Side effects of climate mitigation and adaptation to sustainable development related to water and food (2024)

How would progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) be affected if climate mitigation and adaptation measures in one sector proceeded without coordination with other interconnected sectors? A more comprehensive and quantitative answer to this question becomes increasingly important as the global temperature target set by the Paris Agreement, which is closely linked to Goal 13 (Climate Action), requires the implementation of stringent climate mitigation measures and transformative changes in human systems for emissions reduction and adaptation.

Human actions for climate mitigation and/or adaptation (together referred to as climate action) in one sector unintentionally affect the SDGs of other sectors. The main effects of climate actions manifest as emission reductions or more climate-resilient human systems. A side effect of climate action that leads to a preferable outcome for SDGs can be defined by a significant and positive association, or synergy, between a pair of indicators; climate action and other SDGs (Pradhan et al 2017). However, a side effect that leads to a less optimal or significantly negative association to other SDGs is a tradeoff of climate action. A neutral interaction is one in which a significant association is not present.

Synergies and trade-offs involving climate action have attracted considerable attention (IPCC 2022) and have been studied using a variety of integrated assessment models (IAMs) (Jakob et al 2016, von Stechow et al 2016, Soergel et al 2021). These IAMs can be used to outline pathways for achieving climate mitigation goals under given scenarios of emission reductions and socioeconomic conditions. However, IAMs have several limitations. Although IAM-based assessments do not need to cover all 169 Targets in 17 Goals set by SDGs, many more climate-sensitive SDG indicators than are currently typically included can be considered for comprehensiveness. For example, food prices (von Stechow et al 2016), malnourished population (Soergel et al 2021), population at risk of hunger (Hasegawa et al 2018, Fujimori et al 2020), and percentage of area used for bioenergy production (Jakob and Steckel 2016) can be used to explore the side effects of climate mitigation on Goal 2 (Zero Hunger), but another Target in Goal 2, i.e. the productivity and income of small-scale food producers (FAO 2021), is not considered. Furthermore, IAMs are limited in terms adaptation measures (van Maanen et al 2023) and their side effects (table 1). Climate impact models (CIMs), such as hydrological and crop models that operate at daily scales, have been used to quantify the physical/biophysical impacts of climate change, including those from extreme weather and climate events, as well as the effects of different adaptation measures at regional and finer scales. Although relatively few CIM-based global assessments of side-effects have been undertaken to date, CIMs could potentially provide information that supplements the outputs of IAMs and contribute to the diversity of scientific inputs to policymakers.

Table 1.Comparison between integrated assessment models (IAMs) and climate impact models (CIMs) in quantifying side effects of climate action on SDGs.

FeatureIAMsCIMs (see also table S1)
Spatial resolutionDozens of regions across the worldGrid cells covering terrestrial areas (0.25°–0.5° in longitude and latitude). This feature enables CIMs to deal with climate change impacts and the effects of adaptation at a fine scale.
Temporal resolutionAnnualDaily. This feature enables CIMs to deal with the impacts from extreme weather and climate events.
Coverage of sectorsMultiple sectors with strong focus on economic aspects (e.g. energy and land-use)Specific sector with strong focus on physical/biophysical aspects (e.g. water resources, flood risk, and food/bioenergy crop production).
MitigationEndogenously calculated along with emission reduction and socioeconomic scenariosConsidered through use of projected climate under different emission scenarios as inputs.
AdaptationNot considered or considered in a simplified manner (e.g. damage functions)Considered in a process-based manner.

Here, we present four lessons learned from the authors' recent collaborative research on quantifying the side effects of climate action on SDG indicators related to water using global hydrological models (see table S1). The indicators investigated include some of those employed in Goal 1 (No Poverty) and Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) for reducing disaster risks (e.g. flood risk) in vulnerable communities and cities, as well as in Goal 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation) for improving the quantity and quality of water resources. Goal 2, which is closely related to the livelihood of small-scale food producers, is also considered using outputs from a process-based global gridded crop model. Since agriculture is the largest user of water, efforts focusing on Goal 2 will influence the water-related SDG indicators. Consequently, climate actions in any sectors that consume large amounts of water would compromise Goal 2.

