseries

Melbourne: (Terrestrial) The capital city of the southeastern state of Victoria, Australia. Population around 5 million. New-Earth miniseries

Meld: (Terrestrial) merge, blend, and combine, perhaps from MELT + WELD – Oxford Dictionary New-Earth miniseries

Megalin: Four-year-old girl, of the Amazon Paqet tribe, gifted with a natural spiritual ability. Daughter of Palin and Turan. E

arth Syndrome miniseries

Men in black: (Terrestrial) 1. An investigatory body or person, who would arrive as fixers or investigators to UFO scenes. The results were varied. Some people reported that the men in black were alien or non-terrestrial in features. Some reported missing persons after their visits. 2. The Men in Black phenomena became so part of the UFO culture, that several movies of the same name, were made about the phenomena. New-Earth miniseries

Mepat: (Pronounced: Mee-pat) Captain of the Boguard stationed at Jilta. His Excellency High Commander of the Boguard. See also the Great Manapet. He was deemed a Temple of Sequetus 3. See the definition of Temple. New-Earth miniseries

Merron City: On Palbo, a powerful city, that built cruisers and was the final manufacturing place of Warp drives. Population of 2.8 million. It was laid waste by Felice Karo, during the intervention of Sequetus 3. Getting Merron running again gave power to the Bank and Mirak did this for 150 years before being elected to the Board of the Bank. After 45 years on the Board was elected to the Boards chief executive and administrator. Templar miniseries

Metaphysical: (Terrestrial) Transcending physical matter or the (physical) laws of nature. New-Earth miniseries

Metov, C P: Associate of Dr. A. P. Minsk. See Klivinski. New-Earth miniseries

Michael: 1. The largest and strongest assistant life form from the life-universe, and from the other side of the physical-universe, who had been assisting people on Earth, over three thousand years. 2. Another name for Amanda while he is on Earth appearing, as a life-form. Earth Syndrome Series

Microwave bluster: A wave device, working on broad matter theory, which sends out a microwaves, which can be tuned to any known element, and through oscillating the broadmatter between atoms and molecules, it gets those molecules to drop their bonds and collapse in towards each other. For example, if the microwave bluster was tuned to iron, which is a metallic lattice, then that lattice that holds iron together, and gives iron its strength, breaks down and the iron in the path of a microwave bluster beam, becomes no stronger than chalk. Turned on a building, from above, an entire building can be made into rubble, and free fall into its own footprint. Technically, this works on broadmatter, which is the unobservable particle that space is full of, that holds atoms and molecules apart. Broadmatter is harmonized by atoms nearby, and in turn, holds those atoms apart and gives the element its strength and gravity properties, as well as preventing the molecules from falling in on each other. Once the broadmatter is polarized, for that specific element, say iron, then iron loses the property of holding each iron molecule in its metallic lattice. Iron then collapses under any strain. The blusters can be tuned to any element, or elements. So; all particles in the bluster’s path can reach the polarizing moment at exactly the same time. For example, in a building, all the iron and steel, in the beams, girders, columns, and the reinforcing in the concrete, will give way at the same precise moment. The building then collapses in a cloud of dust within its own footprint, just as in a controlled demolition. If the bluster is tuned to iron and calcium carbonate, which are the main elements in concrete, then a superrise can be turned to dust in a few seconds after twenty minutes of polarizing. The blusters draw their power from space itself, or the broadmatter within space. Space has energy, and isn’t an absolute zero vacuum, but a mass of small particles that glue the universe together. They measure a couple of degrees warmer than absolute zero. It’s this energy of free space, unlimited, that the bluster draws upon. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Militaries: Slang 1. A lose term meaning military vehicles 2. Meaning military people. New-Earth miniseries

Milky Way: (Terrestrial) This is the name of the galaxy of which the Earth is part. It’s referred to as milky, as that was what it appeared like when discovered. The rotation of the Milky Way is about 200 million years. There are 200 – 400 million stars. It’s a spiral galaxy. Our Solar System is 27,000 light years, from the center of the galaxy. It moves in relation to other galaxies at 600 km per second. The oldest known star in the galaxy is 13.2 billion years old, the same age as the said physical universe. The Milky Way is surrounded by smaller satellite galaxies, as is its equivalent neighbor, the Andromeda Galaxy. The word for milky way in Greek, is galaxy. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Mind-call: A call mentally from one to another or to all. A Boguard term. Templar miniseries

Mind-keeping: Either through drugs, hypnosis or both, a controller can control another mind, so that it will do only the controller’s bidding. This is called mindkeeping. Juggernaut miniseries

Mind-saw technique: This is a Boguard technique of unison mind, whereby one person – while in unison with others, scouts to find a mind, and when finding such a mind, notifies the others of the unified mind, that there is this mind. When the full load and power of the unified mind follows, it overloads the artificial man-made circuitry, connected to, and behind the mind found. Developed by the Boguard for the Battle of Six Worlds. New-Earth miniseries

Minsk, A P: See Dr. A. P. Minsk. New-Earth miniseries

Mind Register: A device used to measure thought waves. It worked around the fact that that force deflected energies directed at a living force, and this deflection could be detected electronically. The deflection changes, as the person thinks of positive to non positive thoughts, such as fear and anger. New-Earth miniseries

Minor Cordello: A Cordello, representing a Minor Temple, such as the Minor Temple of Wanten, who represents Kalanon. Templar miniseries

Mirak, Brandon: Head of the Imperial Federation Warp Drive Bank, the chief administrator, and once elected by the Bank Board, he has a ten year term of office. Already having being elected as President of Merron City – population 2.8 million, got him onto the board of the Bank. Templar miniseries

MI6: (Terrestrial) An intelligence arm of the British government; dealing with internal security counter-intelligence overseas. Formed in 1912 and officially called the Secret Intelligence Service in 1964. New-Earth miniseries

Mission Charter: The Imperial Federation issues a Mission Charter when it sends a Federation mission, so that the mission knows what it can do, and what lengths it can go to, and what it cannot do. Failure to supply such a charter will cause the mission to be aborted and often, with crimes against a local populace. New-Earth miniseries

Mission Executive: The executives who have an interest in the mission are the mission executives. It is those in charge of the mission, plus those running the mission who stay behind; the mission operations (ops). New-Earth miniseries

Mission to the United Nations: There are no embassies to the UN, however there are peace missions, and countries have peace missions to the UN. New-Earth miniseries

Moon: (Terrestrial) 1. The Moon is 356,410 km from the Earth at its closest point. It has a diameter of 3,473 km and has a surface gravity of one sixth of Earth with a comparative mass of only one to eighty-one.

The difference between the comparative mass of Earth and the relative gravity is of unanswered interest. Obviously, the mass of the moon is very unusual, compared to the volume; so the gravity of the moon isn’t in line, with its mass.

Here: are photographs of the far side of the moon that have sparked comment In the book Alien Agenda, by Jim Marrs. Evidence is that the moon is much older than the Earth. Marrs cites evidence, that the moon is hollow, and that it was placed around the Earth 12,000 years ago. The far side of the moon, is constantly facing away from Earth.

This photo comes from Apollo 8. Below are the needles, now famous.

Earth Syndrome miniseries

Moonbase: The Malukan base on the moon, overseeing Earth. Moonbase consists of six interconnecting bases on the “dark-side” or far side of the moon, interconnecting via sealed underground tunnels. The base is really a series of bases built over three thousand years. The bases are built into the natural irregularities of the moon, and are underground, and well

away from the surface, which is subject to meteor damage. New-Earth miniseries

Moon 2: The identification label name given to the second moon, placed around Sequetus 3 (Earth). The moon was a third the size of the original moon of Earth. It rotates at the same exact speed as the first moon, but is three times the distance out from Earth. Analysis gave the origin of this moon as most likely from Saturn. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Morander Scott: From Taborack planet, short-lifer, and follower of the New World Doctrine. Son of Betty Murry and Stewart Scott. Juggernaut miniseries

Morcan Class: One of the early designers of Warp Drive military vessels, Berry Morcan designed Destroyers, Carriers and Cruisers. Born in Delerum, Maluka, he became famous for his military designs. The early Morcan Class ships were generally smaller than their later counterparts by other designers. New-Earth miniseries

Moses, Pilo: One of the pioneers of Sequetus 3 who established early colonies there, and on Sequetus 4. His rank was captain and he played a part in the beginning of the planet’s prime cultural evolution of thought. New-Earth miniseries

Mortifor: The second station-city to be built. Three thousand years old. Built in space. Had over 150,000 inhabitants. Juggernaut miniseries

Mount Drapper: A mystical mountain in the Kendal Ranges of Sleebo. It’s 18,000 pacs above sea level. It’s permanently covered with snow, and its peak is weeks away from the nearest village, by foot. It’s one of the remotest parts of the planet. Templar miniseries

Mulzer: 1. It is a series of atomic bombs, within each other. It doesn’t explode once, but many times and is used to force direction of small comets, meteors, and natural satellites to push them into the pathway of an oncoming planet, so as to impact through the crust of that said planet. A mulzer team of engineers could move a 10 km (six mile) meteor onto Earth and destroy 99% of all human life with the one impact. The meteor would go through the Earth’s crust and send ocean waves around the planet’s shores, destroying life well inland.

2. The mulzer is an effective weapon. Often used to subdue a planet’s populace to a victor’s bidding, meteors will be lined up as threats in nearby orbits, to the target planet, and the governments reminded what will happen if they disobey. New-Earth miniseries

Muron: The Apple of Earth was exported to many planets immediately after intervention. It was traded extensively by Muron Enterprises. The apple became known as the Muron. Unlike many other foods in the Federation, apples, or murons, where not a trademarked or licensed food, owned by any one person or group. It was known as free-food. Earth Syndrome miniseries.

Murphy, Chris: USAF, NASA, fought in the Battle of Sequetus 3. After the battle he worked for ACI in Australia setting up the launch operations. New-Earth miniseries

Nalpan Province. 1. An Out World, never formally conquered by Jilta, and like the other Out Worlds, was in treaty with Hymondy. They received protection and autonomy for his support to be in the Hymondian realm. 2. Nalpan was at war with itself for two thousand standard years before Federation. It was never tamed by the CCP. 3. Capital planet is Talon. The planet has a great diversity of wide-open plains at the equator and deep thick forests near its poles. Tolan PPC is near the North Polar region. New-Earth miniseries

Nanosecond: (Terrestrial) A billionth of a second. 10-9

1,000,000,000 nanoseconds make a second. Nano comes from Greek nanos meaning dwarf. New-Earth miniseries

Natural: (Terrestrial) Editor: There are 18 separate meanings of the word nature in the 1987 Oxford Dictionary. There appears to be an attempt on the internet to redefine the word natural to mean to do with the physical universe. That definition doesn’t appear anywhere in our 1987 dictionaries. The definition for natural used in the NEW-EARTH SERIES is: 1. Belonging to a person or thing by nature, innate, inherent, natural to; hence ~ ly (established by nature). New-Earth miniseries

Nature: (Terrestrial) Oxford Dictionary (1987): 1. Thing’s essential qualities. Comes from Old English, from Old French, from Latin, nat – born. So, a natural ability could be that which you’re born with. (Note: This is the definition used in this story which was first drafted 1989 – 92. The new definitions of nature totally ignore the fact that life is what you’re born with. A study of nature isn’t a study of the physical universe. One won’t learn about nature studying a brick, for example.) New-Earth miniseries

Navia Charlton: Resident of Jilta, occupation was lecturer of anthropology at the Academia Alson. Also see Charlton. New-Earth miniseries

Nebulus, FSS Destroyer: Cruiser with 3,240 personnel, 45 Interceptors and ancillary fighter craft. New-Earth miniseries

Neculi, FSS Destroyer: Celtron destroyer class, retaining 6 interceptors, and over 432 personnel. Was destroyed by rockets over Celtron 4. New-Earth miniseries

Nelson: Boguard Leader. New-Earth miniseries

Nevaro, FSS Destroyer: Celtron destroyer class, has 7 interceptors, and over 504 personnel. Destroyed over Celtron 4. New-Earth miniseries

New Age: The New-Age of Palbo, or Empire II, as some called it, then. It was a new reign of Palbo, over the other worlds. Mirac first used the term in a speech, to a crowd before he received his first programming. It was one of his last original thoughts. Templar miniseries

New Earth: The name that will be given to Earth in 86,000 year’s time. New-Earth miniseries

New Moon: Name that will be given to the moon in 86,000 year’s time. New-Earth miniseries

New Orbat, City: A military city on Orbat, totally set for defending the Pleiades. Population 1.3 million, located around Aconan Bay. Earth Syndrome miniseries

New Territories of Palbo: The New Territories were the states, planets and acquired territories of Palbo, gotten by threat, force or intimidation.

