The Allure of Latinas: Finding True Connection Abroad - Alo Japan (2024)

The Allure of Latinas: Finding True Connection Abroad


Cashapp: $RonintheTraveler


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Unc Jae :

Men on the move:

Aye Miguel:


Passport Broz:

In this live stream, we’re diving deep into why more and more American men are looking to Latin America for love 💖. Join us as we discuss the unique qualities of Latina women, cultural differences, and the growing trend of finding meaningful connections abroad.

Our panel of new YouTubers will share their experiences, tips, and success stories of dating and relationships in Latin America 🌎. Whether you’re curious about what makes Latina women so captivating or you’re considering a move to find your special someone, this stream is for you!

🔑 Topics we’ll cover:

• Cultural differences and dating expectations
• Personal stories and memorable experiences
• Advice for building lasting relationships
• Safety tips and managing cultural nuances
• The impact of this trend on both American men and Latina women

Don’t miss out on this engaging discussion that’s sure to offer valuable insights and inspiration. Tune in and discover why so many men are captivated by the allure of Latinas!

Keywords integrated: Latina women, dating, relationships, cultural differences, meaningful connections, American men, Latin America.

[Music] oh need a passport Cil catch flights now F Tran Hills Wheels living lavish love in Exotic Life with side of [Music] Dreams just said that luxuries un stport storms we just were first class seats the lands unknown making every time zone feel like home champag popping R shoing never stop from Tokyo Towers to and rooftop love National No borders just Hearts passport cartel playing on the parts a Under the Stars different each night I views no light so bright language of love flu in all from Whispers And vanish the Bon Nightfall hand in hand AC Sands and seas with the world that I feet like bre but don’t mistake beneath these Stars We Roll But wolf in each of us this and alone loyal the pack wherever we stri C me about we want the free master of my destiny just let it be together yet alone under Moon skies in the silence alone W cry the thr to Chase and every place with every new face life we Embrace and gra we look this life we Embrace we the past poel catch flights not Fields low tring heavy and heels and wheels living life of LGE and exotic SE light inside [Music] Dre so here’s to the nights when we live in love with the stars above and the world to shove pass cartel forever we fly chasing Horizons where our dream [Music] fix oh [Music] oh need a passport Cil catch [Music] flight Hills and wheels Liv in Exotic Life the side dream oh just set that luxur is I know St storms which just fall first CLS land unnown every [Music] time I thought you were going to get on with us man but I know we doing one [Music] tomorrow Under the Stars different each night I views no light so bright language of love flu in all Whispers And vanish to B’s Nightfall hand in hand s and SE the world that our feet like bre but no mistake beneath these Stars we roll a wolf in each of us this and alone loyal the pack wherever we stride fport Cil me about want the Wild and Free master of our destiny just let it be together yet alone on the moon Skies [Music] look I’m going drop the link in the chat then only a few Brothers gonna get on J brother and um on but after I people I’m drop the link for you [Music] brother so here to the night when we live in love with the stars above and the world to shove passport cartel forever we fly on J and I dro the link [Music] y all right man on the move is in the building too oh yeah that’s it that’s it that’s it that’s it all right man look we got a good show tonight man thank all you guys for rocking out with the channel means a lot man we about to get into the lure of these Latinos man look one thing I get every day is asking why we while we traveling to Latin America and not traveling this this place or that place and um I want I’m GNA let the other brothers tonight talk a lot about why many of us travel to Latin America look there’s Latinos in America so that’s not the reason um if you just want to date Latin chicks which I’ve done um in United States uh like probably half my life I’ve dated um a lot of the women a lot of Latinas in there but it’s a difference so I’m going let the brothers get on right quick we we about to we going straight into the shter night man we got men on the Move somebody else just I can’t see Yet brother yes hold on yeah man I’m let brother chop it up I don’t want to let too too many people on because they start getting it start getting a little clouded okay we got we got the man in here we got the man himself what up what up man J now you know we got to do that that that show tomorrow it’s your your your thing dirty ma right right right yeah man we definitely need that because man cats be out here man God but I ain’t gonna get too much in it with that been the move you all right brother sound like you in that hear me yeah I can I’m try figure how to this camera man man we need we need to call for help you good man trying to tr this camera all right I’m trying to make sure you good all right so look we gonna start with what we got right here um now brother brother Kobe man I owe you a an a good apology um the other day you was on with us man look um oh [ __ ] somebody it might be you but I’m gon let you go first because of this man let me tell you man um they give me some new nerve medicine right for my foot and man I’m drinking with it do not drink alcohol and nerve medicine that had me I was I was out of it I don’t remember nothing I I messed the whole stream up so look I apologize to you so on Jay he was the one talking when I ended it with it brother Kobe right I think so yeah so look I’m Gonna Let You Go first tonight brother Kobe now we talking about the Allure of why men uh travel to Latin America but look the thing I want you to do first is and look all these brothers um YouTube links are in the description make sure that you give that you uh give all these brothers show all these brothers some love they’re going to be Dr the game so brother Kobe I want you to go first and um tell tell people what your Channel’s about and then I want you to go into why you think Brothers travel to Latin America is on you you got the floor okay J um you can hear me right yeah we hear you all right uh yeah so my YouTube channel I just started it um this year and it’s about traveling you know as we’re all going out traveling and exploring different parts of the world uh for me it’s been mainly in South America of course Colombia uh been in the Dr once I gotta go back of course um yeah that’s what my channel is basically about I’m trying to build a catalog of different countries and uh just Show brothers that that there’s more out there outside of the Matrix right outside of the US um we could be like Uncle Jay you know we could be like Ronin we could be like so many other guys who have um stayed overseas for long periods of time so yeah man I’m just you know trying to trying to uh uh you know explore uh so we’re talking about La Latinas right what the allore is yeah yeah okay is this is this a uh over over over dating in the US yeah over you know many of us go to Latin America when we got Latinas in America so why you think brothers are going to colia or wherever they going well I mean it’s like I think brothers are going overseas to get the original you know what I’m saying it’s like you know I don’t want the knockoff Jordans I want the originals you know what I’m [Music] saying I got you yeah yeah yeah overall um how it’s strange something happens when you cross the borders and come to America there’s some type of programming that gets downloaded over time and uh it just gets watered down it’s like a weak drink you know what I’m saying it’s like when you go to a bar and you pay that high price but it’s it’s 90% juice you know you want it strong right you want the return on your investment so I think overall um of course we all think Latina is a beautiful I think Brothers love the culture overall and I think they’re just going to um really experience the the the traditions and the cultures of different women and of of course the Dr Colombia uh different areas of South America and I mean they Latinos man they’re irresistible can I say yeah all right men on the Move what you think all right so we talking about why men go why men go overseas well for one I like go overseas more so than dealing with the Latinos here in America because I don’t know man I got this thing that I feel like like he said when they cross over here to America something happens so I don’t even be wanting to deal with Latinos that speak English I just think it’s it’s something where it comes down to America that they just they change man they’re just not the same so when you go overseas I usually get to deal with women that you know just like the little things in life like I can go out for ice cream I can take a walk on the micone I can like walk up a mountain and be still considered a high value Man without having to drop $10,000 on flights to Dubai to France and all of these different things so that’s the main reason why I like going over versus dealing with the Latinos here okay on J Flo is yours on J what up man what up Chad Man look my brothers in here they giving y’all the uh the PG version y’all know what it is no on a serious note man I just think really like I’ve dated a lot of sisters man I was married to two what three and a half you know but um I just think man most of all we want to feel like we’re respected I think we want to feel like we’re loved um I I truly believe that most of my friends man over the years they wanted to get down with just one lady you know but then um most of my friends they complain about uh the nagging the the constant badgering them no matter what they do it’s not good enough no matter how hard you work it’s not good enough and now with with Society now and and with the Internet it’s opened up our eyes to the whole world I remember growing up man we only knew like the chicks within a four block radius we didn’t know yeah that there were even though in Chicago you had Latinas on one side you had but we we weren’t allowed to cross over those streets you know what I’m saying so now we’re like okay this is this is what’s really happening man and um I tell you man I was miserable bro but then you know you get to a lot of the Latina women man they they appreciate us you know what I’m saying for whatever reason I I think that some of it has to do with the way that their men treat them like my girl say she would never date a Colombian again you know what I’m saying like she hadn’t dated in three years before we met and the last guy she was married to for 20 years he was a Colombian but she said a lot of these guys man they they beat their women they they they don’t take them I mean she’s from cart Hanah and I’ve taken her to more restaurants and treated her better than than any man has ever in her whole life like I’ve taken her places that she’s never been so and then of course the sexiness you know like um I took I took her home with me for my daughter’s graduation man and um man a lady just went up to her and was like yo you you are very exotic and you’re you’re beautiful you know what I’m saying I mean she just stood out out of the rest of the people that was in there and it’s for a reason because she’s at that gym every day she gets up at 5:00 every morning working out bro um literally like I don’t have to lift a finger and not saying that I want a slave or anything like that but she actually gets offended if I try to do something for myself as far as around the house or whatever and um you know I mean it’s just a I mean I think that these women want to be women they don’t want to be masculine they want to be led and those things are very important in a relationship you know you gota there’s there’s a hierarchy to everything you know and it just it just makes it work but man I I just once you get a like my man said once you get a taste of that bro you it’s it’s hard to go back to that to that nonsense man it it it really is yeah man uh well look let me ask you this and then we’re gonna move on what what other qualities in in that woman that make you feel like you feel about her what what other qualities does she have besides the cooking and cleaning and that exoticness that a lot of women in America don’t have um regardless of race besides the cooking and cleaning yeah that was actually for on J I mean I mean personally bro I mean I mean besides that I mean it’s just men are men are visual bro so I mean the sexiness that that that’s that’s a big part of it you know what I’m saying we don’t really care about what your degrees are we don’t care about a man will take a broke chick in a hut if he treat him right and she she putting that thing on him or whatever you know I mean he’s good you know we don’t we don’t we’re simple creatures bro we don’t ask for a whole lot we really don’t but the things that a lot of the western women seem to care about man I ain’t never seen a guy say oh man those lashes are really good oh that lce front looks that lce front is is hidden today or whatever you know oh your nails are just so beautiful we don’t care about that man you know the end of the day man we just want to get treated and be um you know just be appreciated I think in the in the end but man I tell you that that’s because we are visual that sexiness goes a long way brother it goes a long way it definitely does but look I’m I’m G Circle back to you brother cob but I want to uh give a shout out for the $10 Super Chat brother Ellis pay ties man I appreciate it look I’m going to let I’m GNA let some other brothers on but first I wanted to get through with these four brothers first then I’ll uh I’ll let a couple of people get on towards the end and we’re going to start maybe on Fridays man have like the royal royal rumble let everybody come on let everybody have a good time but um I want to try to balance the show out a little bit let we gonna go from that lot of this O Jay idea O Jay got on me too on Jay say look you got to have a two drink minimum brother doing it like that man I you know what a real brother going tell you when you slipping man all right now listen now look you’re talking real now this is for the next question I’mma go to my brother right now Kobe on that um we see a lot of stuff and we G we G We Gonna Keep It on Latinas and stuff but yeah let’s let’s bring it back to the St right here because you just tied on something I wanted to talk about real people okay who care for you tell you the truth and why do you think and this is part of the dating this is why I believe a lot of men are leaving too because in our community in the states we don’t really have a lot of power we can’t say anything because if you tell the truth you’re castrated and I think that’s a reason why a lot of people going Latin America Thailand Africa you know they zoom in anywhere they can get to Thailand they’re going wherever they can go because people get tired of trying to fix the community fix the dating where you got a a group of people who don’t want to fix it so what do you think about that brother Kobe the floor is yours um why you’re asking pretty much why is it um why is it hard to tell the truth yeah in in the states right or is that question why is it hard to be truthful um uh I mean I think that’s a pretty that can go in a few different directions I think that’s well overall it’s not beneficial to the system really because if we tell men the truth then and we talking about women have a lot more power oh okay oh yeah very true yeah I mean overall that’s how we keep how they keep us separated right because if you tell the truth then we’re going to be more connected as a family unit but if we lie you know when men lie women buy that’s the same yeah so you know you you lie to women and they just buy and buy things what whatever it is all the big companies you know um and then they’re able to separate Men by just it’s almost like we don’t necessarily have a voice or an opinion