The first lesson is that CIMs can be used to estimate indicators that are sector-specific, finer in terms of their spatiotemporal resolution, and currently not calculated by IAMs. The indicators calculated using CIMs include populations exposed to flood risk (Goal 1 and Goal 11), the amount of water resources affected by bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) (Goal 6), and small-scale farmer agricultural output (Goal 2) (table 1). These indicators were estimated based on the outputs of hydrological and/or crop models. For example, the side effects of BECCS on water resources were estimated using a global hydrological model that dynamically simulates climate change impacts on river discharge, water uptake for irrigation and bioenergy crop transpiration and biomass. It is estimated that, under a sustainable irrigation scenario, BECCS would limit the increase in water withdrawal for bioenergy crops by up to 298 km3 yr−1 and achieve a carbon removal of 2.09 GtC yr−1 without compromising food crop production in current cropland and municipal and industrial water uses (Ai et al 2021, figure 1). This rate of carbon removal would prevent global decadal mean surface warming by 0.005 °C yr−1. Carbon removal equivalent to 1.6–4.1 GtC yr−1 is required through negative emissions technology, including BECCS, to limit global warming by 2 °C or 1.5 °C. Therefore, the level of BECCS derived from the sustainable irrigation scenario (2.09 GtC yr−1) may not be sufficient to achieve the temperature targets. However, further use of water for bioenergy crops is likely to pose a significant increase in the competition for water resources among various water users.

Side effects of climate mitigation and adaptation to sustainable development related to water and food (1)

Second, multi-sector coverage is important; however, one CIM does not necessarily need to cover multiple sectors. A combined analysis of outputs from different CIMs for different sectors can identify connections between indicators. Since each of the authors' research groups has its own CIM, each group first studied the side effects to the indicators that could be calculated by their own CIM, and then efforts were made to elucidate potential connections between the various CIM-derived indicators.

As one example, clarifying the implications of BECCS side effects on water resources and how this would affect small-scale farmer agricultural output was examined. Fewer than 37% of small-scale farms have irrigation in water scarce regions of low- and middle-income countries, compared with 42% of non-small-scale farms (Ricciardi et al 2020). It has been estimated that closing the irrigation gap would result in a 10%–11% increase in annual agricultural output (i.e. USD per household) generated by cereal production for small-scale farmers (Nozaki et al 2023, figure 1). If BECCS were deployed under a full irrigation scenario, the additional water withdrawal for irrigated bioenergy crops would be 13 times higher in Central and South America and 21 times higher in Africa compared to that under a sustainable irrigation scenario (figure S1). The full irrigation scenario assumed no consideration for the adverse consequences on biodiversity, food crop production, and land degradation, while the sustainable irrigation scenario assumed that the competition for water by BECCS and other water users is minimized. The anticipated increase in water withdrawal under the full irrigation scenario would likely hinder efforts for improving agricultural output and adaptation by hindering closure of the existing gap in irrigation use.

