Tourney of Heirs - Copil (2024)

Chapter 1: Dragonstone

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Though both were holdfasts set upon Islands, Dragonstone seemed to loom with a foreboding that you never felt while on Driftmark. Dark stone with a crown of purple storm clouds. You felt the spray of cold rain as Darkwing descended upon the island. Wings; black as pitch snapped wide as your dragon slowed his descent until you rested safely on the ground. The soft mist of water, rapidly becoming thick droplets- soaking your leathers. White hair plastered to your rapidly cooling skin and you leaned into Darkwing. Breathing in his comforting scent.

The ground rumbled as Vhagar and Seasmoke landed on either side of you. Sibling’s making quick work of removing their chains and sliding down the slick scales.

-Mandia- Sister!

Laena’s call drew a sigh from your lips. Finally you pulled yourself from your mount. Squinting through the biting rain to meet her disapproving gaze - mouth pressed in a firm line as she watched you descent from your beast. Vhagar and Seasmoke launched themselves back into the sky the moment they were riderless. Darkwing, nudged you once you dismounted. A rumbling noise sounding his displeasure. “Sagon gone, sōvegon” Be gone, fly. You admonished. A great snort of smoke bellowed out before he finally left you- twining into the sky with your siblings' own dragons.

A wheel house came to a stop a mere feet away. Laena dragged you into the warmed compartment and out of the rain while Laenor ordered chests - removed from Seasmoke to be loaded before joining you both.

“Now you truly stink of dragon Mandia” Laena scrubbed her thumb against your cheek. Trying to rub off the smudge of soot that had managed to stick to your rain slick skin. The Beta flicked you under the chin when you rolled your eyes at her motherly antics.

“As to be expected of a dragonrider Laena” Your scoff was answered by Laenor’s chuckle as he watched the scene before him unfold.

“Well she does spend more time with that beast than anyone else” You shot a glare Laenor’s way as he spoke. His legs sprawling out into the cramped wheelhouse. You kicked his leg away as he moved to smear his mud covered boot against your calf.

“He is not wrong, you are eight and ten Byka Mandia- little sister. Even when we all thought you a Beta; you should have been already married and bore children. Now that you have presented as an omega the situation is even more dire. You cannot just ride off on your dragon whenever you want. You have responsibilities to yourself- to your future husband”

You couldn’t help the exasperated groan that escaped your lips. Husbands, duties. You had no desire for any of it. It was a miracle your Father had let you accompany your brother and sister to Dragonstone for their visit to your cousins. He had been intent to drag you directly to the Red Keep as you awaited your eventual wedding and mating. It was Laena’s assurance that you all would meet them in King’s Landing after your visit that saved you.

Lord Corlys loved amassing power. Between Laena’s marriage to the Sea Lord of Pentos and Laenors own marriage to Aliandra Martell. He had strong alliances with the various Houses of Westeros and beyond. His influence had yet to stray to the far north. Something your own marriage would see fixed

Cregan Stark was a formidable young Alpha. He had claimed the North from his older brother at only sixteen. Now at one and twenty he needed a wife to secure his own succession -after his northern broodmare died childless. Your father had been all too eager to secure the opportunity. Though an official betrothal had not been signed. The Wolf of Winterfell was descending upon King’s Landing- perhaps to see the goods in person before they are bought. Your freedom was to be signed away during Prince Aegon’s sixth name day celebration in three weeks time. Though it seemed the Lord was more interested in Darkwing than your rare omega c*nt.

If you had watch your father rub his hands in glee talking about how many ships could be built from the northern lumber. You would surely loosen your chains and throw yourself from Darkwing. It was funny how once your value had gone up, your father was quick to sell.

Your Mother the Princess Rhaenys had given some protest. Saying the North was no place for a dragon. She had suggested an alliance with the Crown. Wedding you to the King's Brat - he would mate you when he came of age. Her answer to the disgusted look that crossed your face when it had been suggested. Luckily Your Lord Father still felt the slight of the King’s marriage keenly, The Crowns lack of action during the Stepstones conflict making his disdain grow even more. Truly the only members of the Royal Family he could tolerate were Daemon and by extension Rhaenyra. Everytime your Mother insisted the family attend an event in Kings Landing he would glare and sulk his way through the affair.

You would take a frigid co*ck over waiting another six summers for some insolent princelings to finally rise. The idea of waiting that long, suffering through your heats each spring and fall alone was unbearable.

You had already gone through your first, your second due in two moons time. Before you presented the marital bed had never interested you. All so often women at court spoke of duty, of being left wanting by their selfish oafs of husbands. You had been in no rush to be plowed and seeded. Left burning with desire that your lazy lord husband would not bother to satisfy.

Now? now you craved the debauchery of the whole affair. Though you were still a maiden- having yet to lay with a co*ck made of flesh. You had split yourself open on smooth lacquered wood- complete with a knot at the base. You still remember Laenas blush as she had presented them to you before your first heat- they are very popular in Pentos. Every night you would laid in bed, desperately rubbing between your thighs. Twisting your own nipples as you imagined your Alpha doing it to you.

Laenor and Laena constantly complained that you stank of arousal.

You could not help it, you were unfulfilled. The carnal desires boiling inside you. On Driftmark your entire household was Beta’s. The few Alpha house Knights had been swiftly reassigned. Your Lord Father being the only Alpha you had seen since you had awoken sticky and whining in your bed. He had been wary to let you go to Dragonstone. Rhaenyra and Daemon were both Alpha’s with quite the reputation. Married in the tradition of House Targaryen, they were blood bonded. You had not seen either of them since the Tourney for the late Prince Baelon’s birth. Leaving for High Tide shortly after Queen Aemma’s funeral.

Laena and Laenor were close with Rhaenyra. They had constantly accompanied your parents on trips to King’s Landing. You would beg and plead until your parents would concede and leave you in peace on Driftmark with Uncle Vaemond and Darkwing. You preferred the to be left to your own devices with your beloved dragon.

Though you were using their visit to put off your own fate a bit longer. You couldn’t help but be curious about the Prince and Princess. You wondered if they were as intimidating as their castle as you finally arrived at its gates.

Chapter 2: The Solar


Reader comes before Rhaenyra and Daemon after so many years.

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Turns out the Prince and Princess of Dragonstone were more intimidating then their foreboding keep.

Though you were family. It had been nearly nine years since you had last seen them. You could not remember if you had evert truly spoken to your cousins. Always hiding behind your Mother’s skirts. Shying away from attention.

They were like dragons wrapped in human flesh. The power rolled off both in waves- making your mouth water. You felt small as you stood before them. Drenched in sweat and rain from your journey. You felt inferior in the light of their god like beauty.

Laena and Laenor had immediately dragged you into your cousin's solar. It spoke of the closeness of their relationship with the Targaryen's that there was no formal reception. Your siblings had not even given you to leave to make yourself presentable - to bathe. Before you were brought before the two Alpha’s

You now felt the need to shrink as Rhaenyra stared at you. Her amethyst eyes ate you alive. The Princess made the simple armchair she was draped upon look like a throne. Her silver hair elegantly arranged in a cascade around her shoulders-bare in a gown the shade of blood. You sucked in a grateful breath as her eyes finally left your form; dragged into conversation with you eager sister.

You purposely avoided looking upon Daemon. You would surely burn alive under his predatory gaze. Eyes purposely skipped over his place beside Rhaenyra as you took in the rough, austere grandeur of Dragonstone. It was sparsely decorated, stone motifs of snarling dragons and gargoyles carved into the dark stone. Thick wool tapestries covered the solar walls, you squinted to study its subject.

You sucked in a breath, cheeks burning as you realized what they depicted. As your eyes flitted away, you finally met the Rogue Prince’s gaze. He was smiling lazily into his goblet of Arbor Gold. Indigo eyes boring into you- his amusem*nt was obviously due to your reaction.

You feigned a loud yawn desperate to escape the dragon's predator presence. Four sets of eyes locking onto you.

“I am afraid I must retire, can a servant have me escorted to my chambers? The journey was hard on my fragile constitution” The trick always worked with your Alpha father. While the perception of Omega’s being weak little breeders angered every fiber of your being. The stereotype had its perks. The moment you fluttered your lashes and bemoaned your overwrought state you would be allowed to escape to your chambers- left alone to savor your precious privacy.

Laena ever the mother hen immediately began to apologize. - of course mandia-. Immediately speaking of organizing a hot bath. Asking if you needed a Maester.

Your plan immediately backfired.

Rhaenyra ascended from her velvet wrapped chair. The Princess’s smile was all teeth-gleaming in the firelight. Her ivory hand wrapping strong around your elbow- gods she was warm, you could feel the heat leaching into your frigid skin.

“Of course- you must be miserable. I will escort you” Her tone brokered no argument. This close you felt her scent filter in to your senses. Salt and charcoal- Black Water Bay and Dragons Breath. It took all your strength to not to whimper. You wanted to lean into her touch to rub yourself against the beautiful Alpha.

Rhaenyra quirked a brow when you remained silent, staring down at her hold on your arm.

“T-thank you you grace- but there is no need to inconvenience yours-”

Daemon let out a low sound of disapproval.

“Rhaenyra, my name is Rhaenyra and it is no trouble-I cannot allow my guests to be left wanting

Seven f*cking hells. Suddenly being offered like a prize horse to the Lord of Winterfell looked like a spring picnic. Your tongue stuck to the roof of your mouth; nodding shyly. Her Alpha scent warmed with approval.

Then you were alone with her. Walking down the long halls, the only sound was your heart beating erratically. Rhaenyra’s hand smoothed from elbow to waist. Resting on the small of your back. The Princess paused before large iron doors. She held you firm in her grip, not allowing you to slink away into the doors.

“You won’t even look at me, cousin?” Your eyes snapped up immediately. Violet eyes mirroring each other. You were rewarded with a warm smile.

“There you are. I shall have a bath brought immediately. If you have need for anything- ask. I am glad you joined us, little velaryon.” Her eyes followed your tongue as you nervously wetted your wind cracked lips.

“Thank you Prin-Rhaenyra, you are a gracious host” The Alpha’s eyes sharpened until you corrected yourself. Against your every instinct-you stepped out of her grip. Tucking your head in submissively as you took your leave.

You prayed she did not see your hands shake as you escaped into the chamber. Pressing your back against the cool metal. Breaths rushed out fast- in and out. If your breeches hadn’t already been wet with rain, a stain from your slick would have darkened the leather pressed against your burning core.

Suddenly your father did not seem so ridiculous for removing all available Alpha’s from your vicinity.

You had wanted to lay yourself bare in front of them, to worship the two formidable Alphas- and they had done nothing but exist.

Quivering hands made quick work of the layers of leather and wool, the molded breastplate on your chest thunking on the floor.

A knock sounded against the doors- you called your approval from behind the changing screen. as several betas brought pails of steaming water within, pouring it into the copper tub before a raging fire. A young beta handmaiden- donned in black linens stood beside the basin. You shooed her away; eager to be alone.

Moans slipped for your lips as you settled into the near boiling water. It smelled of sandalwood- softening oils floating on the surface.

Submerged to your chin; your thoughts swirled. Perhaps you would send a Raven in the morning; announcing the decision to continue on to King's Landing. Cutting the visit short. You would not survive Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen. The thought of making a fool of yourself- fawning over them like a simpering Omega terrified you. You would not embarrass yourself.

King’s Landing would be safer. You wouldn’t have to fight the urge to spread your thighs and thrust your throat out. You would be quickly mated and safe from your own carnal desires.

Deep within yourself, you knew Cregan Stark would never be able to drag the visceral reaction from you that the Princess and Prince just had.

You only hoped that he would be able to douse some of the fire that licked at your bones. You practically keened as your fingers found your dripping core. Moving furiously as you searched for your peak. You imagined the cushion of breasts against your front. Sweet breath cooing praises into your ear. The hard lines of an experienced warrior at your back- biting at your throat as he thrust in from behind. Silver hair tangled together- matching violet eyes brimming with arousal.

The sound of release filled the air- quickly stifled by your own hand.

You were prey within the Dragon’s den.

Chapter 3: A Union


Laena discusses her plans with Rhaenyra and Daemon

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It had gone perfectly.

Laena was sure you thought her cruel when she dragged you through the stone halls, straight to the Prince and Princess without a chance to compose yourself-she didn’t even let you dry off. But as you stood before them all, white hair plastered across your throat and down your heaving breasts; amethyst eyes wide and innocent. Hell- you had even begun to tremble softly. Laena was unsure if it was from the gaze of Rhaenyra and Daemon or if you had truly been cold. Either way it did not matter, as you stood there the scent of dragon thick-the twang of arousal bleeding into it. She knew that the Alpha’s would be powerless to resist. You looked like prey. Something that would appeal to Rhaenyra and Daemon’s feral nature.

When she first received the letter from Mother. Laena could not believe what she was reading. Hearing that you had presented so late in life- and as an Omega. She had rushed back from Braavos bringing both her daughters. Laena had always seen you as a child. Even if she was only a few years your senior. You were soft spoken and warm. Always preferring the peace of the shadows then being on display. Perhaps that was the reason you had not been betrothed yet. Much of Westeros did not even know your name- much less looked upon you. There had been a few letters sent asking for your hand. But Mother had always had them burned before Father even had a chance to read them.

Though you were soft spoken, Laena also knew you were secretly cunning and intelligent. There was a reason you kept to yourself. Making sure to never rouse Father’s attention. He was a busy man, always planning and doing something. With you keeping out of the way- it had been easy for him to forget about you. Those tricks no longer worked when you had presented. Laena had paid witness to the tense affair, as you lay locked in your rooms tending your heat. Mother and Father were already arguing over how to proceed.

The idea of a match with the North had enraged both Laena and Mother. But Father was stubborn and the idea of spreading his influence even further was enticing. Laena knew that it did not matter how many whelps you bore Lord Stark, the North would not bow to the Sea Snakes influence just because he supplied a wife. They were much too independent, left to their devices by the other kingdoms. You would wither up North, between the lack of sun and the weight of their strict customs. Forever being an outsider.

No, Laena would not see you mated to Cregan Stark.

It had been the letter Rhaenyra sent her a few weeks later that had set everything in motion. The Princess regaled Laena with her plight. As Aegon grew older and Alicent birthed more children she could feel her place as Heir slipping away. It had been unfortunate that Rhaenyra was unable to have her own children. An affliction so many Alpha women suffered from. But she would make a good ruler. Better than Viserys and certainly better than Aegon. The idea of her cousin being stripped of her title made Laena sick.

Then the idea struck her.

To waste an Omega with the blood of Old Valyria on a dog was unthinkable. Though you were soft spoken and caring-you also held an edge of stubbornness and constant lack of care for your own well being. Constantly putting others before yourself. You needed a strong Alpha, under whose tutelage you could flourish. Laena could think of no two stronger Alpha’s then the Prince and Princess of Dragonstone. You would soften their harsh edges, and bring balance to their union. Rhaenyra and Daemon were both extremely dominant- Laena had witnessed lesser Alpha’s even wither in their presence. Your innocence, and submission would compliment their nature beautifully. Laena would rest easy that you would be close and protected. You would give them heirs, children to sit the Iron Throne. The purest of Valyrian blood, no one would be able to fight Rhaenyra or her Heir’s claim. Alicent’s half bred whelps wouldn’t stand a chance.

Mother had immediately agreed. A match with Dragonstone would be the only choice. They did not dare bring it up to Father. Lord Corlys was an extremely prideful man. He would be angered that he had not thought of it himself. Mother had assured Laena that she would handle him once he reached Kings Landing.

Laena had been unsure of how to proceed with the two Alpha’s. She had pondered telling Rhaenyra of the desired union when she had requested a visit to Dragonstone via letter. But she eventually opted not to, Rhaenyra had never once mentioned to Laena the desire to seek out an Omega; and she was unsure of the Princess’s view on the matter of Triads. Laena did not want to lose the opportunity, she had merely mentioned she was bringing you along.

Rhaenyra and Daemon had not laid eyes upon you since you were a scrawny little girl. Now you were a woman grown; body lush with fertility. Laena knew if she played the cards right- the Prince and Princess would be powerless against their primal desire for you.

Laena knew her plan had worked as she watched Rhaenyra guide you from the room, Daemon’s eyes locked onto you the entire time. Laenor had attempted to speak with him multiple times before he gave up and retired. He had always been painfully oblivious.

Finally the Prince’s eyes drifted from the closed door back to Laena. “Your sister has grown” He mused into a glass of wine.

“My father is intent on a marriage with Cregan Stark for her”

Laena watched as the Alpha’s grip tightened on the goblet, eyes shimmering with fury. She almost wanted to laugh.

Rhaenyra’s return was signaled by the rather loud opening of the chamber doors, as she moved to return to her previous seat. Laena could smell the desire rolling off of the female Alpha- she also knew from Rhaenyra calculating gaze that she had realized what Laena’s intentions had been; bringing her beautiful omega sister to them-ripe for the taking. The Princess held her hand in front of Daemon’s face - The one she had touched you with. The sweet scent of arousal clinging to it.

The Prince groaned into his wine.

Laena did chuckle this time, smiling at her beloved cousin. “I was just informing Daemon of my father’s plans, he intends to marry my sister to Cregan Stark. The betrothal is to take place once we depart from Dragonstone. The Lord of Winterfell will meet us in King’s Landing”

“And what of your plans, dear cousin?” Rhaenyra’s words were thick and slow like honey. She leaned back into her chair, accepting the wine offered to her by Daemon. Laena knew she was trying to feign disinterest in you. But the burning in the Princess’s eyes, the way her body had stiffened when your union with the Stark’s had been mentioned. Laena knew the Princess was already coveting you.

“My sister is an Omega with the blood of Old Valyria, it seems a waste to send her to Winterfell.”

