Walkthrough: Lucia 1-4 - Devil May Cry 2 Guide - IGN (2024)


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Walkthrough: Lucia 1-4

Mission 1

Lucia's journey starts on the rooftops, near the end of Mission 1 for Dante. This first part of the game calls for you to collect enough Orbs to unseal the force field that bars your progress. Destroy the chimney on the roof, and collect any other Orbs in sight, then drop off the side of the house and move toward the camera down the dusty path. There are Orbs along the road, and more near the house just past the archway. Once you get those, head back up the path and search the buildings to the left for more Orbs. Remember to smash all of the chimneys for more booty, then drop to the street below and search for more Orbs in the courtyard. When you have more than 45, approach the large, sealed door up the hill. It will open.

Continue up the path until you see a barred gate. Enter the arched doorway just left of that. Here, you'll encounter your first set of enemies... the slow and cumbersome Agonofinis. Test your battle skills on these saps, and try to rack up as many combos as you can muster to grow your Ranking. When they die, go near the open door and double jump up and over the high doorway. Several Red Orbs and a Gold Orb will guide your way. Once over the wall, drop into the watery channel and collect the Red Orb, then move to the opposite end and press CIRCLE near the drain to visit the first secret room. This first secret room is a snap. You'll have to face several vulture-like Puia. Just stay on the ground, hold L1 and keep pressing SQUARE. You'll tear through the bird health quickly and earn yourself a bevy of Orbs, plus a Blue Orb Fragment. When you're done, step on the beam and press CIRCLE.


Once you're back outside, leap up to the street above. Here you'll discover a God of Time, where you can purchase an upgrade to your weapons, or get an Item. Since you do not yet have enough Orbs to buy anything, pass the old man by. Jump on the right ledge just past it, however, to grab another Blue Orb Fragment. As you move forward up the street, bash benches and other stuff to unleash Orbs. In the next block, you'll run into more baddies. Light them up with combos to score big. Don't forget about the chaps on the roof, and make sure you scour it for Orbs as well.

There are two sets of stairs ahead... one that leads to rooftops and one that goes down to the street. Both lead to your next encounter... with flying Puia. The roof is the best place to engage these beasts. Take them down with quick knife attacks. You don't even need to get airborne to do so. When all of the dirty birds fall, drop to street level and scoop up any Orbs that may be down there, then move forward, all the way to the area where a bridge crosses the channel. Grab the Orbs from the water below, especially the row leading up from where the channel stops. Then head back up to the street and move to the stairs across the street. There is a single pillar here. Land on top of it, and you will get bonus Red Orbs.

Once you have the Orbs, follow the bend in the road down to an encounter with some Agonofinis. Some of them carry razor shields, so watch out for flying objects. When you slay this crew, keep moving down the path. After you cross a long bridge, an energy seal will appear behind you and you'll have to fight a pair of nasty Savage Golems. Now's as good a time as any to try out Devil Trigger. Change into your demonic self and get in close with your martial arts and sword attacks. Watch out for the poisionous barbs these guys like to bring out, and be sure to kill them completely. If you don't small parts will regenerate and grow back to full Golem size. When the fight is over, the seal will drop.

Move up the path and double jump to snag the high Orb under the archway ahead. Continue on. Before you reach the guard door, you'll see a large statue carved into the rock to the right. Move halfway up the stairs, face the monument and Wall Jump up to the carving's left shoulder. From here you'll be able to jump up and retrieve a Blue Orb Fragment. Continue up the path and hop over the guard door, collecting another Orb. Stick to the left side of the path and when you reach the corner ahead, you'll drop through and collect a fat Orb. Move all the way up the stairs and destroy the gargoyles here to gain Orbs. Then move around to the left side of the tower and check out the scary face (CIRCLE) to find another Secret Room. Back on the outside, touch the clock tower door to end the mission.

Mission 2

The next mission begins at the base of the clock tower. There are Orbs leading up a moon-shaped staircase, and an aumlet behind a force shield. Above this is a blue globe encircled by white cubes. Climb the stairs and get behind the globe, and strike at it until all of the cubes turn purple. This will cause the statues behind you to come to life. They're Goatlings, powerful flying beasts bent on your destruction. These guys toss energy darts that home a target, so they're best dealt with quickly. Soften them up with some throwing knives, then leap up and kick them in the air. There's no need to go to DT, though. This fight won't last long.