New World Doctrine: A A set of principals adopted by Templars who had forsaken the old Federation as corrupt and departed from the original ways set forth, by Goren Torren of Sequetus. They believe the Temple to be the work of John Anderson, and not Goren Torren. The New World Doctrine focuses on the recorded lectures and what Torren, not the Temple, wrote. Templar miniseries

Niloglass: A synthetic, toughened, but very thin glass. Originally developed by Niloglass Industries of Jilta, but now made by many manufacturers. No longer trademarked. Juggernaut miniseries

Nilthan, Jaroh: Jiltanian Captain, survivor of The Battle of Sequetus 3. Involved with IFFCo for one hundred and eighty three years; graduated Dora Military College on Jilta. Parents Broa Niltan and Eilene Delton. Served on Sequetus 3 with Independent Torren, captain of Pegasus and other craft. Executive of ACI. New-Earth miniseries

Nineveh: (Terrestrial) Northern Iraq, ancient culture, and capital of the Assyrian Empire, on the Tigris river. New-Earth miniseries

Non-T: The term issued to anything that is non-terrestrial, not of Sequetus 3, or Earth in origin or usage. New-Earth miniseries

Not-agreement: Means simply not agreeing, but not-agreement, like disagreement, makes the universe real, and the universe continues. New-Earth miniseries

NSA: National Security Agency, begun in the USA after WWII. It gathers intelligence and deals with coded communications from around the world. New-Earth miniseries

Nullarbor Plain: (Terrestrial) That plain which stretches across the Great Australian Bight in southern Australia. Nullabor is an Australian native Aboriginal word for no-trees, or treeless plain, due to no trees being on the plain, because of lack of regular rainfall in the region. New-Earth miniseries

Nykol, Captain: Federation cruiser captain, saw service in the Battle of Sequetus 3. Most famous for his traveling the time portal with Independent Goren Torren in date BS 15. Graduated from the Military Academy of Boreal in Jilta. Served with IFFCo for 75 years before Sequetus. New-Earth miniseries

Nylop: 1. A tough material That’s used to create fabric, especially for use in military clothing and upholstery in galactic c

raft. 2. A synthetic material of Confederacy origin, easily molded, resilient to tear, but pliable. Often used in the manufacture of garments. New-Earth miniseries

Off-Duties: 1. n. Off-duty military personnel. Sick as an off duty, is an expression used to express the similarity between an illness, and excessive alcohol consumption. 2. n. Slang for guards, troopers, on recreation, or leave. New-Earth miniseries

Off planet: 1. The term used to mean leaving or being away from the planet. 2. Leaving to go into space, or to another world. New-Earth miniseries

Offplanet: Meaning not from the planet that one is on, from another place, off from this planet. “Tomorrow, I go offplanet, for my holiday.” New-Earth miniseries

Off-worlds: A term used in the Karo Series, to refer to the habitable worlds, beyond Orbat and Yaltipia. New-Earth miniseries

Olympus Mons: (Terrestrial) 1. The name means Mount Olympus in Latin, meaning the mountain where the twelve gods of Greece resided. 2. Olympus Mons is the largest volcano in the solar system. It is 25 km high, being three times higher than Mt, Everest. It is 700 km across its base. Cliffs of 10 km high surround it. Its opening, or caldera, is 85 km wide. New-Earth miniseries

Omm: The leader of Talkron for the Palbo region and sector. Over 500 years Standard Years old. Juggernaut miniseries

Ommandah: There were three races, on a rim planet, which had unique abilities. The first one was the Ommandah, the second was the Aaron, and the third was the Talkron. The Federation planet Palbo persecuted the Ommandah, after it learned their whereabouts. They vanished. The whereabouts of the rim planet was forgotten, possibly covered up, by the Aaron. Juggernaut miniseries

On planet, on-planet, and onplanet: The term used to mean going onto the planet from out in space or another world. “I’m going on- planet from the cruiser.” New-Earth miniseries

Operation Chalice: There were six ships that went through the portal to rescue Goren Torren. They were:

FAS Cruiser Lotta - destroyed by the Galon.

FAS Destroyer Farwar

FAS Destroyer Discovery

FAS Destroyer Aneel

FAS Destroyer Galon

FAS Destroyer Karrow which was the last to be destroyed in Operation Chalice.

They were all manned by young volunteers of the Federation, and all perished in the first few hours, beyond the portal. New-Earth miniseries

Operation Challenge: The mission, to snatch the alien bodies from the crash retrieval at Wright Paterson Air Base. New-Earth miniseries

Operation Juggernaut: The Federation operation aimed at the destruction of Earth by the earth year 2050, or BS 61. Led by Marshall Brit Cairns, and it was a complete failure. The operation inspired Earth and its billions to rebel against and then rule the Federation. New-Earth miniseries

Operations, or Ops: That section of the organization that runs missions. “He was mission briefed in operations aboard the Federation Cruiser Impeel.” New-Earth miniseries

Optotronic mines: 1. A class of mines that when activated by a predetermined light or energy frequency, will propel itself to the source of that energy, and detonate on impact. 2. Military mines laid out in space, using visual sensors, which then have the mine veer to its target. Relatively obsolete due to the ease of spotting. The mines use changing phototronics to arouse the potential mine. It lies dormant until changing optical sources activates the photosensitive cells. When activated, the mines draw on any major energy source. If evasive action is taken by the pursued craft, altering direction fast and often, the optotronic mine has been known to aim towards an alternative light source. Often the system solus will become the new target. New-Earth miniseries

Orbat: The chief planet in the Karo Series in the Pleiades. Standard gravity: 0.97, Water 68% of its surface, 267 million kpacs from its solus. One of a binary pair of planets. New-Earth miniseries

Ore-carriers: Vehicles used in space to transport raw materials, small asteroids and space debris. They are generally slow, large, with few crew. Made by many manufacturers of various types and sizes. See carriers. New-Earth miniseries

Oros Moon: The second largest Malukan moon. 1200 Ks diameter. It had three major bases, but only for surveillance and tracking. This moon has no known resources. Population less than 2,000. Earth Syndrome miniseries.

Othersider: A term given by Man-o-Wars to those beings that are working with the Talkron. Also see the term volunteer in this instance. Also refer to renegade Angalian. Earth Syndrome miniseries.

Outback: (Terrestrial) 1. Australian term for being out the back of, and away from civilization. 2. Is to the east of the Great Dividing Range of Australia. 3. Outback is also a formal region across the southern coastal part of Australia. New-Earth miniseries

Outspacer: A term for people out from Earth, not born on Earth. New-Earth miniseries

Out synchronization, or out-of-sync: The term applies to the mechanism of misalignment, of sub atomic particles and time, when the Warp Drive fields engage. New-Earth miniseries

Out-Worlds of Jilta: The Out-Worlds of Jilta, also known as the Out-Worlds, are those worlds in the Jiltanian sector that were never truly conquered by the Federation, but which by treaty agreed to fall under it. New-Earth miniseries.

Outer Colonies: The Outer Colonies of Maluka, are planets, with harsh conditions, where rebels were sent, when caught, who needed less supervision, but where the planet conditions kill those who stray far from the colony bases. These colonies are hard, and most inmates die there at early ages. There are four such planets, bordering with the sector of Siltonia. Earth Syndrome miniseries.

Outer-Worlds: These aren’t to be confused with the out-worlds of Jilta, those small regions lying on the outer part of the Jilta sector. The Outer Worlds on the other hand are those worlds that fall outside of the Federation of the long-lifers. The outer-worlds were never inhabited, until the Temple or House of Torren pushed humanity out there beyond the earlier Federation limits. Juggernaut miniseries

Overgrowner: The term given to the Angelians who were willingly working for the Talkron. Another word fro volunteer ship of the Talkron. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Ovid: 43 BC – AD 17 Roman poet: his full name is Publius Ovidius Naso. He is noted for his love poems, as the Amaores; his series of tales of mythological, legendary, and historical figures. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Pac: 1. Officially 1.03091 Meters (Terrestrial). 2. A length of standard measurement used throughout the Federation. 3. One pace or step. New-Earth miniseries

Pagan: (Terrestrial) The definition of Pagan used here is the original. That is: early religions. The religions before the Christian era were together called pagan. They were the religions used – successfully – up to this point by the Romans, Greeks, and its various populations. Pagan means early or earlier religions. There is no other nuance. Gods of the pagan religions included Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Neptune and others. Most western days are named after pagan gods, and Christmas Day was celebrated as a pre-Christian pagan holiday. Latin: Paganus – civilian. New-Earth miniseries

Palace Trust: A deed of trust given to the Boguard, by Lorde Hymondy III of Jilta, to care for the Royal Palace, and its occupants, until he returns, which he vowed he would. The trust was given 800 years before Battle for Sequetus 3. Templar miniseries

Palace Centrum: This is the central headquarters of Malukan Intelligence. It was once the Royal Palace, but was renamed when the Malukan Sector intelligence community took it over. It takes up a square kinopac of space, including the grounds, old palace, and gardens. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Palbo: In the Kantee Sector, the planet rose to prominence, due to it being the home and headquarters for the Warp Drive Bank. 38% water, not counting another 23% of frozen water caps. 12 continents, but with one supercontinent at the northern polar region. There are three native races on Palbo. Three moons, gravity 1.23. Oxyg

en 23%, nitrogen 75%. Templar miniseries

Palboan Empire: Under Brandon Mirac, the Palboan Empire was seized, and expanded, to include almost half the known inhabited planets, of the galaxy. 137 inhabited planets were under military control by Palbo, at its peak, by 1015 BS. Templar miniseries

Palbo C.C.: Palbo City Centrum, is the central planet administrative city of Palbo. It is the head of the government bureaucracy and the administrative functions of itself, the planet, and the sectors and regions that it governs. It was once home to the headquarters of the Imperial Federation Warp Drive Bank, but that moved to Kalexia on the continent of Calex. Palbo itself simply means home, in the ancient Palboan dialect. The city can trace its origins back 35,000 years.

Palbo Temple Palace: The palace erected in Palbo, for the temple, and built to surpass the grandeur and esteem, of the Royal Palace of Jilta. Built around 1,025 BS. It contains 1098 rooms, and has over five hundred staff. Juggernaut miniseries

Pallende Romans: Mexican, who is hired by ACI, to help research in the Mexican desert. New-Earth miniseries

Parrock: A hybrid bird of Jilta, domesticated prior to Federation. Source; Searfinders Index PP. 1239-43. Juggernaut miniseries

Past-lives: (Terrestrial) 1. There is frequent mention of past-lives in the sixth book of the NEW-EARTH SERIES. This phenomena of a past-life is simply a person leaving his humanoid body, as a spiritual life force, and getting another humanoid baby’s body at its next birth. This is distinct to reincarnation, which allows for migration of the spirit between species. Past-life theory doesn’t subscribe to migration between species and this is the concept used in this book, past-lives. New-Earth miniseries

2. Factually there are no such things as past lives, as such. A life is a continuum of the life force in the universe, and monitors himself, and it doesn’t die. The body dies, but not the life-force, running it. So factually, the person has never lived and died a past life, he has merely lived and lived on, from a long time ago, to the present with different bodies. Juggernaut miniseries

Patua System: Planet system, nearest the Jiltanian System. New-Earth miniseries

Patu, Lorde: Ruler of Patua. New-Earth miniseries

Peel: Royal planet of Kalanon. Population 29.1 million. New-Earth miniseries

Pegasus: A Tollycraft owned by Independent Goren Torren. New-Earth miniseries

Pegasus: (Terrestrial) 1. Flying divine horse of Greek mythology that had many adventures. 2. The God Zeus created the constellation Pegasus, in honor of Pegasus. New-Earth miniseries

Penomb: Wife of Garnow, daughter of Tinra and Moor, of the village Greetonne, Tors. Penomb is a long-lifer, of 53 years of age. Juggernaut miniseries

Permanent Status: When a law is submitted and approved it’s provisional, but it’s put into effect straight away. After a predetermined number of years of testing the law, it goes before the Sortel again and gets ratified as a permanent law. To revert the law after that, it needed a new law be provisional and so on. Templar miniseries

Persia: (Terrestrial) An ancient great nation that today is Iran and Iraq. New-Earth miniseries

Philadelphia Experiment: (Terrestrial) During the Second World War, the experiment was attributed to Von Neumann who was setting up Project Rainbow or Mirage. The project was to make the ship invisible, so that it couldn’t be detected. By using unified field theory, the ship was reported to have vanished, and all that could be seen was the outline of the ship’s hull in the water in Philadelphia Harbor.

The experiment was reportedly conducted on the USS Eldridge. The ship was further reported to have vanished and then seen in a different port. Einstein consulted with the US Department of the Navy and there is slight evidence linking him to the project. The side effects on the men involved in the experiment are reported to include that while some went insane, others took the residual effects of the experiment with them. There is a report of two sailors in a brawl one night after the test; who both vanished in front of a waitress. Some are reported to have dropped into a room, some afire, and some said they went to other worlds. New-Earth miniseries

Phobos: (Terrestrial) Moon on Sequetus 4, Mars, discovered in 1877, measuring only 21 km across; almost zero gravity. The second moon of Mars is Deimos, and only one seventh the size of Phobos. New-Earth miniseries

Pilik: A thin rim sector, between the old Federation worlds and the Outer-Worlds. New-Earth miniseries

Pixiis: Official name is pixiis-agimius, (biotynes) the parasite that exists on southern Sleebo that was used on Rambus and other planets, to destroy populations. Templar miniseries

Planet Gega Computer: A computer That’s so large, that it can draw on sister components, a planet away, or even a system away. It can run a planet and on some planets, it does. They are non-intelligent. To be most effective, there should be at least many such computers, on a planet. Juggernaut miniseries

Planet Group Hysteria: 1. This is Where a race of individuals comes under a singular group mind when the group is about to be destroyed, and the only thing left to do to preserve the race is to destroy everyone and everything. It is a phenomenon that has been experienced when intervention is late. 2. PGH happens after when a planet is able to spread the alarm of intervention through transmitted media faster than Intervention Forces can calm the populace. New-Earth miniseries

Planet Military Guard: See PMG. New-Earth miniseries

Plant: Someone planted amongst a group to spy on them. “A plant that high amongst us?” An infiltrator, a spy, put there to steal, and pass on confidential data. New-Earth miniseries

Plasglass: A translucent or opaque material of the Pleiades, used to filter light. Used in construction works. It is laminated with a mixture of silicon carbonate, silicon ribbon sheet, and toughened glass. New-Earth miniseries

Pleiades: (Terrestrial) 1. Star cluster known as the Pleiades, or Messier object 45 – M45 – or the Seven Sisters.