right um and that’s why this movement or guys just traveling outside of the system can be a threat because uh it’s breaking that I want to say control over people women right it’s kind of a glitch in The Matrix so to speak um I think that’s really it man you can’t tell the truth because it affects the status quo of the way things are overall um and that’s why we’ll get attacked even if you’re telling a guy something simple is hey you can um have better options because maybe you’re not a millionaire so you you you your money may go further in uh the Dr okay that’s what’s the problem with that but it’s a problem because he might tell another guy then he might tell another guy then this spreads and now we have a movement of men going abroad affecting the status quo so you know that’s what I think about it overall yeah I me on the Move now me on the move you come out of the that red pill space I don’t know brother Kobe into that I don’t like putting people in stuff me and you kind of red pill type guys man we believe in men’s rights and um you know who you know like one of the brothers just wrote on here that they hate us because we’re we’re telling men that they have options and um you know how this stuff go coming out of that Community man um why is it we can’t tell now he dealt with uh General but I’m talking about to just women like if you say if you told women hey man you’re real masculine I’m looking for something feminine they say you hate your mama what do you think about that oh we can we can’t say that type of stuff man not not in this day and age you can’t say it at all bro like uh like now if you if you attack any type of woman in any way that make them feel you know less than are make them feel down about something you can’t you can’t call them fat you can’t tell them that they don’t cook for them and they need to learn how to cook you can’t tell them that they um that they don’t deserve you know a high value man they you can’t tell them that they need to be married uh before they hit the age of 40 you know so it it’s it’s so hard for men to get a voice on anything within America now because it feels like anything that we say that was basically ingrained in us since this 1980s and before is basically considered toxic masculinity now or you know we we are what’s called misogynistic it’s just so much that men just can’t do that women can do women have so much power over the media men don’t have any power over the media we don’t have uh like a voice how you see a lot of ladies go on what’s those like talk shows that be on TV men don’t have nowhere near that equivalent the equivalent that we got right now is what we doing right now on YouTube that’s the closest thing we got and this is you know it’s not funded it’s not backed by anything and woman just got a lot of power when it comes down to like a lot of support because they support a lot of things with their money so a lot of people are going to support them back men don’t really have that much less a black man in America yeah man you’re you’re right uh so Brother Jay the next question because he tied on something I want you to answer how important is this kind of man type of environments like this where we can have a barber shop have open discussion talk about these things in a in a good way where we’re not trying to hate on anybody but we trying to get our point across oh it’s very important I think that you know we created that monster in the United States I mean and and the reason I say that is because think about this right I’ll see a fat chick get on Instagram and just because she got a little bit of fat taken out of her stomach you you know she’s still fat you can tell by arms or whatever but man she’ll have 40,000 uh subscribers or or followers or whatever and it’s like all she did was get a little tummy tuck but you can tell she don’t work out so there’s no accountability a lot of times what what what is the main thing that a woman will ask you if you marri how do I look in this and we say oh you look good baby you know what I’m saying instead of telling the truth now I will say this when I when well I’m still married but my wife used to ask me she would be like um I’m going to get my well she would say she was going to get her her lashes done right now this is when we first met and you know what I told her I was like I don’t like that and she was like well I’ll just cut him down finally man after about a week of this not a week but like maybe five times of her doing this I screamed out I don’t like that s and she and she looked at me and she was like in sh like she was shell shocked that I actually told her this and I say look we clown you guys for this stuff the barers shop we clown women with long lashes we clown women with big stones on their fingers and and all this nonsense we clown these women that all they doing is wearing the shein and fashion NOA whatever we don’t care about that but they get these they get these um they basically trying to please other women basically what it comes down to so if the other chick say girl you good you good you know they listen to that instead of listening to their man but I think it’s also important that we have shows like this is because we need to we need to strengthen Brotherhood first man yeah Bros over you know what you know that that’s how I feel and and the more we get the word out the better either we either either this they’re gonna they’re going to get right or they’re going to keep doing what they’re doing but at least we’re living our truths and I think that you know knowledge is power so we definitely need to get this word out man I love all these groups you know I mean I agree with some things with passport brother some things I don’t I agree with you know I think it’s all to the individual like um I saw one guy in the chat and this is no shade or whatever but he was like basically he didn’t think that he saw relationships traveling well that’s not true you know I’m living it now and I’ve seen it I know guys are living it but you’re not I think I said it on the last show you’re not done get a chick worth anything being there for three to five days it’s just not going to happen it’s just not going to happen and you don’t know a liquor Spanish you know or whatever whatever country you’re in you know because this is about the whole world so my my thing is is that let’s get our game up let’s uplift each other and then we become more powerful now all of a sudden these women that weren’t even giv us a chance think about it right the top 10% of women in America they wouldn’t even look at us you know and I don’t look at myself as as the ugliest dude on the planet you know what I’m saying but I mean there were some chicks that I just couldn’t bag and for whatever reason whether my money wasn’t big enough or whatever and I’m seeing a lot of ridiculousness I mean there chicks out there saying if you don’t make 300,000 you know how many people make $300,000 a year you know it’s it’s just it’s just ridiculous so I think that we need to keep doing what we doing keep them mad and like you said either they’ll change you know or they’ll keep doing what they’re doing and we won’t even care all right I think you’re right about that but let me let me say this too and I’m this for everybody um you was talking about the about the Brotherhood you know I’m a big Brotherhood type of guy but I I I I think on YouTube right now in the in the travel space look you can call it passport bro whatever you want to call it you know we predate that a lot of us who’ve been uh doing that stuff and learning and doing things like that um there’s a lot of people coming into the travel space that are just starch haters you know I call them a agents of chaos they make whole like look if you’re a content creator you can create content out thin air like but when you a agent of chaos you can’t do that you you’re gonna create content by saying talking about another brother bringing them down doing all these things like that and I think that’s what B down the manosphere and um I’ve preached this a lot that’s what’s happening in the travel space you know you even see people clicking up now people forming little groups what they believe this and that because of the Agents of chaos like like I don’t want you to attack us so we gonna click up together over here like just like the Bloods and Crips you know how many [ __ ] sets it got you know how many blood sets it got in of us being brothers and standing together but a lot of the problem is I I I see whether it’s the Dr whether it’s colia there’s that think that they know more than everybody else they think they know better the I call them the um morality these These are these are the guys they might as well put on a priest collar they look at you look at you and they like man y’all going over there doing this giving bad information these are the dudes that I I dislike more than anything they are the D police I don’t want to startop preaching they are the D police they don’t want to see you happy look bro I ha we going come around like you know how they got a open arm of white supremacy but these are the open arm of the Female Supremacy these D will they the they the barking dogs for a lot of the women these are the persecutors of of the brothers that that are in the travel Community man so brother Cobra what what do you think about all the hate now look let me say this you have even started your you your YouTube just starting but watch as you grow and watch what these dud gonna do yeah I can’t even I I see this stuff you go through man so I I don’t know it’s it’s man um I don’t know what it is man I I think I really just think those Brothers have some type of like insecurity problem or something like that I don’t I don’t know what it is those are those are the guys you know what I I think a lot of times it’s either the guys that are not willing to do the work on themselves so they can’t figure out what’s going on right like how is ronin or how does Uncle Jay have this type of woman doing all this for him but when I try I get finessed you know what I’m saying so there’s some of that going on it’s it’s maybe some bad information or they feel entitled like like Uncle Jay was saying like Okay I should be able to have a a serious relationship or have something in three days but I don’t want to do the work okay but maybe I meet a mango but then I want her to love just me and I get mad because I find out she’s with others I’m telling you there there’s something about like I really think a lot of these guys just think like women bro I hate to say it but you know they they think they’re just very emot man you know what I’m saying then they don’t think like men they see someone doing better than them and instead of trying to figure out like how I reached out to you I saw you were growing your channel was very interesting they would hate they wouldn’t reach out because you know what I’m saying oh what does he think he thinks he’s this and that um they might see um men on the Move doing things and suu and just thing oh he’s got no game he’s he’s you know there’s always a negative uh thought process going on because ah it’s an internal issue man that’s what I really think now as far as what we could do about it I think it’s kind of hard to control you do the best you can to weed them out um moderators of course uh but doing this more what you’re doing right now as we continue to just talk and bring people in and get Brothers on the same page we can kind of just weed out the haters and we just move in that direction you know what I’m saying that’s why yeah been on the move oh man this topic right here brother so I I can’t stand it man it’s so many it’s so many haters and I think it’s a lot of them because like how you say it’s like a high moral thing or they try to be uh a high moral in front of everybody and you know be themselves in the dark like when I got I got two uncles man I took two uncles out to Dr one of them been out to Dr real frequently he been to Santa Domingo Santiago the works so when he’s coming to suu and we’re enjoying ourselves you know doing what we do out there in suu he has this whole big moral problem about why men are coming to suu to do what they do and what not why we we shouldn’t be going to do that Su uh and he he tells me I don’t like the culture of thetic Republic because I’m missing doing what I’m doing and I’m like brother you talking to a dude who been living for Dominicans for over four years you talking to a dude who took the time to learn Spanish and study that thing for almost five years I know the culture better than you brother you mean to tell me just because you feel that I’m I’m out here in sua having a great time that I don’t like the culture it’s so much hate with that even when it comes down to the YouTubers the ones that considered marri with their Dominicans in the Dominican Republic they going tell you that you need to be eating Dominican chicken you need to be over there dancing your Baka and being out there in the water and you mother you you don’t guys don’t even know a liqu of Spanish you’ve been dating this woman for 15 years and you still can’t say a damn sentence like how in the hell you could tell me that I don’t got no game I can talk when I go to Dominican Republic I don’t speak not not damn there word in English and you could judge me for doing what I do [ __ ] got a lot my bad ninjas got a lot of nerve man Knockouts Ninjas the word Knockouts I call Knockouts and ninjas yeah J you got the floor brother I agree 100% with that message Man I mean and you know I know first hand what the hate is like bro I mean Lord that group man I really found out about the nature of when I had that group bro I I mean you know I try to do things to help Brothers out like look let’s take the power back in our hands let’s let’s Okay instead of if if you’re sending money to a chick and we find out that she’s a pro well you should be thanking that brother instead of putting him down or trying to get him you know that that you’re putting somebody’s life in danger when you pillow talking and all that other stuff and we’ll get on that on the next subject dirty macking you know I got friends man that they were in my group they follow me on on Instagram or whatever but they won’t leave one comment and I’m like so I had a conversation with one of my friends and I’ve been KN him for a long time and and basically is like man you know I can’t have my girl thinking that I agree with all this stuff and whatever I’m like bro you know what I do ain’t got nothing to do with you I’m in a whole I’m in a whole different situation you know what I’m saying and I said and you know to the brothers that I I hear this a lot well men only go overseas because they couldn’t get anybody in the United States well that’s a lot I got four wives and two kids man to prove that it’s like bro I mean how much more uh damage you want me to do to myself but finally I woke up and was like yo I got to get up out of here man I gotta get up out of here but I just you know it’s just it’s just amazing where we can’t even we can’t even be ourselves and to me I don’t care what the next man is doing I don’t care what he’s paying I don’t care as long as that man is happy and he can sleep at night with himself that is all I care about at the end of the day you know whether and and and you you know just as well as Ronin I mean bro I mean I I probably kicked out over 150 guys out of my group when I had it um due to the um the hate and the policing and all that it’s like it’s like why you know if you don’t like tricking then don’t do it like when I first got to Colombian I was in trickeration you know what I’m saying I was trying to get established right and out Trick after living here for two months I never had to had to involve myself in that game again because I had other ones that I had I had more options you know what I’m saying and I asked my girl I’ve asked all the other chicks that I’ve dated that were regular chicks I was like well so what does a guy have to do to get with you they said first of all we love when you guys even if you can’t speak perfect Spanish we love when you try because that means that that you care we love when you act when you’re actually over