Walkthrough: Dante Missions 1-6 - Devil May Cry 2 Guide - IGN (2024)


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Walkthrough: Dante Missions 1-6

Dante Missions 1-6 Dante Missions 7-12 Dante Missions 13-18


Mission 1
You begin the mission outside a large cathedral. The game starts out pretty mellow, so you can just take the opportunity now, while you aren't being attacked, to explore andexperiment with your moves. Since there isn'ta training mode, per se, this is your opporunity to get used to thecomplex battle system. Take a look at the Status screen, and check out theAction section of the Files.There, you'll finda list of all of Dante's moves.You can also take a gander at the Basics section of this guide to learn Dante's acrobatic maneuvers.

Once you have a handle on Dante's skills,use your sword on the nearby gargoyles to gain some Red Orbs. Collect these orbs to gain thedough to afford upgrades to Dante's weapons. Explore the niche to the left of the cathedral entrance, then head to the other side of the structure and go down the path until you reach a cannonbehind a battlement. Hopover the ruineddoorway and continue. As you pass underthe large archway,Air Hike up to the Blue Orb Fragment. Collect four of these pieces, and you'll grow your health meter.

Move down the path on to a broken bridge. Collect the Red Orb from the wrecked train at the dead end of the bridge, then head the other way. As you approach the bridge, several Agonofinis will appear. Here's your first chance to prove your mettle as a hardcore demon fighter. Test out your acrobatic abilities and get a feel for stringing together combinations of moves. These guys aren't all that tough. They're slow and dumb... basically fodder for your blades and bullets. Practice Dante's full slate of moves on these suckers... refer to the Basics section of this guide, or the Files section of the pause menu if you don't remember them.

Once they're dead, move down the deserted street and grab any Red Orbs that you see. In fact, from now on, if we won't mention an Orb in the walkthrough unless it's hidden or significant. Near the end of the street, a cutscene will trigger. You'll see some Puia (vulture-looking enemies) hanging out on the craggy walls. If you're not concerned about your rating, you can just press R1, target the Puia and blow them away. But if you want to get creative, leap in the air and take them on in their own element.

Grab the Orbv at the top of the tall statue here, then move to the large door past the intersection. Stand next to it and press CIRCLE. This will take you into the first Secret Room. The very first Secret Room contains a bunch of slow Agonofini. Brush up on your special moves and have at 'em. Once you slay them all, you'll gain a bunch of different Orbs: White, Red and Green. Grab them all, then head to the beam of light in the center of the floor to head back outside.

Once back on the street, head past the tall statue, keeping the water on your left. When you reach a dead end, leap over the building ahead and onto the street beyond. Take care of the Agonofini that you encounter, then face the building you just jumped over. Stand next to the door and press CIRCLE to enter another Secret Room. The second secret room is full of Msira, who are a little faster and a little uglier than anything you've encountered. Still, they shouldn't pose much of a problem. When they all go down, you'll grab some Orbs, including a Ble Orb Fragment. Lucky you.

On the long, curving street next to the channel, you'll run into several more Agonofini. Deal with them, then take to the rooftops. Up here, you'll meet more baddies and gain a fat Red Orb. Once you've explored the roof, move up the steps on the far end of the area (there are two sets of stairs... one at roof level, and one at street level). On the roof level, smash the gargoyles to get some Red Orbs.On the street level, there's a Gold Orb. When you get near it, the street will be sealed off with energy barriers, and you'll be locked into fighting several demons.

These guys are Agonofini who sport some nasty spinningblades. The blades are easy enough to dodge... just watch out for them as they come back to their source. Slice these demons up all creative-like, and you'll grow your rating. When you handle them all, the barriers will lift.

Note: You'll see various benches and signs on the street. Smash them with your sword to gain Red and Green Orbs.

Follow the curving street down the steps, and you'll find your first God of Time. Stand next to it and press CIRCLE to power-up. You'll be taken to a menu where you can select from Swords, Guns, or Items. It's unlikely that you'll be able to power-up your weapons yet, but you can buy Items here. Remember, though, that any items used will cost you in terms of Mission Rating. When you're done, move on.