2. A cluster with seven stars known as the seven sisters containing middle aged B type stars – hot blue - in the constellation of Taurus. They were formed around 100 million years ago. The stars are 440 light-years away and about 48 light-years across. There are around 1,000 stars.

3. The name Pleiades comes from Greek mythology and the names of the seven sisters are the seven sisters from Greek mythology.

4. The Pleiades are reportedly referred to in the following ancient cultures: Maori, Australian Aboriginal, Persian, Chinese, Japanese, Mayan, Aztec, Sioux and Cherokee, Babylonian, Hindu (six mothers of war), Revelations 3:1, and perhaps is the Star of Najm referred to in the Quran. New-Earth miniseries

Pleiades: (Terrestrial) Swiss born Billy Meier claimed to be in contact with light ships from the Pleiades. In the early 1990s he produced many photographs of the ships.

Much effort went into discrediting the photographs and today there is a UFO culture around this case. Billy still supports his pictures and contacts as real. There is credible argument that his photos are real and his accounts are genuine.

Note that the photos that were produced in the 1990s were not available for computer manipulation, using Photoshop or similar programs, as they weren’t in the correct format for that.. Billy said that the race came to Earth with a message for him to pass on. They called their ships, light ships.

The photos above are two of the many that Billy produced in the early 1990s. New-Earth miniseries

Pleiades: 1. There are three star systems with inhabited planets known by the Federation. They are: Thora, Lordal and Quintex, with about ten million people on each. 2. There is the Karo Series, a system with several occupied planets. When someone in this story is referring to the Pleiades as a civilization they are usually referring to these coming from the Karo system. 3. A relatively young set of stars in the Galaxy. New-Earth miniseries

Pleiadian Battledress: The seldom worn dress uniform worn by recognized members of the Plei

adian military, when going to war. It is a recognized form of battledress and generally announces to all that the Pleiades is in a condition of war. New-Earth miniseries

Pleincil: The Pleiadian Democratically Elected Rulers of the Pleiades, and self-proclaimed protectors of the Galaxy, of the Karo Series. New-Earth miniseries

PMG: Planet Military Guard is the military arm of the Federation that deals with on-ground and outpost forces, as distinct to IFFCo, which deals solely with the Federation Fleet Command. Off-world transport of troopers and guardsmen still falls under IFFCo. United Liaison is the coordination body between the various military Federation commands. PMG is over the sub command of Marine Command (MaCo), which deals in naval matters, and PMG Flight, which deals in on-planet air command. New-Earth miniseries

Point Culver: (Terrestrial) A place on the south coast of Australia, dry and unpopulated. New-Earth miniseries

Point Culver - photo by author 2012

Polar Raider, Destroyer FAS: Siltonian Federation Alliance Ship Destroyer that assisted in the rescue of Goren Torren on Earth in the year BS 15. New-Earth miniseries

Polarization: The molecular state of reverberation direction where all molecule oscillate in unison and harmony before Warp Drives can carry occupants from the universe. New-Earth miniseries

Polynylop: 1. A fabric made from twisted metal thread that when intertwined with nylop produces a material that can be used to cover spacecraft skins, space suits, boots etc. It’s extremely strong, and rigid, and durable, depending on the ratio of nylop to the metal thread. Its strength varies, depending on the metal used. Polynylop is watertight to over 150 pacs, and airtight in space. 2. Polynylop 0 can be used in space suits. Polynylop 9 can be used in wear as desert clothing. The graded number represents how tight the thread is woven and its strength. Polynylop rope and twine, is the recommended material for tying down and securing loose objects in Federation craft. New-Earth miniseries

Port Melbourne. (Terrestrial) The large commercial docking area of Melbourne.

Port Phillip Bay. (Terrestrial) The bay that serves Melbourne Australia, around which the suburbs of Melbourne are sprawled around. Ships come through the bay, to unload and load at the docks and at the port of Melbourne. Named after Governor Phillip, an early governor of New South Wales. New-Earth miniseries

Power and protection: Electronically amplified thought, 10,000 times greater than fundamental form. It is artificially created and can control thoughts of lesser species. New-Earth miniseries

Powerdown boots: The boots use magnetism to give traction. They are a technology based on Broadmatter Theory, where the broadmatter gives the atoms and molecules their binding graviton attraction. The boots incite the broadmatter in the boots to cling to the molecules of the surface, that they are walking upon. Invented by Paramor Industries, Kallon. New-Earth miniseries.

PR firm: (Terrestrial) Short for Public Relations company. When dealing with the public one is advised to get help from a Public Relations firm who can guide one as to the correct way to act so as to be perceived well. A PR firm can help get positive media, handle adverse media reports, and generally advise how to conduct oneself in public. New-Earth miniseries

Prison Planet Rackow, Imperial Federation: An Imperial Prison Planet was normally a waiting place, for the lowest forms of criminal life, whose crimes were beyond expectation of rehabilitation and not wishing to be seen or heard of again, on the planet of origin. New-Earth miniseries

Profood: They are self heating packs of food. This is the Federation equivalent of junk food, extensively used by outspacers, but high in protein and nutrient value. New-Earth miniseries

Project Blue Book: (Terrestrial) Project Blue Book was a systematic study of UFOs by the US Air Force from 1952 to 1969. The project had two goals: To determine if UFOs were a national threat, and to determine if they were extraterrestrial in origin.

Thousands of UFO reports were collected, and analyzed. Project Blue Book never completed its task but was ordered shut down in January 1970 once the Condon Report was published.

Project Blue Book had been commissioned after Project Sign and Project Grudge. The data from project Blue Book is available today under the Freedom of Information Act. New-Earth miniseries

Project Grudge: (Terrestrial) This project took over from the terminated Project Sign to research UFOs.

The project ran formally from February to December 1949. Project Grudge issued only one report, 600 pages long. Previous data that Project Sign had looked at were possible extraterrestrial reasons for UFOs. These were dismissed by Grudge. Grudge did not even mention the Estimate of the Situation by Sign, which explained why the extraterrestrial hypothesis was the most logical answer to the UFO problem. Similar to Sign, the US Air force commissioned Grudge. New-Earth miniseries

Projection-Master: A navigator of the Corduke’s ship. He would have the slight ability to project himself into the future to being in time to see events slightly ahead. Juggernaut miniseries

Project Sign: (Terrestrial) Project Sign was commissioned in 1947 to ‘49 to research UFOs. Prior to the final report, some Sign personnel, such as its director Captain Robert Sneider, favored that that UFOs were likely extraterrestrial in origin. Consequently the project was terminated and replaced by Project Grudge. The files on Project Sign were declassified in 1961. New-Earth miniseries

Proposhield: An electronic shield usually in the front of the ship that negates and or deflects laser fire. (See the Broadmatter Theory Addendum for more working data.) It operates differently to that of an Acron Shield. New Earth miniseries

Protector, of the Temple: The up righteous person, who has the sole charge of protecting the Temple, on his planet or area or region or even sector. It isn’t a solely ecclesiastic position, but rather, part ecclesiastic and part management. Jaron was the first Protector of the Temple of the Palbo Empire, spanning many sectors. He was ideally suited, being a short-lifer, and being born on Earth, the holy planet, it gave him a position, within the Temple as being more senior, than the highest of other positions, within the Temple. Jaron’s marriage to Anki, the daughter of the Master Templar, united the Palboan Temples, to those of Jilta. Juggernaut miniseries

Psycho-surgeon: Professionals from Earth who were seconded to Palbo, after Earth was introduced to the galactic civilizations, to operate of malcontents and those who would oppose the Warp Drive Bank’s rule. They introduced surgical implants, for new-born infants, the size of a grain of sand, implanted in the brain through the soft skulls of the new-born, to ensure future compliance as the child grew older. They later changed the name of their profession to the term psychrons, however the profession divided into two schools of activity. The psychrons dealt with purely the mind and non intrusive methods of implanting, while psycho-surgeons dealt with manipulating the body to change behavior. Templar miniseries

Psychosurgery: (Terrestrial) This is where a psychiatrist operates to remove a part of the brain to change behavior of the patient. It isn’t to remove brain tumors or any physical problems. It is for changing human behavior patterns. The practice is getting less, it is sometimes outlawed. New-Earth miniseries

Psychotronic mines: The mines go into Warp Drive automatically and send out millions of signals in millions of time slots. If any return, a signal is then is plotted. If there are any craft in the same time instant as the mine then it’s registered. If it can be plotted, with subsequent plots, as well then the craft can be intercepted and mined and destroyed. Time-mining it’s called. Juggernaut miniseries

Psychronics: The science of altering a person’s behavior be removing their choice and transferring the choice of behavior to another external to the subject. Outlawed in most civilized countries, popular on Earth and taught in most tertiary schools of study. New-Earth miniseries

Psychrat-chamber: 1. A four pac chamber, which, when a person is placed into it, head first, it wra

ps itself around the person, applies a certain amount of pain and numbing sensation by the use of alternating currents to the whole body. At the same time the person is fed imagery through the eyes, to create an entire new memory for the person. Psychrons and psycho-surgeons do it. 2. Through drugging and hypnotically instructing the patient has to keep his eyes open and by projecting into the patient's eyes pictures and movies, along with a verbal sound track of the logic of what is happening and of why and what the patient is to think, the patent can be made to take up new causes, fight previous alliances and so on. A complete artificial memory can be induced, into the patient as real as any he had lived during his lifetime. Templar miniseries

Psychrons: A branch of physicians dealing in series-deprogramming, who originally came from Earth in 89 BS. They were shipped to Palbo from Earth to work with the Warp Drive Bank re-instate its control over the population, which had been liberated from the Bank by the Boguard and Felice Karo after BS 35

Psychrons are the control-fathers that the Masters on Six Worlds claim to have come from, and thereby linking their heredity line to the mind controllers of Earth from the 20th and 21st Century. Psychrons is another term for psycho-surgeons. Templar miniseries

Purge, The: Referring to the round up of the psychrons, by the populace of Palbo and beyond, after the fall of Brandon Mirac. Many psychrons and psycho-surgeons were summarily, executed. Some were interned, and some shipped to far away unpopulated world across the galaxy. The purge was unable to be controlled, and was a natural phenomenon of those, who has been mentally programmed, when they come out of the program to find what had happened to them. Juggernaut miniseries

Pyramids: (Terrestrial) 1. The figures and statistics regards the pyramids in the Book 1 story are accurate figures.

2. The two shafts from the King’s Chamber in The Great Pyramid aim at two separate star systems. One is Sirius. (See The Sirius Connection by Robert Templar)

The other shaft is the tail star in the big dipper constellation. The shafts don’t aim at those constellations now, but they did if one changes the planet back to the time of when the pyramids were built. The earth rotates on a wobble called precession, once every 26,000 years, or 1o every 72 years. Allowing for this, the shafts line up as described above. New-Earth miniseries

Quadrant, Interceptor: The interceptor, which Lieutenant Adams of NASA served in the Battle of Sequetus 3. A highly decorated crew. New-Earth miniseries

Quantum Drive: The sub-light method of travel during the Confederacy era of the Galaxy. Federation Warp Drives outdated the technology. New-Earth miniseries

Quiet-talk: The term used by four year old Mathew Wanten, to describe the concept of thought communication. New-Earth miniseries

RAAF: (Terrestrial) 1. Royal Australian Air Force. 2. Roswell Army Air Field. New-Earth miniseries

Rackwoller, George Vladimir Carmel: 1. Industrialist, media magnate, banker, philanthropist of the late 20th and early 21st century on Earth. Was arrested for Federation crimes and transported to a prison planet where he lived the rest of his natural life. 2. Born October 31 1953 New York State USA. Died whereabouts unknown. New-Earth miniseries

Rambus: An Outer World planet discovered 789 BS. It has .96 standard Gravity. It’s mostly desert with huge lakes and weeds. There are some mountains, and in the colder area is snow on the mountains by the lakes. There is some sparse vegetation near the lakes. Oxygen is produced by the various plant growth, beneath the water of the lakes. Bauxite extraction is its primary industry. Its population was destroyed by the pirates. Rambus became a symbol to the Temple over later years, to never give up fighting back. Templar miniseries

Randolf, Imer: Captain of the IP Destroyer Ikerus. Long-lifer, son of Sari Nik and Manon Imer of Palbo CC. Has two children from a second bonding. Juggernaut miniseries.