here because so many guys they run game and we’re used to that now we know that some guys going to run game promise US the world and then they’re going back to the United States and we’ll never see them again that’s why I always say man you need to be out here in the field baby you know and and there’s nothing wrong if you’re not financially able to do that yet then just keep doing what you’re doing stick with the tricken you know but just it is don’t try don’t try to make it more than what it is get upet you know don’t don’t try to make it more than what it is you know or at the one over here you know tell you this man I didn’t even want like they used to post the ticks up in the group and I didn’t even want to post mine because I knew somebody was going to piss me off when I posted they were gonna say oh she was a [ __ ] and she was this you know before they they didn’t know nothing about her because they don’t believe that there’s any regular women out here but I’m like okay this chick owns the house that I bought you know she’s a property owner you know be honest like here in colia man a majority of the the working chicks are venez whing but then I don’t hold that against them because a lot of those chicks man they don’t have opportunity bro you know um they come over here looking for a better life well they they won’t hire this most of the people they hire are the um Colombians and they hire the light-skinned Colombians because what all the dark ones on the beach massaging and all this other stuff so there’s a lot of colorism and everything you know I don’t mean to go on the rant but you know what it is no no may you drop it that’s what we need to know but look I want to I want to move with this to it for us dating Latinos brother Kobe so when you when you first start going to Colombia you know a lot of guys getting hit with that scope right now they waking up some not waking up all I mean so let me ask you something how were you able to to to go to colia and not have any issues and and date women without any problem problem um well see the thing for me I already had a network out there right so uh yeah I I pretty much follow the advice of guys who had done it before me you know what I’m saying so I didn’t just go there and just start swiping and just randomly meeting girls um I went and stayed with one of my homeboys I went to metagene First and stayed with him for about a week and had him show me around so I had heard the stories so everywhere I went I was with him especially when we went out to like clubs and bars and things like that and the girls I met uh well honestly I played it safe man I met girls through him the first time yeah you know what I’m saying um and then when I started going to car I I really just met them in person bro cuz I was already working on my Spanish so I met them at bars and restaurants and I really didn’t mess with the um uh the pros when I first went there like that so I I think I was just really hesitant you know what I’m saying because I’ve heard so many stories so I just try to play it safe and now I’ve built like a a roster of sorts yeah I mean their friends I got good friends you know what I’m saying go down there I have a good time with my with my friends yeah man you’re a young man you supposed to be out here Royal they’re they’re your friends in case you went at Oscar one day you know they’re your friends me come on man they teaching me Spanish they they good you know what I’m saying yeah things friends do fringe benefits fringe benefits yeah that’s man that’s excellent I was just really really cautious man um I never actually just met one let’s say like the clock tower I never actually met one and then took it back the same day like right away you know what I’m saying and I’m not you know judging anybody it’s just something I just never did you know what I mean I just never just never did it because I always had a had a girl or or or two or whoever to hang out with eight girls eight girl jelly like I had eight girls and some jelly I was wrestling listen listen listen man they were just teaching me Spanish man that’s all that was happening that’s it yeah the massages were were uh for business so was you learning the Spanish in the bed or theed uh well you know list listen sometimes you gotta lie down more relax when you’re relaxed you can learn better you know what I’m saying you need to be empty if you know what I mean but listen listen I mean you know what I mean it’s it’s yeah turn on some good music you know let me ask you this look so um while you were there did were they having any incidents while you were there did it did it make you feel scared or whatever um not oh oh yeah you know there was one time I don’t know Uncle Jay probably heard about it uh remember the guy who got his CH his chain stolen and he was he was um fighting uh and was he shot or stabbed yeah he was shot that was my that was my second week that was my second week in country bro wow that was my second week in country man and um it was a guy it was a guy actually um I saw a guy like the same day that it came out on the news and he was wearing he was wearing a big gold chain man and I’m just like what is he doing man what you saw him in person you saw him no another guy another guy same day I saw another guy at Vibes the the the um restaurant and he was wearing a big chain and I’m like what is this guy doing man I mean like bro you can’t move the same way that you move these people are poor these people are poor you just can’t you just can’t do it you know you gotta and that’s in any Hood whether you’re in the United States you can’t true you know floss around around poor people like that yeah I would stand um that area teresis that’s is that like a dangerous area would you say yeah yeah you want to stay in if you don’t really know where you’re going you want to stay in like the Castile Grande area or or boa Grande or mango somewhere somewhere up in there anywhere along the beach you’re good but when you start going out to the baros that’s when it gets it gets pretty wicked out there man yeah it gets pretty wied I was stand right there I was stand cheap that incidence happens and I’m like I made a video on it I got a lot of views because it was current yeah right um um dang I ain’t gonna lie I’ve done a few things that weren’t too smart I uh had a friend over one night and she was hungry so there was a a Wing Spot down the street right down from in Teresa right that I had been to and I ran down there man it was like midnight and I got some wings ran back wasn’t the smartest thing so yeah man guys gota be safe man I’m telling you man You Gotta Be You Gotta make you gota make good choices that’s sure got to make good choices and I I tell guys all the time I’m like okay first of all they’re not giving you a a a threesome because you’re you’re you’re the most handsome thing in the world okay let’s let’s get that let’s get that straight right there number two is is that between between between switching out you know the gold packs I mean to me it’s like why you know what I’m saying all bu my bub right man look y’all said y’all wanted the truth right y toldo man come on right so I mean usually the guys that get SC they’re dealing with more than one woman because it’s harder to watch it’s harder to watch two than it is one and usually with two or another another thing that they do is um if she says I got my own driver bro call you a Uber oh okay in Uber do not let them do their own driver I mean you’re just asking to get scul so and this is what I’ll say when people say man it’s dangerous in Colombia what what are you doing down there bro and no disrespect to the guys that have lost their lives I mean condolences to their families or whatever but me just analyz in the situation since I’ve been down here bro a lot of these guys be moving wrong you know they get out there man and they’re you know and I’m G say this man I hate to say it but you know our Caucasian our Caucasian Brothers I see him out there doing cocaine and and some of everything bro and not saying that the brothers don’t do it but this is just what I saw basically the white boy wasted and the chicks take advantage of him you know what I’m saying the more the more drunk you are I mean the more that they’re gonna the better chance they’re gonna have of doing something to you so you need to be on your p’s and q’s instead of out there think about it like this right if we all go to the club roning popping bottles Kobe pop popping bottles but and I’m not drinking well at the end of the night aren’t we gonna get the same thing but you just popped off $500 $600 I Dr I sat on the beer all night you know what I’m saying and you’re still gonna have to pay those Roes at the end of the night you know what I’m saying it ain’t like getting a discount for getting them drunk no sure don’t but a lot of times man I tried it don’t work they’re just using that as an opportunity man to to get at you bro and never go to their spot especially in Colombia never go to their spot if they say oh I got a spot or I got no no you know and if you see them like I don’t I wouldn’t even let them in at the time when I was out there I wouldn’t even let them text in the car when they were with me oh because some of them man they sending their location and everything and I’ve heard of situations where they’re texting someone if they ask you ahead of time if they keep asking you like where where you staying at where you staying at you don’t need to know that man you don’t need to know that until we get in the house now if you want to if you want to share your location you want to feel safe once you’re in my house well that’s cool but you’re not g to have somebody waiting on me so a lot of times man what you say the the the topic of this show the Allure of the Latin women don’t let that Allure caus you to get stupid oh it’s powerful a you get D you get D quick man I’m on one tonight I’m you got it you got it you got it you got it I told you I ran through the hood to get them Wings yeah I think we all made mistak man yeah we all have made like mistakes like that world country you just you going outside of your element I done done all that man I did it myself so and it’s easy to get caught up the the the key thing though man is to be aware of your surroundings man that’s the whole thing man and and it’s good to be in brotherhoods that’s why I preach that a lot look that’s why I made that Facebook group The Blue Book passport cartel not for me I already had a YouTube channel and look truth be told now uncle Jay now you know this stuff the dudes in the YouTube channel unless it’s about 40 or 50 of them they the only ones I got about 40 or 50 dudes maybe 100 that’s some ride or die dudes most of them in the chat right now ride or die they gonna roll with you that’s your squad but you got 6,000 people you put a you you got 6,000 people hey man like the video you got 20 likes these are black men and they wonder why women whooping the hell out of us right now because we don’t think like I can tell them all day look we got a brother got a new YouTube channel man y’all go subscribe to him get him monetized for you we could do like other people communities do man we sitting there like these dud act like hands or handcuffs to reach the like and damn subscribe button you know you you you had this discussion I had 6000 I had 6,000 people and I was like yo look so I can get monetized I need 500 of y’all everybody saying they love J they love J or whatever what I ask for that for that for that like And subscribe man I think out of 6,000 I got 200 people you know and I’m just like really and that don’t even cost you anything and then you know I was spending like uh when I started the private chat I was spending like 11 to 15 hours a day on that chat man you know trying to keep them haters out and trying to keep you know the tenders out or whatever man look when I finally just said look my time is worth something you know what I’m saying like if you ain’t got $10 to to a to a chat that’s going to help you save money in the long run because you’re going to have information and information is power well you don’t need to travel anyway you need to stay your butt right at home all y’all cheat whatever if you cheat stay your butt out of Columbia because you the ones that’ll end up on YouTube you know with a chick arguing and everything man you don’t know how many break tables look look hold on for Obama man when they was down here in Carana and they turning up and they didn’t want to pay the chicks whatever it’s like wait a minute you just embarrassed your family you just over 200 let’s say $200 I don’t care if it’s bro I done I done paid a chick that I didn’t even touch because invite some dudes invited her over right I was even I just came to visit I wasn’t even on nothing and I looked at it was like man I don’t even want to deal with you and then she looking crazy or whatever you know and she was like what’s up with him or what I said here you go baby here you go for your time and going on they just showed up at the door and a lot of guys would be like I wouldn’t have paid her nothing well man I’m gonna get that back next payday no you g she get you a lot of trouce here man they don’t play bro so it’s like it’s not even worth it you know you know sometimes you got to think smarter you know instead of like oh man you got to let that Pride go do what you got to do man that little 400 that little 400,000 pesos that ain’t nothing to me you know it’s like I have spent that on eating or whatever you know what I’m saying but a lot of people man have that attitude well I’m not paying nobody if I didn’t if I didn’t do anything it’s like bro it’s not worth it man I’m not sitting here arguing with no chick with probably a third grade education I’m not doing that man and you’re not gonna and you’re not going to win you’re not going to win come down here he was like looking for women I was like bro look I’m just gonna be straight up man if a chick even bring $50 out of her mouth like I don’t want her to be honest because I’m knowing that that’s a bottom feeder bro like like like Kobe was saying like he really didn’t talk to the women that were out in the Square I’ve never picked up one from the square okay and you know what most of those chicks are the bottom Fe that hang out in the squ they can’t they can’t okay I’m drop some Jews on y’all the ones that’s hanging out by the clock tower you don’t want them they can’t get in the clubs for whatever reason you know so a lot of times those chicks man they’re they’re they’re desperate they’re thirsty or whatever and a lot of times they’re in horrible conditions you know you want that chick man that’s nicely dressed you know at the club or whatever I mean personally I don’t even think you need the pregame in at least in car M know like Kobe said he dealt with him in person and I like I used to like to deal with him in person because you could see what type of attitude they had you know kind of get a Vibe for him because I’m not just with h at least make me make me think I’m getting girl D experience baby let let me let me let me pretend I’m in love you know what I’m saying and then we can move on you know but I I never was with that just and and and and go out you know what I’m saying at least at least like hold me like um like like uh Edie tell Uncle Hold Me Hold Me God damn man yeah man I mean but you’re talking you’re talking facts man that’s if if I had any any down thing about suu it would be that they the women come in there in Santa Domingo it wasn’t like that usually a woman came me and Santa Domingo it was rare that that chick didn’t stay at the crib with me the whole night was rare it was a rare thing and um and talking about getting rid of women I had I had one who didn’t look too good I ain’t gonna lie man look I ain’t I ain’t gonna talk about our African features we all got thisi man I know about this big I ain’t lie look woman look she come come to the room looking like Don Cheeto like man oh God coming up look like D I just couldn’t do it I’m like look man look you man take these pceo ride out you know I’m I’m sorry it ain’t gonna work tonight you know I don’t want no l tonight the only time I ever turn