Make sure you explore the channel next to this street to get a Blue Orb Fragment. Then head to street level and check out the Red Orb hanging in the high doorway ahead. Air Hike over the wall and into the courtyard. The joint will seal up again, and you're on your own against theMsira. Again, work on your combat skills and try to learn all the ways to fight. Once you rid the world of the Msira vermin, a Key will drop from the sky.Grab it and use it on the barred door with the Red Orb behind it.

Then follow the street to a tall door. Walk into it to go outside. Now follow the trail of Red Orbs down the path until you reach a courtyard brimming full of Agonofini. Dispatch them, then follow the path all the way to the left, until you reach a floating stone that is glowing red. This is a Striking Stone. Once you dispatch the enemies in the area, attack the stone to yield many Red Orbs.


Once you strike the stone, head back to the courtyard and take the other path. Follow the Red Orb trail until you meet up with Lucia for the first time. Shortly thereafter, the level will end.

Mission 2
You find yourself in a series of catacombs. Walk down the stairs, use your sword to smash the cracked face blocking the door,and leap into the watery room below. Then follow the path around until you reach another cracked face blocking a door to your left. Smash it and head back to the dead end tunnel to retrieve a Red Orb. You'll have to battle some baddies, but once they've croaked, return to the main path.

Keep moving down the path and smash the next face you see on the left wall. At the end of this tunnel, you'll find another Striking Stone. Milk it for all of the orbs you can. Then walk to the coffin with a skeleton in it and press CIRCLE to find a secret room. This room is full of Brontomancers and Pyromancers, sorcerors who like to chuck different types of energy at you. The Pyromancers dish out weak fire attacks, and the Brontomancers sling energy attacks. Both forms are capable of teleporting around the area. Spend a lot of time in the air to negate the effects of their attacks, then land and deal damage to the groups. You'll be rewarded with avariety of Orbs.

Once back outside, head to the main path and continue to the next broken face. Busting it up will make one of the walls in this area slide away. It will also bring about an attack of Flambats. Slay them with your guns. If you're working on a good rating, make sure you go down the hall to the right and kill the baddies in the pit, then proceed to the bread crumb trail of orbs in the newly opened area. This leads toa door that will take you to a new area, but don't go yet. Instead, head across to another broken face and bust it up. This will move yet another wall. When it's done sliding, head to the area right of the large door, and you'll fall into a pit. This one contains a Blue Orb Fragment, and several other orbs.

Head through the large door nearby and into a blue-lit area. In order to get through this room, you'll have to deal with the puzzle at its center. Walk to the opposite door and press CIRCLE to trigger the puzzle. Head to the yellow square at the center of the grid. This will bring different arrangements of tiles to rise from the ground, attended by yellow globes. Destroy the globes with your sword. As you destroy each, you will see the torches' flames change from red to blue. When they're all blue, the door will be accessible.

If you explore the next area, you'll notice a force-field door next to a God of Time. Head back from here and go down the path to the left (when your back is to the force-field door). Crack the face here to reveal a long path, with a Blue Orb Fragment at the end. When you grab it, you will encounter your first Savage Golem. These suckers have blue insides, and can walk around even when you start hacking them up. Their deadliest attack is a close-range spike attack, which can affect the ground near where they stand as well. Take care not to get hit by these poisonous barbs in close. Slay these beasts with a variety of sword maneuvers, or Devil Trigger to make the fight go really quick.

As you attempt to leave the area, you'll fall into a trap door. Fight the Pyromancers if you're looking for a good rating, or just Jump Hike out of there otherwise. Go directly across the hall and bust up the other face you find to open a new area. Head back to where you came in, and you'll see another face. Smash it to move the wall on the other side of the room. This will bring about several Pyromancer attacks, so deal with them, then go smash the new face that's revealed. Doing so will open a new path. Head to the end of it and press CIRCLE next to the empty coffin to the left to find another Secret Room.