“Lord Corlys is a fool” The words were venomous, Daemon's entire body seemed tense from the moment you had entered the chambers. Now Laena noted it was taunt with rage and possessiveness.

“Rhaenyra, you need heirs. As an Omega my sister can bond you both and give you children with the purest of blood. No one would be able to challenge your ascension to the throne”

The Princess eyebrow rose curiously. “So you have brought your sister here to market her womb to us?”

Laena rolled her eyes “ Do not be crass cousin, You are both Alpha’s in your prime. My sister is loving and kind. But she likes to hide within herself, she does not care for her own wellbeing. Simply because it seems she does not see herself worth it. She has been largely ignored by our Father and hidden under the shadows that Laenor and I cast. She needs to be loved and protected” Laena needed this union to work, she feared what would become of you in the North.

Laena could tell Daemon was already sold on the idea. As an Alpha he craved submission. Something he did not get from Rhaenyra no matter how much they loved each other. The fact that they had survived so long as an Alpha pairing without an Omega to curb their aggression was quite the feat.

Rhaenyra’s expression was guarded. Laena knew her cousin did not like to be manipulated. Though it was clear she was powerless to your allure.

“Your sister does not seem to know the purpose of this visit..” Daemon’s voice was rough- like tumbling stones as he questioned.

Laena sighed deeply, slumping into her chair. “I was afraid she would not come, she is already terrified of meeting Lord Stark. I want you to court her, she deserves to feel desired and not just like a prize cow. I have no doubt she will agree to a union with you both. Her interest was obvious”

Both Alpha’s growled softly at the reminder. The scent of your arousal had begun to thicken the air before you had insisted on going to bed. Their presence had a strong effect upon you.

“You need not convince me further, your sister is beautiful and I feel drawn to her. You are right, she will be the answer to my succession. In truth, Daemon and I have needed this. Someone willing to submit-that we can be our true Alpha’s too”

Daemon’s expression was feral as he watched his wife speak. The desire and eagerness rolled off him in waves.

Laena smiled, standing as she regarded the Princess. “I am glad you are open to the union, I only ask you to go easy on my sister. She is young and untried”

“You have no need to fear for your sister, cousin”

“Have you lost your mind? Has living in Braavos driven you mad?”

You delivered a swift kick to Laenor’s shin; his laughing turning to a hiss of pain. Turning then to Laena and the monstrosity in her arms. You should have known a trick would be played on you. But replacing all of the clothing in your chest with…gods you didn’t know what to call it. It certainly wasn’t a dress. Living on Driftmark you always wore light blues and seafoam greens. Oftentimes leaning towards simple linen dresses- not wanting to draw attention to yourself. What Laena held before her would certainly garner attention- the unsavory kind. You were preparing for a feast not a brothel.

The “gown” was buttery soft linen, woven so tightly it resembled silk. The cloth was a deep blood red; neckline plunging, a gold waist belt of chain mail, formed to look like dragon scales, was placed to the side. Laena had explained that it would cinch your waist- surely press your breasts up till the spilled out the vulgar neckline. The gown looked to reach the floor, with two high slits to the hipbone on either side - your legs would be bare with every movement.

“You want me to wear that? To the feast? Dear god Laena, I’ll look like I belong on the Street of Silk!” You kept shaking your head, turning to desperate dig through the chest. Gone were the sensible gowns you had packed. The chest was full of colorful gowns, each one more scandalous than the next.

“You will look like you belong on a Throne” Laena hissed as she thrust the gown into your arms.

Laenor attempted to give you a reassuring smile, still rubbing his aching leg. “The gown is not as scandalous as you think, you should see what is worn in Dorne”

“We are not in Dorne! we are at Dragonstone, about to attend a feast with nearly all the lords of the Crownlands” You felt exasperated, surely they understood your displeasure.

Finally after being beaten down by both your siblings. You donned the gown. The waist belt pulled tight, narrowing your slim waist-pushing your breasts up enticingly.

“How am I to wear my small clothes with this?” You mused- brushing a finger across your bare thigh between the parted cloth of the slit.

Laena grinned at you through the mirror.

“You don’t”

Chapter 4: The Feast


Carnal delights are on the menu.

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The Prince and Princess of Dragonstone had arranged the feast to celebrate the bond between Velaryon and Targaryen. Nearly all the Lords from the adjacent Crownlands were to be in attendance. You found the timing of it convenient- Rhaenyra holding a grand feast a few weeks before her half brothers name day affairs. Flaunting her own wealth and power.

Somehow your sister decided this was the perfect opportunity to dress you as a courtesan. You should have found it odd that she had descended upon you so many hours before the feast. You had skipped breaking your fast with the others. Hiding in your guest chambers, you had squirmed on the dark sheets all night- unable to find sleep. Then as you tried to peacefully read a book about Northern Legends- you liked to be prepared. Laena had burst into the room, demanding you bathe once again, slathering you in scented oils and even brushing them through your thick hair making it shine. You had sputtered when she demanded you lay on the bed and expose yourself to her. But ever the agreeable sister you relented as she slathered a thick green paste upon you. It had burned both your skin and nose but once she was done you were completely hairless save the silver locks drying on your head.

You had tried to fight the gown once it was finally presented to you. But you were powerless against your domineering sister- that and she had replaced all your normal gowns with varying vulgar pieces. She had left your hair primarily down- complimenting how beautiful the waist long locks had become. Laena had only pulled the top half back with a simple braid before finally deciding you were presentable.

Now as you descended into the Great Hall, holding onto Laenor arm for dear life. You felt like a bug pinned under glass- put on display for all to examine. The Hall had fallen into a hush as you were led across the dark stone. Whispers of the elusive Velaryon Omega began to swirl around the room. You were determined to keep your eyes straight ahead; paying them no mind. Laenor’s hand rubbed your arm reassuringly. Finally you came to stop before the High Table, raised on a dias before Dragonstone's own throne. The Hall was brimming with displays of wealth, the stone seemed to glow in the candlelight, tables laden with roasted meats and vegetables, exotic cheeses and fruits wedged between. Servants bustled around keeping cups full of rich wines. Heavy velvet tapestries with the symbol of House Targaryen were hung around the keep. A bard and company kept the hall full of music as guests filed in.

The Prince and Princess both rose from their seats as you came to stop before them. Rhaenyra wore a gown of black silk, embroidered with red dragons wrapping around the bodice. It made her ivory skin and hair glow in contrast. Daemon wore a matching doublet, it was open at the top along with his black undershirt-displaying a neck and chest thick with muscle. Strong thighs encased in supple lambskin breeches. The Alpha’s both wore circlets- befitting their station. The Valyrian steel was a simple braided design nestled into silver hair.

The Prince whispered into his wife's ear before moving around the table and down the steps to approach you. If Laenor had not been holding your arm, you would have turned and run from his pursuit. When Daemon came to stand before you, you realized he was quite tall- nearly two heads above you.

“Allow me to escort you to your seat, Byka zaldrīzes” little dragon .Your cheeks flamed in embarrassment. Perhaps you could feign illness and escape back to your rooms. The Prince had all but purred the words at you as he slipped his arm into your own. Laenor had left your side; quick to take his own seat- f*cking traitor. You allowed yourself to be led up the steps and around the High Table. Your heart stopped when you noticed the chair set between the Prince and Princess’s own. Your body felt like it was going into shock as Daemon pulled the chair out and guided you into it with a firm hand. You were truly trapped between the two Alpha’s as he took his own seat to your right.

“T-thank you for the escort Your Grace. You did not need to trouble yourself so” The words were practically a squeak, you desperately looked for your sister.

Hot breath in your ear made you jump, an elegant hand curled around your nearly bare shoulder. “I believe we told you to address us by our given names, little velaryon” The Princess crooned the reprimand into your ear. Thigh’s desperately pressed together as you tried to smother your arousal.

When her thumb pressed into the hollow of your throat you couldn’t help the shaky sigh that escaped. “Try again”

You were trapped in the Prince’s gaze, his eyes dark with-arousal?.

“Thank you for escorting me Daemon, you did not need to-”

Daemon clucked his tongue in disapproval-cutting off your revised statement. His shoulder pressed against your own as he leaned forward. “If I wish to escort you somewhere I will. Simply because I desire too. It is no trouble”

Thank you, Daemon

If you weren’t so intoxicated by their presence you would have felt shame as you breathily moaned the words to the future King Consort. Both Alpha’s scent swelled with approval, Daemon even awarding you a grin before he turned to accept a goblet of wine. Moving to place it before you. Their approval warmed you to the core.

“You look stunning tonight”

You turned your body to face the Princess as she praised you. Her eyes were predatory- she made no effort to hide her gaze as she looked down upon your breasts. Horrified you realized your nipples pressed against the thin fabric- on display for all to see. You quickly covered them with your palms sputtering apologies to the Alpha. Rhaenyra looked pointedly over your shoulder. Rough hands wrapped around each wrist from behind pulling them from your own breasts. Baring yourself to the Princess’s gaze once more. Daemon’s chin hooked over your shoulder as he chuckled darkly.

“I believe it might be treason to cover such fine breasts” The Prince’s voice was low and rough, mouth practically against your ear. Seven f*cking hells, you could feel the slick pooling between your thighs, your bare c*nt was soaked as you fell under their spell.

Your back arched, as your trapped wrists were brought to the small of your back. Rhaenyra’s gaze was appreciative. Gods, you were at a feast among hundreds of people. Yet here you were trapped between the two Alpha’s like a virgin sacrifice. Where was Laena? surely she would put an end to their teasing. You were already practically betrothed!

“Are you thirsty Princess?”

Rhaenyra’s question confused you deeply- as she held a goblet of wine before you. Princess? You pushed it from your mind. Your mouth was quite dry- you nodded. Straining to pull your wrist from their prison so you may retrieve the goblet. The hold was iron strong, Daemon’s soft growl echoing in your ear.

Suddenly the goblet was pressed against your lips, you opened your mouth quickly to avoid it spilling down and staining your skin. Your eyes never left Rhaenyra as you gulped the wine greedily. Once it was drawn back you took harsh breaths- desperate to settle yourself. You began to squirm in your seat. Your gown stuck to your thighs- wet with arousal.

“Do you like Daemon holding you Princess?” Rhaenyra’s voice was taunting as she pressed the cool metal goblet against your nipple. You smothered a startled cry, trying to arch away.

“I d-demand you release me, it is improper.” The words came out as nothing more than a pathetic whine as you struggled fruitlessly against your restraints.

Daemon made a low sound of disapproval as Rhaenyra’s eyes sharpened. “Are you presuming to tell me what is and isn’t proper in my own castle?” She moved the goblet to your other nipple, pressing the thin edge cruelly into it. A garbled sound of protest tumbled from your lips.


You didn’t even know what you begged for. But the sound made both Alpha’s groan, the sharp scent of their arousal smothering all your senses. The bustling feast faded to the background as you sat trapped between them. No one dared approach the table. The Prince and Princess’s scent was laden with aggression. Daring anyone to interrupt them.

Rhaenyra placed the goblet down, before smoothing both hands down your body. Her fingers pinched the soaked fabric from your core, peeling it away with a chuckle. “You always seem to be in quite the state around us- always wet

You kept your thighs firmly pressed together, even as she glared at you.


The second she issued the command your wrists were pressed tight together- The Prince shifting to hold them in one hand, his other gripping your thigh and dragging it over his own. Rhaenyra held your own thigh tightly with one hand. The other drifted towards your molten core as you sat powerless to stop her.

Seven f*cking hells, please Rhaenyra. I am already all but betrothed, you must release me”

“You are stupid, if you think we are going allow you to wed Cregan Stark” Daemon’s voice was cruel in your ear. Violence dripped from his tone as he spoke the Lord of Winterfell’s name. His grip tightening upon your thigh-surely leaving a bruise.

Rhaenyra pressed the heel of her palm against your core, as she regarded you with her calculating gaze. “There you go again Princess, Demanding things of me in my own castle as if you were my master?”

You wilted under the weight of her disapproval. Suddenly Rhaenyra pulled back, drawing her hand away from you core and sitting fully back into her chair. Daemon shifted to release you also. You brought your wrists forward, rubbing at the red marks left by his hands. Their disappointment seemed to choke you.

“Rhae-” You were cut off sharply as the Alpha waved a plate full of food over. A servant placed it before you, a full arrangement of delicacies.

“Do eat Princess, I am sure you are ravenous”

Chapter 5: Confessions


Rhaenyra clarifies the situation.

Chapter Text

As your food lay barely touched you tried to ignore the disapproving glances the Prince kept throwing your way. He was upset for some reason over your lack of appetite. You didn’t dare meet his gaze- you had a different mission.

It took several threats- mouthed silently Laenors direction before he finally abandoned his flavor of the night to rescue you. Threatening a man's balls always worked. After mopping up your arousal with a gods forsaken dinner napkin, you dropped it to the floor below. Quickly standing to meet your brother- miraculously dodging Daemon’s hand as it sought to stop you. A shudder racked your body when he snarled at your escape.

“Of course I shall dance with you brother!- if you do not take me to the dance floor and out of this place I will personally castrate you”

Laenor’s expression was incredulous as you dragged him onto the crowded floor. You grimaced as your thighs were exposed from the movement, a vivid handprint bruise forming on one

“What are you going on about? You are shaking, did you eat your dinner? You have not broken your fast since we arrived”

You rolled your eyes as you stepped closer to him and grasped his arms- following the steps of the current tune. “ I will be quite fine, I just need you to see me to my chambers. '' You whispered under your breath. The twin sets of eyes bore into your back- you felt you would catch fire purely from their gaze.

Laenor looked sheepishly down at you “ I am afraid I cannot, Laena told me you might ask and to not let you slip away”

A frustrated scream nearly tore from your lips “So your loyalty lies with her? Is one sister more valuable than the other?”

Your brother instantly shushed you “Do not speak like that, you know I love you both dearly. But I agree with Laena, you cannot spend your whole life hiding in books and riding away on dragons.”

You stomped on his foot harshly, caring not for the sharp cry he released. You slipped into the crowd, if he would not properly escort you- you would see yourself out. The loud scraping of a chair made you move faster- you could not be caught by the Prince. Looking over your shoulder you could not see him in the throng of people. But deep down you knew he was pursuing you.

A harsh hand gripped your elbow dragging you to a stop. The scent of Alpha was thick on your captor- but wrong this scent did not entice you. A lanky Alpha stood before you, shoulder length gold hair and cold green eyes.

“One might thing you came here for me, dressed in the colors of House Lannister”

You did not even consider his words, striking out a slippered foot right to his groin. The Lannister groaned and released your arm allowing you to escape once more. You ignored the curses he yelled after you. His taunts turned to further grunts of pain as Daemon descended upon him.

The entire hall broke out into chaos as Daemon began to beat the Lannister Alpha bloody. You barely managed to slip through the hall doors before your view of the brawl was blotted out by bodies eager to catch a glimpse.

Finally making it to your chambers, you began to strip quickly. Leaving a trail of clothing as you dug out your dried riding leathers. There was no Dragonpit on the island. Dragons were free to come and go as they pleased. You could summon Darkwing and be gone before anyone realized. The flight to Kings Landing was not long at all. Laena and Laenor would follow once they realized you left. You struggled to pull breeches over your sticky thighs. Slipping your wool undershirt and buckling the breastplate as quickly as your trembling fingers would allow.

Boots were fumbled on in the hallway as you hastened towards the keep doors. You could hear Darkwings trill of excitement- he was close just outside the doors awaiting your approach. It was dark, a storm even harsher than before raging. It would be risky to fly alone to King’s Landing but safer then staying on Dragonstone. If you lost your virtue to the Prince and Princess you would be ruined. No respectable Lord would take you to wife, though you craved the solidarity you did not want to spend the rest of your life a disgraced spinster on Driftmark.

Laena’s voice cut through your dark thoughts, yelling for you to stop as you moved to heave the great doors open. You would deal with her ire later, she was the one that had put you in this position.

Suddenly the world was upside down, hands slipping from the iron handles as you were cast over a firm shoulder. You let out a frustrated scream as you began to pound the back before you. Darkwings roar echoing your own. The Prince’s arm was like a band of steel around your waist as he stormed down the castle hall, further and further away from your escape.

“Daemon! Seven hells! This is not courting, or going easy on her.” Laena jogged beside your head, attempting to keep up with the Prince’s brisk pace. Her face was full of guilt as she looked upon you, being hauled away like a prize boar.

Daemon bared his teeth at your stunned sister. “You should know I am not one for patience, especially when your sister is determined to endanger herself”

Stop talking about me like I am not here!” You were beyond enraged, your sister had planned this. The visit and the vulgar gown, gods she was determined to ruin you. You felt the betrayal and anger boil within you. Burying your teeth in the meat of the Prince’s back he nearly dropped you as he grunted in pain. Squirming you tried to slip from his hold, but he brought a large palm down on your backside, the slap sounding through the room.

“Soft spoken my ass, she’s a f*cking hellion

“I did tell you she was stubborn” Laena’s face had become amused after you bit the Prince.

“LAENA! I will be ruined, Lord Stark will not marry me if I am defiled. Stop this madness” Though your mind rebelled against the current events; your body was priming itself for the Alpha that had captured you.

“Sister, all will be well you just need to calm yourself” Laena stopped pursuing you, standing in the hallway as she shot you a reassuring smile.

Your scream of profanities was cut off as you were brought into the dimly lit room. The Solar where the Prince and Princess had originally received you. Gods now you were in their chambers alone. Your sister had truly given you over as a whor* to the Crown Princess and her husband. For what purpose? What would Laena get out of your ruination? Your Father would be furious- it would take nothing short of a miracle for Lord Stark to accept you after you had been sullied. You would either be spirited back to Driftmark in scandal or be pawned off to some fat lord and his backwoods keep.

