1. Solitude: A Novel - Víctor Català - Google Books
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Caterina Albert i Paradís predates Federico García Lorca and D. H. Lawrence in her portrayal of women's sexual passions. She was an unsung pioneer of modernist literature at the beginning of the twentieth century, writing in the ancient Catalan language of Spain. Published under the nationalist (and necessarily male) pseudonym of Víctor Català, Solitude is regarded as the most important Catalan novel to appear before the Spanish Civil War.
2. Solitude: A Novel of Catalonia - Everand
Víctor Català's art resides in the inspired creation of Mila and the communication of her states of mind, in her interpenetration of mood and scene whereby ...
Caterina Albert i Paradís predates Federico García Lorca and D. H. Lawrence in her portrayal of women’s sexual passions. She was an unsung pioneer of modernist literature at the beginning of the twentieth century, writing in the ancient Catalan language of Spain. Published under the nationalist (and necessarily male) pseudony
3. The Victor Behind Sir Victor | Blog - Sir Hotels
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We’re celebrating the soft opening of the hotel by highlighting the person the hotel was named after: Catalan writer Victor Català.

4. Víctor Català Caterina Albert English - Escriptors.cat
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Caterina Albert, L'Escala (Alt Empordà), 1869-1966 was a novelist, storyteller, playwright, poet, and pioneer in the Catalan literary tradition of works by women although, like other European women writers of the time, she was forced to conceal her identity by using a male pseudonym. The name she chose was Víctor Català.
5. The Glorious Mysteries - My Catholic Life!
The Five Glorious Mysteries are traditionally prayed on the Wednesdays and Sundays outside of Lent and Advent: See all the prayers of the Rosary.
"My Catholic Life!" presents the beauty and splendor of our Catholic faith in a down to earth and practical way. Enjoy daily reflections, Catholic Q&A, online books, prayers, inspiring quotes and more.

6. 第五人格 | Identity V (Video Game) - Works - Archive of Our Own
Victor Grantz | Postman/You · Orpheus | Novelist (Identity V)/You · Orpheus ... Cross-Posted on Tumblr. Summary. Most are the single posts of idv fic on ...
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
7. Listado Manga · Manga 漫画
¡Asadora! Asesino · Ashen Victor · Ashguine, El Guerrero Durmiente · Así habló ... Cross Game · Crows · Cruella: Negro, Blanco y Rojo · Crying Freeman (Tomos)
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8. Solitude Victor Català (Caterina Albert) - Schwob
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Although written under the masculine pseudonym Victor Català, this work by Caterina Albert undoubtedly constitutes the starting point of the exploration of female identity by female writers in modern Catalan literature – prefiguring the work of later and better-known British women writers such as Virginia Woolf and Doris Lessing.
9. Víctor Català (Author of Solitude) - Goodreads
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Author of Solitude, Drames rurals, and Un film [3000 metres]