only time teolog man you let chop go away man that’s the only po hey bro sometimes you got to let them go to waste man you have you have to let bigger than your smile man come on man God her nose was bigger than her smile man she she had all nostrils bro man her know like man hell n nah nah nah I mean all right man on the all you away but yeah man you right though Ron because in s the woman the woman don’t godamn they don’t St at all you know they coming at they on they on demon time man they come to get what they gota get and they going back back home while they going to hit the streets man they don’t never hold me the only time I ever got one to hold me is when I got it’s cold out there huh nice cold J he in that hold that blanket at night hey hey hey the te the T-shirt coming out soon man only time I got one the but I got it from Santi Bo that’s the only bad thing about the man these [ __ ] coming in they trying to get back out there make bread man I I’m I’m not with it look let me tell y’all now now look I’m GNA keep it a buck with you I’m G keep it a buck I’m a gy and I I got two people that why you say me and the Wolf me I read I like normal regular women but the wolf he will bite in the mangoes so I have to lock him up myself I have look bro it’s like a real will Wolf movie Jay look in my house I got bars on it some of y’all guys see it I lock myself in there take this key don’t give me the keys I’m in there tied to a chip with belt on my arm no matter what I say leave me you know so I got to do it like that man cuz I live close to suu so you can go I can go outside and it’s on so I gotta I gotta keep myself straight because nah man sometimes you gota chill out that’s the magic that’s magic right there like you can be go ahead go ahead you can be chilling in suu man you can be chilling you know just enjoying yourself probably on the beat having a having a drink or you probably went to put the out there on the tel or something like that but you on your time when you want smash you can go smash when you want to smash you you a’t in no rush you Ain like trying to try to uh how you say pregame them like you got to do in the stage like yeah girl let me get this drink here girl yeah let me take you out to this movie girl get you all soften and butter you gota do all that when you get back to your room make a call oh yeah man dangerous man look like he’s saying J look you could be sitting in Su right in one of the little restaurants or whatever you like man forget trickeration I ain’t with all that I’m chilling and two minutes later a woman gonna walk by be like man how much money I got in my pocket you know you know I know I say I wasn’t about no tricking but damn you know what I’m saying God you like you like on new ja City yeah man call call I do the same thing I lock myself in the house all the time bro matter fact I’ve been on a I’ve been on a thre Monon Hiatus but you know I’ve been smashing my girl every night I know she tired of me man she don’t complain but I know she tired of me man but that’s the only way I can stay out them streets man them streets be calling me bro let me ask you this the brother say the top cities to find a wife man go to the countryside man that’s where a lot of but look i’ been I’ve been telling yeah H um laa oh man I like LGA man got some boy I love it too boy Mana said you come froma but not car who not no I want to come to Columbia so bad but I’m scared come on through baby come man through hey man on the move I got five bedrooms man pick one man come on yeah he ain’t G to bother you the low noise crackling on the other side of the door now nah bro I’m used to it man I’m used to it my my blind friend he was clapping him cheeks so hard I was like going wait wait wait wait hold on wait wait wait wa clapping cheeks hey so you sure that woman a had her hand like this think he bro he was look I thought I was watching Ray Charles man my man was grabbing the wrist he would take his he would take his hands and put it on the waist and then he would do this like oh man I was like man look B hey his name is Brad man shout out to Brad shout out to Brad man Brad was tearing him off man he was like he was like unj he was like man I met him through another partner of mine that I grew up with he was like man my man want to come to Columbia and he was a little depressed or whatever you know because it’s a little thin where he lives at in Kentucky so I said yo come on down my treat or whatever blah blah blah I said if you if you can get here you can stay with me for free he came you for that man yeah yeah you know man look that’s my charity work baby I don’t mind putting in a little charity work but man came down here and this my right hand to God man it changed his life bro yeah it CH it changed his life matter matter of fact he let me he said look I ain’t gonna be like them other Negroes he said I’mma let you actually pick them out for me I’mma let you I’m G take your advice or whatever so he kind of followed my lead or whatever and I found one that I thought he lik because when he had his vision I knew what he like he used to like like them white girls he like them snowb so I got him a blonde one God ca he he had about 10% Vision so he could see a little bit when it was lighted but he he he saw that body like damn Jay he was like man look bro he said look this is no lie he said man he threw that he threw that gold piece off bro man took all that Ley baby yeah man and he came out smiling man from ear to ear man and I knew my job was was good man you know man that’s awesome you for that brother and at the end of the day man that’s what I think that’s what we’re here to put we’re put on Earth to help other people out you know what I’m saying because you don’t know what somebody’s going through back at home you don’t know if somebody’s just got through a divorce bad breakup you know people man people now man they’ll take their lives for nothing you know and they’re depressed and all this other stuff so I mean just make a trip man you know I would tell anybody if you fresh off off of a relationship or divorce get your passport come overseas because the plan field is even bro it don’t matter how much money you got it don’t matter how you look the only time I would say this okay let’s keep it 100 we gonna keep it above it doesn’t everybody ain’t created equal let’s just let’s just keep it 100 there are some guys that all they gonna get offered is that hour and there are some that you’re gonna have to kick them out you know because they’re still human you know what I’m saying and at the end of the day they still want to try to bag you I mean some of them still looking for a man but yeah you know so like remember when I had the in the telegram a lot of times guys would be like drop the digits well bro your situation your game may not be like mine you know what I’m saying or your situation is different she may throw that hour at you whereas for me she want to stay all night and I’m not saying that I’m better or worse than anybody else I’m just saying it’s different for every situation women got preferences man they have preferences I would hate when guys say give me the digits no put it in your own work man it’s too easy here bro put it in your own work yeah but like you say woman might like kobu or whatever might like on J you got them light eyes she might look at his eyes you know what I’m saying who knows that’s howle J gets man know you say they walk up to him say I got the green eyes and I got that white leche for you got Le for I’m just messing with you man we just man brother with the telegram link man you in the group and I’m I a I don’t want to post it on on here because I put all kind of people me you ever post that on the live no Noam is crazy you know open I accidentally open was at work Blue Book cartel and you can join yeah you join I open that telegram when I was at work man God oh my God bro man I’m over here KS cut up in that group man but I also yeah them brothers I was telling anybody who a member of the channel too you join the members and all that man I’ll send it to you just email me at ronand the1 inra I will drop you the link I would then you can get on man but we don’t want anybody in there we don’t want people come in there and destroy the group because that’s what we talking about ninjas fall in love The Knockouts you know I always say Malcolm X man we had a good organization to The Knockouts got out got in there because we got people just because people got the same skin color as you they they be on something completely different I guarantee you that so like attracts like I only want to deal with people who in the same ve I’m in masculinity Freedom exploration that’s what that’s what I’m about those are the things don’t don’t do don’t do roning like y’all did me man y’all put me out of business with telegram look I CL that hey I close it down too man I don’t I was doing that for the brothers I clo y j man in hibernation over here bro y man look God just go in enjoy just remember the key words is is just your turn your turn don’t send money overseas give it to them in person damn J that’s just so simple bro it’s simple it’s really simple it’s simple Bro Look if they can’t get the message and they see it in 1080 HD they see the girl getting bust down in 1080 HD and they still can’t oh man that dude put you that dude put you on telegram or whatever like what is that what is that what are you accomplishing but I’m G tell you this at least in in Colombia them chicks got their own groups bro and about they talk about the cheap guys they talk about the whales they talk about it all bro they talk about who ain’t who ain’t working with nothing it’s just a quick easy lick so to me to me I’ve seen it I’ve seen it telegram for me honestly it evens the playing field bro it gives us the advantage because we can say hey is this wifey material no bro I’ve been I’ve been hitting that we got a we got a chick here in Colombia man her name is uh Lulu Lulu is like star was the star of the telegram group man everybody was like man Lulu and everybody bringing up pictures I mean every week every week somebody got Lulu Lulu everybody got Lulu yeah Lulu is getting paid man but it’s always that one guy that wanted try to wife her or whatever and send her money or whatever and I like I said I ain’t I’m not pocket watching nobody but bro you can do better man you can do better that’s all they don’t want to do better they don’t want you to stop them they like what they like they like what they like you can tell them you could show them pictures but because I’m G let you go man Mo but look chick one of the chicks I was dealing with in in Sant Domo showed me they group they showed me the she showed me the female group chats and they got they got a whole nwor they know how to doal and yes they do yeah so look when y you guys be overpaying women and all that they tell other ones man just just the right now and it goes up and all that man watch what you’re doing man now look you want to do that go ahead but I’m G say and I’m let you go man let me uh shout out for the99 U Super Chat from the prime appreciate you brother for the Super Chat there you go man on the Move then we gonna let brother Kobe jump back in the mix but I was gonna say um like I got a girl like that man you know you when you come when you you don’t come from the states man you kind of deprived and you just happy to just have something that’s just that bad you ain’t never had nothing that bad man so I would say if you truly want to be with a woman and you don’t want to believe nobody else smashing them stay off of these godd dang sites man stay off for her Instagram stay off for the WhatsApp you know live live live in BL the Bliss what I do little Bliss if she told you she loved you and you want to believe it then don’t go on them damn sites oh yeah you gonna lose every time you go on them sights look man let me tell y’all something that you might not know dudes that that live in fantasy world all women them been bust down before all of them you ain’t nothing new they all of them been bust down before somebody them had them you know what I’m saying you mean don’t think that you’re special somebody broke them somebody put musroom in there somebody had that had that face to the Head board somebody did it already man that’s real brother Kobe it’s you anywhere United States anywhere anywhere you at my God damn uh yeah man I actually uh so I had a chick I was talking to uh from B and Kia right um yeah uh so anyways and we all can get a little carried away so I thought she was different now keep it a buck this is it this how this starts because I mean okay listen I wasn’t maybe I was dreaming a little bit right um well she told me she wasn’t a pro or anything like that and and okay I believed her to some degree she was in school she had a job and all that um but then I come down to carenna uh one week I’ve been talking to her for maybe a few months and I met her when I was in bed and Kia for Carnival right last year and we hung out you know what I’m saying and went down and we had a good time um then I went back home for like three months came back and she was just acting different you know you know how it is you come back and they’re they’re kind of um inconsist assistant and it’s it’s like kind of weird like she’s kind of putting me back on the list right uh then she randomly shows up in Carana so she’s like hey I’m in Cara where you at and I’m like what are you doing in car hanana what’s going on she says uh I’m just I’m just here to uh see my friend and I said your friend which friend and she’s like oh my home girl you know don’t worry about it so she comes by oh well she got the brand new iPhone 15 Pro Max damn I said I said yo that’s a nice how you how’d you get this that’s that’s new nicer than my phone you know how high that cost over there man exactly 15 Pro Max you know how that here yeah it’s minimum 1,700 over here exactly because of the import tax so think okay um and then okay so she’s she’s over at the spot and she’s asking me hey how do you feel about uh are you the jealous type she was like are you are you the jealous type that gets jealous you know with girls that you’re talking to and I said uh nah not really why do you at the time I didn’t really understand what she was doing right because I wasn’t really paying attention um so I Let It Go all right whatever I figured okay she’s got a sugar daddy or something like that right um and then okay she stayed over she left the next day um and then she tells me hey you know I left my wallet in my Airbnb um can you help me can you can you help me can you help me with this situation so I’m telling her I’m staying away from the financial part and I’m telling her Hey listen just contact Airbnb people you know what I’m saying get back in there and all these things and um that was it she kind of left it alone right she didn’t she didn’t do anything more than that then I come back home she posts a picture of her being pregnant like a few weeks later so I’m like wait a minute who is that so I was like wait wait what because I’m thinking I know how this week things work right so it’s no way it was only three weeks but what pissed me off is I thought wait a minute so you came you didn’t tell me while I was nah you are dirty you know what I’m saying um so I had her call me and she said oh no I was joking it was all a joke I’m not pregnant you you know that that was a joke but one of the story is um she’s not really talking to me anymore back to back to what uh I think Uncle Jay was talking what you guys were talking about that fantasy land right when you think you meet the one even guys that have experience it can happen right because I met her in a good city and a good situation at her job you don’t know till you know you know and she just came off even my boys were like oh yeah she she’s a good one man you know what I’m saying other people will convince you too then I find out she taking random trips to Caron every weekend then I start seeing pictures of her on rooftops and pools and then I’m she’s in Cancun then I don’t know you know so yeah man I just that Allure is serious man there’s levels to this yeah that’s why called it that because you can