The world righted itself as you were dumped on an overstuffed chaise.

Daemon loomed over you, hair eschew and dark eyes wild. Blood was splattered against his cheek and throat. Knuckles split and bruised. Rhaenyra came up behind him, settling a hand on his shoulder. “She is safe, just take a breath my love” Her words were soft as she rubbed a thumb against his cheek-attempting to wipe away the blood.

You shuffled to shove yourself into the corner of the chaise as Rhaenyra moved to sit on the edge by your feet. Daemon still heaving violent breaths above. Looking like he might pounce at any second.

“I believe we have some things to talk about Princess

Rhaenyra’s tone was serious, she began to tug your boots off. You felt frozen, the prior anger beginning to drain out of your fatigued body. Eyes shifting between both the intimidating Alphas. When her hands drifted to the laces of your breeches, you began to squirm again- pushing her hands away.

“I believe your sister has approached this situation incorrectly. I am going to strip you down - and wash the stink of the Lannister off of you before Daemon loses his mind completely. Then we are going to have a long talk” Rhaenyra’s voice was steady as she unlaced your breeches, dragging the material down. Daemon’s breath caught as he scented you slick- shame flaring up as you began to blush. Her nimble fingers making quick work- riding you of your remaining clothing.

There you lay bare to them both, thighs pressed tight together- desperate to hide your aching core. Daemon finally left his post glaring over you. He brought a dish full of warm water and a soft cloth. Rhaenyra murmured a quick thanks as she began to run the cloth over your body. When she finally reached your core, her eyebrow quirked. A breathy sigh escaped as you let your knees fall open. Rhaenyra’s smile was brilliant, you arched into her touch as she dragged it against your core, catching on your cl*t- making you whine.

“You keep crying about us ruining you, Daemon and I have no intention of doing so. Your sister brought you here hoping to rouse our interest- desperate to keep you from the marriage with Cregan Stark. You are an Omega with the blood of Old Valyria- I need children in order to keep my position as Heir. Laena had implored us to court you, and ply you with flowery words. She is a Beta, she does not truly understand how primal and deep the bond between Alphas and Omegas is”

Rhaenyra’s words rang with sincerity, dropping the cloth and moving her hands to cradle your face. Daemon moved to kneel beside you, his voice was impossibly soft as he began to speak.

“I knew that moment you came into that Solar, soaking wet and trembling - the smell of your virgin c*nt beginning to wet from our presence. That you were ours. We intend to mate you- you will be the Princess-Consort of Dragonstone. Our children will sit the Iron Throne. Though I must disagree with my lovely wife. I certainly intend on ruining you-”

“Daemon” Rhaenyra admonished, a slight smile upon her face.

Your heart was beating impossibly fast as they touched you. Their words registering. Your sisters plot; their desire to mate you. Becoming a f*cking Princess- Rhaenyra’s taunts made sense. They were right, as an Omega you did not desire a drawn out courtship, gifts and declarations of love. You wanted to be claimed, to be filled. For the neverending ache of emptiness to finally go away. You felt an unexplainable pull to both of them. It wasn’t love but a mating meant a soul bond- love would follow quickly. Cregan Stark was known to be an honorable man; but he was a wolf and you were a dragon. The North was closed off to outsiders, you would never truly belong. With Daemon and Rhaenyra you had a chance, you would have two Alpha’s devoted to you-your children would be closer to family. Raised among their cousins-able to claim dragons.

“What about my Father, the betro-”

“Rhaenys is already handling that, he will be angry at first but- his blood will one day rule Westeros. This will help heal the wound he feels from my Brother.” Daemons hand smoothed up your thigh resting on your hip.

“What of the King? Should you not get his blessing first?” Your question made Rhaenyra’s face twist. You immediately slipped your hand over hers- trying to comfort her.

“I fear the Hand of King would find a way to prevent our union, He wants Aegon on the throne. Mating you would nearly guarantee children of pure valyrian blood. Even Aegon is only half Targaryen. It would erase nearly all claims he has to the throne. Otto Hightower will do anything to prevent it” The words pulsed with pain and sorrow.

Your heart ached for her. The fact that she had to fear betrayal from her own family. Constantly awaiting the day she would be passed over for a half brother. After her own Mother’s fight to have a male heir. You dragged Rhaenyra’s hand to your chest, placing it above your beating heart.

“I would be honored to give you children. I just fear I will not live up to your expectations. I was not raised to be a Princess. I-I do not want to disappoint you”

Daemon fisted your hair, arching your neck- forcing you to look him directly in the eyes.

“The only thing that disappoints me is your constant dismissal of your own value and needs. Also I think you paint quite the picture of the lustful Princess- like Saera reincarnated, trembling before us. Your arousal perfuming the air”

You couldn’t help the tears that began to form, sliding down your flaming cheeks. You felt safe in their embrace. Daemon and Rhaenyra would not allow you to fade into the shadows. You would be cherished, and displayed proudly. You felt brave as they gazed upon you in lust and adoration.

“Well then do it, claim me-please

Chapter 6: Preparation

Chapter Text

“I appreciate the eagerness, but you have not eaten since you arrived. You need to eat and settle yourself” Rhaenyra purred, her hand escaping yours to lightly thumb your nipple before standing. She made her way to the table, a platter of cold meats and cheese awaiting with a pitcher of wine.

You squealed when Daemon wrapped you in a thick blanket and hefted your body into his arms, making his way to sit beside Rhaenyra at the table. Laying you across his lap. You reached for the platter, your forgotten hunger raging back. Daemon pulled your hand away, chuckling.

“We much prefer to feed you ourselves, Byka mēre” little one. True to the Prince’s word you were presented with various bites. Rhaenyra and Daemon both taking turns. The sharp scent of their aggression had begun to taper- leaving only the spiciness of their arousal and approval.

“We must also speak of your prior behavior- you cannot endanger yourself. You were about to ride out in the middle of a storm, at night alone. Daemon and I will not tolerate you hurting yourself”

Guilt filled you at Rhaenyras words, you had known trying to make off in the middle of the night was rash. But you had been confused and frustrated. You nuzzled the hand she raked through your hair- your eyes pleading forgiveness to her. Daemon jostled you, rough hand cupping your jaw turning you towards him. His jaw was tense, dark eyes swirling.

“Your pretty eyes may work on Nyra but make no mistake, I will punish you if you endanger yourself again” Daemon's statement brokered no argument. You shivered under his intense stare.

“Punish?!” You sputtered- eyes growing wide.

“Yes Byka mēre, You will think twice about flying off if your ass is so red you can’t sit-much less ride a dragon” The Prince’s tone was mocking as he stroked your jaw. He shifted- giving you a light swat to your behind. You were not proud of the squawk it drew from you.

Rhaenyra laughed softly into her wine “ Do not worry, Daemon is merely trying to scare you. His punishments can be quite enjoyable”

A yawn took you by surprise, the events of the day beginning to crash down upon you. You were warm and full, cradled in the embrace of a gorgeous Alpha. You couldn’t help but feel safe, fatigue creeping in.

“Let us take you to bed, Princess” Rhaenyra stood, following Daemon as he carried you into their bedchamber. A fire raged in a large stone hearth, you didn’t have much of a chance to take in the room before you were placed in the fur lined bed. You groaned from the combined scent of the Alpha’s. You could smell their combined lust, practically taste the acts that had been performed on the furs. Your mouth watered, turning to observe the two.

Your breath caught. Daemon was making quick work of Rhaenyra’s gown as she pulled ruby encrusted pins from her hair, allowing it to tumble down- free of the intricate updo. Rhaenyra grinned down at you- crawling towards you on the bed as soon as she was naked. The Princess sat against the carved wood headboard, pulling you close. Warm hands rubbing soothing circles on your back. You nuzzled her exposed breast, eyes on Daemon as he began to rid himself of his own clothing.

I am the luckiest f*cking man in the Seven Kingdoms” He practically growled as he looked down at the stunning women sprawled in his own bed. Daemon filled with hope, there had been so much disappointment the last few years. He had longed to have his own child, seeing Viserys continue to have more children with his Hightower bride only making the wound more raw. It had taken a toll on Rhaenyra, every time her moon blood came. Omega’s were coveted for their fertility; children would come. The idea of you swelling with his child, the burden it would lift off his beloved. It made his heart swell.

Daemon pressed against your back, the long line of his body burning against yours. His face pressed into your hair- thick co*ck flush against your back.

Even in your overwrought state- you felt yourself begin to slicken.

Rhaenyra shushed you, hand moving down to hold your hip firm- keeping you from humping back into Daemon. “We are only sleeping tonight- tomorrow is a new day”

Our wedding day” Daemon huffed into your ear.

You had barely slept the night before, it felt a waste to drift asleep between two stunning Alphas. But you were helpless as you were dragged under. Lulled to sleep by the rhythmic sound of their breathing and the warm touches.


The feeling of waking up pressed between two warm bodies was strange. After so many mornings alone, the feeling of loneliness eating away at you. Rhaenyra lay on her back, silver hair like a halo around her beautiful face. She looked softer as she slept. You were nestled into her side- face pressed against one breast. Daemon was firm against your side, arm slung over you- hand splayed over Rhaenyra’s hip. It was peaceful in their embrace, easy to block out the outside world. Morning light began to pour in from the open air windows. Bathing the room in warm hues.

You lay there, looking around the room- content in their embrace for another hour. Daemon was the first to wake. Hand sliding from Rhaenyra’s hip to collar your throat; pulling you against him even tighter- mouthing against your exposed throat.

“Best not wake her Byka mēre, our Queen is not a morning person”

The Prince dragged you from the bed, guiding you onto the balcony, both exposed to the cool morning air. Your hands immediately went to your breasts, somehow it felt more scandalous in the light of day. Daemon ignored your shyness. Pressing you into the stone- hand gripping the back of your neck, pulling you into a kiss. Your mouths clashed in a mix of tongue and teeth. The kiss- as aggressive and demanding as the man. Hands dropping from your breast to grapple at his chest- you could feel the strength under your hands. The hours of training and combat that it took to create such a perfect male body. Fingers traced the jagged scars- few from arrows and an errant sword wound right above his ribs. The kiss dragged on until you finally escaped-gasping for breath.

Daemon pulled you flush against his body, co*ck nudging your stomach. Forehead pressed against your own. His eyes open and earnest- they were a deep indigo compared to the lilac/ violet Rhaenyra and you both possessed. He looked so earnest, face full of raw emotion.

“I have loved Rhaenyra for so long, and cherished being her husband these last six years. But I want you to know, the vows I will say to you will be just as sacred. You are equals in my eyes-both my wives. Rhaenyra will be my Queen and you will be the Mother of our children. I will protect you with my body and soul. Just as I know Rhaenyra will also do. You will complete us. I do not want you to see yourself as merely a means to an end”

You could not hold back the fresh tears, running down your cheeks. The Prince shushed you softly dragging you into another kiss- tasting your tears. You jumped when you felt hands sliding up your back, feminine nails scratching lightly. You pushed into the touch, moaning softly into the kiss.

“No one informed me; we were making heartfelt declarations at the crack dawn” Rhaenyras voice was full of humor as she rested her chin on your shoulder, gazing up at her husband. Daemon pulled from the kiss, grinning as he leaned down to kiss her also.

Seven f*cking hells, They were transcendent together, both fighting for dominance in the kiss - neither relenting. You were pressed between them as they continued their passionate kiss.

It was the mournful wail of a dragon that broke the spell. It made your heart clench painfully.

“He is used to me seeing him everyday, I spend the majority of my time with him.” You explained, the Prince and Princess both looking to the sky curiously- Darkwing cut in and out of the thick layer of clouds.

Rhaenyra smoothed your furrowed brow with gentle fingers. “You shall see him soon enough, we should prepare for the day. Then we have a ceremony to perform. The sooner we complete these tasks, then sooner we can return to this room” Words full of promise and desire made you clench. Gods, you could not wait for the constant burning of arousal to abate. To finally be filled.

A knock sounded on the outer door, Daemon moved quickly, dragging a pair of breeches on before padding barefoot out into the solar. Your body mourned his loss.

You pressed your face into Rhaenyra’s throat breathing in her scent greedily. She was lithe, body tall and elegant-back always perfectly straight. Holding herself with such confidence. You were envious of her. She was powerful and she knew how to wield it.

Rhaenyra tangled a hand in your air, arching your neck till you met her stunning eyes. Her other hand rested on your jaw, thumb rubbing your bottom lip. Her eyes darkened when you sucked lightly on the offered finger.

“Your mind is so innocent, yet your body craves such depravity

You moaned, eyes slipping closed as she pressed her thumb further into your mouth- grip becoming more harsh on your hair. She pulled away from your mouth, dropping to rub the spit slick finger against your bare nipple. The Alpha captured it between her forefinger and thumb, rolling it between the two. You whined as she tugged lightly on it.

“You have the prettiest breasts I have ever seen, so full” Rhaenyra released your nipple to cup the weight of your chest in her hand. “I can’t wait to see them swell more” She kissed you again-smothering your cries of pleasure as she handled you. She moved to pinch your sensitive bud one more time before releasing you.

Daemon had returned, several handmaids following. The Prince dropped himself into a chair, spreading his long legs out before him- pillaging the platter of fruit placed beside him.

You quickly covered yourself, Rhaenyra and You both stood nude on the balcony, the Handmaidens seemed unfazed, moving to procure a gown for their mistress. The Princess lead you forward off the balcony and into the room- leaving your side to steal a grape from Daemon’s platter.

`There is no need to be shy Princess, I assure you my attendants have seen much worse than your pretty body” Rhaenyra smiled at you over her shoulder, A shift was drawn over her body, before they came forward with a slate gray gown made of velvet. The garment had long sleeves, and a series of bronze clasps secured the front. Once they finished clothing Rhaenyra, she shifted to sit on a stool, her hair immediately being tamed into a series of braids.

You were suddenly very aware of how bare you were, clutching a sheet to your chest.

Once her hair was braided Rhaenyra waved the attendants away. They all filled out quickly. It was so efficient. Though it should not have surprised you, The Princess did not strike you as one that liked to be fussed over. She probably had little patience for the primping and prodding.

Rhaenyra opened a large carved wardrobe in the corner of the room. Daemon still sat casually, having watched the whole affair- eyes now devouring you. It felt so domestic and normal.

Rhaenyra laid her choice for you on the bed along with a silk chemise. The dress was a soft lilac color, billowy sleeves and an open neckline- your shoulders would be completely bare. Exquisite silver embroidery of vines and flowers wrapped around the waist and cascaded down the skirt. You watched as she moved to join Daemon, perching on his lap as they both watched you enraptured.

You felt your entire body blush as she slipped the chemise-then the beautiful gown on. Fumbling with the laces on your own. It was a bit tight in the chest, your breasts spilling out slightly. Both Alpha’s seemed to enjoy the display- Daemon crudely rubbing at the bulge under his breeches.

“It is one of my old gowns, We shall have more made for you Princess

They both stood, moving to circle you like the prey you were.

“We have a gift for you, Byka mēre”

Chapter 7: Bonding


Vows are made.

Chapter Text

The gift was a stunning pendant necklace, crafted from Valyrian Steel. The pendant was an oval, encrusted in glittering diamonds- resting in the valley between your breasts. You fiddled with it as Laena and Laenor stood before you on the rocky beach of Dragonstone.

“I know I pushed you towards this, but are you sure this is what you want?” Laena held your shoulders, imploring you with her cerulean eyes. Laenor stood stiffly beside her, he did not enjoy being the last to know. Irritated with Laena for leaving him out of the plot.

You nodded, looking over your shoulder. Only a few feet away stood two Alpha's who were preparing to welcome you into their union- to love you. Daemon and Rhaenyra were formidable and fiercely loyal. You would not find a better match in all of the Seven Kingdoms.

“You were right to bring me here. My place is at their side- the more time I spend in their presence the more it feels destined to be”

Laena smiled, brushing a tear from her own eye before hugging you tightly-squeezing the breath from your lungs. Laenor joined her, wrapping his arms around you both. You held each other for a long moment before finally pulling back.

Time began to move in a blur as you approached Rhaenyra and Daemon. A beta priest standing behind them at the prepared altar. Their scents blended in your senses, bitter charcoal and the salt of sea water, a hint of Myrish spice. It made your mouth water. You had been hesitant to cut them, dragonglass dagger shaking slightly. But both waited patiently- Rhaenyra hand soothing your back. Standing between them, palms cut and pressed against their own. Sharing kisses flavored with their blood. You could feel your body yearning for them-more and more each second. The melodic words of High Valyrian became a hum in your ears.

Then Three were one, bonded by blood. Eternal vows spoken.

Your brother and sister both cried. Laena bemoaning her own traditional marriage under the Light of the Seven.

You felt complete, cheeks beginning to hurt because you could not stop smiling. Your skin no longer felt the chill, sweat beginning to bead at your brow and a bolt of heat speared through your body. You kissed Rhaenyra- caring not for the blood your sliced palms smeared onto her gown and breasts. Her own palm painted the side of your throat and hair with crimson as she grasped the back of your neck- murmuring devotions to you in the old language.

Daemon buried his face into the other side of your throat- leaving wet bruises along it. A guttural growl ripped out of him, making you tremble- pulling away from Rhaenyra.

“Daemon?” Rhaenyra’s voice was concerned as he continued to growl into the hollow of your throat, arms wrapping around your middle.

“She’s going into heat” The words were no more than a snarl. Grip becoming bruising on your waist. Rhaenyra’s eyes widened, leaning forward to scent you. Her entire body tensed.

“We need to get her back to our chambers”

Daemon swept you up into his arms, following Rhaenyra determined footsteps towards the awaiting wheelhouse. Laena was concerned but didn’t dare interfere. Your siblings would have to wait for another wheelhouse to be sent. It would be dangerous for them to encroach on Rhaenyra and Daemons newly claimed Omega.