Rangercraft: ® 1. A small spacecraft, manufactured by Rangercaft Industries Inc. of Jilta. The Rangercraft 1,2 and 3 models are sought after especially by mining enterprises, as they are economical, sturdy, and have excellent navigation systems. New-Earth miniseries

Rapall: 1. A Federation military tradition. Two nights before battle, there would be a feast, with toasting, storytelling and plenty of speeches. Alcohol is part of the tradition. The following night, before battle, alcohol would be totally forbidden. 2. Rapall is a formal two-day Federation tradition before battle. There is feasting, saying good-bye to friends, with the next day being involved in total preparation for battle. 3. Named after the CCP Rapall, the cruiser that first introduced the tradition two thousand standard years before Federation. New-Earth miniseries

Rapid gunneries: Guns that fire over three thousand rounds of particle fire from space craft per second. Rapid gunneries work in space only, as they are generally inoperable on planets due to their excessive heat generation. New-Earth miniseries

Ratwalks: Slang Jiltanian term, for the moving pedestrian walkways, common in most central business districts. They move at 1 to 4 K, per hour. Juggernaut miniseries

Rebirthing Chamber: A small room, with transparent walls, and inside is an electronic bath, with a humanoid body, being grown, and in an electrostatic field. When a Talkron mission leaves, the personnel are hypnotically implanted, to remain in touch with a body, in such a bath. Each personnel have their own such body. (This body remains back at the base, whilst the personnel go on mission, with their regular body.) The rebirthing body is asked by a controller, what the person is doing on the mission, even though it may be billions of Ks away. The body will tell the controller, anything it knows. By the same mechanism, the controller may give the person on mission, ideas and thoughts that aren’t his own, but which he may then act upon. The personnel on mission are usually given the thought order, of not to be able to recall the rebirthing body. Most on mission are very unaware, that it exists. Juggernaut miniseries

Recount coils: The coils used in broadmatter theory to bring about WDS operations. They cause a unifying of the different physical fields to change time and space. New-Earth miniseries

Reduction: A pirate term for administering the biotynes - the insects that burrow into human beings, mammals and destroy human populations. The insects are safely managed, using large spheres, that are sent from space down to the inhabited regions on a planet. Reduction can take from week, or months, depending on the resilience of the population being attacked. Templar miniseries

Regeneration: ® A process that Royals underwent when returning to their home in Kantee Sector. 2. Regeneration is complete body rejuvenation. 3. Regeneration is technology administered by the Warp Drive Bank. Regeneration isn’t permitted on non-royalty. New-Earth miniseries

Religion: (Terrestrial) This means simply the organized way to explain oneself, the universe and how one fits in the cosmos now, the past, and in the future. Often answering the aged questions of who am I, what am I, do I have a purpose, what happens after death? New-Earth miniseries

Remote neural monitoring: (Terrestrial) If the reader wants to know more of this technology, look up RNM. It has been developed further, in response to the apparent terrorist threat. It’s reportedly being used in the USA, UK, Spain, Germany and France. (See NOTES at back) Earth Syndrome Series

Religion: (Terrestrial) means simply the organized way to explain oneself, the universe and how one fits in the cosmos now, the past, and in the future. Often answering the age old questions of who am I, what am I, do I’ve a purpose, and what happens after death? New-Earth miniseries

Residence: The home residential name for Goren Torren’s home on Jilta. It has now become the administrative center for the Houses of Torren of the Temples. New-Earth miniseries

Resurrection: The era after Earth had been introduced to the Federation, and the time when depopulation of Earth had been instigated, by the Warp Drive Bank by lifting off humanity in its billions to other worlds. It was seen as a time of healing of Sequ

etus 3 after it had been heavily polluted and ravaged by the short lived species of man on Earth. No one has records of those who survived the travels to new worlds or how many of those billions were lost in the ether worlds of warp drive space. The Templars kept the only true records for those they sponsored to arrive at the Outer Worlds. Templar miniseries

Rigrano: Fleet Commander serving the Palboan Fleet Command, originally born in Sleebo. Very highly decorated career officer, he saw service in Sequetus before being taken out of commission. 434 years old, son of Bubbo Brin and Dorin Rigrano of Dacal, North Sleebo. Templar miniseries

Rimo; A Tog, partner of Vila from beyond the portal. New-Earth miniseries

Rim sector: A sector on the rim of the galaxy, such as Timbor, Center and Maluka and so on. New-Earth miniseries

Rim System: A star system close to the edge of the Galaxy, such as Sequetus. New-Earth miniseries

River Master: The official on Palbo who authorizes the passage of boats beneath his checkpoint. Templar miniseries

Robertson Panel: (Terrestrial) A panel set up by the CIA in January 1953 under the direction of Howard Percy Robertson, physicist, CIA employee, director of the Defense Department Weapons Evaluation Group, to investigate the extraordinary large number of eye witness accounts of saucers appearing over Washington, both singularly and in groups. See Washington flap.

The UFOs appeared on radar, were seen from planes, the ground and homes; thousands of witnesses were involved. The flap lasted weeks. The USA President had to speak about it in the media. Jets were scrambled many times, ineffectively and the nation was in fear of an invasion.

The famous film footage of 14 UFOs passing behind the White House in 1952 is from this flap. (See Washington flap) The panel had only four consecutive days of formal meetings. The result was, that the panel suggested that the reports could all be explained, including those that had no explanation, and that the Air Force should begin a debunking campaign, using celebrities, media and even corporations such as Walt Disney. New-Earth miniseries

Rocks, Football Stadium: Fictional name of a small LA stadium where Goren Torren held an event where he stopped an assassin’s bullet in midflight. This was the well-publicized incident that made him a celebrity, someone hated and someone to be targeted. New-Earth miniseries

Romobile: Martian wheeled transport, cumbersome and slow. Comes from roving mobile vehicle. New-Earth miniseries

Roswell: (Terrestrial) Town in the USA where nearby a flying saucer was reported to have crashed in 1947. The photos below look authentic. The crash was announced to the public by the US Air Force press release, in which a flying saucer had crashed, and the US Air Force was handling it.

This press release was later recanted and a new story went out stating it was a crashed weather balloon. See the balloon parts further below.

One story goes that the craft was taken to the Wright Patterson Air Force Base. There is an entire UFO culture surrounding this incident, including small so called alien greys captured there, with two videos of such greys in existence. New-Earth miniseries

Royal Archives: The Royal Archives (Hymondian) are not just a depository of data, computerized and hardcopy; they include access to all Hymondian intelligence data. There are four levels of security, with Level Four being the most secure. New-Earth miniseries

Royal Courtyard: The courtyard, is part of the Jilta Royal Palace. The gardens of the palace go back a thousand years, or more. They are reserved for use by the ruling royalty or rulers, from the palace. There are said to contain every variety of Jilta plant life, somewhere in the courtyard, which extends for three acres, including indoors. New-Earth miniseries

Royal Palace: The royal palace of Jilta predates the Federation and the Confederated Council of Planets. It’s thousands, (perhaps seven) of years old dating back to the first one-world government of Jilta. It has three major building periods, consists of over 300 rooms, seven levels, including up to four levels underground in places. New-Earth miniseries

Royals: A tall humanoid race from the Kantee Sector of the Galaxy measuring up to 2.5 pacs tall. Royals as a race are olive complexioned, have stronger foreheads and cheek bones, and wide shoulders. Usually their hair is dark brown to black. They have a naturally high IQ. Prior to the development of W.D. Royals had no expansionist policies. Royals is sometimes capitalized – being a race, sometimes not. New-Earth miniseries

Rytoen: 1. A flying or gliding animal, with a loud frightening scream, said to be carnivorous. It lives 185 years, and grows to about four meters long. 2. It could be said to be similar to a dragon in Earth folk lore. 3. Rytoen live beyond the portal, and are used, to hunt down renegades on the planetoid Yildon. The scientist, Yablin Markel, developed the Rytoen on the Six Worlds group of planets. There are 25 rytoen, at any one time. They don’t have the ability to reproduce. When one rytoen dies, another is created in the planet’s laboratories. New Earth miniseries

Sandrist: A small rim planet in the far-Outer-Worlds, comprising 27 million people, mainly refugees from the Outer-Worlds, after the Brandon Mirac era of the Palbo Empire conquest. One fifth of its surface is water, the rest, desert regions. It’s now self-sufficient, is a substance economy, with almost no trade, with any other planets. Religion: Predominantly Torrenists, or Church of Torren. Juggernaut miniseries

Santonia (Santona) Galaxy: 1. Named after astronomer Rel Santonia, who mapped the Galaxy for space travel seventy-five thousand standard years ago. 2. The name for the Galaxy in Federation is Santonia Galaxy or Santona Galaxy. The terrestrial name is simply Galaxy, or Milky Way, which has exactly the same meaning. Galaxy means a milky way. Galaxy is capitalized when referring to the galaxy we are in, as it’s the name of our galaxy – Galaxy. Galaxy and Santonia Galaxy mean the same. Galaxy is terrestrial, and Santonia Galaxy is Federation. New-Earth miniseries

Satel Industries: Under the umbrella of ACI, Satel Industries runs the satellite refurbishment and space program for ACI. Established October 1996. New-Earth miniseries

Scram: 1. A blend of vitaminized protein cereal, and dried parrock egg. Origin, Jilta Academia for Martial Conquest. 2. Any form of mixed protein food, mashed (mixed) to make a meal. Juggernaut miniseries

Scandral, Albar: Federation scientist, who believed that the universe traveled on a time spiral. He died mysteriously four hundred and fifty years ago. Born in Peel, Kalanon. Parents Frit Scandral and Betro Sei. New-Earth miniseries

Scanners: 1. The engineers, who scan the fighters and interceptors for imperfections in their hull or workings. There are dozens of scans that are performed, by hand over these craft, and a trained scanner performs them. 2 Federation engineers, who inspect, correct and repair the onboard fighting craft of IFFCo. Found on cruisers and destroyers. New-Earth miniseries

Screens, ship: Aboard battlecraft are different types of screens. They aren’t linked to a central computer, but rather are run as completely isolated computers with their own separate attendants. These are datascreens, which access data; and commscreens, which access communications going in, out and around a ship; viewscreens, for general display of information, briefings and so on. There are mapscreens for showing overlay, ground enhancement and positions in space. For security of data these systems are physically never linked. New-Earth miniseries

Sea of Tranquility: (Terrestrial) On the moon and reported site of Apollo 11 moon landing on July 20 1969. 00.06408 N, and 23.47297 E. Mystery surrounds the mission in that there are reports that Apollo 11 was being observed by UFOs and this was commented on by the astronauts while there, and NASA. There are other reports that the entire mission was filmed on a large Hollywood set, and that due to the radiation belts surrounding Earth, and lack of space suits to withstand such radiation – even today, no man has been able to go near the moon. New-Earth miniseries

Searfinders Index: ® 1. The two hundred and seventy-three reference volume se

t of books That’s used to standardize galactic cultures and education, which had been missing under the Confederacy. Searfinders Publishing Industries Inc. is headquartered in the Kantee Sector and has half a million staff around Santonia. Searfinders publish over 1,800 daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly publications through the Galaxy. 2. Searfinders are a conglomerate of publishing divisions. They have a mandate to accumulate and publish data, for the cultural future of humanoids, to bring about an improving civilization. 3. Searfinders are an aligned body of publishing houses. New-Earth miniseries

Sector: The region of space controlled by a Royal family within the Santonia Galaxy. A sector can have a million stars, of which only a few hundred are barely habitable. Some Sectors, Duchies, may have only a thousand stars of which only a few may have habitable planets. New-Earth miniseries

Sectoral Space: That space within the sector, three dimensional, which includes all the written and interpreted boundaries making up the sector and all its systems as a whole. Juggernaut Series.

Security: 1. Abbreviation for Fleet Security. Also FS. 2. All communication between craft during a time of war is put through fleet security. There is no exception. New-Earth miniseries

Security Council of Palbo: The body of 13 men, six military, seven non-military, that answer to the President, and who preside over all security matters of the planet and its empire. Templar miniseries

Sequetus: The solar system that includes Earth. The system is wondrous in all the different types of planets that are involved, and that Sequetus 3 and 4 are or were habitable. From Latin, sequi, meaning to follow. New-Earth miniseries

Sequetus 2: 1. Venus (terrestrial name) This planet has scientific teams on its surface. The planet is too hot to naturally support life, and the atmosphere is too toxic, but teams exist there, supported from Earth. Named after an early female explorer Venu Fay (CCP), who explored Sequetus 3 in the Mediterranean Sea region 2,300 years ago.

2. (Terrestrial) Diameter 7,571 miles or 12,104 km. 67.7 million miles or 108 million kms from the sun. Atmosphere is carbon dioxide, with sulfuric acid clouds surrounding the planet. The surface temperature gets to 460O C. New-Earth miniseries

Sequetus 3: 1. Earth (terrestrial name). Fully colonized and expanding. It’s in pre-intervention stage of development. 6 billion inhabitants.

2. (Terrestrial) One natural satellite – moon. Diameter 7,654 miles - 12,654 km, 90 million miles (149.6 million km) from the sun. Density 5.5 times water. New-Earth miniseries

Sequetus 4: 1. Mars (terrestrial name). A planet that once boasted a large colony of some seven hundred thousand colonists. The planet was terminated and colonists moved to Sequetus 3. Named after one of the early explorers of the CCP, Mares Bey who gained a ruthless reputation in slaughtering local inhabitants.