Third, while time-consuming, incorporating additional processes into a CIM is sometimes necessary in order to quantify the side effects of climate action. For example, quantifying the positive side effects of soil organic carbon (SOC) accumulation on water quality. SOC build-up in cropland is a land-based climate mitigation measure, but at the same time it moderates drought damage to crops (Iizumi and Wagai 2019, Renwick et al 2021) and is considered to be an adaptation measure that can be implemented by farmers at a local scale. An increase in SOC plays a crucial role in increasing crop yields, particularly in arid and semiarid regions of the world where current SOC levels are typically low. In addition, increases in SOC can mitigate against the need for inorganic nitrogen (N) fertilizer inputs. By applying machine learning techniques to global crop yield, climate, soil and agronomic management datasets, it is estimated that over the next 50–75 years up to 12.78 GtC of additional SOC stock would increase annual crop production by 38.2 Mt globally. Such an increase equates to what could be achieved by an annual inorganic N input of 5.82 MtN and would contribute towards preventing global decadal mean surface temperature warming by 0.030 °C. 17% of the food crop production increase and 19% of the inorganic N input would occur in croplands where small-scale farmers are dominant (Iizumi et al 2021, figure 1). Such a reduction in N fertilizer use would have the added benefit of protecting drinking water and fisheries resources by avoiding eutrophication of waters. Efforts have been made to incorporate physical/chemical processes into a river routing model to simulate river water temperatures and riverine dissolved inorganic N concentrations (Huang et al 2021). Implementing these processes into the CIM will enable quantification of the positive side effect of agricultural SOC build-up on water quality in the future research.

Finally, CIMs can be used to explicitly evaluate the effects of adaptation measures under different socioeconomic conditions and levels of climate change (table 1). For example, a global river hydrodynamics model with an output resolution of 0.25° in longitude and latitude can calculate the population exposed to flood risk with different protection levels. It has been estimated that the population exposed to flood risk would decrease by 27.1 million people globally if flood protection was optimized. The protection level was set to maximize the net benefit of adaptation calculated by subtracting the adaptation cost from avoided loss of climate change (Tanoue et al 2021, figure 1). These findings indicate that at least some parts of Goal 1 and Goal 11, i.e. the aspects related to disaster risk management, could benefit directly from adaptation. Further, the reduction in flood risk through adaptation would likely benefit crop production. These benefits could be significant as the total cost of flood damage to maize, rice, soybean and wheat for the period 1982–2016 is estimated to be 5.5 billion USD globally (Kim et al 2023). However, as in the third lesson, understanding the various physical/eco-physiological processes that are related to crop damage associated with inundation is needed in order to estimate the positive side effect of improved flood protection level on food and bioenergy crop production.

The authors' experiences reported above shed light on the characteristics of CIMs, relative to IAMs, in quantifying the side effects of climate action on SDGs. CIM-derived indicators can supplement the findings of IAM-based assessments and, as has recently been done for estimates of the total cost of climate change (Oda et al 2023), enable policymakers to obtain a more comprehensive view of the side effects of climate action. Regression/correlation analyses can be used to infer connections between indicators (Pradhan et al 2017, Rimba and Hirabayashi 2023) and to present researchers with a starting point for assessing which pairs of indicators are worth studying using CIMs. Although the improvement of CIMs will require continuous efforts to better understand the processes, data collection, model validation, and collaborative research between interconnected sectors, we advocate undertaking CIM-based research for a synthesis with IAM-based assessments in the future.

This research was supported by the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund (Grant Nos. JPMEERF20202005 and JPMEERF23S21120) of the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency of Japan.

All data that support the findings of this study are included within the article (and any supplementary files).

Side effects of climate mitigation and adaptation to sustainable development related to water and food (2024)


What are the negative effects of climate change adaptation? ›

Effects of Climate Change
  • Hotter temperatures. As greenhouse gas concentrations rise, so does the global surface temperature. ...
  • More severe storms. ...
  • Increased drought. ...
  • A warming, rising ocean. ...
  • Loss of species. ...
  • Not enough food. ...
  • More health risks. ...
  • Poverty and displacement.

How does climate change affect access to food and water? ›

Impacts to Soil and Water Resources

Climate change is expected to increase the frequency of heavy precipitation in the United States, which can harm crops by eroding soil and depleting soil nutrients. Heavy rains can also increase agricultural runoff into oceans, lakes, and streams. This runoff can harm water quality.

What are five effects of climate change in regards to water? ›

Climate change affects the world's water in complex ways. From unpredictable rainfall patterns to shrinking ice sheets, rising sea levels, floods and droughts – most impacts of climate change come down to water water (UN Water).