Once settled in the wheelhouse, their Alpha scents smothered you. You keened loudly into Rhaenyra's throat, desperately rubbing against Daemon’s lap as he held you. The Prince's hands shoved your skirts up, baring his teeth as he encountered your small clothes.

“You are forbidden to wear small clothes ever again, I will not have anything barring me from your dripping c*nt

You moaned loudly as he tore them away from your body, two fingers spearing you open, gliding through the copious slick. You bit down on Rhaenyra’s shoulder- attempting to smother your cries.

Rhaenyra’s elegant voice was little more than a coo in your ear

“Go easy husband, our little wife’s c*nt isn’t broken in yet”

Her fingers found their way to your core as well, pinching your cl*t- you wailed. Back arching from their expert touches, Daemon f*cking you open with his thick fingers as Rhaenyra rubbed your cl*t furiously. Your body felt like it was on fire. You suckled a vivid bruise on Rhaenyra’s throat, savoring her taste.

“You look so gorgeous, riding his fingers. I can’t wait to watch him ruin you Princess”

Seven hells, her words inflamed your desire- body arching tight. Neither of them relented, the obscene sounds of them playing with your c*nt filled the wheel house.

“Daemon, please!” Your cries echoed in the small space.

He slid three fingers under your necklace- giving a sharp pull. Dragging you from Rhaenyra’s throat.

“When I am buried inside you the only titles I want to hear are Husband and Alpha. Do you understand me Byka mēre?”

“Yes” You choked out, pressure taunt on your throat.

“Yes, what?” Daemon snarled.

Yes, H-husband” You whimpered, slumping into his chest as he released your necklace. You closed your eyes as he added another finger. Rhaenyra was making you fall apart, rubbing your cl*t, nail scratching it ever so often. You could feel the pressure building up inside, feeling like you were about to explode. It felt like it was going on for years- wave after wave of pleasure.

Three fingers became four, and you shattered. Something inside you snapping as ungodly pleasure flooded your body. They both continued their ministrations as you shook in their arms. Seeing you through your pleasure. You could feel the desire dripping down your thighs. Heaving great breaths as they finally pulled away. You whined as Daemon withdrew his fingers. You felt so empty.

You blushed crimson as he presented them to Rhaenyra, his groan echoing your own as she licked them clean. Eyes molten with desire. They slammed into a kiss, sharing your taste.

As Rhaenyra pulled away from Daemon she smiled wickedly at you. She presented her own dripping fingers for you to taste, smearing them across your lips. You sucked them in greedily, beginning to grind against Daemon’s thigh again.

Daemon’s hands dropped to his breeches, eagerly beginning to loosen the laces. He snarled viciously when Rhaenyra grabbed his wrist, stopping him.

“You are not knotting our Omega in a damn wheelhouse Daemon” Rhaenyra’s voice was steady- not wavering at his aggressive display.

Daemon let out another angry growl; but he abandoned his pursuit. You ran soothing hands over his chest. Rhaenyra moved to firmly hold your hips - preventing you from rubbing against Daemon's thigh. It took several minutes for him to settle himself.

Daemon buried his face in Rhaenya’s hair, breathing in deeply-attempting to calm himself. “I am going to need you first Nyra, I’m going mad from her scent. I don’t want to hurt her”

“What about you Princess, want to watch our husband f*ck me? Get the edge off before he knots you?”

You whimpered nodding at her vulgar words.

Then, the gods forsaken wheelhouse finally stopped.

Chapter 8: Coupling


The threesome we all are waiting for.


There is the art that inspired this whole fic at the end. Its by Naomidoesart. While is it supposed to be Daemon, Laena an Rhaenyra. I see Daemon, Reader and Rhaenyra. Of course with our reader caught in the middle.

Chapter Text

It was strange how fast things changed, just yesterday you were alone.

Now you were watching the two most beautiful people in the world f*ck.

Daemon had Rhaenyra on her back, legs wrapped around his tapered waist. Hands bruising her hips as he pistoned in and out. The melody of their moans and grunts made your blood boil. Rhaenyra scrabbles at his chest leaving bloody scratches in her wake. You lay by her head, sharing wet kisses, pulling back every so often to watch them couple They both were violent in their pursuit for pleasure- blood, bites and bruises. The blood from the wedding painting ivory skin.

Princess, come here - I want to taste you”

You shuffled onto your knees, following Rhaenyra guiding hands as she had you straddle her chest. You hesitated when she pulled you towards her face. Your hesitation only served to anger her- a fierce growl escaping before she yanked- then your core was pressed right at her lips.

Seven f*cking hells

Rhaenyra presses her tongue into the blushing split of your c*nt, a flattened sweep, seeking the taste of slick. You squeal when she passes over your cl*t, already so sensitive. Grasping at her silver hair when she proceeds to suck on the pulsating bud before returning to the ravenous licking of your slit. Every sweep of her tongue drags you closer to the edge. A harsh hand grips your jaw from behind, Daemon pulling your backwards to lick into your panting mouth. Rhaenyra grumbles, as he dislodges you slightly- pulling your hips back into place. Her grip moves to your thighs, bruising- nails biting into the skin. You cry out your first release into Daemon’s mouth. Body trembling as Rhaenyra licks your release, humming in delight.

You slid boneless off of Rhaenyra’s face, laying beside her, breasts pressed against her side as you watch Daemon, his thrusts become more ragged. You can’t help but feel a bit envious as he stares into Rhaenyra’s eyes. They were meant to be with each other - born out of the same flame. His hand moves to rest on Rhaenyra’s heart- murmuring devotions in Valyrian. Finally he stutters before pressing impossibly deeper into her, Rhaenyra moans loudly as he empties inside of her. They stay like that for a brief moment, luxuriating in bliss.

When he pulls from her body, Daemon’s co*ck is still impossibly hard. Rhaenyra pushes herself up onto her elbows watching in glee as you are dragged to the end of the bed. You are flipped on your stomach, a heavy hand pinning you by the back on the neck. Fingers plunge into you from behind, your c*nt wet and pulsing from its prior org*sm. Two becomes three- you begin to squirm when he slides four back into you. Rhaenyra is before you, stroking soothing fingers through your tangled hair. You can smell her c*nt, Daemons seed all blended into one right before your face.

The groan that escapes you is embarrassing when Daemon finally slides in, stretching you-splitting you open from the inside. You silently thank the gods that your maidenhead has long since broken from dragon riding. Then you’re spread open, his co*ck relentlessly driving into you. You’re so full, so incredibly full that all you can do is dig your nails into the sheets, tearing at them.

Rhaenyra says something to Daemon -the ability to understand Valyrian escaping your sex addled brain- Then his hand comes up from your neck, moving to rest with its twin on your hips. Rhaenyra’s hand fists your hair, pulling your face up from the bed and presenting her well f*cked c*nt, cum already dripping onto the bed.

Come on Princess, can’t have you playing favorites

You mouth at her slit, dragging a flat broad stroke up- the taste makes you moan. You tease your tongue into her-spearing it in and out. Her tightening grip and soft moans are signs of her enjoyment. Rhaenyra hisses when you finally sweep over her cl*t, fully emerged from its little hood and shining. You lose herself in her- in both of them. You have never felt so secure, so wanted. The act of both giving and receiving pleasure with them is heady. Your mind is feeling fuzzy and blissful.

You began to feel even more stretch, the base of Daemon’s knot has begun to press against your slit each time he thrusts in. He pulls your hips up even more, your back arching enticingly It increases the sensations, as he thrusts deeper, faster inside your fluttering c*nt. You can hear the smirk in his voice when your moans become needier, muffled into Rhaenyra’s slit.

Look at you, Byka mēre. How well you take me, Can’t wait to see you spilt on my knot

You suckle on Rhaenyra’s c*nt with renewed fervor, the primal desire to please your Alpha overriding all sense. She growls her completion, thighs quivering- humping back onto your face. Her punishing grip on your hair drags your eyes up to her. Her thumbs wipe the errant tears escaping your eyes. Her voice is rough with arousal, but her face is soft with post coital bliss.

“You are so perfect, Princess. You ready for our husband's knot?”

A pathetic whine is all that escapes as you nod up at her, eyes pleading.

Daemon growls at Rhaenyra’s words, his knot beginning to work in, pressing against everything. You wiggle your hips against him. Begging him to fill you completely. Finally, he is buried to the root. Daemon sweat slick chest pressed against your back as he drapes himself over you. You began to squirm on his knot just like his taunts. He hums into the hollow over your throat, spicy scent washing over you. He mouths at your exposed throat gently- too gently. You want to feel his bite sink into you, claiming you.

“Please, please husband- alpha please”

You are trembling with need. Full of his large, hard co*ck. Warm and throbbing. Your c*nt drenched and quivering. Your pleas are ignored as he continues to tease you with soft nips down your throat and shoulder. He chuckles, biting at your shoulder so lightly you want to scream in frustration.

“Dae-” your voice breaks when he groans into your neck, his tongue bathing the bruises he has littered across your exposed skin.

He’s so large and warm, scent blending with Rhaenyra’s- intoxicating you. She whispers encouragement to you, her hands carding through both you and Daemon’s hair. You’ve never wanted anything, anyone more. You need them to bond you. Every instinct, every part of you is crying for them to take you. To make you their omega, gods you want to be owned by them.

You are hauled up to your knees, scrabbling at the arms wrapped around you for purchase. Rhaenyra is before you in all her royal glory.

“You ready Princess?” Rhaenyra's question is soft, as she brushes your hair off your shoulders exposing your taunt neck.

Your breathy sigh is all the agreement they need. Twin sets of teeth are buried into you. One on either side of your throat. The pleasure is cataclysm, threatening total destruction. In those few moments you feel completely undone. Slick gushing around the throbbing knot in your c*nt, blood dripping down your throat. You can feel both Alpha’s digging their teeth in deeper- willingly it to scar boldly. Your hands come up to cup the back of their heads in encouragement. The hot pulse of seed in your c*nt is the last thing you feel before it all goes black- falling into the embrace of their bond.

Tourney of Heirs - Copil (1)

Chapter 9: The Messenger


I am so sorry for the long wait, I have been stupid busy. But I will be writing for a few more hours tonight.

Chapter Text

“You must speak to them Laena, Darkwing and I are both going mad” Your words were pleading, hands wringing as you looked upon your elder sister.

It was a beautiful clear day- the warmth of summer embracing Westeros. You both lounged upon a nest of red and black pillows - your mates loved sticking with a theme. The nest sat on a raised wooden dias upon the beach of Dragonstone. Laenor and Daemon provided the entertainment as they spared before you-a small group of knights surrounded them. Laenor and Daemon both took turns facing different opponents. You had not expected this amount of fanfare when you asked if you could accompany them and watch. Your husband did not do anything halfway, Insisting that a platform be built so you would not be resting in the hot sand, swaths of drapery guarding you from the sun. Platters of fruits and cheeses were brought along as well. Laena had giggled when you were swept out of the wheelhouse and laid gently into the nest by your Prince.

She now happily gluttoned herself on Dornish oranges, eyes full of mirth as she listened to your plight. Your Alpha’s were being overbearing, insisting you not ride your Dragon- or do anything more than eat and f*ck. You understood it was all out of love. But your own Mother had ridden Meleys from King's Landing to Driftmark when her labors had first begun with you. Laena had traveled regularly via Dragonback while pregnant with the twins. It had only been two weeks since your mating, while your scent had sweetened- signaling you were bred. You felt no symptoms other than a sudden distaste for wine and ale. Preferring to drink water sweetened with honey or jams. There was no rational need for you to not continue your regular activities. Yet every time the conversation was brought up. You swiftly found yourself in the throes of passion. Unable to form a conscious thought- much less express your protest. Your Alpha’s were much too adept at distracting you.

“I will speak to Rhaenyra, but you must see where they are coming from. You are carrying their first born- their bond with you is still new and raw. There will be much opposition to this union. They are grasping to control the things they can.”

Your sister's face became more serious as she finally spoke.

Her words rang true, Rhaenyra had expressed her concerns- the reaction of the Royal Court and most of Westeros when the word spread of her forming a Triad. The alliance between the Targaryen's and the Faith was tenuous. To the public eye they played the part of dutiful followers. But the Houses of Old Valyria true allegiance was with the Old Gods. The Faith of the Seven was fickle and restricting, yet it held power over most of Westeros.

The Seven that are One also did not sanction Triads.

The Hightowers had brought a new resurgence of the Faith to King's Landing, Daemon had sneered about priceless Targaryen heirlooms displayed within the Great Hall being replaced with religious symbols. Daemon and Rhaenyra had been wed under the Seven publicly after their private Valyrian ceremony. The king had wanted no contest to the legitimacy of their union.

While your bonding was unbreakable, the two vivid marks upon your throat are a testament to the deed. Your marriage was not as infallible. There would be whispers, and the Hightower's would most likely outwardly object.

The King’s public approval of your union would be the only way to quell the backlash.

Without it, your children would not be considered Rhaenyras heirs. You would be seen as no more than their live in omegan concubine- birthing bastards.

All of you had taken a great risk. Rhaenyra was relying on her Father’s love and loyalty-and forcing his hand with an already consumated bond. Preparations were already being made, the three of you would reside in King’s Landing if the King’s approval was given. Rhaenyra said once it was given - she could not leave and allow the Queen and Hand to sway him away.

Daemon seemed much less concerned on the matter, he had never outwardly embraced the faith. Caring not for appearances. He had apparently snickered throughout his first two marriage ceremonies in the Great Sept. He insisted they had nothing to worry about, they were Valyrian- bonded and married in the tradition of their houses. He had also said he would cut down any that objected. Rhaenyra and You had both rolled your eyes.

Their overprotectiveness made sense, as did Laena’s insight. Trying to control what they can.

You heaved a great sigh, falling back against the pillows. You would surrender to your lover's machinations now. But you would arrive at King's Landing on Dragonback- that was a stance you would not move on. There needed to be a show of strength.

You enjoyed the sea breeze for a while, tuning out of ringing of steel and grunts of men- Drifting off into a light sleep. Perhaps your distaste of wine was not the only sign of your pregnancy.

It was the awkward clearing of a throat that awoke you.

Eyes blinking against the brightness you began to sit up, the sun had not moved much in the sky. You could not have been asleep for very long. While your sister no longer occupied the space across from you- warmth at your back meant you were not alone. Daemon’s scent invaded your senses. He lounged beside you, black linen shirt open nearly to his navel. Sweat glistened against his pale skin, making his hair plaster against his throat. The Alpha’s smile was sinful as he sucked the sugar off of a candied grape.

But he was not who awoke you- standing in the sand beside the dias was a young alpha. Gangly limbs signaling his teenage youth. You vaguely recognized him, he was a squire to one of yours Mothers sworn shields. One of the many alphas that had been sent away from High Tide after your presentation. His overtunic was seafoam green, your family crest emblazoned across the front. Leather satchel and a sword strapped to his belt.

Once you met his eyes the boy shifted his feet anxiously, looking behind you. Clearly unnerved by your husband. Daemon did have a reputation when it came to messengers.

The messenger’s eyes finally dragged themselves back to you. He moved to pull a sealed parchment from his satchel. Holding it out to you- but not daring to move closer.

“I have a message for you my Lady-”

Daemon’s sharp growl cut the boy off. For a second you swore you smelled the pungent scent of urine-It was quickly overshadowed by the scent young Alpha’s overwhelming fear.

Princess - she is no longer a Lady of your House. She is the Princess Consort of Dragonstone. You will address my wife with the respect her title deserves”

You shot a glare over your shoulder, he did not need to torment the boy. Your union was not common knowledge yet. The King would be the one to bestow the title of Princess Consort upon you.

The messenger was shaking now. You moved to push yourself up from your lounging position. Groaning softly, your legs like pins and needles from disuse. You feared the boy would had a heart attack if he suffered your husbands foreboding presence much longer. A firm hand-adorned with rings cupped your flat stomach lovingly. Pressing you back into the pillows.

“He has been sent as a damned messenger. He will complete his task and bring it to you”

Daemon’s voice brokered no arguments- indigo eyes moving from yours to stare into the young alphas soul.

“Bring it here Boy”

The alpha in question scurried forward, sand covered boots trampling over the lush nest in his haste- ruining it, much to your displeasure. The minute the edge of the parchment graced your proffered hand he stumbled back into the sand and made haste back in the direction of port. You caught a few garbled words that sounded like Princess as he ran away.


Your voice was full of exasperation as you scolded him. Breaking the wax seal- signaling the message was from your Mother. Your eyes were quick to flit over the words, your mother had never trusted Maesters. Always preferring to send errand boys instead. You feared this poor squire would leave his honored post and chance to become a knight just so he never had to see your Alpha again.

You crumpled the message in your hands after you read it, eyes meeting Daemon’s again. His handsome face was curious as he crooked a silvery eyebrow at you.

Your Alpha’s would not be happy with the news from King's Landing.

Chapter 10: The Painted Table


Please read the tags, I will be writing very graphic sex scenes within this fic. Not every chapter but they will be there. You have been warned.

Chapter Text

The tension in the air was tangible, the bitter flavor coating your tongue. Your eyes followed Daemon, as he moved to stand at the end of the infamous Painted Table. Knuckles white as he gripped the hilt of Dark Sister. You both stood silent as Rhaenyra fussed over you. Her cool hands pressed against your flushed face- moving to pour a goblet of the sweetened water for you once she proclaimed you were too overheated. She was stalling- still absorbing the content of the letter you read aloud to her.

It seemed Otto Hightower was not happy about the proposed union between you and Cregan Stark.