Once back outside, slash at the spinning globe until all its orbiting cubes have turned purple. This will make the force field disappear on the blocked door. Head back there and go through. As soon as you do, this room will seal up, and you'll have to slay everything inside. To help you do this, stand on the green vent and grow your Devil Trigger, then just unload in DT mode. Standing on the green will keep replenishing your Trigger, and make this an easy fight. Even the Goatlings that become animated will not give you problems. Trigger up, then take them down.

Grab the Aerial Heart from the statue they were protecting and equip it. Change into Devil Trigger and press X to fly. Grab the Red Orbs on your way to the green doorway above. This will end the mission.

Mission 3
This mission puts you back outside. As you run forward, you will find yourself at a branching path (that looks like a Y).Keep running toward the camera and explore the dead end area. You'll find some hard-to-reach Red Orbs, and a host of Agonofini. Dispatch them, then move to the side niche and explore the damaged bridge to grab a Blue Orb Fragment.

Then head the opposite direction and take the path to the left. Make sure to grab the high-up Red Orbs on this street. As you move forward, the street will seal off, trapping you inside with a Goatling at the far end. A patch of fiery ground will follow you around until you reach this annoying foe, so take to the friendly skies early and stay in the air to avoid damage. Once you get to the Goatling, use Devil Trigger to tenderize him, then finish him off with the sword. Beware of his flying shield attack, which will send heat-seeking projectiles at you. Killing the Goatling will cause another force field door to yield its magic. But don't go in yet. Use the God of Time to level up if you need to. Also,if you didn't have a chance to get the Red Orbs your first time down the street, go grab them now. You'll also want to check the double red doors on the street for another secret room.

Boss: Oranguerra
Oranguerra is a huge, hulking mass of meanness is quite a lot to contend with. He likes to shoot large balls of energy at you at all times, so staysharp and be ready to avoid them. Try to keep the beast in your sights at all times. He likes to climb to the top of the level and swing from the ceiling, then pounce onyou from above. Stay far away if possible to see what he's going to throw atyou. Definitelydon't get close to his meaty knuckles, or he'll swat you off your feet.


The bestway to engage the orange ape is to stay at a distance and pepper him with yourDevil Trigger attack. He's got two long life bars to tear through, and he won't give them up that easily. If you get dinged up in the fight, there are green orbsat the corners. Grab them when your health is dwindling to replenish quickly, but make sure you know where Oranguera is when you make your move, or he could wipe you out before you reach them. Killing the moster will yield a Key.Go back outside and use it on the door between the Secret Room and train depot entrance to end the mission.

Mission 4
The mission begins on a deserted street. A couple doors from the starting point, you'll find a secret room. Back on the mean streets, head down the street and collect high Orbs from the broken arches above. As you continue, you'll reach a crossroads. Grab the Reb Orb from the dead end door to the left, then head down the sloping path the other way. Several Msira will clog the path. Let them come near, then foul them up with your blade, working in as many combos as possible. If you want to be cheap about it, you can head to the ledge on the right side of the path and target everything from safety. But that sucks. Get down on the street and kick demon arse! In addition to Red Orbs, these guys drop Green as well.

When all of the Msira are dead, head to the clogged doorway and hack it up, then step through. In the next area, follow the path down and hop on the ledge to the left to grab a Blue Orb. Continue down to the dock area. Explore the right side to find an orb stone. Hack at it to get monies. Then press CIRCLE next to the garage door to enter a Secret Room.

Head back up to the main path. Collect Orbs as you move all the way to the end of the path, where you'll encounter a large door. Go through, and it will seal behind you--and show you a high, force-sealed door. The idea here is to whoop up on the enemies here to release the spell. Once it's gone, climb the stairs and go through the door. Inside the room, grab the Quick Heart, which will allow you to run fast in Devil Trigger. Then leap up to the top of the chamber to snag a Gold Orb.