get trapped in that there’s levels yeah I CU that that’s the question I even have for um for you guys uncle Jay’s well Colombia which is I was just in um palamina I don’t know if you heard of it it’s it’s it’s by Santa Marta not too far by terrona the park it’s a little bit past Santa Marta it’s a small town with a lot of tourists go out there um and I was you know talking to locals I got a girl’s number that worked at the uh Hotel I stayed at uh how do you how do you know that you know you know what I’m saying because I feel like all the ones I’ve run into even the ones that I thought were decent right eventually I start to see some inconsistencies where it’s like wait a minute why you on this trip well how did you get there you know what I’m saying how did you get that $2,000 phone and what all of these things start to come up it’s simple math man I always say the math ain’t math okay I’m just playing with you brother I’m just a doctor here a doctor makes about 1200 $1,200 a month D so you know a 12 a doctor now so imagine a chick that’s working at the mall or some little regular chick like the average average person over here man makes minimum wage is like $300 a month so you ain’t get no I iPhone Pro Max off of that so I always say man look at the math you know what I’m saying unless they’re a business owner and this is my thing right the guy like one guy was like well man she didn’t seem like she was that way bro she had the beach every day all night like damn what like like have to just tell you in your face like come on the math ain’t ma bro you know and so and so the thing about it is you got to look for consistency man I had a um I had a dentist down from Cali and she came up Instagram had 22 million people on it you know and um I’m like man this girl is traveling more than she working you know oh don’t say don’t say this man don’t say this Hur I got a girl out there C right now man don’t say she from a little small town outside of Cali oh make clap bro I put her out because all she was interested in was taking pictures and and know and I was like after two days man I kicked out my crib I’m like no no we ain’t doing that man and she just she called me Chico Malo and all this other stuff like look get out of here man I I don’t need that but she thought she had never I don’t think she ever had a man and kick her out you know but she thought because she was a dentist like she would go to what she would do is she would go work like six months in um Canada and then come back to Colombia and just just she’s been to Germany yeah it’s probably stle J we we done cross paths baby it’s okay man was just man brother gone he already gone man it’s too late bro she’s yeah man yeah yeah she got she got a bunch of followers too bro yeah man she would she would happen to had that long black with you long black hair you know the fake but the fake titt*es all of it fake oh man got to be more careful you got to be more careful but look it happen to everybody man I’m sorry baby I mean to do that to you man you know but justs she with you just so you know man I mean it’s worth it as far as a one night lce so you know hey man man that thing look she been you know what the thing about it is is that she been around bro and the reason I say this is because so I’m talking to one of my other homeboys we having breakfast and I was like bro I was like man I think I met the one that’s how it starts that’s met the one God man she got 22 she got 22 million followers I’m like bro and so my man was like well I matched up with her but I never hit her up I was like yeah she coming to haul at me uh she coming to haul at me this weekend so I’m gonna give y’all an example of that Plantation mentality I paid for this this Negro breakfast within 15 minutes of me leaving he had never they matched up but he had never contacted her he sent her a message I I heard you coming to cart to Hannah so she know that she coming to see me so he threw me under the bus bro he came back and told me everything man and I done paid for this man breakfast wow then he turn around then he turn around after I cut him off he makes a group called Columbia Carter Hanah unplug the Ultimate Experience why the name my name tried to steal my girl man that Plantation look Miguel all my boys went on his on his page man they blasted him bro they was like gosh but yeah bro I mean tried to replace you brother bro these man the all of the Latina I don’t know what it is bro but you know that’s why I called it that man it got power in it it’s power in that brown cooch that brown cooch power man um to to new free mix tape no it ain’t 22 Mill like 22,000 22 million 22 million yeah I mean it ain’t my girl but I ain’t gonna take nothing away from her you know she’s a cutie but man head was all messed up bro head was all messed up like like crazy you probably on Tinder somewhere I think you s it to me before I think you did think I saw she had a lot yeah and she had a lot I I I think I remember you sending me that hey bro lot of man you’ll be surprised man what kind of stuff the chicks be in man talking about this lady b I’m sorry bro I’m sorry bro he still thinking about the Cali chick happen to you bro you gotta keep your head right man think with the right head man on the move with the right hey you know what maybe your game hey if you make if you make a good he I ain’t gonna be mad at you bro hey you your your game may be powerful enough to keep out the streets but I I I failed I failed I’m not I’m not worthy he told she was a Spanish teacher that’s how she was able to travel so much look UNC you like she was asking for that Spanish all right teaching really yeah I posted in the group so I mean you know I mean it is what it is I was I wasn’t impressed by it you know what I’m saying it’s like me like ca honestly bro the pictures on Instagram like you would think like Dro dead gorgeous star but in person I saw the flaws man she working with that photoshop ands and yeah bro yeah yeah I was like get up out of here man oh man wow one of my boys was like man you you let that go man look don’t fall for the Allure for it bro I’m telling you that’s why I named it that cats falling for it we can and look they got a good the bad the ugly of the LA Latino woman man they got The Good the Bad and the Ugly like they’re they’re U let’s put it like this I have met great awesome women in Mexico I’m I’m got with Colombian women I don’t know I lost counter Dominican women good Lord I could fill up I’d say part of Superdome many but I have got with Venezuelan women I got with a lot man so they got well I got I got a wolf house somewhere but I’m telling you look that but I also have met solid beautiful families in the Dr Who welcome me in who were just good people so everybody is awesome like you can do that but the key thing is man is keeping your head right look me personally I’m gonna be honest with you Brothers man all women I treat them like terrorists I’m just I’m I’m just I’m just suspect of all women I I’ve been married I’ve dated women I’ve had problems I have women I don’t had women man I thought were the best women in the world and they doing something wrong look one of my neighbors I had man this dude was a good dude drove trucks and I would talk to him sometime and I and this was when Charles Tyler and all that was big on J I’m telling them man look these dudes going to Brazil like man they stupid man you ain’t got to way over there to get no woman see man he start telling about why you don’t got to leave America to get a woman and I started noticing something every time he would leave some dude would pull up and he was giving her that one two po po it just it was just noticeable everybody knows so I tried to tell him he he get drunk won’t fight me not her hey man I think lady messing around with and man and he finally caught her like probably six or seven months later he walked in there man dude buck naked with his dude dude a got no pants on but he got his T-shirt on he said he said a dude had his the dude had his football jersey on and cl he caught he finally caught her and and look man next thing you know he’s talking about man yeah maybe I’ll go to Brazil see how fast it changed so while you in a good thing is all good for you you hear you like man these dud simps they going overseas they can’t handle no strong woman they start to mirror a lot of stuff that women say man you can’t hand no yeah yeah they start miror because they raised by women lot these dudes ain’t got no Daddy they don’t know and not to say every man who wasn’t raised by his dad is like that but it’s far too many cats or buttercups I try to tell him man dude swung at me and I I knew he was drunk I’m like I give him the pass I’m like I know he ain’t gonna remember this tomorrow I’m like all right bro go sit down now or me and my nephew whoop your ass out here but but I don’t want to do that we gonna give you a pass man go go sit down now Percy I mean regardless regardless of of whether it’s a wife whether it’s a girlfriend is it really free is it really free it’s I don’t recall none no and I can tell you I’ve been with a whole I ain’t trying to brag but I’ve had a I’ve used these light eyes to get a whole bunch of them and I can tell you this I ain’t never got it for free if it was it was just one of them one nighter one hitter quitters or whatever but any long-term situation you paying for it so I don’t judge the man that’s married and with one I don’t judge the guy that’s tricking you know I don’t need police man and and that’s what we got to do better with man I think it’s too many guys that’s judgmental about other guys I mean you know I’m fed up with the whole Mary thing you know what I’m saying like the chicko with right now I I I mean honestly I think she’s marriage material I really do but I’m just not I’m not going there anymore you know what I’m saying even if I stay with this one for the rest of my life I’m good how it is man because I’m not falling for that no more I’m not falling for the the Western you know way of thinking anymore you know what I’m saying we got to get smarter man we’re the prize and just like this this title the title of this is the Allure of Latina you know women well they low of freaking Brothers you know what I’m saying because we’re the prize out here and that’s what we need to remember man we are the prize we got the money we got the swag we got the culture we got it all but too many times man we just we think less of ourselves or we think like we’re not worthy of it because we’ve been beat down so much you know by the man at work and we get beat down by our women at home or whatever so it’s time to change that narrative man and get them passports get out here see something don’t fall in love with the first thing you said you know have some fun enjoy yourself especially if you’ve been cooped up with somebody complaining man all the all the damn time you know it’s treacherous out here in these streets man it is man and it’s hard man like for most guys who just coming from just just coming from the states and they just going overseas maybe it’s their first time going overseas man telling them not to fall in love the first time brother when you in that America and you don’t even know what it’s like that for a woman to say good morning have you eaten yet how you doing what can I get you are you going to do are you doing all right today how’s your midday at work see women overseas they ask you this stuff why you ain’t even over there and so how do you deal with how do you adjust to going from complete nothing of a woman giving you no type of love no type of femininity to being loved Bomb by it it’s hard man yeah it’s hard man you know it’s really hard you know when I was in the Navy so a lot of guys man let me tell you the reason I joined the Navy short story The reason I joined the Navy my recruiter he was smart he’s a brother I thought he was a coolest name Fred I could I could kick Fred butt right now but anyway Fred shows me you know before all this phone stuff was out phone photos or whatever everybody had the Scrapbook you know so Fred had a scrapbook of the Philippines that’s how he recruited me to the Navy so he’s showing me the Scrapbook and you know me 17 years old man all I’m used to is my little four block radius I’m like whoa where do I sign up so a lot of those guys that as soon as they got in the Navy they sent them to Subic Bay which was when they had the Navy base in the Philippines and the guys a lot of them the first woman they met they married them brought them back to the States fast forward anybody that’s that’s in the chat room that’s been in the Navy well at the base they had a little thing if the light was on that mean the man was was on the cruise you know for six months and all of those women bro when they guy go on that cruise they was in the clubs giving that thing up I mean it was horrible bro it was horrible they was out there slinging that yellow monkey huh slanging it man so my suggestion man is that like I took my girl over to United States man to visit for three days and everybody was like man you you only bringing up for three days yep that’s it three day maximum bro I ain’t moving back to the states with her I’m not doing it I don’t want to change her way of thinking you know you want to keep them in their environment you know with their cultures and their Customs because you know I even had to catch myself because she’s selling her house and I’m selling mine well we went over to her house and I’m like oh these Dam her son lives over there he’s 21 I’m like man he’s got all these dishes over there and she starts cleaning up I was like no F that you know get his butt up and blah blah blah and I thought about it for a minute I was like man you trying to change her whole way of thinking yeah her culture that woman they used to cleaning up after their sons and and the woman doing everything but for me I’m like man you need to let him be a man let him look out after himself or whatever you know and I said no jayen that ain’t your business I went the same thing leave it alone stay out of that bro out of I’m good man but you know I mean on on on on the down lad man Ronin we may be neighbors man I’m looking at um possibly Santo Domingo um or either Santiago I’ve been doing a little a little bit of research man you know look at P the platter too you might like P the platter yeah because I just kind of got pissed off at the politics of Colombia you know it’s like I put in for up to a three-year Visa but they only gave me a year and so what they’re trying to do is trying to make money so it’s like if they only give you a year well you got to renew it and you got to pay the same amount to get it renewed the next year so I’m like I don’t want a country I don’t want to live in a country that’s that’s not Visa friendly you know what I’m saying so I’m looking at some other options man and U when you when I talked to you on the phone the other day you was like man this guy’s been over here for 18 years and ain’t been back you know and don’t have no no paperwork no nothing and they just charge him $100 yeah Dr different Dr hit different Dr Ain wor about that man shout out to you Ross travels the brother watching checking this out from Australia man shout out to you my brother appreciate that yeah Dr hit different Dr is like long as you ain’t out there bothering nobody doing nothing they they cool man um you know you come Dr man you could just stay and you got to pay a fee but it’s small it’s not even a lot I got the um I got the chart somewhere Jay and I’m G I’m gonna send it to you how much you have to pay for for your stay it’s so cheap you wouldn’t even believe it but um let me ask you something brother uh Co and we going to go around um in dating these women did you meet any of the women’s family in colia any of them um yeah not not parents but I met um I met like brothers and sisters cousins so but not not uh not mother or father no yeah cuz family is really important you know um when a woman start dealing liking you and liking she up bring not saying they sometime the family could be in on the scam I don’t saw that but um a lot of the time yeah I have saw that with Mama in the hospital yeah yeah Mom in the hospital Mama