Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot (2024)

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Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot (1)

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angol [en], .pdf, 🚀/ia, 18.0MB, 📗 Könyv (ismeretlen), ia/understandingale0000duqu.pdf

Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot 🔍

Boston, MA ; York Beach, ME: Weiser Books, 2003

DuQuette, Lon Milo, 1948- author 🔍


xii, 330 pages : 23 cm
Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot was his final opus, the culmination of a lifetime of occult study and practice. With artist Lady Frieda Harris, he condensed the core of his teaching into the 78 cards of the tarot. Although Crowley's own Book of Thoth provides insight into the cards, it is a complicated, dated book. Now, in clear language, Lon Milo DuQuette provides everything you need to know to get the most out of using the Thoth deck.--Publisher description
Includes bibliographical references (pages 328-330)
pt. 1. Little bits of things you should know before beginning to study Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot. -- Introduction: the Book of Thoth- a magick book? -- Little bits of things you should know -- Aleister Crowley and the golden dawn The Lady and the beast -- The art -- The prophet -- The Aeon of Horus -- The vision and the voice -- Secrets of the rose cross back -- Secrets of the Tree of Life -- Worlds of color -- The holy guardian angel -- pt. 2. The cards. -- Introduction to the cards -- Introduction to the Major Arcane -- Atu of Tahuti- the Major Arcana trumps -- Atu 0 the Fool -- Atu I the Magus -- Atu II the High Priestess -- Atu III the Empress -- Atu IV the Emperor -- Atu V the Hierophant -- Atu VI the Lovers -- Atu VII the Chariot -- Atu VIII Adjustment -- Atu IX the Hermit -- Atu X Fortune -- Atu XI Lust -- Atu XII -- the Hanged Man -- Atu XIII Death -- Atu XIV Art -- Atu XV the Devil -- Atu XVI the Tower -- Atu XVII the Star -- Atu XVIII the Moon -- Atu XIX the Sun -- Atu XX Aeon -- Atu XXI the Universe -- The Minor Arcana -- The spirit of the aces -- The four aces Ace of wands -- Ace of cups Ace of swords -- Ace of disks -- The crazy mixed Up world of court cards -- Knight of wands -- Queen of wands -- Prince of wands -- Princess of wands -- Knight of cups -- Queen of cups -- Prince of cups -- Princess of cups -- Knight of swords -- Queen of swords -- Prince of swords -- Princess of swords -- Knight of disks -- Queen of disks -- Prince of disks -- Princess of disks -- The small cards -- Wands -- Cups -- Swords -- Disks -- Method of divination & meanings of the cards -- Glossary of thelemic and tarot terms

Alternatív cím

Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot : An Authoritative Examination of the World's Most Fascinating and Magical Tarot Cards

Alternatív szerző

Lon Milo Duquette

Alternatív kiadás

Boston, Mass, 2003

Alternatív kiadás

1st Edition, 2003

Alternatív kiadás

November 2003

Alternatív leírás

DuQuette explains the varied symbolism and correspondences -- Qabalistic, astrological, numerological, etc. -- of each card in detail, with wit and clarity. More than just another tarot &#34;cookbook&#34; with rote explanations and meanings of the individual cards, Understanding Aleister Crowley&#39;s Thoth Tarot is both a valuable guide to the esoteric meanings of the cards and a look at the deck as it fits in with Crowley&#39;s system of Magick. This book is a new and valuable resource for anyone working with the Thoth Tarot deck.

Alternatív leírás

<p><p>aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot Was His Final Opus, The Culmination Of A Lifetime Of Occult Study And Practice. With Artist Lady Frieda Harris, He Condensed The Core Of His Teaching Into The 78 Cards Of The Tarot. Although Crowley's Own Book Of Thoth Provides Insight Into The Cards, It Is A Complicated, Dated Book. Now, In Clear Language, Lon Milo Duquette Provides Everything You Need To Know To Get The Most Out Of Using The Thoth Deck.<br></p>

Alternatív leírás

The Tarot is a pack of seventy-eight cards.

nyílt forráskódúvá válás dátuma


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Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot (2024)
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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.