Return outside and equip the Quick Heart. Strike the globe lock. This will make the bridge door open... although then it will slowly descend, so you'll have to be speedy to get there before it closes.Go into Devil Trigger and head for the bridge. You'll have to leap once to get onto the walkway, then make sure you get up the stairs to the bridge properly (stick to the far side of the walkway) and use the roll (CIRCLE) to get under the descending trap. Before you head inside the door at the end of the bridge, grab the Green Orb to the right.

Boss: Jokatgulm
This watery tart is a multi-tentacled delight. Its tendrils will lash at you no matter where you are in the room, so you'll need to do a lot of jumping and rolling to avoid their sting. The idea behind this boss is to get the tentacles to lower, then charge in and attack the body of the beast. To do this, run up to one and hack it until it retreats. If you're fast enough, you can get inside without taking a lick of damage. Then hop onto the body, change to Devil Trigger, and go to town with your sword attack. You'll have to avoid clouds of poison gas when you're in close, but the best way to do this is to Devil Trigger on the interior.

Eventually, the boss will get mad and draw into a ball. At this point, you need to drop back, because it's about to put up a force field that will repel you across the room. You can't attack it in this form. Just wait for the tendrils to drop again and resume your hack-fest. When the beast falls, go to the door to the right and get on your bike. You'll acquire a Shotgun en route. Mission over.

Mission 5
This mission again takes things to the streets. You begin in a cul de sac under a bridge. Move forward until a cutscene triggers, revealing two wolves: Freki and Geri (not the Spice Girl). These two like to attack by charging you and knocking you off of your feet. Stay in the air as much as possible, and blast them with your fastest guns. When your Devil Trigger fills up, use it! These suckers are tough, and you don't want a long, protracted fight with them.

Once they run off, the energy barrier that sealed you in the tunnel will drop, and you'll be able to roam the streets. Well, kind of. As soon as you reach the top of the tunnel, a swarm of Puia will appear, accompanied by a throng of mean-ass Blood Goats. Focus on the Blood Goats first, as they are the deadliest. Use your Guns to tenderize them, then jump in the air and slash with your blade. Whenever you cn use Devil Trigger, do it. Like the wolves, you don't want to hang out with these guys too long. When they disappear, move to the rubble across from the tunnel exit (where you started). Facing the rubble, move right and jump on the raised walkway. Enter the first door you see to find a Secret Room.

Back on the street, head down to the tunnel you exposed after you beat the Blood Goats. Go through the tunnel for another battle with Orangina... er... Oranguerra. This time he's flanked by some flaming Homromsi, which can get annoying, targeting-wise. Again, the idea with Oranguerra is to remain at a distance. Use the Shotgun to tear through his multiple life bars. When the battle ends, head under the bridge. You'll encounter a truck across the path. Don't leap over it yet... instead, go up to theraised walk on the leftand press CIRCLE near the doorway for another secret room.

When you exit back to the street, jump over the truck to trigger a cutscene. Now you'll have to deal with a trio of Infested Tanks.The best way to deal with these bad boys, honestly, is to run right next to them and start hacking. Their primary attack is long range, so if you're up close, there's no way they can get you. In fact, pretty much the only way you'll be damaged is by cross-fire from the two other tanks. Yes, their missiles can go through the body of another tank. Polish off the nearest one first, then move down the street and get the other one. Finally, head up the curving overpass to get the final tank.

Once the last one goes down, head to the top of the ramp and grab the Blue Orb Fragment and Red Orb. Then drop off the overpass into the area below. Search the fenced-in area to find the Offence Heart, and amulet which enhances attacks in Devil Trigger. Once you grab it, head back outside and hop back over the rubble to get back to the main street. On the right side of the street (right before you reach the ramp), is an arched door. Go inside to find another secret room.