It made sense, your Father was the richest man in Westeros. Controlling the greatest fleet and controlling the narrow sea. The recent marriages of your siblings only spread his influence further. In truth- the Velaryons strength rivaled that of the Royal House. Dorne was not an ally of House Targaryen or Hightower. Oldtowns strict rules and staunch religious teaching were mocked in Dorne. Laenor was happy there and had the respect of his wife. One night when he was drunk he had even admitted to you that she often enjoyed watching his escapades with other men. The intimate knowledge of your brother's bedsports had made you blanch- but the relief of knowing he was safe in Dorne was something you cherished.

Laena’s union was also strong, the Sealord of Braavos was content to allow her freedoms many wives were not granted. Though their interactions were often transactional- he was happy to give her children and lordship over his estate. Though he was no true Father figure to the twins, spending nearly all his time away at Sea. That being said, he was a loyal man and would answer any call to arms your Father set forth.

If you were to marry Cregan like your Father first intended. The might of the North would be at your back. While you doubted that the North would be willingly to involve itself in Southron squabbles. Daemon had been quick to mention that there was never a Stark that did not honor an Oath. It seemed Otto feared your Father adding another strong ally to the fold. Instead he had offered generous terms to the Sea Snake- an official offer of marriage to Aegon II.

Your Mother wrote that while presenting this offer, he had alluded to you becoming Queen. Speaking of the King’s firstborn son- all but declaring Aegon II the true heir to the throne. While the Hand had been careful not to outright say it. The message had been clear in its delivery.

Otto seemed even more suspicious when your Father quickly turned down the offer. Everyone knew Lord Corlys lusted for his blood to sit the Throne he felt was stolen from his wife. It made no sense for him to not accept the terms.

It seemed your Mother had impeccable timing, for she had already revealed the true intentions of the trip to Dragonstone prior to Otto’s offer. While she mentioned your Father was incensed over the trick that was played- he was accepting of the union. He much rather be aligned with true Targaryen's than the Hightower's.

Your Father's acceptance of the union brought more strength to its legitimacy. Viserys would be a fool to turn away a union with House Velaryon- again. Especially now that it has only grown in strength. In truth the most concerning part of the letter was that the Hand of the King clearly had an agenda to usurp Rhaenyra of her rightful claim. Already setting plans in place- while the princeling is naught but a child.

The Letter urged that you all travel to King’s Landing at once. Otto was suspicious and dangerous. Rhaenyra’s claim hinged on her having heirs. You were bonded and bred, only contingency being the idiotic Faith. Rhaenyra’s position as heir needed to be solidified immediately. Before the Hand had time to spread his poison further.

“We cannot outwardly call him a traitor. But Princess Rhaenys is right. We must make haste to Kings Landing. My Father must publicly declare our marriage legitimate. Once I have a line of succession- Otto will not have as much to bargain with”

Rhaenyra’s calm and reasonable words did nothing to cool the heat in Daemon’s gaze. Her hands moved to intertwine with your own- splayed over your womb as she spoke.

The Prince stalked towards you both. Eyes still sparkling with violence, mouth set in a hard line.

“And what is to be done with the Lord Stark, he has left the North with the intention of claiming a Velayron bride.” Daemon's voice was lethal as he spoke, it was clear he already had a few violent ideas of how to handle his perceived rival.

The outward aggression radiating from the formidable Alpha had you quickly spiraling. You tilted your head subconsciously- in an effort to calm him. Baring your throat to him as he stood by your side. Daemon’s mark was vivid- right below the jawline. Rhaenyra’s mark resting in the meat of your opposite shoulder. It seems she had more decorum. Daemon’s mark placement was indecent. A blatant display of his feral personality. The Seven preached that marks should be private and hidden. Daemon had once again all but spit in the eyes of the Hightowers and The Faith.

His nose dug into the soft underside of your jaw- hot tongue running over the bite. Gasps filled the quiet hall. It felt like he was branding you for all to see. The Alpha relished the cry you let out as he dug his blunt teeth into the mark again. Leaning your hip heavily into the ancient table- desperate to hold yourself up.

Rhaenyra’s mouth quickly found her own mark, her kisses open and soothing compared to her husband's savagery.

Daemon released your throat, lips pressing against your ear-voice rough with arousal.“Look at you, a true Omega. Trying to distract me from my anger. Offering yourself up like a sacrifice. I am all too willing to redirect my energy little one.”

In truth, your Alpha’s shared one mind when it came to debauchery.They kept you on your toes with their contrasting actions. Rhaenyra cooing soft praises in your ear, even when she harshly ground your face into her c*nt- holding you firm by the hair. Daemon f*cking you so deeply and rough that you lay limp in your own spend- yet he seemed to truly enjoy the afterglow. Cleaning you with warm cloths. Bundling you close as he purred. They had no problem absolutely wrecking you, and you did not mind. As long as they were there to pick up the pieces after.

Now you found yourself being bent over a priceless Targaryen artifact. Cheek pressed into the warm stone. Rhaenyra’s hand held you tight at the back of the throat. Pushing your skirts up with the other. Exposing your bare ass and c*nt to the room- before plunging three fingers into your slick quim. You could hear Daemon unbuckling his sword belt, Dark Sister crashing down to the floor carelessly. So unlike his usual reverant care of the weapon. Rhaenyra continued to f*ck you mercilessly with her fingers as your husband freed his co*ck.

Then you were whining, Daemon slid home in one powerful thrust. It seemed he had not even divested himself of his leather breeches, the cool leather pressed against your feverish skin. The slick pouring down your thighs leaving dark stains. The stretch had you whimpering into the stone- Rhaenyra had not removed her fingers.

You were absolutely stuffed, c*nt pulsing as you were forced to accommodate the extra intrusion. Both Alpha didn’t dare move. They seemed content to watch you squirm, impaled by them both. Rhaenyra’s fingers were pressing incessantly against the top wall of your c*nt, digging into a spot that made you see stars. You gushed slick, it practically bubbled out from around their fingers and co*ck.

You look beautiful Princess, split open. Look at your being so desperate. Are you rubbing your naughty little cl*t against the table?”


Your whine of her name was cut off by her soaked fingers being shoved into your open mouth. You immediately sucked them clean, laving over their elegant length. You had learned that lesson quickly. Having been thrown over Daemon’s lap and spanked at her demand the first time you had tried to close your mouth and refuse her offerings.

Daemon began to thrust in earnest. Each press is grinding your cl*t into the rough stone. You could feel your legs begin to quiver from the overstimulation. Rhaenyra’s fingers left your mouth, moving to gather the copious slick that was pouring from you. You opened your mouth eagerly, awaiting their return.

A moan ripped from you when you realized that was not her intention.

Using your own slick she rubbed along your puckered hole. You couldn’t escape the forgein feeling. Daemon continued to batter you from behind pressing your pelvis flush into the table. While Rhaenyra pressed one delicate finger inwards. She did not pause and wait for you to adjust- Just forced her way in aided by your own juices. They owned you, body and soul. Their casual dominion over your body was a testament to that fact.

Daemon’s growls filled the room, almost drowning out your own cries and moans of pleasure. His view of Rhaenyra’s efforts seemed to spur him into even more a fevor. Thrusts stuttered out of rhythm- ball slapping wetly against your folds. You wailed when you felt a thick calloused thumb press alongside Rhaenyra’s thin finger. The cool metal of his signet ring warming against your rim. There was surely not a single soul in the keep that did not know what was happening in the Great Hall.

Your peak tore through you, legs going limp. Daemon held you from sliding to the floor with a thick forearm braced under your hips.

Rhaenyra’s chuckle cut through your post-coital daze. You felt the hot jets of seed coating your insides. Though your Alpha had pulled back, leaving his knot outside of your c*nt. You silently thanked the gods that you would not spend the next hour- hanging off his knot and bent over a table.

“Such a filthy Princess, we still need to break you in before our husband can f*ck you here. Don’t worry I have some supplies coming for us to aide in the endeavor”

Daemon groaned at Rhaenyra’s statement. Pulling his finger from your untried hole. Rhaenyra's followed. You were then placed on shaking legs as he released you, co*ck slipping out.

As you turned to face them, you found Rhaenyra taking a seat in the stately wood chair beside the Painted Table. Watching closely as she rucked up her own skirts, baring her small clothes. You were practically possessed, caring not for how your knees crackle as you kneel before her. The scent of her c*nt made your mouth water. Making quick work of her small clothes and shoving your face between her spread thighs.

Rhaenyra nails dug into your scalp as you feasted on her c*nt, desperate to please your beloved Alpha. You could hear the Prince and Princess share a passionate kiss before they began discussing the move to King’s Landing. Voices fading into an indistinct hum as you focused fully on your task.

Chapter 11: Small Council

Chapter Text

Dragon’s were anything but discreet. Especially when traveling with Vhagar, the worlds largest.

The entire court knew that your party had arrived. Yet a quick glance out the window of the wheelhouse revealed only a small greeting party had already formed within the courtyard. There was no formal greeting, the King and none of his house stood awaiting the heir. The implications of this fact unnerved you. Your stomach churned nervously- the stench and heat of King’s Landing only adding to your discomfort. Rhaenyra’s hand gripped your bouncing knee, eyes full of concern but it was Daemon who spoke.

“There is nothing to worry about, my brother will be overjoyed with the news of a grandchild- the confirmation will be swift”

The words were confident, borderline co*cky. Truthfully you felt like an imposter- the circlet upon your head weighed heavily.

Rhaenyra had insisted upon it, as you both cleansed yourselves of travel and dressed for the arrival at court in the Dragonpit. She had presented you the stunning piece- a braided design with a glittering of rubies set into the fine metal. The circlet match Rhaenyra’s own,

Daemon’s complemented them- slightly thicker with dark cuts of Dragonglass adorning it instead of the blood red gems. He wore a quilted velvet doublet the color of obsidian. A chain adorned with the Targaryen sigil spanned between his two shoulders. Resting against his firm chest- Darksister strapped to his side.

Rhaenyra wore a stunning gown of red damask silk, The bodice glinted with beautiful cuts of rubies and diamonds sewn into the sprawling motifs of dragons. The square necklace displayed the beloved Valyrian steel necklace that Daemon had presented her so many years ago.

Your own gown was designed by both your wife and sister. Pale gray silk shimmered down your body like water. Much to your dismay the neckline was plunging- but not vulgar. Ending at the center of your breastbone. It was sleeveless, the thick straps held together by two brooches styled in the form of dragons to rest on your shoulders. Both mating bites were left visible. The necklace your alphas had gifted- nestled between your breasts. Laena had intricately styled your hair, varying braids pulling it from your face. The circlet nestled above your brow.

You looked like the Princess you had not yet become.

Nearly no one outside of your house had laid eyes upon you since you were a child. Now you were to be presented to the King and nearly every major house. The thought was terrifying. The door was opened by a servant, the sound of titles being read aloud to the meager crowd.

Your Mother stood proud at the base of the steps. Dark hair pulled back from her heart shaped face. The Princess Rhaenys had aged with grace, power radiating from her. She was joined by Rhaena and Baela- who quickly broke rank to run to their mother. The twins were only two summers old, all white hair and cherub faces. Lord Boremund Bartheron stood beside your Mother. He was a beast of an Alpha. Still thick with muscle even at his advanced age- though his thick black mane was now smattered with gray hair. You had rarely traveled away from Driftmark, the only exception being Storm's End. You had frequently accompanied your Mother before your presentation. You were quite fond of one his fosterlings and when you were just a girl there had been a brief mention of wedding his son Lord Borros. You did not recognize the Lord to your Mother’s left but he seemed to know Rhaenyra, calling out a sincere greeting for her.

Rhaenyra interlocked one of your arms, gliding forward and up the steps. Daemon following close behind-you could feel him radiating heat against your back. The welcome party split and flanked either side as you entered the Keep. Mother smiled down brightly at you, brushing an errant hair from your face. The chatty lord began to apprise Rhaenyra of the recent happenings at court.

“As always, I appreciate your support Lord Caswell. I was glad to hear of your wife's success in the birthing bed” Rhaenyra’s voice was smooth and dripping with charm. You couldn’t help but smile at her- it was no wonder she had been named the Realms Delight as a child.

The entourage began to disperse as you ventured further into the sweltering Keep. A heat wave seemed to be bearing down on King’s Landing.

Soon you were left with only your Mother accompanying you.

The keep was just as intimidating as you remembered. Luxurious tapestries; cast over towering walls of pale redstone. You realized quickly that Daemon had not been jesting- there were symbols of the Seven everywhere. Servants bustled past, a few Lords and Ladies paused to stare as you all walked by.

“Princess Rhaenyra, Prince Daemon, I am afraid council is in session at pre-”

Standing before the large oak doors was a Kingsguard. He was a beta, short, stocky, and balding. He had bowed before quickly speaking. You knew the moment your scent drifted towards him. Rich omega scent ladened with that of the Prince and Princess- lush with the scent of pregnancy. His expression was one of shock before he schooled it into trained neutrality.

Rhaenyra’s smile was sweet, a quick flash of perfect teeth. Her hold tightening on your arm as she regarded the Knight.

“Ser Darklyn, I am the Heir and thus have a seat at the small council. I have a matter to bring before my Father the King”

The astonished knight nodded before holding the great doors open. You sucked in a breath, desperate to calm your nerves. Daemon’s hand slid to cup the back of your throat- thumb gliding over his mark. He was effective in his efforts to distract you. A shiver wracking through your body at his touch. Flanked by Rhaenyra and Daemon, you entered the chamber. Both their titles were announced by Ser Darklyn. You were not mentioned, and you did not blame him. You could only imagine how confused the loyal guard was.

The council room was opulent. Thick Myrish carpet, beautiful artifacts scattered about the edges of the chamber. At the center was a long stone table. Relief poured from you when you saw your Father seated at the end, nearest to you. It seemed the Hand was trying to sweeten your Father into changing his mind- offering him back his position as Master of Ships.

The table was full, though you recognized only a few of its occupants. The King was obvious, seated at the head of the table. He was much changed from when you last saw him. His hair had thinned, skin sallow and pale. Rhaenyra had mentioned her father was sickly, battling an unknown illness that had already claimed several fingers and given him a limp. Otto Hightower sat to his right, back ramrod straight- his beady eyes devoured you as he analyzed the situation. He was a tall and thin man, beak-like nose and thin lips giving him a cruel appearance. The only other person you recognized was The Queen. Alicent sat to The King’s left, wearing a modest gown of green velvet. The restricting neckline was nearly to her jaw- a seven pointed star brooch the only decoration on the gown. She had to be melting in this damned heat. You also noted that she currently sat in the seat designated for the Heir.

The three Beta’s all looked shocked at their arrival, The King’s expression quickly became one of pure joy. You felt your heart stutter, it was plain to anyone with eyes that Viserys absolutely adored Rhaenyra.

“Rhaenyra!, My darling girl!”

The King struggled to stand, the Lord Commander moving to assist him. Viserys finally stood and made his way around the table. Rhaenyra released you, meeting her Father halfway. They both shared a heartfelt embrace. Viserys using his good hand to brush against one of Rhaenyra’s cheeks. Your wife rewarded him with a genuine smile- though you saw the glint of concern in her eyes as she evaluated his condition. The King seemed oblivious to Daemon and you, while the small council whispered among themselves.

“Princess Rhaenyra, we were not expecting you today”

The Hands voice was full of mock joy, moving to stand as he breathed in the mirage of scents. He cut a silent glare to your Father who merely smirked.

The King finally turned to face both you and Daemon. You clasped your hands together tightly, the only thing keeping you from turning tail and running was your husband's firm hand. You watched as his nostrils flared. Eyes widening as he turned to Rhaenyra for answers. It shocked you that Daemon had stayed silent for so long. But he knew as well as anyone that Viserys was powerless against his adoration for his daughter. It seemed his marriage was still a sore spot for the King.

“Your Grace, I would like to present the Lady Velaryon, now Targaryen” Rhaenyra’s voice was soft as she clasped her fathers hand. Dazzling him with her contented smile.

“You have bonded an omega?” The Queen’s voice was incredulous.

“She is not just our bonded omega, she is our wife”

Chapter 12: Treason


This chapter is super short, I am working on the next part right now. But it seemed like that was the perfect place to stop. You will see more content today!

Chapter Text

Daemon’s words were cold, daring anyone to challenge.

You couldn’t help but jump as the room descended into chaos-clutching your stomach protectively. Nearly every man shoved themselves from the table to stand, Alicent moving to stand by her fathers side. The once silent room erupted into shouting as man, yelled over man. Your father stepped towards you, his bulk partially hiding you from the gaping faces of the council. Daemon was coiled against your back- a snarling dragon guarding its hoard. Rhaenyra tensed, posture becoming rigid as she responded to your obvious anxiety and fear.

“What is this Mummer’s farce? You are already married to the Princess Rhaenyra. Yet you drag a pregnant omega before us with proclamations of marriage?”

Alicent’s voice was haughty as she regarded the Rogue Prince. Her chin pointed upwards; she was full of false superiority. It was strange to see such a pious woman stand there- as if she did not crawl into the King’s bed as soon as his wife's bloody sheets were removed. Looking down upon them- three dragon’s full of ancient blood.

“An Omega that is already betrothed to Lord Cregan Stark no less”

Otto’s words were contemplative. You could practically see the wheel’s spinning in his head. There was no doubt that he would immediately try to seek his own alliance with Winterfell. Manipulating this into his advantage, turning the North against you. You were truly nauseous, your Mother’s letter had contained no mention of Cregan or if he even yet had knowledge of what had come to pass. It was your Fathers voice that brought forth a swell of relief.