What are the side effects of climate change on the environment? ›

Humans and wild animals face new challenges for survival because of climate change. More frequent and intense drought, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and warming oceans can directly harm animals, destroy the places they live, and wreak havoc on people's livelihoods and communities.

What are three 3 negative impacts of climate change? ›

For example, many places have experienced changes in rainfall, resulting in more floods, droughts, or intense rain, as well as more frequent and severe heat waves. The planet's oceans and glaciers have also experienced changes—oceans are warming and becoming more acidic, ice caps are melting, and sea level is rising.

What are the negative impacts of climate change on ecosystems? ›

Many impacts of climate change – including drought, bushfires, storms, ocean acidification, sea level rise and global warming – affect biodiversity. Loss of biodiversity can lead to land degradation, effects on water supply and changes in farming productivity.

How does climate change affect food safety? ›

Changes in climate can cause severe droughts or flooding. These events can in turn affect pathogens and introduce toxins to crops. Ingestion of food contaminated with pathogens can result in foodborne illnesses, such as norovirus infection or salmonellosis.

What is the link between food and climate change? ›

Food needs to be grown and processed, transported, distributed, prepared, consumed, and sometimes disposed of. Each of these steps creates greenhouse gases that trap the sun's heat and contribute to climate change.

How is climate change affecting food prices? ›

According to a study done in collaboration with the European Central Bank, by 2035, higher temperatures alone will be pushing up worldwide food prices by between 0.9 and 3.2 per cent every single year. This will add between 0.3 and 1.2 per cent to overall inflation.

How does climate change affect water resources and availability? ›

Climate change is already affecting water access for people around the world, causing more severe droughts and floods. Increasing global temperatures are one of the main contributors to this problem. Climate change impacts the water cycle by influencing when, where, and how much precipitation falls.

How does climate change affect our everyday life? ›

The impacts of climate change include warming temperatures, changes in precipitation, increases in the frequency or intensity of some extreme weather events, and rising sea levels. These impacts threaten our health by affecting the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the weather we experience.

How does climate change affect living things? ›

As a result, climate change could lead to expansions, reductions, or extinctions of some populations. These changes, in turn, can affect the overall biodiversity of a region. Plants and animals may also change the geographic range they inhabit in response to changing climatic conditions.

What are the 10 major effects of climate change? ›

Natural consequences
  • High temperatures. The climate crisis has increased the average global temperature and is leading to more frequent high-temperature extremes, such as heatwaves. ...
  • Drought and wildfires. ...
  • Availability of fresh water. ...
  • Floods. ...
  • Sea-level rise and coastal areas. ...
  • Biodiversity. ...
  • Soils. ...
  • Inland water.

What are four effects of climate change on humans? ›

Climate change affects the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the places that provide us with shelter. Climate change can also impact people's health and well-being by altering the frequency or intensity of extreme weather events and spread of certain pests and diseases.

What are 3 possible environmental effects of climate change? ›

The potential future effects of global climate change include more frequent wildfires, longer periods of drought in some regions, and an increase in the wind intensity and rainfall from tropical cyclones.

What are the challenges of adaptation of climate change? ›

As the impacts of climate change accelerate — including more extreme weather and sea level rise — it is increasingly urgent that countries and communities adapt. Adaptation faces challenges including inadequate finance, knowledge gaps, and institutional constraints, particularly in developing countries.

What are the negative impacts of climate change on animals? ›

Some species will struggle to find nutritious enough food to fit their existing gut biomes. Pollinators, for example, must feed from flowers that are blooming earlier in the year. Other animals may find their habitats are no longer able to support their biology.

What are the negative events of climate change? ›

Extreme precipitation events, fast melting of snow or ice, high river discharges and increased droughts are all climate-related events which influence soil degradation.

What is an example of climate change adaptation? ›

What Is Climate Adaptation? Climate adaptation protects people and places by making them less vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. For example, to protect against sea level rise and increased flooding, communities might build seawalls or relocate buildings to higher ground.

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