they saying all this stuff man it need something the mom and the IV mom but I’m telling you man but when a when a real woman like you man she going to introduce you to the family you GNA be around people GNA know but my thing for men and um y’all can tell me what y’all think about this I tell men don’t really get serious with a woman unless you’re going to be in that country like you trying to do not not saying longdistance relationships can’t work but I tell men man just have your fun come there like you Uncle Jay you said it you know that’s my thing come get your reset have a good time go on eventually once you get your money right and all that and you will get your money right because we men we we are compounding interest if you if you working on your stuff working on your Finance you’re going to get better and better and better like look when when whenever you start the women got the lead they doing they got their beauty But as time going we know Beauty Fades but your money goes up I’m I’m a living witness of it it them happen to me now I don’t need no job I could do what I want I don’t have no job I could I can I can get on the live every day if I want it I can do whatever I want and I’m G tell you man in my 40s I was able to do this anybody can do it but you just have to have a plan that’s why you need a Brotherhood you have to have people telling you how to get your finances straight how you get these things man and and too many us we don’t do that because we’re often competing that’s the one thing I did like about the Dr man and but I’mma tell you dudes were not competing with you over no women there too many women we call them mangoes because they grow from trees it’s just too many women for me to compete with you over a woman there’s women everywhere and and what and look Dr got Colombians they got Venezuelan and all these look Panama all these countries got the same thing Latin America they all got these deals where they can all go to each other’s country so you’re going to win any way to cuto the biggest thing is to stand together and realize that there’s forces in America working against us I’m telling you they against man they against men you turn on any TV show you’re like boy I’m G watch this show it look good they put a bucket of sugar in it I mean just soon as the jump on it is look matter what it is I was watching that new Star Wars like I’m a Star Wars fan man the acolyte look bro I’m a I love Star Wars man I’m a big I mean I grew up watching that man from from a little kid I turn on Star Wars and the force and two women can have a baby man it’s some food I almost lost it I’m in there look I’m in there swinging like what your boy name on boy Hood pun the air I’m swinging man look I was so s this is what’s happening in America but who’s doing it that’s the thing man and look why these dudes look here’s how I feel and I’m G let you guys give your take on I feel like men are sleeping I feel like we’re asleep and we’re aiming at each other we’re fighting each other and we don’t see what’s coming man Godzilla’s coming they trying to replace you they’re trying to get you you could they don’t see what’s coming at all man they they they’re just sleep and they will sell you out for a pet on the head from a woman who don’t want them I said before the woman don’t want the cheerleader she want the player and you’re sitting there cheering for her she not gonna want you why you think women got problems with us traveling because we were supposed to be the backup plan you’re supposed to be the back look a woman told me this real stuff I’m about to tell you man I was knocking down this ex groupy bro she in New Orleans like she was a beautiful chick right I met her let me talking about D bread beautiful but what I found out was as as me and her was dealing together she she was sleeping with the whole New Orleans Saints football team man she had been ran through like that and one day man I’m in the bed with her and she tells me and she she tell me like well you know she was upset about her life where her life was at and she told me that she had got too old this made me feel bad she say she had got too old to deal with the NFL players and like she felt bad because of it she couldn’t deal with that no more now look I I wasn’t no millionaire but I’m a 100 thousand there I’m like damn what about me you know what I’m saying she was looking at me like I had to set up for you not the hell you want you got to set up for me I’m getting the hell away from your ass after after I knocked her on a couple times I ran away from her too so the women see us as a back we’re the backup after went our d Road on the carousel been used and abused by everybody we were supposed to be there to catch him this is the real problem with the passport movement this is the problem when this is what they hate that we’re telling dudes you don’t have to sit on the side you don’t got to be that guy you can go get bigger better wherever you go right now you could pick a country it don’t have to be the big three or you can go to Ecuador you can go to Panama you can go to any place you want to go and you going to get a better deal than what you got right now I can guarante that that’s a guarantee man so that’s why they hate us man that’s the thing our men on the Move yeah what you think about that 100% true bro that’s 100% true that’s exactly why they don’t they don’t really like the passport Bros moving like that you see because after after like how you said after that done going and mess around with all different dudes that I had the hot girl summer they had all their fun we supposed to be the dudes that’s going to catch them we being maybe you’re the truck driver dude maybe you’re the fireman you know maybe you the uh the IT guy the dudes who wasn’t was considered to be lame or was considered oh well ain’t nobody want to mess with him because he’s not how how you what you say like fun you know all all the other dudes who just want to just spend money on them spending a same amount of cash they drinking they going to party they flying here and there you know the stable guy is for later once you don’t get old once you can’t do it no more so he’s supposed to be there to keep you stable be there to protect you all of that stuff after you done had all your fun but now guys guys have woken up guys have realized they no longer want to be you know second fiddle they don’t want to be chosen after you not had your best days no one want no man wants a woman after you know she done going from her most beautiful self to her most unattractive self when he can get when he can get the best thing when he can get the best thing smoking after somebody else who has way L them who didn’t take your who didn’t take her seriously done abused her done going and you know down beating it down she probably got trust issues she probably been hurt multiple times or whatever now that all that I bag you got to deal with she probably got a couple kids now she wants you to take care of it oh yeah they always got a couple of kids I mean I I I think it goes back to what you were saying Ronin as far as a man compounding right as far as we just get better and we make more money right so I think the scariest thing is when a man realizes His True Value right is is is what man on the move was saying when when you tell a guy hey man you have other options now I’m starting to tell him his true value and his what he’s capable of that’s a scary thing because you can no longer control the backup guy what happens when there’s no more backup men you know what I’m saying that’s what’s happening the game the game is over that’s what Happ it’s over over you know what I’m saying it’s over it’s over now yeah you should have been and weaving tell look let me ask you something brother Kobe look being a person of a West African descent I mean we all are but you’re a little bit more recent look culturally culturally um I see West Africans like I I told people my my my daughter is about to get married to a Nigerian I’m I’m probably gonna be in Nigeria I’m trying to get them to have it in in United States but but my daughter herself is um engaged to a Nigerian I met the family good people um culturally um what about Africa and you finding a a woman in Africa do do you think it’s doable you think it’s it’s um what’s your take on it I do think it’s doable uh I think one of the issues that’s happening though is because I’m you know I’m from Ghana mostly my mom is half Nigerian half so I’m like one4 Nigerian three4 Gan right um Nigeria and Ghana are becoming Western gradually right now because there’s so many Americans going there you know a lot of American women as well so it’s there’s a there’s this Western culture that’s happening there which I’m not saying it’s nowhere near America right but it’s get it’s it’s I can see the patterns like when I was there last summer I’m looking around and I see the way you know the girls are responding and they’re dress and just it’s just like okay I feel like I’m in a club in Miami you know they listen to the music they’re being influenced by the culture as well so um is it possible yes I think I’m GNA check out Kenya the East is a little bit further away so uh there’s more distance from the culture in the US I I think I think Africa is still good but I think you got to focus on the East you you can find something in Nigeria or Ghana or you know maybe Cape verie um but you got to look you gota you gotta be patient you know what I’m saying um because those girls are they’re watching the megda stallion man they’re watching the cardi B’s and and it’s it’s getting to them right now so so you think that that it’s just a GTO culture cuz that’s that’s like this’s what here’s what we got to do um in America that white folks did a long time ago I I’ve said this in other videos white people called trash trash they say that’s white trash we don’t do that as black people um right we don’t cut off because a lot of it is because of the pro black movement they just they take everybody together and I think that’s that’s a that’s a to us to do that you got to cut that off and say look no that that is not Black Culture this is Hood culture This Hood ninja culture this no we are this not what we about but it is spreading like K look if you think that the Dr that there’s not people that act like you know people like Meg the stallion and all yes suu especially because they interact with a lot of uh Americans even in Santa Domingo you fine but in the Dr you can find people who don’t watch any our stuff they listen to Spanish music they don’t even know what the hell going on you know but you do have enclaves where yes they’re um Western and and that Western feminist culture is man it’s cancerous and um I know a lot of people that have moved to Africa I got a lot of family members who went to Ghana and different things and they told me the same thing like like one of my cousins he left he left New Orleans going to Ghana on a a journey of self-discovery and uh he found he said the same thing you said that it was just too many women from America there and man he saw them nasty lace fronts with they glue dried up that GL in the front yes and he felt that same way and like you know man I I I think for us man is I think African can can work I want to go to the uh East um definitely um but you know I was looking at an article dude from Somaya was going to Morocco and I dated a Moroccan woman long time yeah they was giving shots to the whole passport movement dudes in Somalia was going get Moroccan women so there’s there’s place they GNA always be places for men of means to find what they want but I think Ethiopia is a good is a go I love Ethiopian women I think they East African women I think they’re the most beautiful women I like Indian women um Indian women got got a lot of colorism with them but um but I I definitely like east east afan women and I like latinas um so I’m telling you man it’s it’s just our culture that American Hood culture is spreading and it’s cancerous man what you think about that men on the move oh man uh Africa I hear you man I hear you I hear you I hear you AFC huh look look look on the I thought this about Latinos man you talking about the Afric all good man like you know I don’t doubt any anything any man like you know I’m all for the movement you know I just for me I’m I’m Mo the Latina side you know Asian if need be yeah I’m like one of them dudes you know that we was talking about you know that are into the lighter skin complex you feel me so it’s going to be hard for me to want to go to Africa because it’s going to feel like I’m getting the same thing that I got here in the States but it got light it got light women in Africa too big dog yeah they do you go to um K verie got got light skinn yeah they got they got mixed women there and all this stuff too um Ethiopia got lightskinned women yeah yeah know I would have I would have to see man I would have to see if if that’s what they got that’s cool man but you know I’m one of them color scrub people I ain’t going to lie Morocco Morocco too you know man she was fabulous her name was FAA I remember that story F what’s her name FAA FAA oh I do remember that story yeah man I had to spray with mace he ran into a truck yeah her ex old man it wasn’t he but look he had her ever since she was like 16 or like 17 years old man so look theor of the story man we can go anywhere and get you gonna win a man of means you got a few dollars man you gonna win anywhere you go man brother want to hit Argentina Argentina and Cuba man oh yeah I’m going to Cuba uh soon man I’m doing my Intel right now um my foot is feeling a lot better um after my surgy so I’m going to start going a lot of places me and a me and a few brothers from out the Travel Group are going to Cuba coming up man it going to be an awesome time maybe stay there a week maybe you know something like a week or whatever when you planning on going maybe in August or or September and it’s just gonna be you planning for September I may have to come with you homie I got it’s not that bad look I’m um I got I’m I’mma give y’all brothers the information once it go down let you know how much stuff costs and I’m talking different YouTubers and stuff and different people man um yeah the brother talking about Ethiopia he part of the the LA man Latinos man like was say they got a good Allure I love I love Latinas man I just like that long silky hair man that long silky real hair bro so what do you think about Brazil man on the move you trying to check that out I love Brazil I only have one gripe against Brazil for me you know they don’t speak Spanish and that’s true it just seems like a complete waste for me to go to Brazil when you got 21 other countries for me to go to no but that Portuguese is close man I think you’ll be able to understand I mean I think you can understand because um even my even my girlfriend me and her could be in the room and um I could watch something from Brazil and she could make it out it’s it’s close enough where um since you speak Spanish you’ll be able to understand I think you I don’t think you have too much of a problem but I love man yeah Brazilian a lot of brothers don’t go because at yeah but I be looking at all the other channels that be out there man they be out there in uh you know s uh San ju was it San Juan or San Jose or something like that I’m thinking the Dr man whatever it’s called I be seeing the brothers that be out there like bro it the woman are gorgeous and they they thi and they music they got a different mus that reminds me like some type of R I love they got they the most African out of all of us man Brazil kept they kept that intact but look I’m gonna let a few Brothers on right before we close off um we gonna be stopping but I’m I’m gonna let a few Brothers on um not too many maybe maybe two more I dropped the link in the chat if you Brothers want to jump on now we getting on tomorrow again we going be talking about J on a topic he wanted to talk about man about the dirty Mack and I got the guy with the afro about how dudes get dud got them tnder pencils man they see look um answer something in the in the chat um is everything okay are you you guys able to hear us put a one in the chat