2. (Terrestrial) Mars is 141.6 million miles or 228 million miles from the sun. Diameter 4,208 miles, or 6,787 kms. Its red color comes from the iron rich mineral surface. Tenuous carbon dioxide atmosphere. New-Earth miniseries

Sequetus Series: 1. The series of habitable planets in the Sequetus system. Series as a title applied only to systems that contain more than one habitable planet. Sequetus has Sequetus 3 and Sequetus 4 as its series. Sequetus 4 is barely habitable today but has been so in the past, and therefore qualifies for the title of Sequetus System to be upgraded to the title of Sequetus Series. 2. A System is the title of a star with one habitable planet. A Series is the title of a star with two or more habitable planets. New-Earth miniseries

Series deprogramming: 1. A form of mental and administrative exercises which may be as light as a short mission debrief, but could be as intrusive as removing memories, by the use of otherwise illegal controversial means. This may involve electrocution to the brain, removal of parts of the brain, microwaving to cook the brain, or ingesting chemicals to prevent the brain from operating. 2. On Sequetus 3 series deprogramming is done in psychiatric institutions and laws have been set in place to enable it to be administered by qualified Malukan agents (or others), as a legal therapy. New-Earth miniseries

Shaman: (Terrestrial) n. priest or clan witch doctor, claiming to have sole contact with gods etc.: hence n, shamanistic a. [f. G schamane & Russ. Shaman f. Tungusian saman.] (Oxford Dictionary) New-Earth miniseries

Sharman, the Great: 1. The sole person responsible for speaking to and being able to understand the spiritual deity of Goren Torren. To be the Great Sharman one needed to be able to transmigrate through time itself to be able to contact the Holy Torren. 2. The title was first accepted by John W. Anderson on Earth. In the two thousand years after the graduation of the Holy Torren in BS 31, there have been five holders of the title of The Great Sharman. 3. Sharman is an alteration of the word shaman. New-Earth miniseries

Shanar: Title pronounced upon a person by The Master Templar. Technically it isn’t a name but is received as a title. Such a person has to reach a certain mental and spiritual enlightenment state, as well as certain physical ability, before being granted Shanarian recognition. This was the title given to the public relations officer of the Master Templar 2020. New-Earth miniseries

Sheril (Brud) Born 987 BS, in the north east Amazon to an Indian tribe named Brud. Had one son, Yandra, to then husband Jaron Manquin, and moved to Yaltipia of the Pleiades. Templar miniseries

Shinto: (Terrestrial) Almost Half the Japanese religions are Shinto. Shinto understands there are perhaps many gods, and some say there are 6 million such gods in Japan. Some might say more. They would believe that there is a god of the wood, a god of the mountain and a god of the river. That definition of god is what we use in the sixth book, such as the “life of the woods” in the woods. For more information see Notes. New-Earth miniseries

Shklovsky, Iosif S: (Terrestrial) 1916 – 1985. Soviet radio astronomer and astrophysicist, co-authored a book with Carl Sagan 1966, Intelligent Life in the Universe. The crater Shklovsky on the Martian moon Phobos is named in his honor.

Shocksuit, Shock-suit: ® 1. Space wear for military duty in the Hymondian and some other sectors, manufactured by Hard Ware Enterprises Inc. Also worn by Boguard.

2. The shocksuit is designed to absorb blows and distribute the load of such physical shock around the body, so that no one place is overloaded with impact. The result is that the wearer is able to exert himself far greater with far less risk of damage. The standard shocksuit colors are dress-white, black, grey, sand, buff, and jungle green and navy blue. All the above colors are available in camouflage as well as special order colors. New-Earth miniseries

Short-lifers: Those who live a lifespan of between 70 – 150 years thereabouts. Until the emigration of peoples of Earth into the galaxy, short-liferism was listed as a physical treatable disease of the DNA. Short-lifer then became a derogatory term meaning someone with Earth ancestors. New-Earth miniseries

Shout, my shout: (Terrestrial) Australian slang for my turn to buy, for everyone here. New-Earth miniseries

Shroud: 1. The manifestation of making something invisible to normal eyesight. It can be done by various means. One is to bend light rays around the subject. Another is to project a false picture of what is there. 2. Shrouds can be placed in position, by one source and that is a 1D (one dimension) shroud. The almost perfect shroud is placed there by four sources, a 4D shroud. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Siltania: Capital and Royal Planet of the Ranwick System. New-Earth miniseries

Siltonia: Sector, with Ranwick as the Capital and Royal Planet. Siltonia, also known as Silto, was a major ally of Jilta during the Battle of Sequetus 3. After the Royals slowly vanished the sector elevated to being a democratically run republic. New-Earth miniseries

Six Worlds, the: The name given to the six planetoids beyond the portal. The six worlds comprise: Yildon, the home of Vila and the Masters. Tibel, the home of Centrecom. Vauxou, Paleno, Ferrow, and Julipor. New-Earth


Skanes, Marly: Fellow biology student with Chelo Bade, at Academia Alson. Daughter of Vip Zed and Mono Skanes, of Jilta PC. They were offered a job at the Bank, after finding out, that their thesis was an astounding success. Juggernaut miniseries

SKF: (Terrestrial) Global company headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden, founded in 1907. They have about 45,000 employees today. It manufactures grease, roller bearings, seals, and lubricants. New-Earth miniseries

Sky: The illusion inside the great pyramid on Mars that makes the vaulted ceiling seem hazy and blue. New-Earth miniseries

Sleebo: Outer planet in the Malukan sector near the central rim. A cold planet much of which is frozen. After the Earth intervention day the planet became a major trading partner with Earth, due to the very close proximity, and a wealth of resources for the Templars. Templar miniseries

Slipher, E.C.: (Terrestrial) 1885 – 1969 American planetary astronomer with a focus on Mars and who researched the planet from observatories all over the world. He was also mayor of Flagstaff, Colorado River. New-Earth miniseries

Small Magellanic Cloud: This is a dwarf galaxy, meaning it is small, and not spiralling, like the Milky Way. It was used by small vessels in the South Pacific to navigate by, and is quite visible to the naked eye, at night. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Snow-trekkers: Ski operated vehicles, with four tracks and three skis. Made in Palbo. Usually rigged with cabins with seating for up to five. Juggernaut miniseries

Social anthropology: (Terrestrial) The study of human societies. f. F anthro – human. New-Earth miniseries

Social Computer Studies: The study of how computers impact on society, now, past and future. New-Earth miniseries

Sodium amatol: A classic psychotropic pharmaceutical drug, used by psychiatrists in the 1970's and 1980's, also known as truth serum. Used in MK Ultra, mind-control experiments in the 1960’s and 1970’s. New-Earth miniseries

Solan: 1. Planet in the Federation that previously was relegated to backwaters after severe economic depression. Solan was a mining planet that relied heavily on computer manufacture, but was wiped out economically after the Medallian Rebellion. 2. Remote province in Centor Sector. New-Earth miniseries

Soldo: An inner Pleiadian colony planet, of the Karo Series. It has had human habitation and pioneers for 300 years, population 3 million. New-Earth miniseries

Solus: The center of a system, star system source of heat and light. Note; a solus isn’t simply a star. A star must have a system of classified orbiting natural bodies, in order to be classed as the system's solus. New-Earth miniseries

Sortet: The annual Grand Meeting lasting two weeks, of the House of Torren. All Temples from the civilized world are represented. Traditionally the Sortet is on Jilta on the same date every standard year. Templar miniseries

Spacer: A general term meaning anyone who was connected to the interplanetary military, mining corps, or anyone else who travelled in space.

Spec-mine: A spec mine has no explosive charge. They are just small magnetized particles, the size of a grain of sand, put in the region, that then prohibit Warp Drive craft from appearing within their field. They are relatively harmless to traditional quantum speed travel craft. They are magnetic and can be re-collected. New-Earth miniseries

Spectrograph: (Terrestrial) A photo or graphic representation of a broad spectrum of data. New-Earth miniseries

Spontaneous Combustion: (Terrestrial) The phenomena when a person bursts into flames for no apparent reason, and continues to burn. There are reports of people losing limbs or most of their bodies to this phenomenon.

One possible explanation is that fat in the body gets ignited and then slowly burns. The fat and all the body parts burn, with very little damage to the surroundings. Such would only happen if the person was already unconscious, and there were no passersby. There are about 300 such cases recorded. New-Earth miniseries

Sportal, FSS Cruiser: A Federation Cruiser under Marshal Torb’s command; 45 interceptors, and 3,330 crew. New-Earth miniseries

Stacy, Twi: A Lieutenant of the Guard on Celtron 4. Son of Hegas Stacy and Maggis Reel, of Celtron 4. New-Earth miniseries

Standard atmospheric: 1. A term applied to atmosphere pressures. This can vary to extremes. It’s a relative term. 2. Sequetus 3 is 95% Standard Atmospheric, while Mars is 2%, Jupiter varies from 800% and above. 3. 1.0 is Standard Atmospheric. New-Earth miniseries

Standard Book of Records. A subsidiary of Searfinders Index for government data records. New-Earth miniseries

Standard Centre: A relative measure from the center of a Galaxy. 0.0 is absolute center. 1.0 being very the outside rim. The measurement is decided on the proportion of mass within the nominated figure, not distance. Example 0.3 has 0.3 of the mass of the Galaxy to the center of the orbital position nominated. New-Earth miniseries

Standard Galactic (SG): 1. The language that was forcefully imposed upon Galaxy administrators after Federation conquest. Local languages still represent most dialogue, and there are over a million different languages in the Federation. 2. Standard Galactic has as its closest terrestrial equivalent type language Esperanto. 3. Standard Galactic evolved over a thousand years at the hands of the Federation Language Council (a body of linguistic scholars from many sectors, who hold positions on the council on rotation. They were given a mandate; to establish the language so that Federation sectors could communicate with each other. Government employment on any Federation post demands a Certificate of Standard Galactic IV, as the lowest level. To be an officer in the Federation one must have a pass in SG II. To hold any position in a Fleet requires a minimum of SGIII. SG I is the highest recognized grade. Some Embassy positions require Standard Galactic I. New-Earth miniseries

Standard Gravity: The gravity of the original royal planet is 1.0. All other planet gravities are a comparison to this by the term Standard Gravity. New-Earth miniseries

Standard Oil: (Terrestrial) American company, founded 1870, defunct 1911. Products were fuel, lubricants and petrochemicals. 60,000 employees. Chairman John D. Rockefeller. It was broken up into dozens of smaller Standard Oil subsidiaries such as Standard oil of New York, Standard Oil of California etc., plus other companies such as Esso, Mobil, and Imperial Oil. New-Earth miniseries

Standard-year, Standard Year, standard year: 1. A standard-year is the measure of average time, which all the Royal Planets take to traverse one full annual cycle around their solus. Whilst each planet has its own local-year, and measures time on the planet in Earth-years, Jiltanian-years, and so on, there is a standard-year that all years can be measured against, and That’s by taking all the royal planets and making the average time of each of those years, a standard-year. 2. By using this as a benchmark, it means that all planets have had an input into making the standards upon which the Federation is built. 3. A standard-year is 1.0595 earth-years. New-Earth miniseries

Star colors: (Terrestrial) The coolest stars are red dwarfs at 3,500 Kelvin or less. The colors increase from yellow orange to yellow and then to white at 5,800 Kelvin. At 11,000 Kelvin, stars appear blue. A white dwarf happens after a giant red star has blasted out its outer layers and collapsed inwards to become a white dwarf. A single teaspoonful of white dwarf material weighs more than 15 tons. New-Earth miniseries

Starion: An animal for riding, burden, and for racing; bred on Jilta. New-Earth miniseries

Station-City: The manmade city in space that has up to 150,000 inhabitants. It’s where warp drives are manufactured and where they get their energy. It’s the most secret thing the Bank has. It’s off the cross roads of all travel, away from systems, away from planets, highly secured. Juggernaut Series

Station-ship: Ships 1. Ships that aren’t designed for travel, which are simply there, as research vessels, in a region. 2. Overgrowner is a slang term for them, as they were often added to, during their life, to

a point where they were unable to be transferred. They had over-grown. Often, they had no warp drive transport system, as they never expected to move them. 3. A large stationary vessel used by the Warp Drive Bank to bring life into the physical universe, from the alternative life-universe, beyond. They can be as small as only having a few dozen crew, or as large as having hundreds of thousands of crew, verging on becoming a manmade planetoid. Often these are also called Station Cities. Juggernaut miniseries

Steel, Randal: Hallowman, first class. 33 years old. Son of William Steel and Fi Smith, from Jilta. Graduated with honors the Jiltanian Academy. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Storm, Anqi: Malukan garrison trooper on Sequetus 4, daughter of Jarn Storm and Maggri Bulin. Born on Sleebo. Anqi Storm assisted Goren Torren in his work in setting up the defense of Sequetus 3. Grew up in Sleebo. Storm Island off the coast of Ankrass in Sleebo is named after her, as well as the Anqi Marine Park, also off Ankrass. She was deemed one of the Temples of Sequetus 3. See the definition of Temple. New-Earth miniseries

Strikers: Attack craft of the Boguard, not dissimilar to fighters, but which move at the use of thought, accelerate approximating the speed of thought, and which can actually alter position in space solely determined by thought. Templar miniseries

Strine: (Terrestrial) The English language as spoken by Australians. The Australian accent, especially so by the undereducated. New-Earth miniseries

String-beam: A traction beam, that pulls in an object as if the object, was on the end of a piece of string. It will pull anything around obstacles and so on once, locked in. New-Earth miniseries

Struck: A thousand volt stunner, used by police in the province of Nalpan. They are a legal weapon that all citizens are allowed to carry in that province. New-Earth miniseries

Struck-fighting: The martial art of fighting with stunners, called strucks. Popular in the Jiltanian out worlds. Outlawed in many planets. The struck has a 2,000 volt charge, but low amps. New-Earth miniseries

Stunner: A weapon that immobilizes the neuron system of the body, by interfering with electrical impulse to the brain and brain stem. New-Earth miniseries

Superrise: A building that exceeds 200 floors. Predominant in countries with climate extremes or which have excess population problems.