Return to the street and head toward the closed-off end. As you do, you'll be confronted by an Infested Chopper. Do not face it here. You will have plenty of time to battle the chopper later on. Instead of battling it, head into the gaping hole in the wall to the right. Now, you're inside a tall, multi-tiered building. Grab the Red Orbs, then head up the stairs and begin your ascent. You'll want to have Devil Trigger fitted with Aerial Heart for this part of the level, so do that now.

At the top of the stairs, head to the right to begin the climb, thenstart hopping up the platforms to move higher in this tall, tall chamber. Midway up it, the chopper will appear, and the building will catch on fire. Now you have to move faster, or you could be consumed by flame. Move as quickly as possible, and if you get stuck, go into Devil Trigger and fly. Don't worried about the chopper for now... it'll be waiting for you up top. When you reach the top level, exit via the narrow door to trigger a cutscene.

Now you're on the rooftop. Run across it to the helipad, and touch the green arrow to drop to the next rooftop. Still don't worry about that chopper. Move around the lower ledge and grab the Red Orbs, then hop up to the next level and over toward the ladder. Jump off the edge of the building here, and you'll land on the metal stairs. From here, Air Hike up the face of the building, working your way up to the ledge below the highest roof. Here, you'll find a basket hanging above a Blue Orb. Jump into the basket to retrieve the goodie, then jump to the higher rooftop and head toward the trail of Green and Red Orbs. Jump in an arch and try to get them all.

Double jump across the gap and land. In an alcove on this platform isa Gold Orb. Snag it and continue across the roof. Jump to the next building over... a tall, brown one. Use the curved sections of the building to ascend this portion. From the first platform, jump to the gargoyle head, then Wall Jump diagonally up to another gargoyle. Keep working your way to the top of the building, where Hell awaits.

Boss: Infested Chopper
Hopefully your Trigger is full, because that will make this fight go a lot faster. The Infested Chopper has a double life bar, so this is a war of attrition. It's best fought atop the cross-shaped structures at the corners of the roof. If you spend too much time on the roof proper, you won't see where the chopper is coming from. The Chopper will send volleys of missiles and a hail of gunfire at you, and most of it can be avoided by double-jumping. The missiles can be tricky, though, as they are heat-seeking, and you're... hot. But You can outsquirrel them by hopping around like a wildman. Just don't fall off the edge of the cross, or you'll have to fight to get back on top.

The idea is to whittle down the health of the chopper by targeting the devil eye and blasting with the Shotgun. When you build up enough for Devil Trigger, make sure you have a clear shot and unleash it. The idea is to just dodge and fire, and just outlast the baddie. This fight boils down to just sticking it out... eventually, you'll survive the horror.

Mission 6

This mission is mostly just a boss fight. If you didn't power-up on the way in, use the God of Time on the ledge. Otherwise, just jog down the block to trigger the scuffle.

Boss: Nefasturris/Nefascapitis

Midway through the first form, an array of bats will issue from the creature. Don't focus much attention on them... just keep blasting. If anything, switch to your faster guns at this point to make the work with the bats go quicker. Otherwise, just focus fire on the boss until its energy bar melts away.

The second form of the boss will emerge when the firsts' life drains completely. This new form resembles a skull with no lower jaw. It's got the same attacks, plus a few new ones... and it's mobile. The new attacks to worry about are: a solid energy ball attack, which can be handled by rolling away or jumping over, and a laser attack, which can be handled by jumping over (horizontal) or dodging (vertical). Try to stay slightly to the side of the boss at all times, and target it with the Shotgun. When the Trigger fills, use it to make short work of this beast. Basically, this boils down to dancing and shooting. But you're used to that by now.



In order to get all the Orbs, you'll have to finish the mission close to the boss. When the end is nigh, get up all close and sweet to the beast so you can snag his loot.

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Walkthrough: Dante Missions 1-6 - Devil May Cry 2 Guide - IGN (1)

Devil May Cry 2

Capcom Production Studio 1

ESRB: Mature
Nintendo SwitchPlayStation 2

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Walkthrough: Dante Missions 1-6 - Devil May Cry 2 Guide - IGN (2024)
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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.