because here’s what happened the other night um well I was well look this here’s what happened man I was I was uh since I was in intoxicated with the pills I pressed the button all your brother could hear so it’s good man I had messed the whole thing up so it wasn’t recording right so that’s what it happened because right now I can’t see how many people was watching at first I was able to see it but I did drop the link in the chat if you Brothers want to get on before we get off we getting right back on tomorrow man we talking about a whole different subject but man with the thing about the uh Latinas man and the Allure let me tell you something man I love Latinas man and I man I love the Dr I love Santa Domingo Santa Domingo is one of my favorite places in the world men the move boy I’m telling you um that’s one place that you gotta hit Sant Mingo is life changing is just a awesome spot and but look here’s where a lot of the hate come in at like you could talk about suu all you want like with these dudes on like YouTube but when you start talking about s Domingo there’s a couple of dudes in Dr man who got YouTube channels man they some of the most haest people you ever want to see in your life man and they and they they focus kind of on S Domingo and they don’t I tell you these are the U these they got this thing where they don’t want you to talk about women because most of them are married or they in these serious relationships they don’t want you bringing in I’m tell I done talk to dudes like tell me man don’t bring these dudes to Santa Domingo I’m like why man they don’t need to come here leave them in dude told me straight up the other day man he say look man I watch your channel and all that but leave them dudes up Su don’t bring him down here with all I’m like dud ain’t doing nothing but black ain’t doing nothing in s like do your average black dude in suu is just chilling he don’t want to be on camera he about got a wife at home you know what I’m saying you don’t want nobody to see him I think they they confusing creep cameras with regular dudes like creep cameras just put a I got one over here somewhere I got a DJI they put the DJI in their pocket and they just walk down Petra Cante that and look it’s not they fault it’s you fault that’s what I tell people because YouTube like right now you can make a video get 100 views two three 400 views five seven you know whatever you get um and a dude could do a creep cam video right and get thousand and get I’m talking about get 20,000 in two days so who fault is it is it your fault or is it YouTube Fa don’t get mad with me get mad with YouTube It’s YouTube that promote that stuff man we not we not promoting dude ain’t even talking he say all he doing is walking yeah he walking he ain’t giving you no information he just booty cheeks that’s whole channels like that man making a killing make a killing and like I the woman out like that man see record look here the crazy I know it’s like three or four Dudes in suu that do that make and I’m not a hater I don’t really even care I I know I know one of them really good had conversations with the guy talked to him a lot and the dude was telling me um and I understand um the dude from Haiti he was making $7500 a month off YouTube and he sends a lot of it back to Haiti yeah it makes that makes $7,500 Man YouTube man you could make a lot of money on YouTube look this little stuff we doing right here is not um it’s not nothing but look if we can get the brothers to work together here’s the thing man if the brothers really work together we came and it’s so Bo you know the kind of money we can do on YouTube it’s it’s hard man um but YouTube like I have months where I could make 2,000 I have months I make 800 you know but it’s still enough to live in the Dominican Republic whatever it is so yeah you can make it and and and that’s maybe that’s thing can help you with chel and and we talk a little bit about that too there’s other channels I tell people you ain’t got to make like like Travel Channel whatever but if you want your if you want your channel to grow be you be the real you authentic don’t hold nothing back and just share your real experiences and I um with me um since I didn’t have a regular job like that I was able to tell stories I know PE I know it’s a little bit hard for men to just get up there and say hey man I was smashing this and put I put CH on her back you know k k got a job he got things he got to do but I was a little bit more free and I just told the truth because look I didn’t want to make a channel like this when I first started my first video I’m walking around New Orleans showing the French Quarter I didn’t talk just walk around and then I’m like when I went to Santa Domingo I’m like dang you know what I gotta keep it above I gotta just tell the truth and I just told my experience the women the what and it just clicked because real recognized real the men saw it and they say you know what damn this dude talking real stuff he talking about the chicks he talking about this because you had dudes in in Santa Domingo and this where the hate come in they telling ninjas where to get hamburgers and ninjas don’t want that they telling don’t want hear thatan don’t grow but look let me and I’m G let you I’m G let y’all get on but look here’s the thing I think when you make a family Dominican Republic Channel or Colombian Channel I say it can’t grow but you put yourself in a box a little bit you can’t really now I can talk about I can go say hey man I bought this chick to get some hamburgers I could do that but it’s hard for them they can’t put a woman on their profile because then Their audience say man why you got why you putting women on there why you doing I started out like that so you you know what I’m about from the jump my channel is not for women I don’t give a damn if women never watch my channel my channel is for the brothers and if they if the women don’t like it they kick rocks that’s that’s where I’m met oh man like I’m so glad when when I found your channel man well when I saw old [ __ ] recommended it I saw and your channel was so much different bro because I love Dr you know I’ve been going to H for a minute with 5 found Channel but you’re the only one that was just really talking about you know bsing bsing them down like that and I’m like well thank God somebody really actually talking about I don’t want to hear about we can go dance s for child to here I know they got that I know they got these so ston is I know they got salami and all that I know they got that stuff talk to me about the woman as man to man nobody want to talk about it nobody want to talk about it yeah they man it’s F creting too bro because it’s like yeah how are you got I don’t want call you guys what’s party guo I use Dominican thing y’all probably know what it is Paloma party gu why they act like that cat man cats scared cats are scared because look I’m again and I’m G let you finish brother Kobe a lot of dudes have channels that’s that’s they try to walk in the middle and look and and and and they got a a little truth to it if I would have made my channel family friendly I got almost 15,000 it probably would have been 30,000 probably been way more than that but I would but then I would have felt like fake cuz I I told my girlfriend man this real talk my girlfriend asked me one time she told me um because she ain’t know I never told her I was I made YouTube video but she start she started noticing while we traveling around the Dominican Republic everybody knew me like she was like how everybody know you in Dominican every I go there everywhere I go every everywhere we couldn’t even eat U some chicken wings without people stopping take a picture with you like and this woman had been with me for like before I even had a YouTube channel so she was like why they calling you Ron so she start looking it up herself so she found and she to me man look the first video she see I’m I got a old video man it’s on that good bad woman booty I’m T kissing one woman and she come to me and she me she was mad as hell she say why you why you gonna put this on the internet why you do I like listen and I I checked the like I Turner I looked at her you know how Lawrence Fishburn looked at Tina Turner eat cake anim I turn around looked at her I said I’m G tell you right now if you make me choose between you or YouTube but anything I’m doing you make me choose between you and a peanut butter sandwich you them loss I don’t put this is real I’m just being real I don’t put a woman in front of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich big dog just the stuff I don’t went through in my life and I told her that and and she looked at me and she understood she never she never told me anything about YouTube again because when I looked at her I said look don’t get in front of what I’m trying to do because if you do you them lost and that’s how men need to stand firm with stuff and if we did that more we wouldn’t have no problem but the Kobe oh yeah yeah no no I think it’s like what you were saying before man just being true to to yourself if when you’re create creating and that’s what like man on the Move said when I started to watch your videos I just kept watching them I didn’t even know why I was like damn he just tells story so good oh good real was I was like are these stories real damn this guy and it was just you talking over the um the the videos you know what I’m saying but the stories were just so interesting interesting um yeah bro so I think just just keeping it real uh I think some brothers are scared to to expose certain things um whatever reason you know maybe they think someone’s gonna find out or maybe they got a girlfriend or they’re married right a lot of guys are married or they have [Music] lotri back in the States or something and I understand but just shut the hell up if you married you look here’s what I I I I I hate about some of the YouTube guys who diss like suu diss things and why you got a wife at home or whatever just shut the [ __ ] up man enjoy if you ain’t got nothing to do with that you if you’re a real man you know what the dude’s going through you know what men going through in United States you should understand it I don’t tell men to go to C all the time I tell men have a good time until you get yourself straight if you’re going to move to the Dr move where you at you’re going to find you a woman eventually fun till you find one that’s all I tell man but they all this stuff man you telling people man that’s some like Buttercup stuff man just shut up because a lot of them don’t have no views that’s what it all ball on to and they see you blowing up no bro if listen yeah sit back realize that your competition is you this is this YouTube advice what I did was this I don’t look at nobody else I don’t even for us looking at them I mean I don’t measure Myself by other YouTubers I look at myself and I just this is who I am this is what I’m doing and I’m going help other people get on I’m network with brothers and we going to network with each other and we go how when I Rise I’m G pull them up when they get on pull them and we just gonna pull each other up these are the these are the people I decide to work with right now I’m telling you I got number of people asking me to get on with them right now I only rock with a few people bro that’s just it because I watch they undercover D police I don’t roll with police I don’t give a damn how you could have you a million subscribers I don’t roll with no no no I mean no I agree with you man um one of the things I learned is when I would go when I started going overseas and talking to guys who have been divorced and been through things I started to understand what you were saying like a lot of times man you just need to go out and just have a good time so guys judge guys but you don’t know where they’re coming from you never you never been married you never been divorced you never been through Court you never you don’t know anything you know what I’m saying you know a lot of the haters are younger guys a lot of times and they just have no life no look I’mma trip you out some of the worst haters are old ninjas let me tell you dud in their 60s dud not just talking some of the oldest haters old dudes are some of the worst ones man I’m talking about yeah I watched a guy hat so hard he was saying he hated the whole passport movement they black while he married to a Asian or white woman I’m like what the heck man go sit your ass down somewhere wow he was talking man he is the ultimate hypocrite so I started thinking maybe he’s hating because of that he has self-esteem issues because he’s with a non-black woman so he feels like he got to defend black women’s [ __ ] look I’m not against all black women I love black women I hate I hate ninjas I hate I hate when people disrespect I hate that when I hit him women doing that like they pulling that L on I just hate it I don’t want to hear none of that I just man no I’m I’m just I got higher standards for my people I want us to do better that’s just where I’m at man like look I’m G give you Brothers the last word now we rolling again tomorrow we rolling again tomorrow y’all guys w on we gonna be talking about I dropped the link for brothers so they get on but we GNA be uh stopping this chat yeah yeah man so last words on um the Allure now y’all can roll a little bit last words I’m g go brother Kobe and Men on the move and look put your channel out there again is in the description these brothers Channel make sure y’all support the Brotherhood man brother Kobe you got it brother um yeah now the last words the allore of the Latin women man just go out there have a good time don’t fall in love when you first tra start traveling fellas um the Allure is strong that’s all I’ll say that much uh you can’t change her stop trying to meet stop trying to change a woman she is who you think she is she is who she’s showing you that she is and she is who the fellas are telling you that she is so wait hold I’m put you on the spot too look um what’s the worst thing happening to you travel worst thing oh as far as the with the Allure like dating women what’s the wor thing look let’s look let’s make it interesting what’s the worst thing happening you in United States or traveling uh oh man keep it honest keep it a buck for the this how you your channel big dog that’s kind of embarrassing well I just made a video yesterday saying I saw the woman money to come see I keep it a I never told this story before man um yeah let him let him let him go then you go so I was uh uh oh man basically I was dating this chick and um I uh you know I was I was going with wait this is this is this was the time when I was being a good guy you know she was a religious chick and let’s say I dated her for like maybe like eight months right and I was taking my time you know having a just following her program or whatnot then I’m at my homeboy’s house one uh this is when I was in LA um uh my homeboy was having like a game night or whatever he invited one of his producer friends and uh he was like hey man why don’t you tell uh tell my boy about the girl that you talking to man you already know where this is going yeah so anyways by that time she had we were just friends right I was whatever she was like let’s take a break of what that come to find out he was like oh her man bro I I took her um I was talking to her man I was taking her out the party and stuff we was smoking and drinking and you know what I’m saying like bro I I was all up in that and I was like really this was before I told him that I was dating her I I just brought her up as if she was just like a girl I knew you know what I’m saying and I was like okay around what time was that can you give me the dates yes give me the dates so when he told me the dates of course they coincided with the first few months I was talking to her so then I realized that that was probably my biggest red pill moment this was like five years ago um that’s when it just blew my mind man it blew my mind bro she was serving at the church we was both serving I mean it everything was I you know it just blew my mind man like the lies wow so deep uh yeah Jesus couldn’t even help her yeah and in the house of