Superrises could have up to seven floors of shops and offices and service industries below it. It could also have rail stations inside it underneath. New-Earth miniseries

Sumer: (Terrestrial) An ancient region, in southwestern Asia, in present day Iraq. It sprung from city-states that became Babylon; from the 4th Century BC. Sumer is the first of the known recorded civilizations. The civilization began around 4,000 BC. They drained marshes, created Cuneiform writing, used taxation, had a history of the cosmos, and knew of the planets Neptune and Pluto, which couldn’t be seen without telescopes. They wrote and recorded on about fifty thousand baked clay tablets, which were stored in libraries. The tablets were inscribed with a stylus, and baked hard, and unlike papyrus, didn’t get destroyed over time. When the Western powers invaded Iraq, one of the first major points called upon was the Iraq museum, which had 10,000 such tablets. Trucks arrived at the museum as US allied soldiers took the city. Caucasians staffed the trucks. The tablets haven’t been seen, since. (See NOTES of Book 21) Earth Syndrome miniseries

Sumerian Communication Devices: The devices on the wrists of this race are in sculptures and carvings, shown through many years, on many statues’ wrists. It is only the people with wings that wear the devices. See the photographs in Notes Sumer. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Superrise: A building that exceeds 200 floors. Predominant in countries with climate extremes or which have excess population problems.

Superrises could have up to seven floors of shops and offices and service industries below it. It could also have underground rail stations inside it. New-Earth miniseries

Suppressor-plates: Plates which absorb lasers in battle. These are defense plates that allowed the lasers to hit, absorb and transfer the energy of laser fire, rather that deflect the energy with proposhields. Thus CCP military craft were bigger and heavier than Federation craft so as to be able to absorb laser fire. New-Earth miniseries

Superior Council of Talkrons: The most senior body of Talkron. It can be the most senior on a planet, a system, or a sector, or even bigger. There is no limit to size. The governing factor is ability. Juggernaut miniseries

Supreme Council of Palbo: A full bench of nine judiciary that approved laws, and proclamations, put into effect by the President of Palbo. They are non-political and are drawn from the legal fraternity usually. 2. Some say the Supreme Council are only a rubber stamp for the planetary President’s Office, while the council was formed so as to curb excessive abuse of power. Templar miniseries

Swaine: A Federation middle to low rank in the imperial forces. Comes from early Jiltanian (before Federation) when a young Swaine was the assistant to the field battle commander. New-Earth miniseries

System: 1. See Sequetus series – (2). 2. See system, warp drives. New-Earth miniseries

System-alignment ports: Whilst Warp Drives will work without the ports, only the drives themselves would be transported. To include the entire craft, its occupants and craft in the transportation, the crew and ship need to vibrate in harmony and synchronize with the Warp Drives. That’s the job of the system alignment ports. They polarize the electrons of all matter within the ship so that the Warp Drives recognize the ship and its load as itself, and transport it all accordingly. Port means to travel, teleport, transport, port, so systems-alignment port means traveling with the alignment of a whole system. Normally alignment takes a variable time depending on the volume to be transported. New-Earth miniseries

System Security: The security personnel of a planet, a ship or a station. New-Earth miniseries

System, Warp Drive: A Warp Drive system is the hardware of the drives plus the integration circuitry as well as the intellectual knowledge of WD making up the full workable Warp Drive product. New-Earth miniseries

Taborack: A distant rim planet, in the far-Outer-Worlds, inhabited by less than three million. Recently settled, less than 120 years, but with a great influx of Templar refugees, upon the fall of the dictator, Brandon Mirak. Templar miniseries

Tagora, Grant, Marshal: A distinguished Corduke, who when Jilta was overrun by the Palboans, and Brandon Mirak, he never surrendered, and instead waged a guerilla war, from the nearby mountains against the Palboan military junta, on Jilta. After the liberation of Jilta and the freeing of the Master Templar, Grant Tagora and the Master Templar became close associates, and Tagora one of the closest advisors to the Royal Palace. After the invasion of Kantee, and the liberation of life there, Tagora was asked to head up the Hallowmen unit, answerable to only the Master Templar. Earth Syndrome Series

Tahean: A savage water animal, dangerous, related to the Rytoen. It has four legs, and measures nine pacs long. It lives for three hundred standard years. It is a reptile and while seldom comes on land, it can. There are 35 Tahean in the Sea of Yildon. New-Earth miniseries

Talax: 1. Fabled, but also a real planet, where the Royals are said to come from originally. Whilst no history books actually record its existence as real, it’s said that in one of the myths it was an early Outer World, beyond Migor of the sector Timbor. New-Earth miniseries 2. The system is real, as is the planet Talax. It’s where the race comes from that were selected to be the bodies for the Royals. They are a two meter tall race or taller. Juggernaut miniseries

Talker: A visual phone of Sandrist. Common, cheap, and used by satellite relay. Mostly available at some expense, when a city exceeds a million people. Before that, communication is by radio wave or in-ground cable. Juggernaut miniseries

Talkron: 1. The branch of a former race, of which the Aaron came from, that was thought extinct but still exists. It originated f

rom a rim system, many millennia ago. 2. The Talkron bird that lives 25 years, similar to falcons in Sequetus. 3. They had been found to be involved in the rise of Brandon Mirak, placing agents within the Federation key civilian positions to subvert its society. Its real origins unknown. Its overall purpose still obscure. Juggernaut Series

Tallum: A giant planet, in the Karo Series in the Pleiades. It has six moons, one of which is planned for colonization. Target date 4,000 years. New-Earth miniseries

Tarj Himble: Tarj means holy place in Palboan, and himble means hall. It’s the holiest and largest ecclesiastic set of buildings in Palbo. 28 buildings, 17,000 staff and comprise a full suburb of Palbo C.C. It has its own universities, three secondary schools, a large monastery, its own security guard, and its rule is autonomous to the civilian government of Palbo. Juggernaut miniseries

Taronga Park Zoo: (Terrestrial) On the north side of the Sydney Harbour is Sydney’s zoo. It is a short ferry-ride from central Sydney. New-Earth miniseries

Telkabar: A floating city orbiting Orbat consisting of billions of people. It has Warp Drive as its main defense. A city still under construction 86,000 years in the future. A full city under Warp Drives. New-Earth miniseries

Tema: Administrative Member, of the Confederated Council of Planets. New-Earth miniseries

Templars: 1. Those who are the clergy of the House of Torren and the Temple, and who follow the Temples of Sequetus 3. 2. Those following the way of the Temple. Lay and clergy alike. Templar Series

Temple: 11. The term temple doesn’t mean a building that holds religious relics and statues. The term temple here means the body of the person who holds the spirit of Torren to their way of being. Every person who became a follower of Torren, and adopted some or all his teachings was referred to as a Temple of Torren.

2. There were some temples of Torren who were posthumously elevated to Temple-Status (sainthood) as being the pillars of the Temple movement. There is the Foundation Temple, and five Temple and five Minor Temple statuses as follows: Templar miniseries

Foundation Temple:

Goren Torren

Temple Navia Charlton

Temple Mepat

Temple Letone

Temple Felice Karo

Temple Anqi Storm

Lesser Temple Mathew Wanten

Lesser Temple Arlon Doctrains

Lesser Temple Jenny Wanten

Minor-Temple Erin Torb

Minor-Temple Hymondy III

Templar miniseries

Temple Expansion Program: The 20 year program that the Temple runs, to expand its influence and membership across the galaxy. Juggernaut miniseries

Temple Guard: The general guard of the Temple. Around 15 million Temple guardsmen were in the Federation and the Outer-Worlds by 1038 BS. Juggernaut miniseries

Temple Minor: A smaller temple, a subsidiary temple. A Temple could have as many as ten, or ten thousand Temple Minors. A Temple Minor could have as many as a hundred thousand members, with smaller local Missions consisting of thousands of members. Temple Minors and Missions are all temples. Templar miniseries

Temple Proper: The general guard, of the Temple. Around 15 million Temple guardsmen were in the Federation and the Outer-Worlds by 1038 BS. Juggernaut miniseries

Temple Robes: These are the formal wear of the Temple for court. They are:

* Six multi-colors with tapestry design, the Master Templar.

* Three colors with tapestry design, a Cordello.

* Two Colors with tapestry design, a Temple Planet Leader.

* Two colors with no tapestry, a Temple Regional Leader.

* Gold, a Templar of The Court.

* Red, Green, blue, or white are for minor rankings, and aren’t seen at court.

* Black, given to honored Templars of the Boguard. Juggernaut miniseries

Temple Security: The security arm of the Temple movement. It handles the straight security affairs of the Temple. But it also has gotten involved in small clandestine activities as needed, such as hunting down pirates and where they originate. Templar miniseries

Temples: The buildings that are congregation points for those who follow the word of Goren Torren. Templar miniseries

Temples of Sequetus 3: The above eleven are the Temples of Sequetus 3. Templar Series

Temple Tribunal Affairs: The ecclesiastic body That’s a court, internally within the Temple. It can hear and adjudicate any crime committed, within it. Its powers are far sweeping. Its purpose is to protect the Temple. Juggernaut miniseries

Tending the rail: (Terrestrial) The executive stands at the rail at the side of the ship, to acknowledge new people as they board that ship. The rail is by the gangplank. Juggernaut miniseries.

Ten-Pointed Star of Sequetus: 1. The star has the following symbolism: In the center is the sun, source of persistence. It gives life to the eight planets and many planetoids of Sequetus. They are in the order closest to the sun: being Mercury, on out to Eris. The ten points are indicate the green for life, dark blue for water, and pale blue for air. The shades of gray represent the other planets. The black represents space.

2. It’s said to be a Boguard symbol and if one was to fix his stare on the star for five minutes the star starts to rotate within the wheel, as does the sun.

3. (Terrestrial) There are 5 known planetoids, three additional to Pluto and Eris. There are likely a lot more yet to be found. There are 8 planets and 5 planetoids, or dwarf planets recognized in this solar system.

4. The Federation recognizes the ten planets of Sequetus in the Searfinders Index and no more. New-Earth miniseries

Tesla, Nikola: (Terrestrial) 1856 – 1943 Electrical Engineer, US inventor, born in Croatia; he developed the first alternating-current induction motor, as well as many differing forms of oscillators, wireless guidance systems, and the now famous Tesla coils.

He is one of the most famous inventors of all time. He had as one of his projects, free power for all mankind, using nothing but the atmosphere for the source of power. That light he is holding below, connects only to the atmosphere.

(See Notes at the back of this volume.) The coils appear to be a source of perpetual energy, drawn from the atmosphere, or surrounding space. One of his plans was to get his coils to be a free source of energy, for mankind. There are many, such mass produced coils, today, that can be bought on the free market. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Theocracy: (Terrestrial) A rule by religion, or a religious order. Coming from Theo meaning God. Templar miniseries

Thermite: (Terrestrial) A small heat-generating compound, made from aluminum and iron oxidants, that when ignited, create a chemical reaction that generates a massive heat expulsion. Thermite doesn’t need an external heat source or an external oxygen source. When used, the heat from thermite can melt structural components. New-Earth miniseries

The Way: The Boguard training and realization activity and program, that when adhered to, brings about the states of self- recognition and understanding, that enables a person to transform into being Boguard. It’s by invitation only. Templar miniseries

The way it is: 1. Slang: galactic term meaning that there is nothing one can do about it, so don’t waste the effort of trying. 2. Mild form of hopelessness or acceptance. New-Earth miniseries

Throne: Slang. The special ornately carved seat, for Lorde Hymondy, at the end of the Great Hall. Whilst it’s used for meetings it also has a military function, meaning to sink down, into a battle mode of command. New-Earth miniseries

Tilk: The administrative planet, of the Serene System. New-Earth miniseries

Tilon: Planet in the Federation, which previously was relegated to backwaters after severe economic depression. It’s a mining planet that once relied heavily on computer manufacture. It was wiped out economically after the Medallian Rebellion. New-Earth miniseries


A rim-sector on the rim, between the Centor sector and Pilk. Lower Timbor is nearest the very edge of the galaxy. New-Earth miniseries

Time: 1. That component of the physical universe, that gives the universe its consecutive qualities. Perhaps it’s the grease, which allows the universe to exist. It’s considered that for each person, there is a different existence of time, and that by common grouping of experiences we’ve a physical universe agreement called time. 2. The Boguard have a program to alter time, so that the myriad of infinite number of time parallels can exist, the physical universe travels down a time continuum That’s the best survival for human kind. However, it could be changed if one were able to go forward or backwards, down that continuum, which is theoretically possible, under Aaron principles of time conservation laws. Templar miniseries

Time, The: The Early works prophesize, that at The Time, a magi will appear from Sequetus 3 and save the Galaxy from an encroaching evil. The Early Works outline the clues, which will show the Time. Templar miniseries

Time and space. Both time and space are properties of broadmatter. Time needs space and space needs time. They are invariably linked. One can’t have one without the other. Broadmatter is so small that it can move in space through time. See Broad Matter Theory Addendum. Templar miniseries

Time tracks: The physical universe is an agreed universe. Each life form has its agreement to be in it. The universes pass through time from one agreement to the next. To get to a time track in the future one needs agreement. There could be millions of time tracks available, but only one that all life agrees to. Juggernaut miniseries.

Time-mining: See psychotronic mines. Time-mining was outlawed after the Far Federation fell to the joint forces of the Boguard, the Pleiades, and Earth. New-Earth miniseries

Time Warping: The work of changing time, by sending one’s attention through time, to change your own mind. In the Boguard, there were around three hundred who had been trained to time warp. By changing their own minds, in the past, by efforts of déjà vu, they could alter the future, by getting themselves to have hunches, gut feelings, on what to do. These three hundred Boguard effectively though time, became the Boulan. Earth Syndrome miniseries.