“An official betrothal was never agreed upon, while I originally sought an alliance with the North. My daughter wrote to me; it seems her trip on Dragonstone has been a gift from Fate. The crown has long since desired a union with my house. Who better to secure it than the Crown Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon. I am honored to have both Alpha’s of the blood, bond and wed my beloved daughter” The Sea Snakes words were slow and calculated, he stood tall and proud as he looked before the small council.

The King had stayed silent, looking only to his heir. He paid no mind to the outraged voices surrounding him. Rhaenyra held her Father’s hand close to her chest before releasing him, moving to stand beside you. Her hand slid to lay upon Daemon’s white knuckled grip on Darksister.

“I have done my duty as Heir to the Iron Throne. It had been clear that I was not blessed in the way of children. It is my duty to secure my succession- your succession Father. We have wed in the tradition of our House and Ancestors. The very King and Queens that built this keep. There was an immediate bond between us, and I found the Old Gods of Valyria have truly blessed this union. My wife fell into her heat mere moments after the ceremony- an occasion that was not due for several months. Our bonds have taken, and she has honored me with a child. I would have her as my Princess Consort”

The King shuffled forward, gnarled hand reaching-stopping just a hair's breadth from your stomach. The room became eerily silent. His eyes roamed your form. Pausing to take in the circlet already adorning your head; the unmistakable marks that painted your ivory skin.

“This is simply outrageous, there is no legitimacy in this union. No trueborn heir’s can be brought forth from Bigamy

The Hands grating voice filled the room, you felt all patience and anxiety begin to fade. This man was a vile worm. A true enemy of your Alpha’s and any future child you would bear. You could feel your imagined hackles begin to rise at his protest.

“To question the legitimacy of our marriage- of the ancient marital rites of Old Valyria is to question the King’s own legitimacy.” As the words echoed from your tongue, nearly everyone went rigid. Otto’s own face darkened as Alicent sputtered beside him. You continued, paying no mind to their piercing gazes. You had the two strongest Alpha’s in Westeros at your side- your own father controlled the economy. The King looking at your womb in reverence. You refused to cower to a bigoted Hightower. Shedding the last bits of uncertainty you leveled your gaze- continuing.

“The King sits upon the Iron Throne, by the grace of the succession. He sits the throne because he is the Trueborn descendant of Aegon the First and the Queen Rhaenys. Aegon married Visenya, a fellow Alpha first. He then took his omega sister to wife. It is his second wife and bonded Omega who brought forth the true line of succession. To speak of the illegitimacy of a Triad and second wives is to speak treason Lord Hand

Chapter 13: Princess Consort

Chapter Text

The shocked faces of the council would forever be burned into your memory. Rhaenyra had awarded you a brilliant smile- your bond flooding with pride. You could only imagine the smirk that was twisting your husband's lips as he stood behind you.

The King's own eyes were thoughtful, as he breathed in the swirling scents. Rhaenyra was clearly pleased with this union. Daemon, more calm than he had ever seen him within a conflict. You seemed to anchor the two Alphas.

“I believe the Princess Consort is right, Otto. While the Faith of the Seven has no love for Triads. They have made many exceptions. My daughter has brought us a strong ally in House Velaryon. You yourself have been preaching a union to be formed with their daughter. I find my Heir and Brother to be much more suited to the task than my young son”

The King's voice was strong and unwavering. You watched as Otto became like stone. The Queen was not as skilled in hiding her emotions- visibly deflating. Other Lords feigned agreement. The Master of Coin- a willowy old Beta clapped his hands together proclaiming his genuine congratulations.

Rhaenyra nodded to the man “Thank you Lord Beesbury.”

Without a second thought you moved to grasp the King's hand. Showing no fear of his condition. You pressed it against your stomach, bowing your head gently to him. He was a good man, something so few King’s were. In that moment you knew that as long as Viserys lived your children and spouses would be safe. The only fear to be had would be after his passing.

You honor me, Your Grace

The King's face was full of grief. As he looked down at his hand. You wondered if he thought about his late wife. Rhaenyra had spoken of her parents' love for one another, so deep and raw. She had envied it as a little girl. Your wife had also spoken of the pain of her loss-so many babes torn from the Queens womb too early. The dark betrayal the Princess had felt when he remarried so quickly. As you looked into the King’s haunted eyes, you knew exactly why he had agreed so quickly. He had already lost so many children stolen- from him in the name of duty. His cherished wife butchered in the effort. This was a man that still felt the guilt of his daughter losing her beloved Mother. He would never deny Rhaenyra anything within his rights to give.

The King’s throat bobbed as he visibly swallowed down his emotions. His eyes gazed behind you, landing on Daemon. “It is good to see you Brother, Nothing makes me happier than having all of my family under one roof”

Viserys turned to regard his council, hobbling over to his seat. Leaning heavily against an ornately decorated cane. “We have much to discuss, Rhaenyra, please take a seat. Alicent, I want a feast prepared tonight to celebrate my daughters future heir”

Rhaenyra pressed a kiss to your temple, you felt her lips curl into a smile against your hot skin. Moving to then take her rightful place at her Father’s side. You were full of dark satisfaction as Alicent stood woodenly beside the Hand-waiting for a chair to be awkwardly wedged at the full table.

You accepted a strong hug from your Father, before taking your leave with Daemon. Ser Darklyn still at his post beyond the carved doors, your Mother standing by his side. The moment the Princess Rhaenys saw you she swept you into a hug. As nearly smothered in her breasts you could hear Daemon behind you.

“Your daughter honors your legacy, The Queen who never was

Your husband's voice dripped with pride, his arousal soaking into the air. It felt as though the heat had escalated several degrees. Blush began to stain your cheeks and chest. You were powerless in your response to his blatant approval and desire. Stepping back from your Mother’s embrace, she gave a hearty laugh.

“You must be tired from your trip my love, go settle with your husband. We will have plenty of time together between festivities” With that your Mother turned heel and began down the long corridor, tossing a wink over her shoulder.

A surprised squeak escaped your lips when you were swept up into strong arms. Daemon started in the opposite direction. Towards Maegor's Holdfast- his legs carrying you swiftly as chaste kisses were peppered across your face and throat. The soft touches made you giggle and squirm- burying your face into his thick neck to escape. Gods he smelled divine, you felt yourself slicken eagerly.

You soon found yourself in a stunning solar, though you had no time to absorb the luxurious apartments. You were tossed onto a plush bed- servants that were preparing the room scattered like ants. Daemon’s growl of warning had them escaping quickly out the bedchamber to the adjacent solar. You moved to adjust the circlet that had become eschewed from your husband's actions.

Daemon stared at you with heavy lids, licking his bottom lip. A thick bulge pressed obscenely against the laces of his breeches. You watched as he gripped it tightly with one hand, the other unbuckling Darksister- leaning the sword against the stately oak bedpost.

“Look at you , my beautiful little politician . You have no ideas how hard it was not to rut you in front of all those bastards”

The Alpha stalked closer, dropping to his knees before the bed. Rough hands circled your ankles- dragging you to the end of the bed. You breathed harshly as your thighs were tossed over broad shoulders-skirts ruched up to expose your weeping c*nt.

“You deserve to be worshiped my little wife, so f*cking perfect and brillant”

With that he dove between your legs, feasting upon you with reckless abandon. Your hands clutched at his hair, fingers curling over the steel cornet. Daemon continued to lick and suckle your cl*t, large hands rubbing soothing circles on your legs. He whispered filthy praises into your dripping center.

With you and Rhaenyra by my side, I feel like a f*cking conqueror. The Old Gods themselves sent you to us Byka mēre. With you as our Queen, Westeros will see a dynasty like never before”

Your thighs clenched against his head, moaning without inhibition. Your back arched as you found your peak- hands gripping your Alpha’s scalp harshly. He licked up all your arousal, watching as you quivered from his ministrations before finally tearing himself away.

His grin oozed smug Alpha male, lips bruised and wet from your pleasure. Hair pulled from its tame style. You lay there limply- satisfied smile upon your face as he gently removed your adornments, laying them on the table beside the bed. Dress sliding off your body as he removed the dragon pins holding the top in place. You were lovingly tucked under a thin linen sheet-fighting sleep as you watched him strip down before joining you in bed.

Daemon held you close, pressing kisses into your hair.

“Sleep, Princess”

You lost yourself to unconsciousness, satisfied and safe. You felt yourself drift slightly awake a few hours later. The feeling of Rhaenyra sliding into bed- pressing against your back. She laid a revenant kiss against her mark lulling you back to sleep.

Chapter 14: The Heat

Chapter Text

The week following your confirmation as Princess Consort had gone better than expected.

Rhaenyra attended the small council meetings daily, her first time sitting at the table. No longer just a cup bearer. Daemon also sat on the small council, though not in the position he truly wanted. Your husband stepped back into his previous role- Commander of the City Watch. While Otto and Alicent constantly tried to undermine the Heir’s authority; Rhaenyra had allies on the council now. Your Lord Father, Daemon and Lord Beesbury. Grand Maester Mellos was unknown; yet Rhaenyra felt he could not be trusted. The Master of Laws Lord Tyland Lannister followed anything The Hand said.

The feast the night of your arrival had been a tenuous affair. The hall had filled with shock and hushed whispers when the three of you had been announced. The King himself had stood and made a grand toast- to the future of House Targaryen. The Queen noticeably absent from the affair.

The days following were spent mostly in your Mother’s solar. Lord Boremund had brought his fosterling Irina Rivers to court much to your delight. She was a petite young girl, only ten and four. You had taught her to read and write during your visits to Storm’s End building a friendship. The girl was bright and bubbly, strawberry blond hair constantly in a riot of untamed curls. Eyes forest green and full of curiosity. She became your steadfast companion at court.

The time spent in your Mother’s quarters had been spent either playing with Baela and Rhaena, running after them as Laena and Mother gossiped. Or it was spent playing politics. While Rhaenyra had no interest in having a gaggle of Ladies following her every move. It was important to establish those bonds- binding more Houses in loyalty to your wife's cause. Irina had become your first lady. It was unusual to raise a bastard to such heights; but she was a true friend. Mother had many good suggestions, and as more Houses had begun to arrive at court during those days offers were being arranged.

The morning after the Feast, you had come face to face with the man that was nearly your Alpha and Husband. Cregan was a tall man, shoulders broad- a body of a true warrior. A gray pelt of wolf skin cast over his shoulders even in the unbearable heat. His solemn gray eyes set in a long face;he had been kind and understanding. While Daemon had glowered, threatening him with dark eyes and partially unsheathed Darksister. The Lord of Winterfell only demanded one thing. That one of your eventual daughters marry one of his future sons. The only stipulation being that daughter would have to be a dragon rider. The simple request had taken your father by surprise- expecting he would have to offer reparations. Rhaenyra had quickly agreed and an official oath had been exchanged. It seemed the Warden of the North had no interest in trading terms with the Hightowers. Lord Stark had not mentioned why he insisted on having a dragon rider married into his house. Yet there had been an eerie sense of understanding between him and Rhaenyra.

Rhaenyra seemed well satisfied with the agreement. Daemon had only grumbled slightly about cold co*cks and frigid quims.

Other agreements had also been made. While you were assigned Ser Erryk Cargyll as your official Kingsguard. A lithe Beta with a long sandy beard and matching hair. Daemon had insisted on having his own man guard you. Ser Harwin Strong had become Commander of the City Watch in your husband's absence. He was a brute of an Alpha, reminding you much of what your Great Uncle Lord Boremund would have looked like in his prime. While Daemon had taken his position back- Ser Harwin became your sworn shield. Loyal only to you and your Alphas. The two Knights had become your constant shadows. Ser Erryk in his silver armor and flowing white cloak of the Kingsguard. Ser Harwin in custom black steel armor that Daemon had fashioned. The breastplate was adorned with a three headed dragon, long red cloak draped over one shoulder and down his back.

You had been shocked when he was presented to you, the fact that Daemon had employed an unmated Alpha to protect you spoke volumes to your husbands trust in the Knight. While Ser Erryk was a pillar of silence, following you and watching but rarely interacting. Ser Harwin was much more gregarious. In the short time you knew him you discovered he was a kind and honorable man.

Irina was constantly blushing around the handsome older Alpha- stuttering when he would speak to her. Your sister was shameless in her flirtation with the Ser Harwin, and he reciprocated much to your dismay.

You were presently making the long walk back to your chambers. Irina had become faint from the heat while in the Godswood, and you did not blame her. The heat had truly become unbearable in King's Landing. Laena and you both stood on either side of her, steading her shaky movements. Ser Harwin leading the way, Baela hanging from his back giggling loudly as he held Rhaena cradled in his arms. Laena had gushed over his clear love of children- making vulgar comments on how much it attracted her to the Knight. You could understand her assessment; Imagining Daemon roughhousing with you future children- Rhaenyra teaching them High Valyrian the ideas made your heart skip a beat. Ser Erryk was behind your small procession; seemingly unbothered by the roasting temperatures.

Finally you made it to your Chambers. Ser Harwin placed the twins on the soft carpet, in front of their basket of carved wooden dragons. Both Knights moving to take their post outside of the doors. The minute they left Laena and you helped loosen Irina’s corset.

The fiery haired beta gasped in relief, lounging back into the chair-eyes shining in gratitude

“Thank the Gods, I thought I was surely going to roast alive”

Laena snickered at her antics “ You would surely die in Braavos, we once cooked a goose egg on the courtyard steps”

You wrinkled your nose in disgust- the heat had also seen you suffer. Looking in the gilded mirror by the door, blotchy cheeks reddened with sunburn and sweaty silver hair stared back at you.

“I agree with Irina, Next time you suggest a walk around the Godswood I will have to decline”

Laena pressed her ever cool hands against your face, turning you to face her. Her words were remorseful as she spoke. “You must be careful to not become too overheated, '' a healer from Pentos told me; it was harmful to the womb. I should not have suggested we venture outside”

You batted her hands away. “ Do not worry yourself, I am to spend nearly all day tomorrow at the Tourney. I surely cannot hide inside all summer” Moving towards the center table you poured a glass of honey water into a goblet- presenting it to a still panting Irina. The riverlander clutched it gratefully. She made a pained face as she guzzled it greedily, sputtering.

“Seven Hells Princess, I do not know what possesses you to drink this over wine. It is vile”

You laughed loudly at her overreaction “It is only water with honey, on Dragonstone I also sweetened it with fig preserves. Rhaenyra is sending for crates of it along with our other belongings. I simply cannot stomach the scent or taste of wine anymore. The servants know to have it stocked here for me for I am the only one that drinks it. I am sure Daemon has a jug of wine stashed somewhere”

“I found I could not stand venison while pregnant, I actually vomited in front of an Ambassador of Pentos. It was mortifying” Laena snickered at the young girl's reaction also. Moving to sit across from her, watching the twins play among themselves.

You began your search for the wine in the bedchambers. While you could have merely called for a servant, you loathed being too difficult for them. Daemon had to have a secret stash by the bed. He seemed to always magically produce a goblet of it after sex.

While your Alpha’s spent most of their days occupied. Evenings were spent in the privacy of your chambers. You loved hearing about their days attending courtly duties- sharing your escapades as well. Rhaenyra often sat upon the chaise as Daemon unbraided her hair, both Alpha’s listening to your read aloud after dinner. After reading a few chapters, Rhaenyra and you would move to the bedchamber. Sharing a bath and swapping childhood stories while Ser Harwin occasionally joined Daemon by the fire in the late evenings- both speaking about the City Watch.

Kneeling down on the floor, you leaned over to peer under the bed. Sure enough a small crate full of earthen wine jugs was shoved under the bed- on the side Daemon frequented. You huffed a laugh reaching to grab one of them. Straightening up you brushed your skirts off.

Your heart stopped as a horrified scream tore through the air.

Chapter 15: Poison


Another super short chapter, It just felt like the right place to stop.

Chapter Text

The caste of wine dropped from your hands. It’s garnet color staining your pale gown as it smashed against the stone floor- spraying everywhere. Running swiftly into the Solar; panic choked you.

It was Laena who screamed- clutching her daughters close. The twins' faces were buried in their mothers skirts; Laena’s hands holding them firm. She did not want them to witness the horror before them.

Irina was collapsed on the carpet, clawing at her throat. Nails coming back bloody as she mutilated her own skin. Her face purple, eyes bulging out of their sockets- white foam frothing out of an open mouth.


You ran to her, desperately pulling at her wrists. The loud sound of the doors being thrown open was nearly drowned out by the horrendous choking noises that came from the child's mouth. Ser Harwin and Ser Erryk burst in; swords drawn. It was your sworn shield that moved first, dropping his sword on the ground. He slid to his knees beside you- moving to restrain her hands pulling them from a torn apart throat. Gods, pieces of flesh stuck to the gory nails. You felt your stomach riot at the sight.


Ser Harwins voice boomed, rising above the nauseating moans and choked cries that poured from the young beta. Ser Erryk sheathed his sword- running in a dead sprint out of the chambers. You could hear the sounds of his armor crashing together. Shouts filling the once quiet halls.

Irina’s eyes were crazed, bright red- pupils as small as pins. Her body writhed against the Knights hold, back arching so far you feared it would snap. The beta’s legs kicked out desperately. She was clearly choking, you swept your fingers into her mouth and throat. Desperate to dislodge whatever was killing your friend.

“Princess, PRINCESS; you must step back” Ser Harwins order sent a shock through your spine. The Alpha’s growl was fierce; the scent of his protectiveness curled around you. You shook your head at him- tear filled eyes wide as you met his steeled gaze.

“She is choking Ser I mus-”

Princess, there is nothing you can do. It is poison”

You retched at his words, hand clasping at your mouth. But you did not dare move from your friend's side. Hot tears poured down from your eyes- trails of blood poured from Irina’s own eyes in a gruesome intimation of your emotions.

The sniffling crying of children only added to the morbid chorus. Laena was pressed against the wall beside the doors, her children scared and sobbing into her. Your sister's face was ashen- mouth agape in shock.