God I said bro what that’s when I just and then real quick when I went to car to hand of the first time I was talking to a girl for a few months um you ain’t got a rush brother take your time okay um yeah I was talking to a girl for a few months um I came out there well she basically she started to uh uh like she started to like be distant maybe like two weeks before I came so I had a feeling she was talking to somebody so I randomly showed up I walked into her job and she saw me she was she looked like she saw a goost she was like oh my god Kobe you came to came to Columbia wow so I’m sitting there talking to the owner of of the place black dude he owns a bar he’s real cool so I asked him about her right obviously she works for him as a server and he was like yeah man that’s my Main Chick man yeah man she’s great man so I’m looking at her like and she looking at me kind of nervous like damn what are they talking about so needless to say I thought she was different you know I thought she was the one so I went found out she was dating the owner and I was there for a week and she still still would hang out with me during the day hang out with him during the night so hey man the Allure is crazy man you know the brothers giving you love man thanks for sharing your experience man is is awesome this is how this ends though here’s the crazy part um this brother uh later found out that she was she was messing around on him with other American dude surprise surprise right so now he’s he’s like acting funny even with me he doesn’t know about you know situation but anyway wait hold on you w eating his food no more h no but rub your hamburger meat on the toilet seat you for free look here’s the thing though um he’s all salty now CUA you know he found out she she out there for the streets he thought he was special just because he was the owner and she was working for him right so it could happen to anybody man even somebody who’s the boss supposedly right yeah man yeah now he all he all acting funny around American dudes he don’t trust nobody now cuz he think you know brother Paul don’t trust no woman I don’t care where she from yeah so it’s just I don’t know how he didn’t see that but yeah yeah man yeah man that’s man thanks for sharing that man this is but this is how you grow your channel man make sure your your brothers go subscribe to him brother Kobe he is in the description and um he will be a regular over here no matter what yeah money is boss midd on the Move give me your two worst traveling and the US US first oh real quick you you put the you put my wrong Channel you gotta put my other channel oh well put it on there I put the wrong I’m sorry man yeah no that’s my old Channel drop it in the uh drop it in the chat and look um I didn’t know you had two channels um message me the other message me the other one and and but drop it in there okay yeah yeah yeah go ahead I got I’m gonna make sure I change that so brother men on the moood what’s your worst you United States dating story man how you got red pill that red pill come from somewhere yeah it did Brother it really did oh man so I had an I thought I had an amazing woman bro I come from I come from Charon North Carolina bro I mean Charleston South Carolina my bad that’s why I bner and I I thought I found a woman in my dreams man she had a kid though she had a kid about 11 years old when I met her and she was she was about uh I think she was four years older than me and smart man look beautiful she had the curves and everything she had the dreadlocks she natur she was gorgeous and she had her own spot now mine at this time I’m like how am I I’m like 20 25 24 at this time I got I Ain got nothing to my name you know she got her own spot and everything so she letting me come get off work you know first time she got a hotel and everything you know I got to bust it down next thing you know I start coming over to the house busting it down it’s just regular just normal and the only I gotta do is be taking her out to eat and I’m like man this is enjoyable you know and she was gorgeous too so I I end up falling in love with the girl man end up falling in love with the girl I she asked me if I want to move in the house I didn’t have to pay no bills or nothing like that and I was like okay cool so I moved in with I done got my PlayStation and everything over there I’m playing video gam PlayStation and I’m just playing video games I don’t pay no bills in that house he pay everything only thing I do is eat and screw mhm man and it was all good until you know she decided she wanted to move to Atlanta to get a better education for her daughter and you know I’m in love like I told you I’m like man and she’s saying you know she’s going to move no matter what and she say she would prefer that I move with her but it’s going to be some changes I’m going to have to contribute to the household and I’m like man you know what we’ve been together for about two years at this point now I just screwing like this for two years paying nothing I’m like you know what cool you know I’mma step up I’m G be a man you my B so yeah I’m I’m I’mma move to Atlanta with you baby and I’mma help you we G be we gon do this thing man I’m telling you everybody telling me don’t do it my mama told me don’t do it my pastor told me don’t do it my daddy told me don’t everybody tell me don’t do it you ain’t got no money you ain’t got no stable income don’t do it I said I’mma go out there and I’m g go to the temp agency and I’m G get me a job and I’m pay you bills I’m be my he stepping up that’s how I did I got Atlanta I went to that I got do got my job you know man I got there the first night she laid it on me so good I like I know I made the right decision you there dripping wax on you huh dripping wax on [Laughter] your oh my God let me tell you brother our first six months in in in over here in Atlanta man me having to pay rent me having to pay water Bel all that [ __ ] I’m like boy how y’all do it all how y’all been doing it all y all y lives it was hard to keep up with paying rent all that stuff plus I got my own car note and everything but you know I’m like this my baby I’mma go through it right but somewhere down the line she decided after being in Atlanta it’s a lot of black people here that’s business-minded and they want more and you start to see that you want to be a part of that when you’re in Atlanta so she start to hang out with this girl that always talking about business man getting money this and getting this that and and she start coming home talking about yeah I’m thinking about starting this business and everything that the third and I’m like yeah baby I’m playing my PS4 you know I’m like yeah baby that sound good you know you yeah you do that man she start she started getting hitting low hints at me you don’t think you want more you don’t think you want do you don’t want to travel you don’t want to do this that and the there I’m like no I’m good I’m playing this game like you know everything good mad you can’t see and she told me I remember uh she told me one day when we was coming out of Sam’s she was paying she was paying for the groceries I said man I got it you got to get the groceries today babe you know I thought it was gonna be cool man in in the in the Sams he told me you could be a broke ass ninja all your life out in Sam straight like that bro my mouth just dropped and it’s like ever since she told me that to my face the her whole dynamic change we we get home he like you gonna have to pay this you G have to pay this you G have to pay that she stopped cooking for me you know she she ain’t been giving it to me like she been giving it to me before she going a Miami trip take a Miami trip to Miami oh like what is going on here she came home she came home from a trip to Texas one time and I remember this I remember this conversation so vividly BR it broke but it broke me she told me that same when she got home that same day from Texas she said you got to get the hell out my house I [Laughter] oh man you he said you gotta get the hell out my house and I’mma give you a week they hit you with that hit you with that sad music I’m like I don’t know nobody here you know I move here for you babe like you know that’s why you that’s why you in Atlanta right now yeah that’s why damn man hey hey uh hey uh Ronin y’all hey I just jumped in I jumped on YouTube and I seen you on live man so I just wanted to just jump in and just send my love my passport finally came man so you know all right I’m definitely gonna be coming down there soon I thought I was gonna be coming down there for the fourth but I gotta make sure everything’s situated so when I come back everything’s still situated you know what I’m saying yeah yeah I’ll be down there real soon man for real all right man we link up with us man ain’t no question man be safe man all right brother look man move man I’ve been through that man what man that is that I I went through something similar something like I think we all do that’s how we find the that’s how we find the pill that’s why you get into faces so man see everybody has a story this is see you need to talk about that more that that that’s what’s that’s your fire so look what’s the worst and um we going to and we going to start closing after this so we can jump back on tomorrow me on the Move what’s your worst happen to you traveling so the worst thing that I could say that happened to me in Dr I’m pretty much the only place I have been outside the country yeah uh in hcoa so when I you know when I started back dating G I was living with the Dominicans of course and they wanted to introduce me to their family first time I went to hcoa just it was crazy women are beautiful in Dr man yeah so at this point in time the first time I couldn’t really speak Spanish all that well but I’m just looking and I’m just seeing how the guys who went there to go talk to their wives and their girl you know because they’d be sending money back from the states to them so but they’re there their wives are bringing them plates they’re getting their plates making their food for them you know I’m talking about but sitting on the couch with him they got their leg in the dude lap they got his hand just near that thing like you know just yeah so it was just a beautiful thing seeing that and they introduced me to their neighbor girl was also gorgeous super beautiful and I couldn’t really speak to her so I’m using the Google translate you know talking to her everything and it didn’t really get nowhere the first time I went there you know we just talked but came back uh second time the next following year I end up talking to her again now my Spanish has improved drastically at this point and you know I’m talking I’m making her laugh now and I’m feeling confident in myself and brother like when she finally gave me that thing look at that that she gave me that thing man I felt so powerful and I felt good cuz it was like this first this my uh this is my first Latina too this is my first Latina so she’s in my ear telling me all of those good stuff I never heard before I never heard before you you with that L she hit me with it man but you know and it was good like I I want I told her she was my girlfriend I was in love with her too at that point so I’m telling her yeah we go together now and I’m talking to her like I’m back in the States I’m talking to her trying to call her every day because she done did me so good you know I treat me so well R my feet you know get him my food and all that give me the thing and then at some point you know I went when we went back to uh hot up again and she couldn’t she couldn’t come she couldn’t come man you know M I was also sending money back through H for you know trying to you know take trying to take care of my girl damn that girl had got married between that time damn between the time that me and her you know was between the time that I went back to hot the second time and the time I was supposed to come back for the third she got married Bro and bro I I couldn’t believe because you know I don’t fall into the hype that woman overseas are just the the bees knees man you know they don’t do no wrong or not and when I found out she was married and I’m like I’m think talk looking at my roommates I’m like bro why y’all even tell me like y’all did y’all know y girl a said nothing y wife a said nothing they looking at you like you should have [Music] known my roommate my roommate told me she have no man you got to treat I tell men all the time treat women like snakes not all of them are poisonous but I treat them all like they poisonous you know what I’m saying I’m not that’s how I treat all women um I love you while I’m with you you know what I’m saying so people tell me man you you you hate women no I love women sometime two at a time you know what I’m saying I got a lot of love I just don’t put my all into them and look this is crazy I’m about to tell you one of the main reasons I even started traveling was my ex old lady U my ex-girlfriend husband this dude was telling he come pick his daughter up one time and he like man you know what you need to do you need to go to Brazil he the first cat told me about Brazil he come pick his child up at my house and he was happy as hell me and him got to be cool man remember on Poetic Justice um Tupac the Tupac and T L had the same baby mama and they were cool that’s how me and this dude was so me and him a got cool he said man leave her alone you need to go to Brazil you go he told me this years ago and that’s how I I got with it man so look man yeah them stories are are crazy we gonna get back into it coming up man um this was a good show we did it a little bit different tonight um so um we going we going to do it like this man look make sure you support these guys channels and it it’s going to be a great thing we’re going to grow this movement from here um it’s all about love and Brotherhood not hate you know over here we about Brotherhood um you ain’t about Brotherhood go down the street we about growing I want to see my channel grow these brother other brothers channels grow and we want to reach a a higher level so tell you I work like that I I could make videos every day but sometime I I don’t so I’m G tell you Brothers man my platform is your platform um that’s how you know it’s all about the Brotherhood man so we’re going to end the stream here and jump back on tomorrow if you if you can get on you can’t but we gonna be dropping them a lot just whenever you can get on y’all brothers know my y’all know how to contact me um that’s man so I want to tell you Brothers man salute to the chat love you Brothers man remember man support the Brotherhood man brother Kobe brother men on the Move man salute to you Brothers man let me know y’all get on tomorrow and we gonna do it man out to you guys man appreciate you dude [Music] apprciate man shout out to all you guys man I appreciate you guys you know man yeah man look don’t get caught up by these Latin man um he got a lot that’s DEC but you know I made that good the bad ugly man so look um shout out to OJ uel could make it tonight but we gonna keep this going man look my channel man need channels like [Music] home champagne Po and R shoing never stop from Tokyo Towers to top love International no borders just Hearts passport cartel playing on the parts Under the Stars each night I fuse no light so bright language of love fluent in all Whispers And vanish the Bon nightall hand in hand across SS and SE with the world that our feet like breeze no mistake beneath these Stars we Rong a wolf in each of us this and alone loyal the pack wherever we stri that’s B me about want the free master of my destiny just let it be together yet alone under the moon Skies the silence alone W Cry The Thrill the chase in every place with every new face life we Embrace gra we know this life we embrace we the passport tell C flights not Felding heavy heels and wheel living lar and [Music] EXO so here’s to the nights when we live in love with the stars above and the world to sh passport Cel forever chasing

The Allure of Latinas: Finding True Connection Abroad - Alo Japan (2024)
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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.