Tinkly: Garrison planet run by the Hymondian realm within the Malukan sector. It’s a very dry planet with lakes and vegetation toward the poles. It has a 0.4 standard atmosphere, which is breathable. New-Earth miniseries

Togs: The small grey aliens beyond the portal. They have a lifespan of two hundred and twenty years on average. They are one and a half pacs high, and usually have one mate for life. They don’t have offspring. They are bred beyond the portal. New-Earth miniseries

Tollycraft: ® A small type of spacecraft, manufactured on Jilta by Tollycraft Enterprises Corp. Founded by Rigbert Tolly. The small craft or ship is 60 pacs across, driven by WDs. It can take a crew of 5 to 14, plus passengers. It is unarmed and carries class II hull plating. New-Earth miniseries

Torb, Erin: Battle tactician of Jilta, rank Three Star Marshall, in the Hymondian forces. Military author, and recognized voluntary contributor to Searfinders Military Almanac. New-Earth miniseries

Torell, Phi: Explorer, political administrator of the CCP, Jilta, later a scientist. After the final victory of the Federation, Torell changed his name to Torren and disappeared, prior to the unveiling of a discovery that he said would shake the known universe. Along with his disappearance, went all traces of his self-said discovery. Mystery of the said discovery, and his death is unsolved. He is tenth ancestor to Goren Torren. New-Earth miniseries

Torish Yalian: Boyfriend of Marly Skanes, Bank representative, and traveler to station-city, of Mortifor. Agent of the Warp Drive Bank during his time with Marly Skanes. History before meeting Marly, unknown. Juggernaut miniseries

Torren, Bal: Son of Jal Torren and Jany Swinth of Jilta PCC, Married Fi Wilth. Father of Goren Torren. New-Earth miniseries

Torren Crest: The adopted symbol of Goren Torren, Magi.

The crest is simply a smaller star at the bottom, being oneself – a small spirit looking for betterment. That spirit rises up and becomes larger, as it’s more fulfilled by the philosophy of Goren Torren. Up is the traditional direction of attainment and growth.

The outward thrust of the five pointed star represents the outward drive of the spiritual being as it trusts outwards to control the universe around it. One has more control as a larger star.

The white background symbolizes the spirit and its everywhereness through the universe. The initials TG are simply the physical world representation of the body, the agreed form and the name of Goren Torren.

Commissioned by Felice Karo and inspired by the PR firm, Galbaty and Michaels of New York. New-Earth miniseries

Torren, Goren: Independent of service to Lorde Hymondy, of Jilta, tenth generation descendent to Phil Torell. Son of Betta and Bil Torren. See Goren Torren. For more data read the NEW-EARTH SERIES. New-Earth miniseries

Torrens: Provincial capital city, in southern Sandrist. Population 230,000. Boasts over 200 Churches of Torrens, and 150 schools. Juggernaut Series

Torren, The: A way of referring or mentioning Goren Torren, as the Foundation Temple, of the Templar movement. Templar miniseries

Torren Works: The complete unabridged lectures, interviews, and written words of Goren Torren. It comprises over thirty lecture series and up to ten lectures, a series. It includes all speeches, of which the most important, was in the United Nations, at his assassination. It also includes a twenty-volume encyclopedic set of books, about his entire life, including when he was on Jilta, as an independent for Lorde Hymondy. Juggernaut miniseries

Tors: A planet in lower Timbor, where Jaron’s bloat found sanctuary. 63% water, 73% oxygen. Inhabited. Juggernaut miniseries

Touch-talk: This is brail. The term given to old brail writing when discovered on Manhattan Island BS 1038 by local inhabitants. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Trabune: The Boguard, who accompanies Arden to Carridan, and then to station-city, Mortifor. Juggernaut miniseries

Traditional-form: The traditional battle-formation of fleet versus fleet was cruisers at the center, destroyers on the flanks, with interceptors and fighters placed where needed. Usually this is a wide flat approach. After Sequetus this was found to be an ineffective fleet formation. New-Earth miniseries

Trandle: Boguard from the planet Yaltipia, served on Sequetus 3 BS 17-20. He died in a trap, at the hands of the unseen enemy in New York City. His murderers were later caught; tried and convicted of his murder. New-Earth miniseries

Trans Galactic Ship Corporation: This Corporation started fifty standard years, before the Battle of Sequetus 3, in Maluka. It started as opposition to the Imperial Federation Warp Drive Bank. It was eventually amalgamated, with the Imperial Federation Warp Drive Bank. It has around a quarter of a million employees on Maluka and is the most powerful organization in the Malukan region. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Travel-time: The ability to move through time, as a life-force to be where one was, and be able to influence one’s decision making process, at that visited time, thereby altering one’s future time track. Juggernaut miniseries

Trell: Administrative Member of the Confederated Council of Planets. New-Earth miniseries

Triangulum Galaxy: It is part of the Local Group of 54 galaxies, of which the Milky Way is part. Also known as the Pinwheel Galaxy. It is an unbarred spiral galaxy. There are three spiral galaxies in the Local Group. The Triangulum Galaxy is the third largest. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Trolley-bus: On cruisers and destroyers there are electric carts called a trolley-bus. They carry weapons, parts and so on, but can also carry passengers. Templar miniseries

Trooper: The basic military fixed force personnel of space. Troopers answer to PMG and IFFCo. A trooper serves in space command posts, and small military outposts. The training of troopers i

s similar to that of guardsmen, and the basic rank of trooper and guardsmen is alike. New-Earth miniseries

True-morning. Orbat has two mornings. One is after doe-dusk, and the other is after the true-night of the sun being behind Orbat, not Yaltipia, and that is referred to as true-morning. New-Earth miniseries

True-night: The darkness that falls as a result of the sun setting behind Orbat, as distinct to the sun setting behind Yaltipia. New-Earth miniseries

Truth, a: The Great Sharman explains a truth as being something that can’t be broken down into further explanation; that which needs no further explaining. New-Earth miniseries

Tube: The local term given to the rail cars, which travel the undertubes of Jilta P.C. and other Jilta cities. Juggernaut miniseries

Tubin: Second son to Jaron and Anki, born on Palbo, and an heir to his father’s empire. He, being a mix of short and a part long-life could live to an expected age of 140 years. Juggernaut miniseries

Tugract: A small heavy lifting ship used for dense planets to lift craft into space. It has lots of grunt, but no speed. The Tugract corps are specialized Federation engineers. New-Earth miniseries

Tugs: The space stations from which elevators work. Tugs support ten elevators each. New-Earth Series

Tuloom: Rengo Lieutenant Commander: Malukan, fought against the Alliance, in the Battle of Sequetus 3. Deputy Commander aboard the Flagship Destroyer Galpham. Professional military career. Graduated the Military Academy for Excellence Maluka. He turned out to be a plant or spy, put there by the Warp Drive Bank to watch Commander Sturick. Tuloom was turned over to authorities. After Boguard inspection, he was found to have been massively involved in shipping drugs off Sequetus 3, to regions of the Federation. Tuloom was shipped to a prison planet, awaiting trial. New-Earth miniseries

Tunno-car: A small vehicle used in the underground tunnels of Yaltipia. It’s electrically powered, from electricity generated thermally under Yaltipia. It can seat two or four people, travel at speeds of up to 500 Ks. The cars are centrally coordinated for traffic control and computerized to arrive at their destination as swiftly as programmed. Templar miniseries

Underthought: The lower more depraved forms, of thought. Underthought is shrouded with evil, and its intent is to harm other life. New-Earth miniseries

Turrik, Evo, Lieutenant: Female lead flight lieutenant of the Interceptor Quadrant of the Hymondian force at Sequetus 3. Professional military career. Graduated the Hymondian Flight Academy with honors. Seen action three times in separate uprisings. Daughter of Kalon Temul and Jerrif Dale of Jilta PC. Survived the Battle of Sequetus 3. New-Earth miniseries

Twann: Assistant to the Great Sharman, in the early days on Earth. It is a position of recognition and state of mind reached, not a name. New-Earth miniseries

Tyron Battleclass: A J Class design, meaning it delivered atomics. See Battleclass. New-Earth miniseries

UFOs government: (Terrestrial) Various governments were experimenting with their own flying saucers, flying disks. Some were more advanced than others.

The photograph above is a Canadian hover type craft. This technology is over 50 years old. New-Earth miniseries

Underthought: The lower more depraved forms of thought. Underthought is shrouded with evil and intent on harm to other life. New-Earth miniseries

Undertube: The rail beneath the city. The Jilta undertube is over 3,000 Standard Years old, and is on seven levels, each varying in age and technology. As the systems became old, it was cheaper to install new tunnels, than refurbish older ones. Jilta became riddled with tunnels. Juggernaut miniseries

Unified Field Theory: (Terrestrial) Circa 1920's 30's. Attributed to Albert Einstein, but a classical unified field theory can go back to James Maxwell from 1864. It can also be known as the Theory of Everything, but technically, they are not quite the same thing. Sometimes called Uniform Field Theory. Einstein attempted to unify the theory of relativity with electromagnetism. New-Earth miniseries

There is only one thing that can unify all fields of all the material universe laws. That is life. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Unified Field Theory – UFOs _ Germany WW2. (Terrestrial) 1. There have been claims by some – such as Witkowski a Polish military historian - that the Nazis had developed unified field theory.

He claims to have gained access to military top-secret German documents, that show the Nazis were experimenting with UFOs using drives, based on Quantum Theory or Einstein’s Unified Field Theory. One example cited is the Bell, a Nazi experiment for transport. It has been argued that when the Third Reich fell, the Americans took this technology back to the USA.

2. Nazi-Bell has been described as what was found at a secret site - Wenceslas Mine facility - in Poland The story is that SS General Hans Kammler, under secrecy deeper than the Nazis nuclear research program, oversaw the Bell device, designed to be a weapon.

It was said to induce torsion effects in electromagnetic fields and thus control gravity. Another such similar device was reportedly found in a Rhine Valley facility and appeared to be even more weapon oriented. New-Earth miniseries

Unison, unison-mind, and unison action: Whereby all minds present are strong enough to feel the presence of each other’s minds and then act in coordination with the other minds to bring about a single agreed upon effect into the physical universe. New-Earth miniseries

United Nations: (Terrestrial) United Nations Plaza. Also 409 east 42nd Street New York. 10017 USA.

General Assembly in session

The United Nations was founded following the Second World War, after the previous failure of the League of Nations, which had been conceived at the end of the First World War.

The UN today, has many Peace Missions from various countries around it. The US State department is opposite the UN in New York. New-Earth miniseries

Universes: By universes is defined as: the universe of the individual. There is the shared and common physical universe, but there is also the universe, of each individual life force. This number of universes, could number trillions or quadrillions or millions timers more than that. Such universes could overlap in common universes, and the greatest overlap was the physical universe. In the physical universe, there is time, which may not exist, on the other universes. The way to make the physical universe certain in the future, was to get agreement on the individual universes. (Note: This isn’t a new concept, but borrowed from a greater philosopher than this author, to explain this phenomenon.) Juggernaut miniseries

Upland, Jon: Trooper, Jiltanian. Part of the guard detail under Vicra Starn, BS 30. Stationed in Sequetus on the Flagship Destroyer Galpham. New-Earth miniseries

Vacuum Vault: A space within a planet, big enough to accommodate a Boguard spacecraft. The void is vacuum-sealed, so craft can warp in and warp out, from within it. Juggernaut miniseries

Valkyries, Ride of: Also known as the Flight of The Valkyries: This is most well-known for the opera composed by Wagner, in which this story is set. The story is of the 12 handmaidens (Valkyries) who take any heroes slain in battle to the Valhalla, the hall of dead heroes. This music piece by the same name by Wagner is used in several movies. New-Earth miniseries

Vatez: Captain of Jiltanian Guards. Later became a Captain’s Second in IFFCo. New-Earth miniseries

Vatez, Corsio: Celtron 4 Federation captain, who was posthumously knighted after the Battle of Sequetus 3. No known blood parents. See Book Three. New-Earth miniseries

Verlain: 1. Central planet in the Malukan Sector, famous for the Royal Treaty of Verlain, which gives various rights and protectorate powers to sector administrative officials, on planets that as yet, have not been accepted for intervention. Intervention is when a planet officially finds it isn’t alone in the cosmos. After intervention, a planet first becomes a silent part member of the Federation. Intervention is part of a long ongoing procedure that slowly seeds the con

cept of a galactic community into a planet’s culture over hundreds or thousands of years. 2. Verlain is an agricultural planet, with a feudal economy. New-Earth miniseries

Verlain Council: A council of members of Royals, government representatives and people’s representatives, that gives a place for two or more sides of any dispute, to be heard and mediated upon. The council always meets in Verlain. New-Earth miniseries

Verlain, (Royal) Treaty Of: That treaty drawn up between the Royal Federation conquerors, and the conquered CCP planets, whereby the planets were given the right to become members of the Federation. Verlain was given a permanent voice at the Verlain Council, a council between the Federation Royals and the previously conquered CCP. New-Earth miniseries

Vernal Karum: Head of Special Security on Moon Arano of Maluka. He has no known relatives that he can recall. Age 456 standard years. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Vestige Crime: Vestige means a mark or memory. A vestige-crime is a crime that looks like it isn’t a crime, but it really is a crime, against the memory and mark of the state. A vestige-crime is a crime of slander against the state, sedition. This is a serious crime in Maluka and has been on its statute books for well over a millennium. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Vicra Starn: Born in Norway of Earth shortly after the Battle of Sequetus 3. She was always interested in stars and UFOs. She just happened to be at the crash-retrieval site of an interceptor in Norway and reported it to the authorities. They visited her and no further action was taken. She then was at another retrieval site and this time met and spoke to Federation troopers, and to a Boguard (Letone). She informed Vicra’s parents of this, and they made reports to the authorities; and subsequently they died in a rail accident. The Boguard Letone brought Vicra off planet; as he had been monitoring her for two years.