You gripped Irina’s hand, caring not for the hot slick of her blood that coated it. Her nails curled into your palm, cutting in- you still did not move. The desperate sounds began to lower; struggles weakening.

Then her grip on your hand went limp.

You could not stop yourself from being sick, turning away. Ser Harwin dropped his hold on the now dead child. Strong hands grasped your shoulders, dragging you away from the horrifying site. You struggled against him, crying out. She shouldn’t be alone, she was scared, she was naught but an innocent child.

A child.

A dead child.


Princess, Please. I must know- did you eat or drink whatever she had? I must know if you have been poisoned too. PLEASE! OMEGA!”

The Knights words were desperate, he shook you- tearing your gaze from the sight of your Ladies broken body.

“NO, No”

You collapsed in his arms going limp-violent sobs wracking your body.



It should have been you.

The only thing Irina had drank was the water you poured for her, You had poisoned her- murdered an innocent child with poison meant for you.

“I killed her, I f*cking KILLED HER”

You screamed your pain, the sound causing Baela’s cries to heighten.

Ser Harwin clutched you close, his denials of your claim fell on deaf ears. You could hear him attempting to purr for you- desperate to sooth you. The sound was rough and broken- betraying the Knights own pained emotions.

The scent of blood and bile consumed the air in the room, mixing with your own decaying scent of pure anguish.

Chapter 16: Aftermath

Chapter Text

Though you knew it was not the case, it felt like hours before you found yourself ripped away from Ser Harwin’s embrace. Your eyes were blurry with tears as you looked into Rhaenyra’s panicked eyes. Her hands fluttered over your body- pausing at the bloody colored wine that soaked your skirts. Her scent turned to ash in your mouth.


Her hands pressed against your womb; suddenly you realized what she must think. You pressed yourself flush against her body, burying your face into her sweat slick neck. She moved her arms to clutch you close. Her purr rattled through you-sinking even further into her embrace.

“Princess, it is just wine. The Princess Consort is unharmed”

Ser Harwins words seemed to calm your wife little. Hands tangled into your hair, pulling you from her neck so she could look over your grief stricken face. Rhaenyra smoothed her hands over your face, wiping away the boiling hot tears.

“I k-killed her Nyra”

It came out as little more than a whimper, Ser Harwin and Rhaenyra both shushed you.

Though he had not yet embraced you, Daemon’s presence was clear. Vicious snarls were tearing from his throat, fists clenching till his hands lost all their blood. While Rhaenyra scent was ladened with concern and protectiveness. Daemon’s pumped out the odor of pure violence, and revenge. The kind of scent that made lesser Alpha’s fall to their knees and beg for mercy .He stood over Irina’s body, Maester Mellos beside him. The elderly Maester was accompanied by two fellow members of the citadel as they looked over the carnage. The Maesters whispered among themselves as they studied the body. One picked up the goblet that had been casted aside beside her.

Your Father’s booming voice filled the room as he shouted his daughters names. He moved to embrace Laena, scooping both the distraught grandchildren up to hold them to his broad chest. Laena buried herself into his side, finally allowing her own tears to flow.

“King Viserys, King of the Andals, the Rh-”


Daemon’s snarled- you imagined fire spitting from his mouth as he regarded Ser Harrold. The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard stood now at the entrance of the room, The King lumbering in beside him. Otto and Alicent flanking the monarch. The Queen gasped loudly before rushing out- becoming sick in the hallway.

What is the meaning of this? Ser Harwin! Ser Erryk!!”

Ser Harwin left his post beside you, moving to Daemon’s side. He seemed unperturbed by your mate's violent state. He regarded the King with a deep bow.

“We were alerted by a scream from Lady Laena. Upon entering we found Lady Irina on the floor. The Princess was trying to restrain her- I sent Ser Erryk to fetch help while I attempted to assist, but there was nothing that could be done.I believe it to be the work of poison Your Grace” The Knight’s statement was calm and professional. Emotions locked down tight as he spoke to the room.

Laena’s sucked in a harsh breath- eyes becoming impossibly wider as she regarded The Knight. She ran to you, playing no mind to Rhaenyra’s warning growl.

“O-one minute she was fine, we were arguing about lemon cakes. Then she just started gasping and clawing at her own throat- spitting out white froth. Blood began to pour from her eyes and nose. I screamed…we had just come back from the Godswood, s–she had gotten overheated. When we returned” Laena took a great pause, eyes meeting yours before she continued.

“The Princess poured her a drink from her own honey water, not wanting to bother the servants to bring wine”

Rhaenyra and Daemon growls cut through the room, your wife clutching you even closer. Daemon rushed to you both.

The King moved further into the room, looking upon the dead little girl. He began to cough violently, moving to hold a handkerchief to his nose and mouth to block out the stench of death and anger.

Maester Mello’s was the next to speak.“It is poison, likely Tears of Lys- from the blackened fingertips”

The implications of the act had the entire room frozen. Someone had put poison in the pitcher that only you ever drank from. One that brought a horrifying end to whoever consumed it. An attempt had been made on the Princess Consort's life, on Rhaenyra’s heir.

Otto stepped forward, standing directly beside the King. Alicent had reentered the room, moving swiftly towards where you stood with your mates and sister. She was a brilliant actor- it looked almost like she was genuinely concerned.Rhaenyra’s deadly glare had her stopping in her tracks- Ser Harwin and Ser Criston stood chest to chest as both sworn shields moved between the woman. The tension reached a boiling point.

“It is a blessing that the Princess is unharmed, the investigation of this unfortunate incident will be the highest priority. I shall lead it myself with the help of the Master of Laws”

The Hands' voice was smooth and calculated. His feigned concern and righteousness made you want to claw his beady eyes out.


Everyone’s eyes went to Rhaenyra, voice scarily calm tone incredulous. Your wife stepped forward, leaving Daemon to bundle you close. Violet eyes deadly- she radiated power and vengeance.

“Does my wife look unharmed to you, Lord Hand? She has just watched her friend and Lady choke to death, ripping her own throat out in the process”

The Alpha Princess stalked even closer.

“Unfortunate incident? An attempt was made on the life of my wife and future heir! I will not listen to your mindless platitudes! I want Fire and Blood rained down upon whoever dare threaten mine”

Chapter 17: Beloved

Chapter Text

The ordeal had become too much for the ailing King, weakened even more so by the unnatural heat wave. The aging beta nearly collapsed, panting out assurances to his beloved Heir. The King was escorted back to his chambers, Alicent and Otto fluttering behind him.

Daemon had vibrated with his rage; a deep kiss was shared between you both. Pressing his forehead against yours and then Rhaenyra. The Alpha Prince’s blood was hot, driven to protect beloved mates- then he left to seek justice.

That had been hours ago, now you lay nestled in a makeshift nest in Laena’s guest chambers. Having commandeered your sister's bed. Rhaenyra was at your front, rubbing soothing circles over your arms. The beautiful Alpha looked so soft before you, within these chambers your wife had allowed her true fear to show. Tears long since dried- leaving marks on her high cheekbones. Your Sister lay behind you, Rhaena cuddled close to her breasts; asleep. Baela had buried herself against your back. Soft puffs of breath brushing against your neck- the toddler soaking up your soothing Omega scent.

You felt sympathy for Ser Harwin, the giant knight had squished himself into the chair by the door. Daemon had insisted the Knight keep both the Prince's wives within his eyesight. Also threatening to feed him to Caraxes if something more happened.

Food and drink had been brought not long ago; your Mother accompanied it and insisted it had been tasted. Yet you could not bring yourself to eat- Laena and Rhaenyra had shared your sentiments. The twins being the only ones to enjoy their dinner. When Mother offered to take the twins for the night; Baela and Rhaena had clung to Laena and you. Refusing to be parted. The presence of the children soothed you, Rhaenyra awarding you a weak smile as she watched you tuck them into the nest that you had arranged upon the bed.

Rhaenyra’s fingers combed through your hair, you leaned into the touch. Humming softly at her minstriations.

“We will depart for Dragonstone on the morrow, I will not have you in this viper pit” Your wife whispered softly among you- voice full of remorse. You grabbed her wrist, pulling the hand from your hair-pressing a kiss to the supple palm. Taking a deep breath, settling yourself, you regarded your Alpha.

“If we leave, we play into their hands. You said yourself if the Hightowers are left alone with the King that they will manipulate him to change the succession”

Rhaenyra scoffed- face twisting with hurt.

“You truly think I value my place as Heir more than your life? The life of our child?”

Pulling her closer your foreheads pressed flush- noses brushing against each other. Twin pairs of lavender eyes locked together; you could taste her breath.

“Rhaenyra, you are the True Heir to the Iron Throne. They caught us unguarded- something that will never hap-”

Rhaenyra's lips swallowed your words. She kissed you with reverence, like you were a priceless treasure before pulling back to stare into your eyes again.

“I never thought I could love another person as wholly as I do Daemon. You have slotted into a place in my heart- a place I did not even realize was previously empty. Our bond has burned hot very quickly, but it will be an eternal flame”

Tears filled your eyes, you didn’t think you would even be able to cry anymore after all you had endured this day. Yet those words squeezed pure emotions from your overwrought body. Rhaenyra kissed the tears from your cheeks, a soothing purr escaping her chest before she continued to speak.

“I will discuss with Daemon, if you both feel truly comfortable to stay we will. But I will not risk your safety. You are ours to protect, let us be your shields.”

As if spoken into existence your Husband entered the chamber, blood splattered against his cheek and exposed neck. You had no doubt Darksister was coated in drying blood.

Some tension seemed to leech from his body once he had you both in his sights. The Prince rolled his neck, tight muscles bunching as he began to remove his sword belt and light leather armor. He nodded to Ser Harwin, dismissing him. Daemon had a sack with him that he took behind the changing screen. Moments later the Alpha was padding over to Rhaenyra’s side with bare feet, loose linen pants and shirt- dyed inky black. Darksister was placed within arms reach as he slid onto the edge of the bed. Daemon propped his back against the headboard, remaining in an upright position. Immediately his hands were upon you, one thumbing over his bite mark. The other buried itself in Rhaenyra hair, squeezing her nape.

The hand on your throat, reached to smooth over Baela’s errant curls. She had whimpered softly in her sleep, hands fisting into the back of your shift.

Rhaenyra reached above to swipe at the flaking blood, eyes full of concern. The male Alpha was still wound impossibly tight. His Omega had been threatened, it was practically a declaration of war against his first wife and future Queen. They had become too trusting- underestimating the Hightowers. It was his job to protect his wives, yet he felt he had failed.

Daemon could feel Caraxes calling to him, the desire to raze the Red Keep to the ground- to devour all of their enemies was suffocating.

He would not allow his family to be snatched away. He would not rest until vengeance rained down in Fire and Blood. Daemon twined his hands with Rhaenyra moving to rest them on your stomach.

The Prince would find no sleep tonight, he loomed over his treasures. Daring any threats to come forward. If any harm had come to you today he had no doubt that Westros would have been burned to the ground with your Mates' fury.

Rhaenyra and You curled together even closer. Rhaenyra’s head pressed against his hip, back flush against a strong thigh. You nuzzled your face into the crook of your wife's neck. As you both drifted to sleep. Daemon was left with swirling thoughts-darkening by the minute.

Chapter 18: Beetles


I did change Aegon's age. It has also been corrected in the previous chapters. It will make the timeline work much better.

Chapter Text

The mood the following morning was somber.

You felt Irina’s absence even more keenly as you dressed for the Tourney. Laena and Rhaenyra had both implored you to stay and rest while they assisted you. You had refused, dragons did not cower.

Little news had been brought about the investigation- Ser Harwin had told you everything he knew as he returned to his post. What bits of information you did receive were slanderous.

Irina had been a bastard, carrying the River’s surname. She was also the only living child of Lord Rodger Ryger of Willow Wood. The Lord had failed to sire a child on his lawful wife; yet he had success with one of his paramours-resulting in Irina. As a long time friend of your Great Uncle, he had begged for Irina to be taken in as a fosterling. Far away from the Riverlands but still safe from his vengeful wife. It seemed Lord Tyland was convinced Irina’s murder was a ploy by the jealous and hateful Lady Ryger- that you were never a the target. Even if the poison was in a pitcher of an unusual drink that only you ever had.

The story was preposterous, but not surprising. The Hightowers were not stupid- they could not have a failed assaination attempt of a Princess fall onto them. Of course they had contingencies.

The twins seemed to forget all about the horrors of yesterday, eagerly bouncing out of the wheelhouse as your party arrived at the tourney grounds. Ser Harwin was quick to snatch up Rhaena- the spirited toddler attempting to flee. Baela held one of your hands- her other chubby hand tightly held by Laena. Rhaenyra stood to your right, Ser Arryk and another unknown Kingsguard brought up the flank.

Daemon had left the keep earlier in the morning, preparing for his bout in the Joust. He desperately needed the violent release. Rhaenyra’s assurances of his prowess had eased only some of your anxiety. You also felt a prickling of desire- Daemon oozed dominance and sin wearing soft velvet doublets and fancy boots. You couldn't imagine the impact he had is full bloody armor.

Rhaenyra and You had dressed strategically this morning. While you were not overly fond of black- a statement needed to be made.

Rhaenyra’s gown was made of silk brocade, shoulders bare in the wide neckline. The sleeves were tight to the elbow, before splitting and draping to the floor. The centerpiece of the Alphas attire was the blackened steel breastplate that adorned her torso. Glittering rubies set into the surface. She looked like Visenya reborn- steel and ruby circlet nestled in an intricate crown of braids. The ornate dagger Daemon had gifted this morning was secured to her side.

Your own attire was more simple and soft. You had come to find yourself favoring silky gowns, smooth against your skin and without restraint. Black silk so finely woven it was nearly metallic embroidered with flowing motifs of dragons in burgundy thread was wrapped around your body. The deep v neckline displayed your ample cleavage, beloved Valyrian steel necklace nestled in the valley of your breasts. The silk straps of your dress, once again secured by the forged dragon pins. The fabric draped down your back- the gown had an open back that flowed into a modest train. You opted to leave your silver hair down, matching circlet slipped over the wavy locks. Vibrant bond bites decorating your exposed skin.

You were eager to see Daemon in his element. The stories of the Rogue Prince's prowess had reached even your self induced isolation on Driftmark.

Entering the Royal Box felt like walking onto a battlefield.

Your party was the last to arrive, The King and Queen both already seated in the center. Alicent was clad in her signature modest green gown. The young Prince Aegon and Princess Helaena sat to the right of the Queen- also dressed in green.

Prince Aegon looked every bit the Targaryen princeling. A child of only six summers, it was strange to think that he was the cause of all this strife. An innocent boy- a pawn in his Mother and Grandfathers' ploy for the Throne before he had even been born. Wavy silver hair fell to his shoulders, face full of childlike wonder as he took in his surroundings. He practically vibrated in his seat.

The Princess Helaena was a beautiful child- having just made four. The young princess was curled in her chair, staring down at cupped hands. She seemed to not care for the fanfare around her, Her hair was a pale blonde not nearly as cool silver as her brothers. A spray of freckles decorated her nose and cheeks.

Their youngest brother was absent- as to be expected. Prince Aemond was little more than a year old. Alicent had been truly blessed as a Beta. Her amble fertility certainly made her replacing the late Queen much worse for your wife. Queen Aemma had died desperately trying to give the King a son over a span of nearly twelve years. Yet he had produced two sons and a daughter with Alicent in half that time.

Your Mother and Father sat to the left of the King. Mother was leaning in close to the King, the cousins deep in conversation. Laena and the twins moved to join them. Baela quickly climbed into Mother’s lap and babbled excitedly.

With a soft hand upon your back Rhaenyra guided you into the seats- directly below the King and Queen. Ser Harwin stood off to the side, careful not to block anyone's view. His sapphire eyes were constantly flickering between you and Ser Criston. It was clear the two men had a distaste for each other. Before arriving in the capital Rhaenyra had implored you to avoid that particular Kingsguard. You were suddenly curious, determined to worm the story out of your Alpha later.

As the Tourney began you watched on with disinterest. Rhaenyra seemed much more excited about the violence. You found yourself squeezing your eyes tightly shut every time there was blood- flashes of blood nails and bile filling your head. Rhaenyra would rub your thigh soothingly when she scented your discomfort.

No one had attempted to engage you or Rhaenyra in conversation as you watched. Suddenly there was a scuttling across your shoulder. Small hands rushed forward- catching the dark beetle that had begun to scale down your arm.

You turned to see the young Princess, she stood directly behind you. Her gaze was guarded as she held her retrieved prize close- she looked like a child preparing to be scolded. You smiled gently to her trying to be reassuring.

“What do you have there Princess?”

Helaena shyly opened her hands once more, displaying the dark beetle. You regarded it with curiosity. You had read nearly every book at the libraries of Driftmark and Storms End. One had been from the citadel -on entomology, a fascinating study of insects.

“It is a Dornish Sand Beetle, they normally don't stray this far but it must be from the heat”

You were awarded with a dazzling gummy smile. The Princess seemed truly shocked and excited that you had not been disgusted by her little friend. You only imagined how others would react to the sight- how often had the little princess been scolded or taunted over her fascination? Helaena leaned forward eagerly to whisper into your ear. Your back straightened as you listened to the monotone voice- nothing like one would expect from a young child, barely more than a toddler.


The Princess was torn away from you, the shrill voice of the Queen echoing through the Royal box. Alicent dragged Helaena back to her seat with stern words and rough hands- swatting the bug from Helaena’s hold before crushing it under a slippered foot. The Princess did not cry, her face just drained of all emotion- her soft lavender eyes seemed to fade to gray.