When it ends, grab the amulet piece--Aerial Heart. When equipped, it will give you the power to fly using Devil Trigger. You'll have to use it right away, too. Kill the Agonofinis that appear, then move over to the green vent in the corner. It will replenish all of your Trigger Power. Outfit your Aerial Heart and go into Devil Trigger, then press X to rise up to the platform above. Once there, jump up into the hole.

In the next area, climb the wooden stairs as they wind around the inside of the tower. Several batches of Agonofinis will appear as you reach a square platform. Kill them, then double jump up near the wall to grab a Blue Orb Fragment. See the small platform overhead? Wall Jump up to that, and smash the statue to score the Darts.

Then conrinue the ascent. Eventually, you'll reach a platform with a striking stone on it. Attack it to get Orbs. When the supply runs out, jump to the platform up and across the room, then Wall Jump up to a small, higher platform. Destroy the statue here to get a Red Orb. Keep going up. When you reach the top of the room, jump up toward the large disc overhead. This will take you into a huge room with a funky contraption at its center. There is a super-high blue globe which you must strike in order to move on. The central green vent will give you full Trigger power... you know the rest. Fly up to the sphere in DT mode and slash at the sphere until all of its cubes are purple. This will cause a platform to lower. Drop to the ground and take on the Puia that appear. Then recharge at the green vent, Trigger again and rise up to the platform. In the room above, you'll see a God of Time. Use it if you need to, otherwise grab the Green Orb and head up the stairs to your first boss battle.

Boss: Tartussian

As you move into the room, somethig joins you-- a two-headed demon stuck in an iron maiden. It's name is Tartussian, and it's pissed. Its main attack is to swing morning stars at you, which can be quite harmful if they manage to connect. Fortunately, they are easy to dodge by jumping. If you're in close, the boss will pummel you with these brass balls, but here's the solution, don't get in close, until...

You are fully Triggered out. Then you'll want to swing around behind the goon and use your DT sword attack to reap massive damage to this Marilyn Manson video reject. The rest of the time, hover and toss knives, or stay on the ground and toss knives at the edges of the arena , so you're out of reach of his long chains. The fight won't last long if you're able to Devil Trigger.


When the big lug falls, smash all the gargoyles in the room to get Orbs, then pick up the Arcada Spana from the revealed altar. There's a Blue Orb Fragment back here as well. Once you have both, go through the gate that slides back and emerge outside. Jump off the tower in the direction of the Orbs, and the mission will end.

Mission 3

The next mission takes you back to the streets. Follow the path toward the dead end (past the Y intersection). On the left side of the street is an alcove that leads to a ruined bridge. Several baddies will appear (mostly Agonofinis). Kill them, then collect the Red Orb atop a tall pillar, then head down the other leg of the Y. As you step forward, the street will seal off, and fire will appear beneath your feet. If you played through Dante's walkthrough, you'll recignize this fight.

A patch of fiery ground will follow you around until you reach this the Goatling at the end of the block, so take to the friendly skies early and stay in the air to avoid damage. Once you get to the Goatling, use Devil Trigger to tenderize him, then finish him off with the sword. Beware of his flying shield attack, which will send heat-seeking projectiles at you. Killing the Goatling will cause another force field door to yield its magic. But don't go in yet. Use the God of Time to level up if you need to. Also,if you didn't have a chance to get the Red Orbs your first time down the street, go grab them now.

There's a God of Time at the end of this street. Use it if you need to, then go back to the double doors acrossthe streetthat lead to the train station. Inside, near the back door,you'll find new swords--Kylamoor. They're a little lengthier than the blades you're packing now. When you grab them, head back outside. Move one door down and head through to a new section of town.

Head forward on the street and double jump up to the broken ledge above. Then jump to the next ledge up and leap high to score a Blue Orb. Then move down the hill to encounter a gaggle of nasty Msira. Concentrate on growing your ranking by attack them combo-style in groups. As you move down the hill, you'll notice a small ledge in the foreground. Move back to it and double jump on top to trigger a shower of Reb Orbs. When you've killed all of the baddies, move down to the blocked passage and hack at it until the rubble clears.