She attended Guardsman and Trooper basic courses and was adopted by Commander’s Care (a trust the Commander set up to deal with children who saw IFFCo activities prior to Intervention and who in turn were removed off-planet when other means wasn’t available, so as to prevent them from further harm by agents or renegade Earth agencies.) When she was 12 years old, she was brought to the Flagship. There she later met Independent Torren, became involved in intervention activities. She married Mathew Torren in BS 36 and had children and died on planet Earth.

2. Aka Anqi Storm in her earlier life, and deemed a Temple of Sequetus 3. See the definition of Temple. New-Earth miniseries

Vikan Torch: An obsolete and theoretical battle tactic from Kalanon. The ships of the Vikan Torch would form a six-way honeycomb defense formation; thereby each ship protecting the others much as is maximally possible. New-Earth miniseries

Viewspeak: An audio visio phone, but which is voice command activated and programmed, to respond to certain callers. Manufactured by Speakeasy Viewing Systems Jilta. New-Earth miniseries

Vila: The first alien person met by Independent Torren upon passing through the portal at Ground Zero. He becomes a traveling companion to Independent Torren and Felice from the Pleiades. New Earth Series

Visio: Slang for: visio screens on a craft or office. New-Earth miniseries

Visionplate: 1. A large viewscreen that doesn’t change, but views one location from the same set point in space, no matter where you are. Military craft personnel especially like them, and set them viewing their home planets. 2. They are a real live scene of the place; not a past-recorded scene. They work though a camera set up in a satellite or other vantage point, by the company that sells the image. It may be selling it to many lessees. The image will change day by day, as per the scene it is viewing. When the contract is up, the scene stops being automatically updated, unless the hirer wants to renew the hire of the scene. Viewingplates are often large, but scenes are charged, for by the pixel, so the higher the magnification, the higher the hire cost. In cruisers that move around through space, they have a lease timer that generally is shipped from the scene and so the scene is often not current, but very recent. New-Earth miniseries

Viton: Planet under Malukan control. New-Earth miniseries

Volunteer: A term given by Man-o-Wars, to those beings that are working with the Talkron. Plus, see the term othersider in this instance. Also, refer to the renegade Angalian. Apparently, they operate from beyond the physical universe, but interfere within it. Earth Syndrome series.

Von Daniken, Erich Anton Paul: (Terrestrial) Swiss, Born 1935. Author of the book Chariots of the Gods? (1968), and others, which created controversy at the time. Von Daniken suggested there was strong hard evidence to support the claim that the Earth had been visited many times by extraterrestrials to oversee man’s evolution. The above mentioned book became a best seller internationally. He began a new popular way of thinking of mankind’s origins. New-Earth miniseries

Von Littrow, Joseph: (Terrestrial) 1781 – 1840, In 1832 he proposed that comets were inhabited, and that they had extensive atmosphere, which preserved the heat of the sun. He was a leader in mathematical theory of comets. New-Earth miniseries

Wanten, Jenny: See Jenny Wanten. New-Earth miniseries

Wanten, Marlene: Sister of Jenny and mother of Mathew. Writer. Graduated Monash University, Melbourne. Lives outside of Melbourne, Australia. New-Earth miniseries

Wanten, Mathew: Son of Marlene Wanten, and Richard Kelp. Moved to Los Angeles with his mother. He took on his adopted name of Torren and married Vicra Starn of Norway. He was succeeded by two children. New-Earth miniseries

Warp Drive: The faster-than-light speed travel around the Federation. Theoretically possible at the speed of light squared. See also Imperial Federation Warp Drive Bank. See Broadmatter Theory Addendum. New-Earth miniseries

Warp Drive Coils: The faster-than-light speed travel around the Federation. Theoretically possible at the speed of light squared. See also Imperial Federation Warp Drive Bank. See Broadmatter Theory Addendum. New-Earth miniseries

Warp Drive Coils: “Before them was the coil that circled the entire rear perimeter of the ship. It was the Warp Drive coil, and moved them from the now universe into another smaller universe which was only theirs, from which they could travel at accelerating speeds beyond the relative speed of light.

As free electrons surged into the coils, and then reversed, it created a charged field. That field was interwoven with another field, which was woven around the previous field, like coils around coils. The fields didn’t cancel each other out but instead created a greater field that extended over the whole ship. The influenced was hyperbolical, increased by smaller coils around the larger ones. Soon all the ship and its components would start to harmonize in resonance with the coil fields. Then the final accelerators would play. Around the coils small electronic particles would be accelerated. They cut the field from time itself. The ship could then be edged into the future or back into the past by nanoseconds.”

“Before them, was the dark grey void of space. No stars, no coil, nothing. All she saw was black, as though all before her, had absorbed all light. Navia couldn’t determine how far the coil went up, but she felt it must have been sixty pacs. She looked towards the sides, nothing. It wasn’t as though the coil was black, or missing, but rather like a dark black fog shrouded the coil and it was prevented from being seen. The blackness had no edges, no corners or center. It felt as though you could simply walk into it to vanish forever.”

“The coil was a series of spikes, like millions of tiny tentacles they waved from a central band”

“The Drives occupy their own universe, or are at least accessed from a different universe.” New-Earth miniseries

Warm: The term given to the state of Warp Drives as they become more operational, before commencing faster than light speed travel. New-Earth miniseries

Warmsuit: ® A one or two piece multilayered suit That’s thermostatically set to keep the body warm by warming layers separately within it. The suit has ten

layers with glass and metal fibers, which conduct energy from the inner to outer layers. The suit has a thermal inducing battery within the lining. This stores electrical current, so as to transfer heat. As the suit’s outer layers cool to sub zero temperatures the suit uses battery power to warm the suit’s metallic layers. The cold outside air contracts and shrink the suit fabric, trapping warm air therein. As the suit warms, it then expands; allowing trapped warm air to ventilate out, permitting cooling. Also see Electroware. Made by Suit Enterprises, Dalka, and Jilta. New-Earth miniseries

Warren Walters: Hallowman First Class. Son of Betty and Bruce Walters of Jilta. Graduated Jilta Academia with first class honors. 33 years of age. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Washington Flap: (Terrestrial) In July 1952 there were UFOs seen over the capital of America, Washington, for weeks. This was after LA had been inundated with UFOs following WW2 some years before, and after Roswell etc.

Notice in these three photographs, taken from this flap, that the UFO multiple lights all reposition correctly, in relationship to parallax.

Hundreds and or thousands saw these and other lights in the sky. Notice also that in the second two photos that there is a drop on the window pane and it is in a different location. As these are stills taken from a movie, and the viewer is moving as well. It appears from the movie that the film is taken from the window of a moving car. The photographer moved, downwards, giving further authenticity to the pictures.

The Washington flap is the most prominent saucer flap in the western world. Thousands saw the craft. Jets were scrambled to intercept them, but as per the newspaper article based on a statement from the jet pilot, the craft outran the jets.

The President of the USA went on record in a press interview as stating that saucers existed and there was nothing much one could do. The media coverage continued. New-Earth miniseries

WDs: Warp Drives New-Earth miniseries

Weather Suits: Wear That’s the principle winter wear of Sleebo. The outer skin is an (imitation) fur lined, loose fitting garments. Shock suits are now often worn beneath. With the fur the dress looks baggy and unfinished. 2. Weather suit is a generic term and not a trademarked apparel item. Templar miniseries

Wellum: A life-force, which inhabits a Boguard Man-o-War, but who had been previously captured, and forced to run a Federation Warp Drive ship, and who was freed in the Battle of Kantee. He belongs to the Angalian race. Earth Syndrome miniseries.

Wheelie: ® A wheeled electric ground vehicle for mining camps. Dozens of models available. Maximum speed 15 Ks. Initially manufactured by the Wheelie Vehicle Co. Inc., Telco, Kinetics Province. Templar miniseries

Williamsburg Bridge: (Terrestrial) A bridge on the south east side of Manhattan Island, NY. An above ground bridge, leading to the mainland. New-Earth miniseries

Wilson, Senator David G.: Totally fictitious name for a US senator. New-Earth miniseries

Word, the: The Master Templar was given a spiritual understanding, through insight, that he was the chosen one, to promote the testimony of Goren Torren. This undertaking came to him as a moment of revelation, during in deep meditation called the Word. Templar miniseries

Wright, W.H.: (Terrestrial) Astronomer at Lick Observatory in California. New-Earth miniseries

Xelofom: Royal leader in Karacas, before the uprising. He believed that by placing mental implants into the brains of people, one could control the thoughts of the many, from an external source. He thought this would eradicate war, poverty and bring about an ideal society. It did the reverse, and led to the Karacas uprising. He was tortured by his own people and parts of his body dismembered while alive. New-Earth miniseries

XF-5-U1: (Terrestrial) The Flying Flapjack was a US Navy experiment, with a disk shaped plane, in 1947. New-Earth miniseries

Yalo, FSS Destroyer: Sandrist destroyer, under the command of Commander Polton Beel. It was the fleet lead destroyer, for the invasion of the Sequetus Series. Earth Syndrome miniseries

Yaltipia: Karo 4, of the Karo Series. It is the larger of the binary planets of Yaltipia and Orbat. Yaltipia is the home of the Boguard, and Aaron race. It varies in gravity around 1.4 standard. It has 28% water coverage. New-Earth miniseries

Yambol: Local villager of Tors, from Greetonne, who befriended Jaron. About 15 years of age. Juggernaut miniseries

Yamma Yamma, Lake: (Terrestrial) A lake just inside the southwest Queensland boundary with South Australia.

It is mostly dry. The region surrounding the lake extends into South Australia, where ACI has set up its commercial rocket launch base. The area is isolated, hot, with almost with no population. New-Earth miniseries

Yandra: 1 Son of Jaron and Sheril of the Amazon, born on Yaltipia, to be Boguard. He was the first short-lifer, born as Aaron on Yaltipia two years after his parents left Sequetus 3. Jaron went off to fight the pirates on Sleebo and that was the last he saw of Yandra until the Juggernaut Series, where they reunited on Sandrist. Yandra went on to be one of the Boguard greats. Templar miniseries

Yard. The: The Yard is 145 square kinopacs of land, devoted to the setting down and storage of military vessels to be scrapped or left as salvage. It is outside of Centrum, Celtron 4. New-Earth miniseries

Yildon: The second smallest world, of the Six Worlds beyond the portal. Yildon means little sister 86,000 years into the future. It’s where the Masters used to reside. It has countryside, mountains, lakes, and where the oxygen is made. The senior Masters lived in the buildings overlooking a lake in the mountains. New-Earth miniseries

Yoo Rup: “Europe” as pronounced by residence of Sandrist. A continent on Sequetus 3. Juggernaut miniseries

Zaltro: The senior god of Mount Gangels, God Zaltro, of Jilta. He procrastinated in saving his son, and in turn his son was boiled alive. The phrase for the sake of Zaltro means not to procrastinate. See Halz. New-Earth miniseries

Zeto Bull: Five Star Defense Marshal, in the Hymondian forces. Served 158 standard years. Graduated Quadrain Military Academy, with honors, served in three war theatres. Son of Wan Algo and Zila Bull of Jilta. New-Earth miniseries

Zip Suit: ® A bullet proof suit, also known as zipsuit, made in Tilk by Tilk Industries. These are the preferred suits most government dignitaries wear. During the first 100 years after Federation there were a recorded 15,679 assassination attempts on various government officials in the Federation sectors, mostly in the first twenty years. Zip Suits became very necessary. New-Earth miniseries

Zone, The: (Terrestrial) 1. Otherwise called the Zone of Silence. The data given in Chapter 12 of Book 4 about the Zone is reportedly correct. In 1989, when The Silent Enemy was first written, this region in Mexico was referred to as the Zone. Now it’s referred, often to as the Zone of Silence. Refer to The Silent Enemy for more data.

2. A mysterious region in Mexico where unusual phenomena happen and where UFOs are reported as sighted, especially in the 1970’s and 80’s. It became notorious when a missile from the USA unintentionally veered off from course and came down in Mexico, in The Zone. The area is noted, for radios not working, microwaves not working, compasses not working, and extraterrestrial sightings reported.

It is also known for the strange colored cactus, purple and or red, instead of green. Apparently meteors are drawn there. The desert floor is reportedly littered, with meteorite stones. Also, the reports indicate, that there is a much higher incidence of meteorite activity over the Zone, than in other areas. The meteorite rocks that litter the surface vary, in type. However, they are above the surface, not buried under it.

In September 1976, a 300 meter long UFO was reported, at 8:59 pm, outside of the small community of Ceballos, in the Zone. The craft was rectangular. Lights surrounded it, green to blue to white, pulsating light, with humming sound. All the dogs in the town started howling. Two-dozen residents gathered to watch the object at the outskirt of the town. The

re have been many other reported sightings, of other craft, and even sightings of extraterrestrials, which fit the descriptions of greys, in this region.

Mexico has many reported UFOs, and many You Tube videos recorded that really can’t be explained, out from the UFO type occurrence, particularly in 2012. New-Earth miniseries

Zoroastrian: (Terrestrial) Started in the 6th C BCE, and based on the teachings of its prophet Zoroaster; based in Persia, what is today known as Iran. The religion almost collapsed after Alexander the Great invaded the Achaemenid Empire. The religion still exists today with perhaps up to 190,000 members worldwide. New-Earth miniseries

Zovotinski: (Terrestrial) A town in Siberian Russia. New-Earth miniseries

Zyke Zaran: A Pleiadian who came to Sequetus 3 to rescue independent Goren Torren on date: BS 15. New-Earth miniseries


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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.