Your body felt cold as you processed what she had said to you- distantly aware of Rhaenyra trying to speak to you, but it sounded like a mindless hum. The Princesses words kept repeating in your mind over and over- that dead voice haunting you.

An eye for an eye, a son for a son. Only one can be avoided if a daughter is born”

Chapter 19: The Heir


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

An eye for an eye, son for a son. Only one can be avoided if a daughter is born”

Those words had haunted you for nearly two years. The little Princess had been constantly scolded for her “ramblings”. It seemed you were the only one that paid any mind to what she would mumble. Yet Helaena never once repeated those chilling words.

You couldn’t help the fear that had filled you as you lay slick with sweat and blood on the birthing bed. Rhaenyra firm at your back- your Alpha cried as she watched you struggle through your first birth. Those tears seemed to switch from ones of fear and grief to pure joy when the heirs' small body was pulled from you. The infant's strong shrieks filled the room.

Daemon had burst through the doors the minute he had heard the child's cries. Ignoring the scolding of the Maesters and attendants. Then he was beside you as well, brushing the damp hair from your forehead- praising you in Valyrian.

All you had felt in those moments was dread.

An eye for an eye, son for a son. Only one can be avoided if a daughter is born”

Despair choked you when they had announced you had given birth to a son.

Even now thinking about it you couldn’t help but feel guilt over your reaction. The Maesters had contributed your melancholy after Jacaerys birth to being a typical plight of new mothers.

Daemon and Rhaenyra had been so careful with you- another thing you felt guilt over. That time in your lives should have been full of joy. Rhaenyra had an heir, furthermore she had a male heir. Something that would help lull a few more lords into a sense of security.

Your Alpha’s had been nothing but loving and understanding. The King had been beside himself when he was presented with his first grandchild. A smile stretching his thin lips wide every time he came to visit Jacaerys.

The poisoning of Irina had still haunted you, causing you to insist upon feeding your son from your own breast. Something the Queen loved to sneer at; though your husband seemed to appreciate the endeavor too much.

It had taken months for the initial panic of Jacaerys sex to finally leave you. As you gazed upon his bright indigo eyes, white fluff of hair sticking in all directions from his head. You could not help but feel joy take root inside you. He was perfect.

The mood had been somber when Rhaenyra had tearily presented you with the egg she had selected for Jacaerys- it was the same one she had selected for the late little Prince Baelon all those years ago.

Daemon's turn to cry came when the egg had hatched. The bright green fledgling dragon made itself known the morning of Jacaerys first nameday.

It was nearly impossible for you to part with him when your heat had made itself known.

The fall after Jacaerys first name day, you were picnicking in the gardens. The young prince toddling around the shade below the grand Weirwood tree. His pudgy legs were still shaky but gaining strength every day. Your perfect little prince was full of wonder as he began to explore. Eyes bright with mischief as he began to pull handfuls of grass up at the root.

“Jacaerys my love, there is no need for that.” You practically cooed the reprimand at him as you snatched him up to hold close to your chest.

“Ma ma ma ma ma”

The adorable babble was smothered into your chest as he promptly smeared the grass and dirt against your gown.

You gasped in mock outrage as he smiled wide at you.

“I wonder where he gets his desire for chaos”

Ser Harwins comment was met with a snort from Ser Erryk. The brawny knight layed out beside you on the blanket. Making faces at Jacaerys as he devoured the spread of cold meats and cheeses before you both. Ser Erryk stood at attention a few paces away along with a middle aged beta woman who served as the Prince’s nursemaid.

“I do hope you are not slandering my dear husband and Prince, Ser”

Harwin merely scoffed “ Of course not Princess, I hold the “Rogue Prince” in the highest regard. There are ballads dedicated to his desire for peace and even temp-”

The Knights comments were cut off by a cube of hard cheese striking him in the nose. His blue eyes narrowing at you.

Jacaerys bright laugh filled the garden as he clapped his hands together. It seems he found your cheese throwing antics quite funny.

Harwin leaned towards you, his fingers wagging as he moved to tickle the young heir when he stiffened and drew himself to attention.

“Yara? Do you mind taking the Prince to the nursery?”

Harwins words were clipped as he moved to stand. You sputtered as you clutched your son close- how dare he call upon his removal from you?. Jacaerys rarely spent time away from you- unless it was for formal events or at night. While you trusted the graying Beta as she had been brought from Dragonstone at your wife's request. You still took issue with Ser Harwins command. While he was an Alpha- he was not one of your Alphas. He had no right.

“The Prince Jacaerys is just fine where he is, we have plenty of time before I must prepare myself for dinner” Your words were sharp and full of warning , the nursemaid flincing back as she stopped moving towards you.


You couldn’t help but growl softly at the Knights reprimanding tone. Jacaerys whimpered at the sound, burying his face into your breast for comfort. You felt hot with anger, the cool fall air doing nothing to temper you.

Ser Harwin” You mocked back at the errant knight.

The gardens were tense as you stared him down, frustration making your face flush. You could feel your palms begin to sweat.

“Princess you are going into heat, I must take you to Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon”

The words were like a lighting bolt through you. While you knew it was coming, you couldn't help but feel unnerved. Heat meant days away from Jacaerys.

You could feel your growing need for your Alpha’s waring against your motherly instincts. A sharp cramp to your womb had your mind beginning to clear.

You pressed fervent kisses to Jacaerys face and hair, soaking in his soft giggles of delight. Brushing a hand over his downy hair you regarded your son. He nuzzled back into your breasts, eyes beginning to drop slightly from his tiring escapades this afternoon.

You reluctantly handed him over to the nursemaid. Shushing him as he babbled his protests. A few moments of bouncing and soft rubs on his back and he was beginning to give in to his desire for a nap.

“See to it that The Princess Rhaenys is contacted immediately, I want her here to watch over the Prince in my absence”

“Of course Princess”, with a quick curtsey the nursemaid made her escape. Jacaerys head lulled onto her shoulder as he made a tiny wave back to you as they left the gardens.

Now that your child was removed you could feel that you had not been hot with anger or flushed with frustration- no you could feel the desire and primal need begin to boil over inside you.

As you made haste to your chambers you couldn't help but feel cautious excitement. Heat meant unadulterated time with both your Alphas, it meant another child.

It meant another chance for the daughter you felt you desperately needed.


There will be smut in the next chapter.

Chapter 20: Hours


I know, I said there would be smut. But this is where my brain led me. There will absolutely be smut in the next installment.

Chapter Text

Rhaenyra should have known something was amiss the moment a knock sounded on the small council door; interruptions were rare during these meetings.

Ser Criston left Alicents side immediately. The Knight cracking the door and taking the message from the frazzled servant. His face a neutral mask as he moved back to the Queen’s side and leaned close to whisper in her ear.

The other councilman seemed unperturbed, though Daemon immediately met Rhaenyra’s eyes from across the stately table. Lord Corlys even paused his debate with Lord Tyland to look over to the Queen. Alicent flashed a small smile to the room waving her hand dismissively.

“Just news from the nursery”

Rhaenyra felt calm pass over her once more. The sun was still high in the sky as it poured in through the open windows. It would be hours before this meeting was over and it was time to dismiss and prepare for dinner. The only occupants of the nursery would be Aemond and possibly Heleana. Aegon would be in lessons and if she had to bet, Jacaerys and you would be in either the garden or their personal solar.

Jacaerys rarely spent time in the wing of Maegor's Holdfast that had been dubbed the nursery. A series of rooms where the royal children stayed under the watchful eyes of attendants. The first few months you had insisted he stay within your chambers. You had vehemently refused a wet nurse- eyes becoming glazed in fear when it was suggested to you. Even in your melancholy after the birth of their son you were still fiercely protective of Jacaerys.

Rhaenyra could deny you or your shared son nothing. The little prince was perfect in every way, a flourishing depiction of Targaryen blood with his white downy hair and indigo eyes to match Daemons.

At night those first few months Rhaenyra would find herself staring at her son in the middle of the night, in awe of his beauty and strength. It was hard for her not to think of her own mother in those moments. Watching you labor had been agony- fear constricting her heart at the thought of losing either of you.

It was after the fourth time the little heirs' cries had interrupted coupling that the decision was finally made to send him to the nursery in the evenings. Though Rhaenyra had called upon her own trusted staff to watch over her son. The first few nights had been hard- with Daemon going to retrieve Jacaerys after your tears had begun to fall.

Even now with him staying in the evenings, you had him brought first thing in the morning to their chambers- insisting that everyone fast be broken as a family. Jacaerys would not leave your side until it was time for him to settle for the night.

It was days like this that Rhaenyra loathed being the Heir. On council days she was forced to be apart from her wife and child for hours on end. Typically only seeing Jacaerys in the morning unless she snuck into the nursery at night to watch him sleep. It was painful spending so much time away- a sentiment she knew Daemon also shared. Though he was much more vocal about it. On the days that were not filled with courtly duties; the mornings would see the four of you visiting the dragon pit. Often going riding as a family. Jacaerys tucked close in a sling on Rhaenyras own body-squeals of delight chiming through the air as Syrax carried them. The afternoon’s would be spent curled up in bed, Jacaerys tucked between Rhaenyra and you. Daemon grumbling as he was forced to leave and attend his duties as Commander of the City Watch. On those days, dinner was a private affair. Daemon sat down on the rug before the fire with Jacaerys eagerly playing with carved wooden toys. Daemon always spoke to the child in Valyrian. Often reciting him grand tales of glory. Rhaenyra and you continued your tradition of bathing and dressing for the night together while your husband attended Jacaerys.

Then you would all gather around the fire and coo and awe at the little Prince. Since he had begun walking, he always toddled towards Rhaenyra arms wide as he babbled “Muña mu” over and over.

It was only after you fed him one last time before bed. Daemon’s gaze heavy lidded upon their omega wife and child before the young heir was finally handed off and the three of you slid into bed.

It was the downfall of residing in King's Landing. In Dragonstone Rhaenyra and Daemon were in charge and to an extent would be able to plan their days and time accordingly. Entire days would not be spent from her wife and young child. If Rhaenyra was merely a male she would not have to be here every moment, defending her claim. She would be free to enjoy her years before monarchy in bliss.

Even now she was surrounded by enemies. Daemon and her father being one of the few comforts in the room.

Rhaenyra forced herself to pay attention to the whining of the men around her, as her father slumped in his own chair.

It was hours later, the sun now disappearing below the horizon on Blackwater Bay when the meeting was dismissed. As the King wearily stood and made his way out, leaning heavily against Ser Harrold. Daemon quickly came to her side.

“If I hear one more word of taxes or crop estimations I will surely kill everyone here”

His words were muffled into the Princess’s hair as he nuzzled her head. Pressing a soft against its crown.

As they both moved to leave it was Alicent’s voice that stopped their eager escape. Daemon’s groan of annoyance was audible.

“Rhaenyra? I should let you know that it was brought to my attention that Prince Jacaerys was brought back into the nursery a little after noon today. It seems the Princess Consort has started her heat this day” Alicent’s voice was soft and full of feigned innocence as she regarded the Prince and Princess of Dragonstone.

Daemon’s snarl cut through the air- Ser Cristons hand immediately going to his sword. The Beta’s eyes full of hatred as he regarded them.

Rhaenyra couldn’t help the growl that slipped from her lips, a sneer twisted her lips. “And you did not think that something that my husband and I should have known?”

Alicent seemed only slightly unnerved by their reaction. “I couldn’t possibly have interrupted the meeting of the small council for such an issue. The Prince is fine and the Princess Consort is sequestered in your chambers I am sure. Surely the Heir realizes the realm is prioritized in such matters”

Daemon stepped forward, teeth bared. The only thing stopping him was Rhaenyra's firm hand on his chest.

“We will take our leave, we must check on our son then attend our wife”

Rhaenyra did not even cast a polite nod in the Queen’s direction as they hurried out the councilroom. All but dragging her snarling husband from what would surely be a bloody confrontation.

Chapter 21: All is Lost


Even after 8 years you still wonder how it has come to this


Based 8 years after last chapter.

Daemon - 43
Rhaenyra - 30
Laena - 29
Laenor - 29
Reader - 27
Aegon - 15
Helaena - 13
Aemond - 10
Jacaerys - 8
Lucerys - 6
Rhaella - 4
Aegon - 2

Basically a ton of exposition and a time jump.

Chapter Text

Eight years, four children, four long labors yet you had never felt pain like this.

Watching your sister be lowered into the seas; her likeness intricately carved upon her casket, staring back at you surely is the most painful thing you have ever experienced.

Vaemond's Valyrian sermon is a mere buzzing in your ears. You occasionally wonder if Daemon's bulk against your back is the only thing keeping you standing. Rhaenyras hand is woven with yours- resting upon your round middle. While Jacaerys stands resolutely at his father's side, ever the perfect princeling. Your middle children Lucerys and Rhaella cling to your skirts. Your youngest is blissfully unaware of the sober atmosphere- napping in your old chambers in Driftmark.

Jacaerys facade cracks when Rhaena's sobs cut through the quiet air. Rhaenys pulls the child closer, hands smoothing her hair. Desperate to sooth the now motherless child. Baela stands like a statue in front of your Father- tears running down her emotionless face. Expression matching that of the Lord of the Tides.

So much power your father has hoarded. Yet even he is powerless when Balerion comes for his children.

Merely a week ago your sister was alive, here on Driftmark awaiting the arrival of her third child. An event that was already shrouded in drama. Laena had been all but banished to Driftmark by her sea lord husband. Though their union had been more in name then practice. Even he could not ignore the slight of her wife being pregnant with another man's child. Your father had raved and roared demanding to know the father of her bastard. Laena had been stalwart in her refusal to answer.

You knew the minute you saw your sworn shields face as you read the message aloud from your mother, ink nearly illegible from the tear smudging. That Laena's labors had come early and were stalled.

Ser Harwin's haunted face was still burned in your memory. His demands that he accompanies you, even as you insisted you would be departing on dragon back. You had not even consulted your wife and husband.

Now pregnant with your fifth child, you were familiar with your limits and your spouses had loosened their leash upon you. Daemon would surely rage we he returned from his patrol to you gone. Rhaenyra would either regard you cooly or with fiery anger.

Though Ser Harwin had not uttered a word confirming his fatherhood of Laena'a child during your ride upon Darkwing (possibly because he was trying not to spew). The anguished cry he released when he learned of your sisters fate were all the confirmation you had needed.

Now you stood as numb as you did days earlier when learning of her passing.

It was your fathers angry bark as he ordered guards to haul a keening Laenor out of the surf as he tried to follow his twin that finally snapped you into action.

"Darlings, go be a comfort to your cousins. T-they have just lost their mother." Kneeling low running your trembling hands over Lucerys and Rhaella's silvery locks. Daemon squeeze Jacaerys shoulders as he nodded and began to guide his siblings away.

"Are you alright Byka zaldrīzes?" Rhaenyra's inquiry was soft as she helped you stand. Silken thumb wiping away an errant tear.

You shook your head fervently. Daemon shushing you as he bundled both of his wives close.

Those quiet moments: cherished between you wife and husband seemed to melt some of the pain away. They were of course interrupted.

"My most sincere condolences Princess. May you find comfort in the arms of the Mother" Alicent's words rang true with sincerity- a rare emotion from the prude Queen as she reached forward to grab your hand.

Though your children all intermingled within the Red Keep, sharing tutors and lessons. You avoided the Queen as much as possible. Her snide comments regarding your children still reached you even with your avoidance.

Daemon bristled behind you; the beginnings of a snarl cut off after a harsh pinch to his side from Rhaenyra.

The Queen's children stood behind her. Dressed head to toe in green; the Hightower claim was clear. The Court had deemed your two households rivaling factions in the last few years: The Greens and The Blacks. The House of The Dragon spilt right down the middle. The King was given the moniker "The Peaceful" yet his familial dynasty had never been more divided.

Aegon II, had grown into a lanky teen. Pale hair wild and unruly- as if he always just rolled out of bed. He seemed perpetually bored. Always with his face in a goblet or staring too long at the women and servants of the court. His gaze made you uneasy, you weren't sure exactly when he has crossed the line away from innocent child in your eyes. Maids from your household had been warned against being in the young prince's presence. The only time he seemed happy and at peace was in the Dragonpit with Sunfyre. A truly magnificent dragon- golden and shining. Who even your husband admitted his envy of.

Helaena was the shining jewel in the Greens court. While youth still clung to her face and frame, her long uncut hair flowed down her back. The princess favoring the simplest of braided styles. Freckles sprayed over her nose and rosy round cheeks highlighting her lilac eyes. It seemed the Queen had finally accepted her strange curiosities. The young girls now officially capturing, cataloging and displaying her bugs within specialized cases the King had ordered in her chambers. Helaena's strange ramblings had become more frequent and outspoken. The Queens cruel hands and dismissals of her prophecies drove you mad. Even your spouses seemed to wave off your theories of her being a dreamer. Daemon stating, she wasn't Targaryen enough for such a gift. She had claimed the she dragon Dreamfyre earlier this year.

Aemond was an interesting child. The only one of Alicent's children without a dragon; yet the one that seemed most interested in Valryian histories and customs. Aemond still accompanied all the children to the lessons at the Dragon pit. Quiet and observant he was a dutiful student and the subject to many a prank from the fellow children.

The most recent being The Pink Dread; a pig paraded in front of the morose child.

Just a moon ago Alicent was cursing your children to the court, calling them savage bastards even though her own son had arranged the prank. Now she was standing at your beloved sister's funeral- speaking perfumed words of condolence.

You extracted your hand- and turned into Daemon's embrace. Leaving Rhaenyra to exchange false pleasantries and royal duties. You pass your father, shaking a soaking wet, despondent Laenor.

As you escaped into the keep; you thought surely nothing could get worst that day.

You had been wrong.

Tourney of Heirs - Copil (2024)
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