You're now on a path leading down to water. There's a boss fight awaiting you, but there's stuff to grab first. On the left cliff face, use the ledges to get up to the Red Orbs. Then jump to the right ledge (this can be tricky), and double jump to the ledge above to score a Blue Orb Fragment. Keep grabbing Orbs from the buildings as you make your way to the end of the path.

Enter the building there and kill everything in the lobby to drop the shield from the upstairs room. Head up there and grab the Healing Heart, which will heal Lucia whenever you use Devil Trigger while it's equipped. There's a God of Time statue here as well. Make sure you hike to the top of the room to grab the Orbs there, then leave the room and head back downstairs. See the engarved portion of the wall under the stairs? Press CIRCLE next to that to find the Secret Room. Once you're done, head outside and down to the pier.

Go across the bridge that leads to the building there. To the left of the entrance is a Green Orb and set of stairs. Go up the steps and move to the area above the door. Move as far right as possible and press CIRCLE, which will put you inside yet another Secret Room. Once you finish inside, head back down the stairs and enter the door of this building. Boss fight time!

Boss: Jokatgulm

If you played through Dante's mission, you already know how this fight breaks down. This watery tart is a multi-tentacled delight. Its tendrils will lash at you no matter where you are in the room, so you'll need to do a lot of jumping and rolling to avoid their sting. The idea behind this boss is to get the tentacles to lower, then charge in and attack the body of the beast. To do this, run up to one and hack it until it retreats. If you're fast enough, you can get inside without taking a lick of damage. Then hop onto the body, change to Devil Trigger, and go to town with your close range attack. You'll have to avoid clouds of poison gas when you're in close, but the best way to do this is to Devil Trigger on the interior.

Eventually, the boss will get mad and draw into a ball. At this point, you need to drop back, because it's about to put up a force field that will repel you across the room. You can't attack it in this form. Just wait for the tendrils to drop again and resume your hack-fest. When the beast falls, head out the open door to end the mission.


Mission 4

This is a short level that's mostly boss fights. When the level begins, move toward the lip surrounding the tunnel that leads underground. There's a Blue Orb Fragment suspended near the lip. Jump over to get it, then take on the Infestants (large, mutated bug things) that appear. Keep movimg down the tunnel and squash the bus, and a glowing amulet will become available--the Offence Heart, which will add oomph to Lucia's Devil Trigger attacks when equipped. Once you grab it, leave the tunnel.

Boss: Oranguerra

When you exit, the streets will become sealed off and you'll have to tangle with the ape-like demon Oranguerra. This guy likes to chuck huge balls of energy at you. When he does, leap over them. Easy. He also likes to leap high into the air and try to splash-land on top of you. When he jumps, flip back and flip back again to dodge this assault. Watch the shadow on the ground for reference. Use your Devil Trigger attacks to chisel through his life quickly, or just keep your distance and whittle down his bars with a steady diet of knives.

When the big lug falls, finish off the Puia in the area to drop the shield. This will give you access to a new tunnel. Grab up all the Orbs you see and head over there for another boss encounter.

Boss: Infested Tank

What a joke. The Infested Tank is a non-boss, it's so easy. When you emerge from the tunnel, head immediately to the raised walkway so you're not caught by fire from the tank cannon. Continue forward, then jump over the bridge. Jump over to the tank and sidle up closely, right next to it. Then Devil Trigger and start kicking and slashing at the tank. Yep, you heard me. Even if it turn its turret, it will be unable to hit you. Convenient, huh? In addition to kicking the tank's ass, you'll rack up Showtime. Make sure you drop the Puia as well and the level will end.

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Walkthrough: Lucia 1-4 - Devil May Cry 2 Guide - IGN (1)

Devil May Cry 2

Capcom Production Studio 1

ESRB: Mature
Nintendo SwitchPlayStation 2

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Walkthrough: Lucia 1-4 - Devil May Cry 2 Guide - IGN (2024)
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